Little Prayers - dumbass1978 - Dahmer (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter Text

It's been two days since the incident and Evan Peters could not think about anything else but the feeling of Jeff's warm hand around his dick and how he must have felt the most intense and satisfying org*sm in his entire young life. Every time Father Dahmer would walk by, Evan would give him a shy look, which he would just ignore and move on, and he would feel his abused ass cheeks pounding. A huge hematoma had built on it like a reminder of what happened. Elsewhere Evan wouldn't believe it himself. It was like a wet dream and he would recall it over and over again, basically walking around with a hidden Boner all of the time. Like crazy he has been masturbating every time he would go to the bathroom, he had even better org*sms than with the magazine.

But the priest acted like nothing had happened, until he approached the young man after two days of silence.

"Mr. Peters, come with me.” , he said strictly and just like the first time, Evan found himself in his office. The priest let Evan sit on the chair in front of him for a while, not talking to the student, instead he was filling out some documents. Nervously Evan shifted from one site to the other, feeling slightly pain by sitting on the wooden chair. The silence was unbearable, only the sound of the ticking clock was to be heard as he waited for any sign of a conversation coming. Evans' gaze wandered over to the huge cross hanging on the wall behind Jeff. Fearful he looked at Jesus' face that was drawn in agony. Did he die for Evan's sins too? Would Evan be forgiven? He didn't feel like the lesson had done anything to him other than making his desires even worse.

“So Evan…“ Evan had noticed that he would constantly switch between his name and last name. “How have you been since the last lesson? Have you changed your ways yet?” As Jeff asked Evan those questions, he did not look at the boy, he was still signing documents.

“...” , Evan sighed. “I'm not sure…” He admitted and fumbled at the rim of his jacket.

“Have you touched yourself since then?” , he asked and the color of Evan's face was enough of an answer. “I understand. Well, maybe another lesson would help?”

Evans' heart made a jump. Another lesson? Would he touch him again? Excited, he looked up and nodded.

“Y-yes! I think I need another lesson!” , he spoke way too eagerly and already undressed himself from his jacket.

Jeff suppressed a grin. “Good boy, you understand quickly.”, he said and signed him to undress further. Evans sweaty hands fumbled at the button of his jeans and he pulled it down together with his underwear, already hard and ready for whatever treatment Jeff had for him. Hungrily Jeff watched the boy.

“Take it all off.” , he demanded since Evan was still wearing his shirt. Obediently Evan took it all off and was now completely naked except for his socks. As the youngster stood in front of the older man, Jeff breathed in sharply, taking in all that beauty. He was just perfect, despite his flaws. For Jeff, that boy needed to be shaven badly and he already imagined how he would do it himself soon. Pimples and a lost hair here and then in Evans face were making the perfect boy so imperfect, that it was actually adorable again. Jeff just appreciated how raw and real that boy was and he liked the thought of teaching him how to take proper care of himself. He was just so naive and dumb, it would be a pleasure to shape him like he pleased. Body and mind.

His gaze wandered from that cute face to his small pink nipples that peaked out from the pale skin. He would make them swell soon. Then he looked down at his slim belly and that happy trail that ended in a dark bush with his cute co*ck peeking out. The rosy tip was wet, a pearl of precum pumping out of the slit the moment it caught Jeff's attention.

“I think the devil made you.” Jeff whispered so quietly that Evan did not hear it. The boy was nervously waving his arms back and forth, his breath unsteady and his hairy armpits already leaking of sweat. So badly he could smell himself. He was so desperate and full of hope that Jeff would touch him again and rub his penis. The spanking wasn't much of a punishment to him. Quite the opposite - it was f*cking hot.

The priest stood up from his chair and began to make room on his desk, then he pointed at it. “Lay down on your back.”

Without breaking eye contact, Evan sat on the table and made himself comfortable on the hard desk. He didn't fit completely, so he bent his legs, his feet close to his butt. Jeff placed his warm hands on Evan's knees, letting his eyes roam over the beautiful boy like a predator ready for the hunt. “Yes…stay like this.” , Jeff said and opened his drawer to pull out a little Polaroid camera.

“What are you doing?” Evan asked shyly and hid his private parts naturally.

“Hands up. I'm just documenting my work. Evan, this is very important!” Jeff just said and insecurely Evan moved his hands. The first picture startled him, the light making him see stars for a moment. Satisfied, Jeff looked at the picture that came out in an instant. “Beautiful.” , he whispered and Evan's heart fluttered. Now he was determined to pose more to please the priest. He just enjoyed every praising word and nice smile. Seductively, Evan put his arms above his hand and lifted his chest. He opened his leg a little to present his hard co*ck that was laying on his stomach.

“Oh Evan, you're really such a smart boy. That's very good.” Jeff praised him in excitement and took another shot. Then he walked around the desk and took another picture from a different angle. He grabbed Evans chin and lifted his head to bring him in a pose that Jeff preferred. “Yes, good.”

Suddenly the priest let out a chuckle. “Still interested in having oral?” , he asked and bit his lips. Without hesitation, Evan nodded and licked his lips. Would Jeff take his dick in his mouth? He hoped so. Just the imagination made him pump out more precum. But Jeff instead, opened his own pants and pulled out his hard co*ck with just one hand. Evan's eyes widened and he lifted himself up in shock to get a better look at the huge dick. His mouth opened as if he was about to say something. Then he quickly covered his own co*ck, realizing that he had a small dick. Until now he never knew.

Jeff couldn't help himself and laughed heartily. “Oh Evan, I've already seen it. No need to be shy now.” Gently he pulled at Evans wrist to uncover his groin. “Yours is…so different..” Evan stuttered as all his insecurities crawled up to him. He also realized that Jeff was shaved and neat, while he looked like a f*cking ape down there. He felt ashamed that he thought he could be sexy to him. Now he felt like a fool.

“I-i…I look stupid.” Evan said and tried to hide his parts again but Jeff didn't let go of his wrist.

“No. You look beautiful.” His words were honest and soft. “But your soul is tainted, my son.”

Evan looked at Jeff with worried eyes as he was being pushed back to lay down. Jeff came closer and let his thumb run over Evans delicious lips and gave him a warm smile.

“I'm here to help you, my child.” , he spoke so softly and for a moment Evan thought that he would come closer to kiss him. So he lifted himself up a bit to make himself ready to answer that kiss but it never came. He wanted to kiss Father Dahmer so badly.

Jeff positioned himself beside the table and grabbed Evan's head to bend it to the side so he would face Jeff's dick. Unsure Evan looked up. “I've never done it before…and I thought…uhh…you could…”

“You should let me do the thinking.” Jeff said a bit spitefully and Evans' cheeks grew much redder in embarrassment. “Before you can receive, you also have to give a little. Have you forgotten how important it is to give?”

“No.” Evan mumbled frustrated. He wanted to be sucked off and not give. Of course he wanted to try it and it was really hot in his imagination, but more so he wanted to cum right now. This was all he was thinking about. “What do I do?”

“Open your cute little mouth for me.” Evan parted his lips as he was told so. “Good, now lick over the tip.” Jeff gave his co*ck a few strokes before he guided it to Evans' shivering lips. “Sshh don't be afraid. I'm here. Lick it for me.”

Carefully Evan let his tongue run over Jeff's dick, just so softly and slowly. In amazement Jeff watched how he licked over his tip with such a tenderness, knowing that this was Evans first time doing that. That alone made him so excited, that he let out a deep grunt. “Oh…fuc-” , he cut himself off. He was not supposed to swear, but it was hard to hold back so he bit his lips as he guided his co*ck forward, increasing the pressure of his dick against Evans' innocent little tongue. Evan, who started to like the taste and feeling of it, began to lick the tip more intensely, even starting to wrap his hot lips around it and suck carefully on it.

“Hmmm, yeah Baby, you're doing so well.” Jeff moaned and grabbed Evans brown curls to hold on. “Can you take in more?”

A question he didn’t get answered since he just pushed himself in further. Evan took it like a champ, but to be fair it was still manageable. The student closed his eyes and passionately took in his taste and bobbed his head a little as he sucked on it. He had no idea what he was doing, he just tried to do what felt right and what he had seen and read in his magazine. Apparently it wasn't that bad, at least Jeff growled and patted his cheeks in approval. The student began to stroke his own co*ck but Jeff gave him a slap on the back of his hand, admonishing him to not touch himself. It was indeed a punishment. Evan was about to burst. As he did his task, the priest pulled out his rosary and placed it on Evan's chest.

“In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment
of eternal fire.” Jeff began to pray as he started to move his hip to thrust in and out into Evans' hot mouth.
“Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that this boy does not suffer the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah. Breath of God, breathe purity into him.” Jeff grunted and pushed himself further, which caused Evan to gag and pull away.
But quickly Jeff grabbed Evan's soft hair violently and forced him to endure it. Evan narrowed his eyebrows and grabbed Jeff's leg for support. It was too much, Jeff's dick was just so big and Evan was just so inexperienced. Tears caused by the gagging reflex runned down his face until he had had enough.

He managed to escape Jeff's grip and gasped for air. The boy coughed and Jeff laughed: “Not what you expected? See, it's not pleasant at all.” Jeff snickered and grabbed Evans head again to face him. Jeff stroked his dick quickly and was about to push himself back in. “Come on Evan, it's not done yet.” Actually Evan enjoyed sucking off Jeff but not when he pushed in too far. So he was still unsure if the lesson had worked. With doe eyes he looked into Jeff's blue ones. “Can you do it too?” , Evan asked with a shaking voice.

“What?” Jeff played dumb again. He just enjoyed the humiliation in Evan's face when he had to speak it out loud.

“S-suck on my…” Evan stuttered and stopped. It was too embarrassing to say it.

“On your what? Finger? Ear? You have to speak clearly if you want something.” Jeff mocked him with a grin on his lips.

“M-my P-penis!” Evan said finally and closed his eyes in shame.

“Y-your P-penis?” Jeff imitated and laughed. “Maybe, if you finish what you have started.” Evan didn't know what to say, this mean behavior seemed so out of character of Jeff. He had no idea he could be like that.

Though the promising blow j*b kept Evan going and he took the dick volunteeringly back into his mouth. Pleased, the pastor threw back his head as Evans' tongue explored his dick a little more and lifted up his shirt, exposing his stomach. Evan tried to get a glimpse of the older man's body. Jeff was a bit on the bigger size but it was hot to Evan. He looked huggable with his broad shoulders and his soft shaven skin. And he smelled so much like cologne with a hint of nicotine hanging onto him. Evan was sure that the pastor was smoking and he wondered if he was allowed too. He never saw him smoking before though, but the smell was familiar to Evan. Eagerly he tried to take his co*ck in deep and suppressed any gagging reflexes. Simultaneously Jeff would pull out and rub himself to speed things up, since Evans skills were still expandable, even though he really tried and did good for his first time.

“You’re shockingly good at this Evan. I'm so disappointed in you…” , Jeff said and moaned as he jerked himself off. Evan's face grew confused. It seemed arbitrary if he did something good or bad and he felt more and more insecure about what to do. Luckily Jeff gave enough orders. “Open your mouth, I will finish in your mouth….” , he gasped and Evan did as he was told again. His heart was racing and he felt a bit scared but also excited. With heavy eyes he watched the priest reaching his climax. He closed his blue eyes behind those heavy glasses and growled deep when the white and thick sem*n splurged right into Evans mouth and all over his face. In hot, long stains it filled his mouth and ruined his face. The student closed his eyes and held his mouth open. It was definitely weird but he embraced it.

“Ohhhh goddamn fuuuck….” Jeff cursed and shoved the still pumping co*ck in Evans mouth. “Swallow it.” , he demanded under a shaking breath. “All of it.”

Evan did so and was surprised how easy it was for him to swallow. f*ck. He realized that he wanted more of it and it made him feel so nasty and perverted. Hungrily he sucked at it in hope that there would come out more. But Jeff pulled out his softening dick and wiped away the rest of the cum with his thumb from Evan's cheeks and pushed it right into the boy's mouth for him to eat it all up. “All. Of. It.” He repeatedly amused and watched proudly how his student enjoyed his first adult meal. “I'm inside you now.” Dahmer explained and wiped away the sweat from his forehead before he got himself dressed up again. “I'm cleaning you from the inside.”

“Father Dahmer…” Evan shyly spoke as the priest seemed to be finished. “Are you going to…suck me too now?”

The priest looked at him and laughed. “God no!”

“But you promised!” Evan said quite sassy and lifted himself up, the cross on his chest falling in his lap. Now he was seriously pissed. His dick was throbbing and leaking, begging to be touched. He really needed to get rid of it now.

“I said maybe. And this is your punishment today. Today's lesson” Jeff simply said and waved his hand. “Now get dressed up and go to your room. I'm done with you for today.”

“That's not fair!” Evan complained and tears started to build in his eyes. He felt frustrated and used, he was so excited for Jeff to suck him off. “That's bullshi-” Evan quickly shut himself up, even though Father Dahmer just had cursed himself as he came, and clapped his hand over his mouth.

“Watch your filthy mouth kid!” Dahmer said angrily and pointed his finger at the young man warningly. “Don't you understand what this lesson is about? You either take my help or I'll call your parents! Or maybe we simply cut off your pathetic little dick!”

Evan's lips bibbered as he started to cry, which caused Jeff to roll his eyes. The student could not believe how mean the priest could be. He has always been so sweet and kind and now he was just so strict. But actually it made Jeff soft to see the boy crying.

“Don't cry…” , he said and approached the shaking boy. “I want to help you. You're my favorite student.” As he said that, he lifted Evans' chin.

“Am I?” Evan sniffed and gave him the most innocent puppy eyes. But Jeff knew they weren't innocent at all anymore.

Jeff whipped away the huge tears and nodded. “Yes, you are. By far.” Then he leaned forward and gave Evan a kiss on his forehead. Evans' mouth went dry and he felt the urge to just kiss the older man but he had no idea how to do it.

“Father…” The boy searched for words before he continued. “ kissing another man a sin too?” Now it was Evan who played dumb. Of course he knew it was a deadly sin, but he hoped he might trick Jeff into kissing him.

“Oh Evan. It's just a kiss on the forehead. This is a common practice in our community -”

“No!” Evan interrupted the priest. “I mean…I mean like kissing on the lips…”

“Yes Evan. It is very wrong.”

“Can you teach me?” Evan asked innocently and his heart stopped. “Show me how wrong it is…” He was shaking in excitement. Jeff chuckled. Of course he knew what Evan was up to, but he played along. He grabbed the rosary from Evans lap, brushing against the hard dick as he took it, and pulled it over Evans head. Then he grabbed his face with both of his hands and closed the space between them by only a few inches before their lips would meet. Evan could smell Jeff's breath, which was a mixture of fresh peppermint and smoking cigarettes. He let out a little moan, so needy for any kind of affection. And then Jeff finally kissed the younger one. Evan still tasted like his own cum and the salty tears he had shed. Absolutely delicious. It made Jeff think about how he would simply just wanted to f*cking eat him. Not metaphorically. Literally. He kept the kiss simple and innocent, knowing if he would give in too much, it would end up badly.

Evan was on cloud nine as he felt the pastors warm and dry lips on his. Helplessly he moved his lips, no knowing what he was doing. It was funny how he would have his first kiss after he tasted a co*ck. But none or less he felt blessed that it was Father Dahmer he shared both experiences with.

Jeff pulled back, his eyes heavy and his cheeks glowing red. “See how wrong it felt?” Jeff lied and gave Evan another hungry kiss.

“Y-yes…so wrong…” Evan lied too between their kisses and shut his eyes. “We should do it more often to remind ourselves.” Evan suggested and Jeff grinned into their kiss. “You're really smart Evan.” Jeff praised him and nibbled at his bottom lip. When he was about to push his tongue inside, he pulled back to calm himself down. “Now you really have to go.”

“N-no I want more.” Evan said as he became bolder. But Jeff quickly showed him who was in charge and pushed him away.

“Don't make me tell you twice.” Jeff warned him and Evan let out a sigh. He didn't want to push his luck further, he was already happy that he at least got the kiss he was dreaming of for so long. Still he would have jerk off later, since Jeff left him unsatisfied. A bit frustrated he started to dress himself up.

“What about this?” Evan asked and showed the rosary around his neck.

“Keep it.” Jeff simply said and lit up a cigarette as he looked through the pictures he had taken earlier. Now it was the first time Evan saw the man smoking.

“Really?” Evans' eyes beamed. It was not some cheap rosary, it was handcrafted with a golden cross that was very detailed. An unique and expensive piece of art.

“Yes. It looks good on you and it will keep you safe.” He said it as it was really not a big deal, but it actually was. But Jeff didn't like to show off emotions.

“T-thank you!” Evan smiled and hugged the larger man. Jeff's heart made a silly jump and he hated everything about it. In this very moment he understood that this little brat not only had the power over his lustful desires but also over his heart. He liked him. And that was a problem. That was not okay at all. Jeff gulped and patted the students back, almost robotic.

“Now seriously…get out of here.”

Little Prayers - dumbass1978 - Dahmer (TV 2022) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.