How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (2024)

Have you ever answered a simple Google Forms survey, either sent enthusiastically to your email or via social media? Google Forms is handy and straightforward to create, distribute, and integrate. You can add collaborators and even edit Forms while on the go. Google Forms supports any working phone with a web browser and displays seamlessly on any computer. It also doesn't cost you a cent to use Google’s survey web application (it is completely free), and it's an indispensable workplace tool for opening channels of communication and collaboration in real-time.

Since Google Forms is powered by Google, it is easy to back up and store. To help you get started, we've built a series of tutorials demonstrating how to customize and create Google Forms on any device you own.

Google Forms vs Google Survey

Despite the two being similar, Google sunsetted Google Surveys on November 1, 2022. Google Forms has become the go-to when creating quizzes, questionnaires, surveys, or gathering data. It works on any web browser, and you don't need a Google account to respond to the Form; it is only required when creating one.

What can you use Google Forms for?

Google Forms is a survey administration software used to create online forms you can embed or share with others. People often use Google Forms to ask questions or request information. Google Forms offers many pre-made templates you can explore by clicking on the Template gallery, which is split into three categories: Personal, Work, and Education.

Types of questions and templates

But if you want to create your own format, you can start from scratch by selecting the Blank template. Google Forms offers 11 options for customizing your question type; we've included the nine most common ones:

  1. Short answer: This is typically used when you want respondents to answer with a single word or line; despite the name, there is no enforced word or character limit. A great example is when you're requesting contact information like an address or a phone number.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (1)
  2. Paragraph: Similar to Short answer, your respondents will have an available field to input text, with no limit to words or characters. You typically use the paragraph template when asking for feedback or inquiring for more detailed responses.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (2)
  3. Multiple choice: When you want your respondents to select one answer among a selection of answers, you will use this template to distribute multiple choice questions.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (3)
  4. Checkboxes: Instead of selecting one singular answer in a choice of answers, you can choose all that apply with checkboxes.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (4)
  5. Dropdown: Respondents can select one answer from a list within a drop-down menu. Users prefer to use this template when seeking compactedness inside the Form.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (5)
  6. File upload: Respondents can upload an image to your Drive while answering the Form.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (6)
  7. Linear scale: Use the Linear Scale option when you want to present a range with numerical values/weights; respondents can select one option within a range.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (7)
  8. Multiple choice grid: When creating a question, you can split it into a list or category with an array of answers. You can customize the rows and columns, allowing respondents to select one answer per row and column.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (8)
  9. Checkbox grid: This is similar to the multiple-choice grid template, but you allow the respondents to select more than one answer (column) per row.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (9)

You can pick and choose which options you prefer to use per question. That's why if you're designing a hybrid form where you want people to select answers from choices but include paragraph and short answer sections, a blank template would be easier to customize. Using formats for different questions requires modifying the question's template and that's not always ideal depending how quickly you need to send the Form out.

How to create a new Google Form on PC

Before proceeding to the steps below, ensure you have a Google account created and ready to sign in.


How to create and set up a new Google account on Android

Good luck getting around without a Google account

This tutorial teaches you how to create a new Google Form by selecting a Blank form.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to Alternatively, you can navigate to Google Forms through Google Sheets. While in Google Sheets, select Tools > Create a new form.
  2. Select a template. You can choose from pre-existing templates like Event Registration and Contact Information. Otherwise, choose Blank form.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (11)
  3. The next page will take you where you can customize the theme and add a title. Click Untitled form to change the title and name it to a topic you want the Form to pertain to.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (12)
  4. Beneath the Form's title, click to add a description in Form description; this is usually an excerpt describing the purpose of the Google Form.
  5. The first question is beneath the Form title and description. Click the Drop-down menu to select the question template. See What can you use Google Forms for? to learn which template responses and questions work best.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (14)
  6. For question types outside of Short answer and Paragraph, click below the question title to add more options and label the options using the desired responses for your questions.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (15)
  7. Once you've completed a question, click the Plus sign (with a circle) to add another question to your Form.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (16)
  8. You can repeat these steps until you've added all the questions and sections you want to include in your Google Form. To remove a section or a question, click the Garbage can icon below the question/section.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (17)

Clicking and dragging the 3x2 dot grid above the question will let you move and reorder the question's position on your Form.

Google Forms lets you customize questions beyond adding and formatting text; it includes options to include images, videos, and more. See below to learn what each button does in Google Forms.

How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (18)

You will mostly need to worry about the Delete button, the required response toggle, and the adding a new question button. The rest are situational.

Finalizing a new Google Form on PC

  1. Once you're happy with your new Google Form's draft, click the Eye button to preview it; this will open a new tab and show you what the Google Form looks like to your respondents.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (19)
  2. After you've previewed the Google Form, return to the tab where you previously edited it. Click the Send button at the top right corner.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (20)
  3. Clicking the Send button will open a new window inside the Form. You can share your Form through email, create a shareable link, or embed the Form on a website.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (21)

Google Forms automatically saves to your Google Drive. Ensure you have an established internet connection and your Drive isn't full.

How to create a new Google Form on mobile

Creating a new Google Form through mobile will work similarly to PC, though if you're making an elaborate Form, it might be better to work on a PC or tablet. We've added the steps using an Android phone, but you can apply these steps by opening on Safari while using your iPhone or iPad.

Before proceeding to the steps below, ensure you've signed into your Google account on your mobile device.

  1. Open the mobile browser and go to
  2. On the bottom toolbar, tap Tt to type a new title and description for your Form; you can also tap on Untitled form and Form description to insert a new header and excerpt.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (22)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (23)
  3. Next, navigate to the bottom toolbar and tap the circle with the Plus sign to add a new question.
  4. Insert the question inside the Question field; tap Option to add an answer. To change the question type template, tap on the Drop-down menu next to the Image icon.
  5. Keep repeating the steps until you've added all the questions you want to include in the Form; changes are automatically saved to your Google Drive.

Tap and hold the 3x2 dot grid above the question to reorder it. You can also select the Undo button at the top to undo any changes.

Finalizing a new Google Form on mobile

  1. Once you're satisfied with your Form, scroll to the top of the Form and tap the Three-line dot button (kebab) next to the Send button.
  2. Tap Preview.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (26)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (27)
  3. Return to the Form edit page by pressing the Back button on your mobile device.
  4. To send your Form, tap the Send button (arrow pointing right) at the top right corner.
  5. You can send your Form by email, link, or as an embedded HTML.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (28)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (29)

How to customize Google Forms on mobile and PC

Inside Google Forms, you can add sections, change templates, and customize the theme and design. Every Google Form you create will be different; some will be question-heavy with open responses, while others may be full of multiple choices. Our tutorial below will show you the various options you can add to your Google Form.

Below, we will show you how to customize Google Forms on mobile, but you can follow along step-by-step on your PC.

Add a custom theme to your Google Form

  1. Open a new Google Form or a pre-existing one on your mobile web browser.
  2. Tap the Theme button at the top to change the Form's appearance.
  3. Inside the Theme editor, you can change the Header image, Form text style (for headers, questions, and text), font size, background, and color. Once you've decided on your theme options, tap Apply at the top right corner.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (30)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (31)

Add sections to your Google Form

  1. Open a new Google Form or a pre-existing one on your mobile web browser.
  2. Tap the Section button on the bottom toolbar (two small rectangle icons).
  3. Adding a section creates a new untitled question. If you're editing an old Google Form, you can drag and drop questions below each section.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (32)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (33)

Selecting your Google Form settings

  1. Open a new Google Form or a pre-existing one on your mobile web browser.
  2. Select the Settings tab underneath Untitled form.
  3. Inside Settings, you can turn on Make this a quiz, manage your responses and presentation, and customize the defaults for Forms and questions.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (34)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (35)

Customizing your Google Form response notifications

  1. Open a new Google Form or a pre-existing one on your mobile web browser.
  2. Select the Responses tab underneath Untitled form; inside this tab, you can also toggle off Accepting responses.
  3. Tap the Three-line dot button (kebab) next to the response count.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (36)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (37)
  4. You can select Get email notifications for new responses, Select a destination for responses, unlink the form, download responses in a .csv file, print them, or delete them.

Add collaborators to your Google Forms

Like Google Docs, you can add collaborators to help manage the Google Form and see the responses. This requires sending invites to their email addresses or a link to the form.

  1. Open a new Google Form or a pre-existing one on your mobile web browser.
  2. Tap the Three-line dot button (kebab) at the top right corner (above Untitled form).
  3. Tap Add collaborators.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (38)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (39)
  4. Change Restricted to Anyone with the Link under General access.
  5. Select Copy responder link or Done (if you added people via email at the top of the screen).
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (40)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (41)

Adding collaborators to Google Forms differs from adding collaborators in Docs; you can only add collaborators with Edit access in Google Forms. If you wish to give a collaborator View access (only), we recommend downloading the responses in .csv and sending that file.


Google Docs: Everything you need to know about the online word processor

The one Google Docs guide to rule them all

Get add-ons for your Google Forms

If you desire more features than what Google Forms offers, you can browse for add-ons. None of these add-ons are Google-affiliated, so you're downloading and using them at your own risk. Also, if you're working with sensitive data, you will want to find add-ons that use as few permissions as possible to limit the access.

  1. Open a new Google Form or a pre-existing one on your mobile web browser.
  2. Tap the Three-line dot button (kebab) at the top right corner (above Untitled form).
  3. Tap Get add-ons. To ensure you download the right add-on, check under Works with Forms.
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (43)
    How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (44)

Improve your workflow and automation

You might be working out of a digital office, such as Google Workspace (formerly G-Suite). As a result, you may need more collaboration tools at your disposal — ways to integrate Google Forms, Google Sheets, and even Google Docs together in real-time. Fortunately, Google Workspace offers everything you need, all in one place. There are individual plans and business plans to choose from. The next time you want to amp up your productivity, check out Workspace's available apps.

How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey (2024)


How to use Google Forms to create a form or survey? ›

While Google Forms offers broader flexibility, it is limited by the requirement of having an existing audience. Google Surveys, on the other hand, offered access to a pre-existing audience, albeit at a cost. However, it's crucial to note that Google Surveys was officially discontinued as of November 1, 2022.

How do I use Google Forms to create a survey? ›

  1. Click + NEW SURVEY.
  2. In step 1 (Write questions), select the appropriate question type(s) and write your question(s). ...
  3. In step 2 (Pick audience), name your survey and select your target audience. ...
  4. In step 3 (Confirm survey), review your survey questions and purchase responses.

What is the difference between Google Forms and Google surveys? ›

While Google Forms offers broader flexibility, it is limited by the requirement of having an existing audience. Google Surveys, on the other hand, offered access to a pre-existing audience, albeit at a cost. However, it's crucial to note that Google Surveys was officially discontinued as of November 1, 2022.

Is Google Forms survey free? ›

Google Forms is totally free to use. As long as you have a Google account, you can access Google Forms in its entirety—completely free. SurveyMonkey does have a free Basic plan, but it's pretty limited, especially compared to everything you get at no cost with Google Forms: Pictures and backgrounds.

What are 3 ways to use Google Forms? ›

Manage event registrations, create a quick opinion poll, create quizzes, and much more. With Google Forms, you can create surveys or quizzes right in your mobile or web browser—no special software required.

Is Google Forms good for surveys? ›

Both SurveyMonkey and Google Forms offer team collaboration features that allow multiple users to work together on creating and analyzing surveys. Google Forms may be preferable for teams using Google's productivity tools, but SurveyMonkey provides more extensive survey creation and analysis options.

What is the difference between a survey and a questionnaire? ›

A questionnaire is any written set of questions, while a survey is both the set of questions and the process of collecting, aggregating, and analyzing the responses from those questions.

Is Google Forms discontinued? ›

No. Google Forms is a separate product and has no plans to discontinue at this time.

What is a Google form survey called? ›

Google Forms is a survey administration software included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google. The service also includes Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drawings, Google Sites, and Google Keep. Google Forms is only available as a web application.

How does Google survey work? ›

Google Surveys is a market-research tool that gathers data from survey questions. Internet users answer survey questions in order to access high-quality content around the web. In turn, content publishers get paid as their users answer. Google then aggregates and analyzes responses through a simple online interface.

Is SurveyMonkey or Google Forms better? ›

‍Most people consider Google Forms and SurveyMonkey side-by-side for the same uses, but they're fundamentally quite different. And the clue is actually right there in their names: Google Forms is better for creating and sending out forms, while SurveyMonkey is better for creating and sending out surveys.

How much is the charge for Google Forms? ›

Google Forms is free for anyone with a Google account.

What is charge for Google Forms? ›

Google Forms is free of cost. The program is quite light. Unlike other programs, Google Forms includes … as creating forms.

How do I use Google Forms for dummies? ›

How to use Google Forms
  1. Step 1: Set up a new form or quiz. Go to ...
  2. Step 2: Edit and format a form or quiz. You can add, edit, or format text, images, or videos in a form. ...
  3. Step 3: Send your form for people to fill out. When you are ready, you can send your form to others and collect their responses.

What are the cool things you can do with Google Forms? ›

Let's move further and look into the different Google form tips and tricks and advanced features:
  • Insert Multiple Sections or Pages. ...
  • Auto-Grade Your Quiz. ...
  • Select Response Destination. ...
  • Receive Email Notifications for Submissions. ...
  • Add Conditioning Logic. ...
  • Use Scripting. ...
  • Add Collaborators. ...
  • Embed iFrame to use as a contact form.

Can anyone use Google Forms? ›

If you create a form with a work or school account, you can choose if the form can be accessed only within your organization or also by people outside your organization. Important: If you turn off this restriction setting, anyone with the link can fill out your form. Open a form in Google Forms.

How do I create a simple survey? ›

To create a simple survey, identify your survey goals (what do you want to know?) and list down your questions. Then, create a survey using templates in our online survey maker. Send them out to your respondents. Once you've gathered data, analyze the responses and prepare a report to answer your research questions.

How much is Google Forms survey? ›

Google Forms is free for anyone with a Google account. It is included with all paid G Suite licenses, which start at $6 per user per month for Business plans.


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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.