Archive Of Our Own audiobooks and text to speech | Speechify (2024)

Do you need a text to speech tool that can turn Archive of Our Own podfics into audiobooks? Speechify can help you.

For ardent readers who have an appetite beyond just published books, the realm of fanfiction offers an intriguing world. As the name suggests, fanfiction comprises unpublished fiction pieces penned by fans. These fanfictions derive inspiration from established fandoms like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Supernatural, Marvel, and more. Besides fanfictions, the internet is also home to numerous self-published books, making platforms like Tumblr, Wattpad, and Archive Of Our Own, pivotal for such content.

What exactly is Archive Of Our Own (AO3)?

Archive Of Our Own, colloquially known as AO3, is a nonprofit initiative under the banner of the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW). It’s an open-source hosting site where enthusiasts can upload a plethora of fanworks or fannish content such as fanfiction/fanfics, crossovers, fanart, fan videos, memes, and podfics. With a dynamic tagging system overseen by dedicated tag wranglers, users can effortlessly search for fanfiction based on works, bookmarks, tags, and collections.

AO3 isn’t just restricted to a few fandoms. It houses a diverse range spanning from anime, manga, books, celebrities, music bands, graphic novels, to video games. The figures are staggering, with 9,997,000 works sorted into over 40,000 fandoms. Moreover, to cater to a global audience, AO3 offers content in multiple languages such as English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and more.

Podfics, an innovation by AO3, are essentially audio recordings of fanfics, much like a podcast which is there the name comes from. They are enriched with sound effects and varying speech voices. However, one should note the limited audiobook and podfic support on AO3. It might pose some challenges if you intend to download and access specific text documents, especially on devices like Kindle, Android, iPad, or iPhone.

Social media influence and other platforms

AO3’s reach isn’t restricted to its official website, The platform has seen mentions and discussions on various social media channels, including TikTok, where users often share their favorite fics or tropes. Moreover, Tumblr has been instrumental in introducing many users to AO3, the Archive of Our Own community, and fanfictions in general.

Another notable platform in this domain is However, AO3 has carved its unique niche, especially with its extensive tag wrangling system, kudos feature, and dedicated wranglers, ensuring seamless user experience.

Awards and recognition

Archive Of Our Own’s contribution to science fiction and fanworks hasn’t gone unnoticed. It has been the proud recipient of the prestigious Hugo Award for the category “Best Related Work.” Such accolades resonate with the hard work and dedication put in by the nonprofit organization, OTW, and its various projects.

The evolution of audiobooks

Audiobooks have changed a lot since they first started in the 1930s. Back then, you could only listen to them on cassette tapes or CDs, which wasn't always easy or handy.

But thanks to new technology, we can now listen to audiobooks in many different ways, like downloading them or streaming online. This means people can listen to their favorite stories anywhere, like on a bus ride or just chilling at home. Plus, audiobooks are great for people who have trouble seeing or reading because they can just listen.

Now, there's this cool place called AO3 where fans can make audiobooks about their favorite stories or even stories they've written themselves. This brings fans together and gives everyone a fun way to enjoy stories. Let's talk about two awesome things that Archive of Our Own Audiobooks offer.

The benefits of Archive of Our Own audiobooks

Let's take a look at the benefits these audiobooks offer. AO3 audiobooks have revolutionized the way we consume literature, providing a unique and inclusive experience for all readers. In this expanded discussion, we will delve deeper into the advantages of AO3 audiobooks, exploring their accessibility, convenience, and their potential to enhance reading comprehension and retention.

Accessibility and convenience

One of the best things about AO3 audiobooks is how easy they are to use. Thanks to fans making content and the magic of turning text into speech, AO3 audiobooks are great for people who can't see well. They can now dive into the world of stories like everyone else.

Think about someone who can't see well but has always wanted to discover the big world of fan stories on AO3. With AO3 audiobooks, they can listen to lots of different tales, characters, and types of stories, all told in a way that makes the story come alive. This means that even if they can't see, they can still be a part of the story-loving community and feel like they belong.

Create your audiobook archive using text to speech apps

Downloading podfics and interactive audio formats from Archive of Our Own is challenging if you’re unfamiliar with HTML, metadata, API, and adobe programs. However, if you had access to TTS software, you could convert any fanfiction from Archive of Our Own into an audiobook.

Not only is text to speech a useful tool that reads written text out loud, but it’s also necessary for visually impaired individuals. Depending on the severity of the impairment, people resort to using braille, an alphabetic writing system of raised dots. This is where TTS technology comes in. It makes your life much easier and more enjoyable.

Text to speech isn’t only for those who have poor vision. It can also be used by individuals who enjoy listening to audiobooks or as a useful tool for business. For example, editors might prefer listening to a text than reading it.

Text to speech programs are also convenient. They can usually be installed on Android and iOS devices, so users can listen to their favorite audiobooks when they’re on the go. More importantly, you don’t need to be a tech expert to understand and use TTS technology. Even if you don’t have the book you want to listen to in an e-format, therefore, you can take a picture of the page and listen to Speechify audiobook readers.

Some devices have built-in TTS technology, like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and even your phone. But you would only be able to see TTS for compatible documents. That’s why you need a web-based program or an app that can be installed on all your devices.

There are different types of text to speech software you can use to turn text documents into audiobooks:

  • Read Aloud
  • Natural Reader
  • Apple VoiceOver
  • Balabolka
  • Speechify

TTS programs and apps work in different ways and offer various services. However, the best text to speech service is Speechify.

Enhancing your AO3 experience with Speechify

For those who love an auditory experience, Speechify can be a game-changer. As a text to speech app, it can adeptly convert text into an audio format, including fanfictions from AO3. Conveniently available on both Google Play for Android devices and the App Store for iOS devices, it makes for an optimal companion for AO3 aficionados. If you’re accessing AO3 on your desktop, the Speechify Chrome extension can come in handy.

Speechify is available in dozens of languages and comes with over 30 natural-sounding voices to choose from. You can also choose between different accents, such as British English, American English, or Australian English. It’s perfect for if you want your fanfics and other content to sound like the characters of your favorite series or how you imagine them to sound like.

Try Speechify today, and hear your favorite fanfics come to life.


How many audiobooks are available on AO3?

Out of the 9,997,000 works, AO3 boasts a total of 272 audiobooks or podfics.

What formats are available on AO3?

Users can delve into a variety of formats, including txt, epub, docs, mobi, html, and audio.

What other platforms are similar to AO3?

Besides AO3, platforms like Tumblr, Wattpad, and are quite popular among fanfic writers and readers.

Have there been challenges for AO3?

Like many major websites, AO3 has faced its share of challenges, including DDoS attacks. However, the organization’s dedication ensures AO3 accounts and the entire site remain a secure space for its community.

Any other significant initiatives by OTW?

OTW, being a noncommercial nonprofit organization, has various projects under its belt. “Open Doors” and “Fanlore,” a wiki-style platform for fandom, are two such initiatives.

In conclusion, Archive Of Our Own stands as a testament to the power and creativity of fans around the globe. Whether you’re an author or a reader, the world of AO3 welcomes you with open arms.

Archive Of Our Own audiobooks and text to speech | Speechify (2024)


Does the archive of our own have text-to-speech? ›

Accessibility and convenience

Thanks to fans making content and the magic of turning text into speech, AO3 audiobooks are great for people who can't see well. They can now dive into the world of stories like everyone else.

How do I make an audiobook from text-to-speech? ›

Install a AI voice generator app like Speechify on any of your browsers or devices. After minor configurations, all you have to do is press “Play”. Text is instantly turned into natural-sounding speech. You can turn any text into an audiobook or a podcast.

Is text-to-speech the same as audiobook? ›

An audiobook is an audio recording of a book being read aloud, while text-to-speech (c) software is an app using technology that speaks aloud digital text such as books, news articles, magazine articles and websites on a computer or mobile device.

Is there a way to have my textbook read to me? ›

Speechify – #1 textbook audio reader

Speechify is the ultimate textbook audio reader for transforming written content into an auditory experience.

What is not allowed on AO3? ›

AO3 does not allow social media posts, prompts or requests, and any works that AO3 moderators consider to be spam or non-transformative. The decision to delete works for alleged violations of their Terms of Service (TOS) is handled on a case-by-case basis and users (not merely accounts) can be banned for it.

Did archive of our own shut down? ›

Due to recent confusion, the OTW would like to clarify that AO3 is NOT in any immediate danger.

Is it OK to listen to audiobooks instead of reading? ›

Despite the hesitation, studies show that people who read physical books and those who consume audiobooks are equal in terms of the level of comprehension they retain from their reading choices.

Can I convert audiobook to text? ›

To convert an audio file to text, you will need transcription software. This software uses speech recognition technology to transcribe audio, effectively transforming spoken words into written ones. It supports various audio formats including MP3, WAV, and OGG, as well as video file formats like AVI and MOV.

Does Audible allow text-to-speech? ›

Answer. Audible distributes a select number of titles that use text-to-speech technology and we let customers know which titles use this technology. Professional narration remains core to the Audible listening experience and we continue to invest in performances from our talented narrator community.

Can I get Speechify for free? ›

Does Speechify cost money? Speechify text-to-speech offers different plans, and you can use the app for free. While you won't have all the features and premium voices, you will be able to use it for as long as you like. Of course, you can always go for the Speechify premium plan.

Is there a free app that will read text aloud? ›

NaturalReader. NaturalReader is a great app with a lot of functionality. You can use NaturalReader to read not only text typed on your screen, but also documents, PDFs, eBooks, and more. Available on Apple and Android devices.

Is there an app that will read my books to me? ›

Speechify is the #1 audio reader in the world. Get through books, docs, articles, PDFs, emails - anything you read - faster.

What text does AO3 use? ›

Archive of Our Own uses Georgia for headers and the site logo, Monaco for publication timestamps (on machines where Monaco isn't available: Consolas), and Lucida Sans for body text and buttons.

Does speech to text exist? ›

Speech to text is software that works by listening to audio and delivering an editable, verbatim transcript on a given device. The software does this through voice recognition.

Is archive of our own free to read? ›

The AO3 site is always free to use through a web browser on any and all devices, including mobile devices. One of our core tenets is protecting fans and fanworks from commercial exploitation, so we don't have ads or charge anyone to use the AO3, and we don't approve of other people charging you money for AO3 content.

Is AO3 only for fanfiction? ›

The Archive of Our Own ( AO3 ) is a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting site for transformative fanworks such as fanfiction and, in the future, other transformative works such as fanart, fan videos, and podfic.


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