Lyndon Hardy - Master of the Five Magics - [PDF Document] (2024)

Lyndon Hardy - Master of the Five Magics - [PDF Document] (1)


Lyndon Hardy - Master of the Five Magics - [PDF Document] (2)


PART ONEThe Thaumaturge

CHAPTER ONEThe Queen Besieged

ALODAR closed his mind to the pounding of the huge stones against the lower walls ofthe keep. He ignored the growl of his stomach and tried to concentrate on the spinning disk.Forty-one days of siege, he thought, and the last five on half rations. Half rations for himself andthe other craftsmen, while the men at arms still received full shares.

"Faster, Morwin, faster until it buzzes like an angry hive," Alodar listened as theapprentice pushed against the two-hand crank and the giant flywheel slowly increased its speed.After several minutes, a faint tone from the serrated edge mixed with the crash of rock and cry ofpain below.

Morwin stepped back from the rough wooden frame which supported the rotating wheeland sat panting on the smooth floor of the bartizan."Make the rest of your preparations, journeyman," the big man in mail next to Alodar barked."You two may rest if this air gondola proves its worth, but not before."

Alodar disregarded the harsh tone. He squinted up at the sun midway between the eastand overhead.

"They will have to look directly into the glare to see us," he said evenly. "Your men canbegin."

"They begin when I tell them," the sergeant said, pushing his thumb at his chest. "Youmay have once been the son of Alodun, lord of the buttes, and had the right to command, butnow you are no more than the wheelwright. I owe you only what I would give any tradesman."

Alodar spilled the air out of his nostrils in a long sigh. "My father struggled six years forthe justice due him and went to his grave alone and brokenhearted. The anguish to carry on wastoo great a price to pay and I buried my feelings with him. I am a journeyman at an honest craftand accept my lot. I desire no empty formality that stirs up the dying embers of the past."

He stopped and stared into the big man's eyes. "And I ask no more than what you shouldshow any man who labors in our common defense, regardless of his station." For a long momenttheir eyes remained locked, but finally the sergeant shrugged and turned to the group of mencrouching within the archway into the keep. "To your positions, then," he ordered.

The men rose, and two edged out to the crenellations which framed a deep cut in the hillsto the west. The third, the smallest of the three, climbed into a waist-high wicker basket whichstood by the spinning disk.

Alodar stepped to the woven box, withdrew a chisel from one of the pockets in his cape,and hacked a fresh splinter from it. His cowl was thrown back over his shoulders, revealing anarrow face topped with fine yellow-brown hair. His nose and mouth were drawn with aneconomy of line, plain and straight, with nothing to mark him as either handsome or uncomely.Only his eyes removed him from the nondescript; they were bright and alive, darting likedragonflies, missing no detail of what happened around him. His face held the smoothness ofyouth, now marked only by two short furrows above his nose as he concentrated on the taskbefore him.

Standing scarcely taller than the basket's occupant, he stepped back from the box, holding

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the scrap of wood at waist level, glanced again at the position of the sun, and began theincantation.

He spoke with skill; the words came quickly but with the sharpness necessary forsuccess. His tone was even and the rhythm smooth. The two words of power sounded with a lackof distinction. They fitted unnoticed into the stream of improvised nonsense which surroundedthem. In a moment he was done.

Alodar nodded a warning to the man-at-arms facing him and slowly began to raise thesplinter upward. Simultaneously the basket lurched and cleared the stonework of the platform.The splinter rose with almost imperceptible slowness but the gondola with its passenger climbedat a rapid rate.

The big man returned to Alodar's side. "Can you not go faster? They will spy him beforehe lines with the sun."

"No, sergeant," Alodar said, not turning to nod in reply but keeping his attention on thesliver he held in his hand. "This splinter is about one part in a thousand of the basket as a whole.For each palm I raise it, your man climbs another forty rods. Were I to move faster, we might usetoo much of the wheel's spin just in fighting the wind we would make with our haste. I do not yetwear the cape of a master, but I understand enough of thaumaturgy to do what is proper for thistask."

The sergeant grunted and Alodar continued to raise the splinter upward. Several minutespassed and the basket rose to become but a speck in the sky.

"High enough," one of the men shouted while sighting through his sextant. Alodarglanced at the wheel. The crank now turned lazy circles about the axle with no hint of theblurring speed it had possessed moments ago. The sergeant followed his gaze and looked back atAlodar.

"If there is but little wind," Alodar explained, "there is enough spin left to keep thegondola properly positioned for some time. It takes far less energy to resist a sideward thrustthan to fight the earth for height."

While he spoke, Alodar began to step in the direction of the hills. The platform far abovemoved in proportion. The two observers darted their instruments about, sighting first the sun,then the basket, and finally the crags themselves. Alodar made but two slow steps and part ofanother before one of the observers called him to stop.

"A little more forward now. Hold it an instant. Now to the left a palm. Freeze it in place,"he directed as Alodar shifted the splinter back and forth.

Morwin jumped from his inactivity beside the slowly turning disk and ran through thearchway to the chamber beyond. He fetched a tripod with a small clamp attached and returned towhere Alodar stood with the splinter still at arm's length. After a few moments of adjustment, theclamp was in position to secure the scrap of wood firmly, and Alodar relinquished his grip.Massaging his now numb arm, he moved quickly to the edge of the bartizan to see the results ofhis effort.

He whisked a telescope out from his cape and sighted the basket. It now stood fixedfirmly in the sky, suspended directly in front of one of the sheer cliffs that was their target.

"Luck be with him soon," the sergeant muttered as he watched with his own glass. "If hedoes not find a ledge wide enough for the catapult within the hour, we will strike no blow forourselves this day. And tomorrow may be too late for any scheme, sound or foolish, to prevent abreach."

Alodar turned from watching the rider scramble onto the face of the cliff and looked at

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the plain below."They will be in the bailey within two days for certain," the sergeant continued. "And

even if help did appear, how could it get through all that?"Alodar followed the sweep of the mailed arm, and the sick feeling returned to his empty

stomach.The gray hills in the west stretched from horizon to horizon, stark and unbroken except

for the one deep and wide notch, like a missing tooth, directly facing him about half a miledistant. The walls on the right rose tall and sheer, unbroken monoliths, smooth and inaccessible.The slopes on the left were as steep but cracked with fissures, chimneys, and ledges, and uponthese clambered the man Alodar had transported there. Between the two faces, a train of wagonsand carts, piled with baggage and arrayed with no pattern, hid the floor of the pass from view.Alodar could make out a motley collection of tents rising in its midst, and from the pinnacles ofeach flew a blue and silver banner.

Much closer stood an orderly array of artillery, drawn out in a precise circle that Alodarknew completely surrounded the stronghold. With drilled exactness, their crews would load andfire in unison. The great bows of the ballistas hurled their rock hard and flat against the batteredouter walls, while the mangonels sent theirs high and lofted to rain down on the foundation of thekeep and the surrounding courtyard. Lighter but more accurate trebuchets blasted at the spotsalready weakened by the heavier siegecraft.

Nearer still, in more irregular array, many clusters of armed men crouched behind full-length shields shining angrily in the morning sun. The groups farther back used their protection,casually bobbing heads and torsos to see the battle's progress. Those closer, within range of thedefenders' longbows, huddled in tight balls, exposing no arm or a leg as a target.

With each volley of the rockthrowers, the answering fire from the manchicolations andloopholes in the castle's walls would cease, and the men in the field would creep a little closer,their scaling ladders and belfries dragging behind them. From high on the keep, Alodar could seethat, long before the clusters reached the outer wall, they would converge into a singlecontinuous ring of attackers.

"Yes, it would take a large force to break through to us," he finally agreed, "but Iron Fisthas never fallen to assault."

"It takes more than stone and iron to defend this mound," the sergeant said. "Muscle pullstight the bowstrings and swings the broadswords, and at last muster we numbered fewer than twohundred fighting men. Two hundred for over half a mile of wall."

He shook his head with lips pulled into a tight line of disapproval. "A mere two hundred,because Vendora wanted to flaunt her might along the southern border. Almost every garrison inProcolon stripped to nothing, so that those petty border kingdoms think to stop their raids andreturn to bickering among themselves. Hah, I wonder if those raids seem so important to hernow? Fully provisioned, we could withstand anything that Bandor could throw at us. As it is,only the great height and thickness of these walls have saved her crown and pretty neck thislong."

"But her miscomputation was no worse than mine," Alodar said, spreading his palmsoutward. "How would anyone but a sorcerer surmise that one of her most faithful vassals wouldsuddenly lose his reason and plunge through that gap in the west, just when she was here? Thegates clanged shut on noble and craftsman alike who happened to be here, and none claim tohave foreseen it."

"Yes, it is strange," the sergeant said. "The ferocity of the attack, the way he drives his

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men on with no regard for their exhaustion. I have heard it whispered about more than once atnight that Bandor has lost not his reason but his will. Like a mere craftsman, he has beenpossessed."

Alodar blinked with surprise, but before he could reply be was interrupted by one of theobservers.

"He has found a spot and is signaling for us to proceed.""Sweetbalm, luck is with us today," the sergeant exclaimed, jumping his thoughts back to

the task at hand. "Start bringing up the beams and lashings."Alodar stepped to the stand and released the splinter from the clamp. Holding it at arm's

length, be dropped his hand a fraction of an inch. The basket sank correspondingly, and thewheel again started to spin. He retraced his steps, and it shot across the sky to hover directlyoverhead.

Finally, as he lowered the splinter, it settled gently onto the floor of the bartizan. Againthe giant crank was a blur as the wheel spun, but it turned not nearly as fast as when Morwin hadfirst propelled it.

Alodar rapidly recited another incantation, virtually indistinguishable from the first.When he was done, he flung the splinter high into the air with a dramatic gesture while thebasket remained unperturbed on the ground.

The men-at-arms wasted no time in loading two large notched beams into the basket.Morwin against cranked up the wheel, and Alodar removed a fresh splinter and spoke theincantation. Moving with more haste than before, he brought the splinter directly to the clamp;the basket with its burden hurled from the castle to the cliffs. The sergeant directed some smallcorrections until the basket hovered directly below the ledge that the rider had found. Morwinmoved the clamp and secured the splinter in the new position.

After the gondola was unloaded, the entire process was repeated many times, with eachworker intent upon his tasks. Alodar broke the spell upon the return. Morwin rewound the crankand the men-at-arms packed a new load of beams, brands, or lashings. Another incantation andfixing of a splinter in the clamp and another bundle would be delivered to the ledge in thedistance. Several hours later the men-at-arms were the passengers for the final two trips, and thenthe job was done.Weary from the concentration, Alodar looked to the west. "How long will it take them toassemble it?" he asked.

"At least six hours. They must take care to tune it to exactly the same tension it had here.Every shot will count, and they can waste none on range calibration," the sergeant responded, hisvoice now showing some excitement. "With just a bit more luck, Bandor's entire siege train willbe smoldering ashes by nightfall."

They fell silent and waited, listening to time being marked off by the rhythmic crash ofrock and swish of arrows below. Near dusk, Alodar sprang up from his vigil excitedly.

"Look, they are signaling that they are ready."As he spoke, a flaming brand arched upwards from the ledge and down into the valley,

disappearing into the silhouettes of the tents formed by the setting sunlight.A minute passed with no discernable change in the campsite; but then as the second shot

was being launched, the central tent became alive with flame."A hit, a direct hit on Bandor's tent," the sergeant shouted, "Look at it take hold of that

dry canvas! It will spread to the others in no time at all. And look, here comes the next missileright on the mark as well."

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A second tent burst into flame, and then a third. Even from the distance, Alodar couldhear an alarm gong sound and the rising hubbub of voices.

"They are shifting targets now; good men." The sergeant banged his fist down on thewall. "Let us see how those wagons can stand up to a little heat."

The incendiaries began falling more rapidly as the crew on the ledge gained confidence intheir engine, raking their fusillade back and forth across the pass, starting fires at random in thedensely packed train. Alodar could see some of the blazes start up and then quickly be snuffedout; but for every one extinguished, two more sprouted elsewhere in the camp. In some places,the isolated pinpoints of light had converged into large walls of leaping flame, brilliant evenagainst the setting sun.

Finally trumpets sounded from somewhere within the widening conflagration, and thesiegecraft directly between the camp and the castle ceased their firing. Throwing arms andcranks were battened down, rocks tossed back upon supply wagons, and the engines began towithdraw. A frantic mob of men burst from the flame and confusion, like seeds from a flattenedmelon, and ran to meet them, alternately waving greater haste and pointing up into the cliffs fromwhich came the. rain of fire. Alodar heard the zing of arrows from the castle walls increaseintensity as the defenders, unchallenged for the first time in days, vented their frustrations. Trieassault from the west ground to a halt.

"The range is too great for them to be accurate enough," the sergeant crowed. "They willnever dislodge us from there. A few more hits will put the fire completely out of control. Let ussee what kind of siege Bandor can conduct, demon driven or not, with no supplies and only thisbrushland to forage on."

Alodar watched intently as the mangonels were turned into a straight line, halfwaybetween their previous positions and the enemy camp. A hint of hope soothed the rumble in hisstomach as the first volley fell short of the ledge, crashing into the face of the cliff far below. Hiseyes swept back and forth across the panorama, up to the ledge, into the burning camp, and backto the engines and the growing mass of men surrounding them.

"But wait a moment," he said suddenly. "I see the logo of similarity on that cape downthere. See, the tall one, next to the second mangonel. He is a master, just as Periac is. I fear thatmy craft will play a still larger role in the affairs of the day."

As they watched, the master thaumaturge directed the three running up behind him todump the sacks they carried onto the ground. A pile of small stones discharged from each. Twomore men lugged into position a huge cauldron and began filling it from a wagonload of jars thathalted alongside.

"Lodestones," Alodar cried with sudden recognition. "Tracers. By the laws, let there beno marksman good enough for this task among them."

A small group of archers formed a single file; as they passed the cowled figure, he deftlychipped a fragment from each rock and gave it to one of the bowmen. After each had receivedhis charge, he bound it to the shaft of an arrow and let fly at the catapult in the cliff above.

Alodar watched the ledge as the missiles hurled upwards. Most were wide of the mark,splintering against hard rock and falling back to the floor of the pass. Several minutes passed asvolley after volley did no harm. But finally one shot struck the frame of the catapult and heldfast.

"Quickly!" Alodar shouted. "Signal them to remove the shaft before he can complete theincantation."

"But a single arrow does them no harm, journeyman. Let them use their time to continue

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firing while it is still light," the sergeant said. "You remain with your craft and I will managemine."

"Get it removed or they will hurl nothing more today. See, they have the other stone inthe acid already,"

As he spoke, the master cracked one of the remaining untouched rocks in two anddropped one half into the cauldron steaming atop a hastily constructed fire. The brew frothed likestorm-driven surf as three heavyset men slowly tipped the contents of the huge crucible onto apile of artillery stones stacked at their feet. The crews from the siegecraft each retrieved one hotwet stone and loaded and co*cked their engines. The thaumaturge held his hands high overhead.In one was the stone from which the chip now affixed to the catapult had been cleft; in the otherwas the remains of the one consumed in the acid bath. Alodar held his breath, knowing what wasto come next. A mailed figure astride the horse surveyed the ready engines and the waitingcraftsman. He signaled the crews to fire and the projectiles sprang from their beds in unison. Aninstant later, with the missiles already rising high into the air, the thaumaturge brought the twosmall stones swiftly together.

The flying rocks wrenched out of their natural trajectories; Hke sunlight focused with aglass, they converged simultaneously on the ledge. The catapult exploded in a mass of raggedtimber, splinters, and dust. The bombarding rock shattered into an avalanche of gravel againstthe cliff face and cascaded to the plain. The hills rocked with the violence of the impact and theshock threw Alodar nearly to his knees. Where once there had been form was now a shatteredruin of timber and flesh.

The scene was quiet, attacker and defender alike shaken by the force of the blow. Alodarlooked back at the enemy camp and noticed only a few wisps of smoke where the fire had ragedbut moments before. Of course, the perfect source, he thought.

As the last rays of the sun faded, the detachment of artillery slowly returned to thebesieging circle and both sides made ready for the cessation of action for the day. As elsewhere,the stunned silence continued for several minutes more up on the high keep. Finally the sergeantturned for the archway.

"In two days, for certain," he muttered.."A waste of time, if you ask me, Alodar," Morwin said irritably as they stumbled along

the passageway that evening. "How are we, in a single night, going to find something that haseluded the occupants of this fortress for probably three hundred years? And with a single torchyet? Why, I can barely make you out two feet before me, let alone some secret mark along theseclammy walls. And you know Periac is probably pacing his quarters right now, wanting a fullreport on what happened today with the air gondola. Let's be done with this, I say."

"Not just yet, Morwin," Alodar said. "I admit it seems hopeless, but what are we to do?Just follow through our prescribed tasks until the inevitable happens?"

"Oh, by the taws, Alodar, I relish this entrapment as little as you. But I would rather savemy strength for something useful tomorrow, rather than burning off my evening gruel sloshingthrough puddles in the dark, three full flights beneath the ground."

"But look, Morwin, there must be something to aid us here. Some clue to help us breakthe siege.

Think about it. Why are these passages and chambers under the walls even here? Thewhole castle is laid out with such an economy of design, not a wasted stone anywhere. Theperfect fortress, the men-at-arms say. The flanking towers project out just the right amount tocover walls of optimum height. Crenelations and loopholes are cut to maximize both protection

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and density of fire. The central keep is pocked with bartizans of all sizes for observation ofmissile launching. With all of that care, why honeycomb the thing with these subterraneancaverns unless they too somehow play in the defense?"

"Well then, for what do the records of the builders say all of this is to be used? We usethe chamber under the northeast tower on the first level as an area of discipline. Perhaps thisplace was intended to be a grand dungeon?"

"With this layout, hardly. There aren't any small cells, just long corridors connectinglarge chambers, and no gates to impede one's access. And as to the builders, would that we couldask them. The sagas say only that when the scions of Procolon first pushed into these desolatewestern lands they found the Iron Fist open and unoccupied. The portcullis was up and the oakendoors of the gatehouse full ajar. Inside was nary a trace of man or beast or any sign that any hadever been here. Just mute stone in a silent wasteland. Vendora's forefathers used their luck well,granted. They garrisoned the place, and ever since it has protected Procolon's western flank withits grip of iron against the likes of a Bandor gone wild. But no one living knows more of thiscastle's secrets than even you or ... Hold, I think we are under the Keep again."

Alodar thrust his torch forward, staring into the blackness ahead. He could see the wallsreceding from him on both sides into the gloom but could discern no other detail of theirsurroundings. He began to move cautiously to the left, one hand on moist stone, the other stilladvancing the torch in front.

"Look," he exclaimed, "a wall cresset, and with oil still in it." He touched his torch to thesmall pool in the lip of the rock and it sprang to life. He and Morwin again looked about them,now able to see to the opposite wall of the chamber.

"Cressets all around, Alodar," Morwin said. "At least here we will be able to see what weare stumbling over."

Alodar quickly circled the chamber, lighting the wall flames as he did so. When he wasdone, he moved towards the center to survey what the flickering light revealed. The chamber waslarge and circular, though not as huge as the massive keep which towered above it. The wallswere smooth and damp, pieced with precision from many small stones and pierced by four darkarchways evenly spaced around the periphery. The stone floor sloped downwards from alldirections; in the very center stood a pool of dark water fed by the drippings from the walls. Ashe approached, Alodar thrust the handle of his torch into the still surface.

"Why, there is a well here, Morwin," he exclaimed."See, the depth is much greater than the slope of the floor would indicate. I wonder how

deep it is?"Suddenly a flicker of light in one of the passageways caught his eye. As he and Morwin

turned, they heard the clank of arms and the stomp of many feet echoing downtowards them.

In a moment, several men-at-arms tromped into the chamber, torches held high andswords drawn.

"Halt, who's there?" the first called out belligerently as his eyes adjusted to the increasedlight.

"Alodar, journeyman, and Morwin, apprentice, to master thaumaturge Periac, in theservice of fair queen Vendora," Alodar quickly responded as half a dozen more poured into theroom.

"Then you serve me in most unusual ways, journeyman," a woman's voice answered himin turn, soft and distinctive amid the growing din.

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Alodar turned from the approaching men to the new speaker, and his eyes widened insurprise.

"Caution, my fair lady," growled the tall, white-haired man who now entered and stoodbeside her.

"I remember this name, Alodar, and I doubt his interests would truly serve your crown."Vendora the queen smiled at Alodar and then turned to her advisor, "And what great

threat does this journeyman harbor, lord Festil?" she asked. She brushed back the tumble of hergolden blond hair with deliberate casu-alness. Her blue eyes, that mirrored the morning sea,sparkled above a small upturned nose and lips of apple red. Her smile radiated the promise ofdelight, and Alodar felt his pulse suddenly quicken. She wore men's clothing, leggings, tunic,and cape, but they did not hide the thrust of her ample figure. With a dramatic sweep, she thrustback the cape and stood arms akimbo, left fist above a small dagger, awaiting Festil's reply.

"You were too young a princess to take notice, my fair lady," Festil said. "But many werethe council meetings in which your father pounded the table with rage, the blood bloating theveins of his neck, his face flushed red. And all because one headstrong vassal dared to stand fastto his opinions when unanimity with royal persuasion was obviously what discretion demanded."Festil stopped and then nointed his red-gloved fist at Alodar. His lips downturned withdispleasure, pulling tight age-blotched skin across high-thrust cheeks on his narrow face. "No,my fair lady, this man's father put his interests before those of the crown. In the end, he refusedto yield one time too often and received his just due. It was a matter of no lasting importance, butyour sire demonstrated that he was indeed king. His lands confiscated and title revoked by royaldecree, Alodun ended his days in common squalor, trying to enlist others in his effort to regainwhat was no longer rightfully his. I judge his son tracks you here seeking restitution, hoping theyears would dim the memories of your father's faithful advisors. But I served your sire well, as Iserve you now, and on his deathbed promised that I would ensure nothing be forgotten in mattersof state."

Veodora dropped her arms to her sides and laughed. Her voice floated lightly like a wind-blown leaf, with no hint of the weight of the crown. "But if I were but a young princess, lordFestil," she said, "then the journeyman here could have been but a lad. How deep could suchpassion burn in a heart so young?"

She turned to Alodar, eyes widening, and he felt the royal demand for a reply. For aninstant he paused. Festil's words stung, and the memories boiled out of their hiding places, freshas when they were new. He had been young, yes. Too young to aid, but old enough to feel thehelplessness when he saw the faces of cruel laughter and the sneers over shoulders of hastilyturned backs. He remembered the image of his father, eyes finally dim and spirit broken. Not asingle vassal had pledged to convince a stubborn monarch to return what he had so capriciouslytaken away. The impulse to lash out with words of his own welled up within him, but heclenched his fist into a tight ball and swallowed painfully.

It was so futile a struggle then, he thought. Could it be any different now? Was not thedecision to cease resistance to the forces which overwhelmed him a good one? Renounce theclaim to be a noble of Procolon and follow instead wherever fate might lead him. Ignore thefeeling of incompleteness, of nagging dissatisfaction with each niche in life that he might try.

Travel on to the next and the next, sampling and testing until he found the one that hecould embrace with relaxing acceptance.

He looked into Vendora's eyes and spoke slowly. "As I have said, my fair lady, I am ajourneyman thaumaturge. Not that my craft should matter. Since my father's death, I have been

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many things, goatherd, woodcutter, tavern-hand. And it is true that I seek, but my presence hereis not by plan of supplication. Rather I had hoped that these dungeons might finally yieldsomething to aid us all."

"And what have you found?""Nothing, my lady, nothing yet," Alodar said turning his gaze from Vendora to answer

the smaller woman similarly clad standing at her side. She too had her cowl thrown backrevealing short auburn hair and eyes that danced darkly in the firelight. If she were by herself,men would turn to look, but next to Vendora her beauty would go unnoticed.

"Sweetbalm, of course nothing. Nothing as one with any sanity would expect," Festilexploded, brushing aside .Alodar's presence with a ware of his hand. "May I state the casebluntly again, my fair lady? We will not extricate ourselves from this siege by following thewhims of lady Aeriel here, no matter how good her intentions. This is a matter that can be settledonly by arms, arms striking in unison to achieve the same objective. You must choose, andchoose now before it is too late."

"My choice for life, merely to help us better fight a border skirmish. A weighty choiceindeed, lord Festil," Vendora responded.

"It may well be your life, my fair lady. We are too undermanned to defend the wallsproperly. We must use every man and weapon we have with utmost efficiency. Yet we squanderour time and resources in as many ways as we have lords within these walls. Andac launches asally with no cover; Fendel crams all of his archers into the southwest tower, leaving the wholesouthwall unprotected; old Cranston detaches his men to the bidding of a mere craftsman withsome mad gondola scheme. And why is this chaos so? Because each man strives to outdo thenext in some feat of valor, some deed for the sagas, to make you swoon and choose him for yourchampion. Your beauty inspires great desire. Vendora, as perhaps no queen of Procolon didbefore, but thus far it has also created great turmoil in the realm as well."

Alodar watched as Vendora received Festil's words with a slight smile, again brushingback her hair. She glanced about the room, testing what was being said, her smile broadening asshe caught the reaction of each man in turn.

"My fair lady," Festil continued, pounding one fist down upon the other, "we need yourchoice now, not after each brave man here has gone singly to his fate in a vain attempt to impressyou. Name the man and the petty bickering among our young scions will cease. Name the manand all here will follow him as we are sworn to do. Name the man so that we may fight as anarmy, rather than a horde of errant lords, each intent upon his own private quest."

"And so, rather than many small uncoordinated thrusts," Aeriel cut in, "we will unite andmake one large one that will prove equally ineffective. You deprecate the sagas, Festil, but inyour heart you cling to them still. One last hurrah and men of stout heart and unity of purposerout the enemy against overwhelming odds and secure the Iron Fist once again. A noble tale, butone that we cannot make so. Our salvation, I think, lies outside the traditions of our forefathers."

"Had we the wisdom of our forefathers, we would not face the difficulties we have herenow," Festil boomed, his voice echoing off the walls. "Had our queen chosen the hero of therealm last solstice, he would have the kingdom in good order by now. The states to the southwould not risk his displeasure, and all of the border fortresses would be fully manned. Had wethe champion now, he would have persuaded her to remain where she belongs in the safety of thepalaces of Ambrosia. He certainly would have had the sense not to send her venturing unto thevery borders with only a small party of retainers, more for show than for protection, no matterwhat the babbling of some court sorcerer. The mines in the Fumus Mountains may indeed be

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surrendering the last of their wealth, and the royal revenues thereby decreased. But to riskseeking alchemical formulas hidden here, merely on the word of enfeebled Kelric, is the heightof imprudence. Why, Bandor merely had to wait until the portcullis clanged down and he nighhad Procolon handed to him on a platter."

"Enough, Festil," Vendora interjected softly but with authority. "I grow weary of thesame long-winded discourse between you and Aeriel whenever you get the opportunity. Youhave served my father well, and I value your council now. But I wonder how hard you wouldpress were not your own son within these walls and vying with the rest for my favor. I willchoose the hero of the realm when it suits me personally and not just the circ*mstances.

"And Aeriel, I weary also of this tramping about in the gloom. This chamber holds for usno better clue than the ones above, I fear. A thick iron slab on the floor of the topmost, afeatureless pillar floor to ceiling in the second, and this pool of water here, with nothing else tocatch the eyes. Let this journeyman continue his search and report to us anything unusual that hemay find.

We should now return to our chambers and contemplate how we shall conduct ourselvestomorrow."

With these words, Vendora turned and marched back into the passageway. The two men-at-arms nearest scrambled to pass in front and light the way ahead. The rest dutifully filed outbehind. In a moment, Alodar and Morwin were again alone, surrounded only by the musty smelland echoes from the retreating party.

Morwin looked about the chamber, awaiting what they should do next, but Alodar stoodfixed, deep in thought.

"Whalt, speechless? A rare day for one so glib," Morwin finally said mockingly. "Whataffects you thus?"

Alodar was silent for a few moments more, then replied. "Your remark betrays a boy'sheart still beating in that lanky frame of yours, Morwin."

"And what kind beats in yours, most august journeyman?""Oh, enough. Let us be off and do the queen's bidding."

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CHAPTER TWOCraftsman at War

THE next morning Alodar awoke with a stab of pain. He grabbed his side and blinked upinto the predawn light He heard the familiar noise of the courtyard: treading feet, clinking mail,and the barking of orders as the castle sprang to life to begin another day of defense. He squintedup at the figure standing at his side, fully armed from steel-tipped boots nest to his now sore ribsto a head encased in mail.

"Up and present yourself, journeyman. You serve me and my men today. Their firstbarrage is but minutes away and I want you ready."

Alodar rose to sitting from the straw on the bailey floor, his head groggy from lack ofsleep, and his heart heavy from the lack of success in his labors the night before.

"Come on, man, make your preparations. Wake your apprentice and get up on the highplatform," the armed man persisted. "As soon as we ferret your master out of the keep, we willplace him there as well. I fear we will have need of much healing today."

Alodar stood up and looked the man in the face. The features were familiar and the redsurcoat confirmed his guess. "You are lord Feston, Festil's son," he said, "marshall of the westwall."

"Yes, today I am that," Feston replied curtly, staring back from deep-set eyes. He had hisfather's narrow face and high cheeks, but his brow jutted forward with rough angles, giving himthe appearance of a perpetual squint. Beneath shaggy brows like woolly caterpillars, a large nosehooked down over a wide gash of a mouth pulled into a grim line. "Now see to your task," hesaid as he turned and in great haste sprinted off in the direction of the keep.

Nimbly jumping and sidestepping still sleeping forms, he rapidly covered the distance,his mail ajingle with his erratic motion.

Alodar finally cleared his head and turned to wake Morwin. Together they dragged thetwo-wheeled cart, near which they had spent the night, to the base of the stone steps near thewestern gatehouse. From the large trunks lashed to the rough sideposts, they unpacked thecrucibles, sacks of starch, slabs of wax, and other paraphernalia they would need for the day.Swinging the heavy loads across their backs, they slowly mounted the stairs to the high platformsjutting out from the wall above. As their heads poked through the opening in the first level,Alodar paused, deeply inhaling the aroma of a morning meal simmering above a small firepit.

"On to the top, thaumaturge. There is no work for you here," one of the men stirring thebroth growled. Alodar shrugged his shoulders and resumed his upward tread. He and Morwinclimbed on past a second level, which, like the first, supported archers who would fire throughthe narrow rows of loopholes encircling the castle. Then, panting from their exertion, theyarrived at last at the top of the wall.

Alodar glanced down the line of merlons and crenels. They ran straight and true to thesouthwest tower some three hundred feet away and then continued on at right angles to the eastfor another six hundred. All along the length, knots of men were making ready for the day,stringing bows, nocking arrows, and watching the activities in the fields beyond. The tower tothe southeast was the smallest of the four that marked the corners of the fortress, but it alsosoared into the sky, like a double-length lance, seemingly too tall for such a slender shaft.

From the corner, the wall swept back to the north, but Alodar's view of the east gatehousewas obscured by the massive keep that sat in the center of the bailey. Although already high off

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the courtyard floor, he had to crane his neck upwards to see the bartizan from which he hadlaunched the air gondola the day before. Behind the huge stronghold, the wall continued on tocomplete the square between the two corner towers of the north and the western gatehouse nextto where Alodar stood. He looked into the bustle of activity among the ramshackle of temporaryhuts and timber buildings in the bailey below, and the near chaos contrasted sharply with thecold symmetry of the gray stone.

"Make ready, here comes the first," rang in Alodar's ear as he hurriedly dropped his loadand knelt up against the protection of the wall. His heart began to race as he heard the crack ofthe siegecraft's release. In an instant, the walls rang with the sharp contact of stone on stone.

The archer next to him leaped from his crouch and drew his longbow. 'They start earlytoday," he said to no one. "They must be anxious to feel our sting." He loosed three shafts beforeducking again beside Alodar's gear to await the next onslaught. The second crack was faint anddistant.

Although Alodar could see rocks ricochet and splinter off the other walls, the stone hepressed against remained quiet and firm, not reverberating from any direct hit. Seconds passed,and the tenseness grew. Alodar held his breath, wondering why no volley came from the west insynchronization with the rest. What could disrupt the precision that had bombarded them soincessantly the many days before? Finally he could stand it no longer and slowly extendedhimself to squint over the capstone.

"The belfries," he shouted. "The belfries are in motion towards the wall."All along the west, the throwing engines were idle, but the men-at-arms hid behind their

shields no longer. They ran at full tilt, carrying their long scaling ladders and pulling the tallleather-and-steel-covered belfries towards the defenses. Three slender towers rocked and swayedlike giant metronomes as they joggled over the rough terrain, but they stayed upright and closedwith alarming swiftness.

As the word of the assault propagated down the line, the defenders sprang to positions tofire at the now exposed targets rapidly approaching them. The archer next to Alodar released oneshaft and was drawing another when he suddenly yelled and was thrown backwards, his bowhurling high into the air. Alodar quickly reached out and grabbed his legs tightly as the heavilyarmed man nearly tumbled over the platform down onto the bailey floor. The shaft of a blue-feathered arrow quivered in his shoulder through split rings of mail. Alodar glanced backthrough the crenel to see doors at the top of the belfries thrown open and archers withinanswering the volleys from the castle, shaft for shaft. Along the wall he heard additional screamsas more missiles found their mark.

"Quickly, Morwin," be shouted. "Start filling the molds."The next archer in the line, several crenels away, saw his stricken comrade and slowly

began to crawl to him, well aware of the swish of arrows that now sailed with deadly regularitythrough the openings in the wall. When he arrived, he pinned the wounded man firmly, andMorwin, with one mighty heave, yanked the arrow free. The soldier cried with pain as he passedinto unconsciousness, and the ragged hole in his arm disgorged a flood of deep red blood and bitsof flesh.

Alodar blotted a bit of the blood onto a piece of cloth and tossed it into the small cruciblehe had ready, simmering nearby. He added some starch and said the incantation quickly, with noelaborate subterfuge of words. In a few moments the starch began to thicken into a gel andAlodar turned his attention to the wax, not bothering to check that the bloodflow was stopping aswell.

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"Which one is the coolest, Morwin?" he asked as he looked over the apprentice's growingcollection of limbs, torsos, and heads that he dumped from small lead molds. The apprenticepointed to his left and then resumed filling the empty molds from the bubbling vat and lining thesolidified forms in a row.

Alodar selected a waxen arm and twisted a deep gouge near the shoulder joint with histhumb. Returning to the archer, he broke the connection of the spell and then cut the mail andunderjersey away from the wound. He stabbed the scraps of cloth and ringlets into the soft waxof the model and began a second incantation. When he was done, he held the limb over his smallfire. Then working with steady strokes he slowly filled the gouge, returning the wax to itsoriginal smooth shape.

To all external appearances the man now seemed well; the blood had stopped and thewound was neatly closed. But from the furrowed and sweating brow Alodar knew that the painwas still there.

The soldier would recover much more quickly than if unattended and with no risk ofinfection, but it would be some time before he again drew a bow.

"Thaumaturge, over here and hurry." "On the second level, two men down." "Quicklyman, stop the bleeding."

Cries for Alodar's assistance rang out along the wall and from the platform underneath.He bundled up what gear he could carry and scurried toward the nearest call for help. He quicklypatched up two men and moved oS to a third, too intent upon his tasks to watch the progress ofthe approaching attack.

He attended three more on the second level in as many minutes and then climbed back upto Morwin for new supplies. As his head popped through the platform floor, he heard severalragged hurrahs and the sound of sword on shield. Down towards the flanking tower, be could seethat two belfries had made contact with the wall. The blue-surcoated troops of Bandor pouredfrom the openings onto the walkway and into the press of defenders converging upon them.Two separate ranks formed on the small confines of the narrow ledge. Alodar squinted at theswirls of activity but could not guess the outcome, since neither side could maneuver many meninto striking position.

"By the laws, Alodar, look," Morwin shouted. Alodar ripped his gaze from the fighting tothe wall immediately behind him. A third belfry thudded against the stone, and men began tojump out over the merlon onto the platform. Alodar quickly looked beyond the men to thegatehouse and then back over his shoulder to the south. No one else was near; all the men-at-arms along the wall had rushed to defend against the first two onslaughts.

Six men bounded onto the walkway, with swords drawn, and began to move towardsAlodar and the ladder to the courtyard. Alodar looked wildly around the paraphernalia for someweapon to aid him.

He saw the still reclining form of the first man he had tended. With a deep breath, hestooped and withdrew the unused sword from its scabbard.

The cold steel felt surprisingly heavy and unbalanced, and he clasped his left hand overhis right around the thick hilt. He advanced one step and grimaced with the effort ofremembering the meager instruction he had receivedas a boy. The advancing men seemed to pay him no heed and rapidly closed upon the point ofthe blade he held before his chest.

As they met, the lead man raised his sword to strike, and Alodar jarred himself intoaction, pushing his own blade up with arms extended. The blow landed near the hilt and the

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edges grated along one another until the guards locked with a dull clank. Alodar felt his elbowsbegin to bend from the downward pressure and struggled to push them straight.

He drew his thoughts away from the others immediately behind and looked into the eyesstaring back from a face ringed with mail. He saw the beginning of a smile as his arms trembledand bowed even more. With a sudden wrench, he twisted his sword free and danced aside as hisopponent's blade flew past his shoulder to strike the ledge with a numbing clang. Alodar slasheddown on the exposed arms and, though it did not break mail, the force of the blow pitched hisadversary forward, sprawled at his feet. Hastily he glanced back upward at the other five whocollapsed upon him.

"Stand aside, journeyman," he heard suddenly over his shoulder. Before he could react,he was knocked from his feet. In a blur he saw the red surcoat of Feston streak by and severalmore heads bob up through the platform opening.

Feston did not hesitate. Lunging low with the impetus of his initial charge, he speared thefirst man he encountered with the point of his sword. He raised his shield to ward off a blowfrom a second on the left and slammed his steel-capped knee into the groin of a third on the right.

Freeing his sword, he slashed savagely down on the neck of the man as be stooped inreflex and then pirouetted to drive his blade into the face of the next. The blue surcoats hesitatedand Feston sensed his advantage. Yelling loudly, he raised his sword overhead and, with swiftright and left slashes, tore through their ranks. The men just exiting the belfry saw their comradesin front fall and hastily climbed back inside. The others on the platform, sensing the desertionbehind them, turned and ran for the protection of the tower and shut the doors, Feston laughed adeep booming laugh as the followers ran up with opportunity to strike only at Alodar's foe stillsprawled on the walkway.

"Quickly, the rocker," Festil commanded as additional men rose to the top level, carryingbarbed iron spikes and long coils of rope. The men spread out into two lines on either side of thebelfry, uncoiling the rope as they went; while Feston strutted, guarding the doors, each line wastied to a spike driven into the belfry's frame. Then one group pulled the rope taut with a suddenjerk, rocking the tower a little to the side. As it swayed back the other team pulled insynchronization and added to the magnitude of the swing.

"And heave, and heave," Feston marked the cadence. With each thrust, the belfry rockedwith greater amplitude upon its base.

Alodar picked himself up from his dazed sprawl and glanced over the wall to the groundbelow.

"Of course, Morwin," he exclaimed. "The wheels move it forward and back. We couldbut push the belfry from the walls with a direct thrust but not topple it But from the side, it sitsfirmly on the ground and cannot compensate for the motions we force upon it."

As he spoke, the top of the tower oscillated in wider and wider arcs. Finally it tipped overin a huge swing and continued on, to crash upon the hard ground, like the last tree logged from aforest. With a sharp wrenching growl, it splintered into several parts, throwing men, steel, anddust high into the air.

The defenders down the wall gave a shout and increased the vigor of their thrusts. Theknots of men started to grow smaller as the attackers now began to inch back slowly under theintensified assault. A second shout went up as Alodar saw the other belfries also begin to rock,pushed by beams thrust through the archery loopholes one platform below. As with the first,each shove swayed the belfries more and more from a stable footing. Bander's men gave backmore ground to the press, casting anxious glances over their shoulders.

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In a moment, a trumpet sounded on the plain, and the disciplined circles of blue andsilver dissolved into masses of fleeing men. Swords, shields, and fallen comrades wereabandoned in the rush, as if they stung to the touch. From the distance, Alodar saw the confusionas they raced for the belfries, leaping from the wall into the open doors as the towers tore freeand began to pull away.

As the belfries withdrew, a third shout, the loudest of all, coursed along the wall. "We arethin," Feston yelled waving his sword above his head in defiance, "but not so thin that we cannotstand against a mere three belfries. Thus be the fate of whomever tries the walls of Iron Fist."

As quickly as they had come, the surviving siegecraft rumbled back to the precise line ofmangonels and trebuchets. The scaling crews, who had never got a chance to plant their ladders,scurried alongside, shields on their backs to protect against the renewed rain of arrows from thewait All was quiet for a moment; but once the formation was reestablished, the throwing enginesresumed their bombardment.

The missiles again filled the air, but Alodar felt the tension of the morning dissolve away;the downward crash of rock seemed less potent a threat than enemy towers at the very edge ofthe wall.

He looked about him and reassembled his gear. Ducking for cover during the volleys, hemade his way methodically back and forth along the three levels of the walkway, repairing injuryfrom the abortive thrust as he found it. Morale was high with the first success of the entire siege.The sergeant's dire prediction of the day before was nowhere to be heard. The men babbled awayabout the tower's great crash, and Feston's feat grew larger with each retelling. As Alodartrudged along, the day fell into the routine of the many that had proceeded it. The exchange ofstone and arrow continued, but the men laughed and sang, choosing to ignore that the ring grewstill tighter, and that on the morrow many more than three belfries would come.

Alodar worked his craft in reverie, wearily unmindful of the passage of time. With thesetting of the sun, he and Morwin returned their gear to the cart and fell into line for their dailymeal.

His stomach growled, his muscles ached, and his fatigued mind had had enough of siege.As the ladle was pouring its watery contents into Alodar's bowl, he saw again the red surcoatbounding across fhe courtyard.

"Father, have you heard?" Feston boomed. "Hero of the day. Vendora herself pinned theribbon on my sleeve. Ah, would that every day might present such opportunity.

Then there would be no doubt as to who is most worthy to be hero of the realm.""Well done, my son," Festil replied, matching stride and pounding him firmly on the back

as his group merged with Feston's. "Surely you distinguish yourself above all others here. If onlythe fair lady would choose now, there would be no other choice but you."

"Yes, a virtual demon of swiftness," one of the accompanying retinue broke in, "Sevenmen felled with but one mighty blade."

"Only seven?" Feston turned to stare at the praise-giver. "I distinctly remember nine.""Oh, nine surely," the man quickly amended. "Nine men down and the tide of the attack

turned. A tale for the sagas with no doubt."The group marched for the northwest tower, cutting through the queue in which Alodar

stood. The line parted in deference and reformed as a throng, lining the course of the men-at-arms. Alodar heard murmurs of admiration and girlish giggles as they passed through withpurposeful tread and clink of mail.

"But you know, father, the competition runs keen for Vendora's hand." Feston laughed. "I

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was but the second man to challenge Bander's vassals on the high wall. Some fool thaumaturgewas there before me, somehow planning to stop the rush with but a single blade. I suppose to befair, I should have given him his chance first."

"Yes, it would have served him right to take on such pretense as to be a man-at-arms,"Festil replied. "These people have their uses, but they should also know the limits of properbehavior."

Alodar flung his half-filled bowl of swill to the ground, red flushing his cheeks, toofatigued to let the irritation pass by. "The defense of Iron Fist rests as heavily on our shoulders asit does upon you lofty lords," he blurted. "Without the thaumaturge, carpenter, and smith, thesewalls would have fallen long ago. Fault me not for picking up a sword when it was needed. It isfar more than I have seen you do when the rubble was cleared or the horses fed."

The crowd fell abruptly silent, and Feston turned to see who accosted him. "Well, well, ifit is not the budding hero?" he said. "And what would you have done with your great prowess atarras? Dispatched a dozen men to my nine or ten?"

"I claim no great skill at arms, my lord Feston," Alodar said slowly. "Thaumaturgy is mytrade and I am here only by chance. I follow an itinerant master from settlement to outpost,earning what we can by applying our craft where it is needed. Had not the siege doors slammedshut, we would be long gone from this place and our paths never crossed. But we are here, all ofus together, lord and man alike. And each of us, mason, carpenter, smith, tanner, andflockmaster, aids our common cause as best he can. I do not envy you your skill at arms, onlyquestion your judgment that its value far exceeds what I have to offer,"

Feston advanced slowly back to stand directly in front of Alodar, eyes glaring down fromhis extra six inches of height, "Do I hear your right, most bold journeyman? Your trade of equalworth to a man-at-arms? If so, then tell me quickly now how much training have you received atthe hands of warmaster Cedric in his sparring yard in Ambrosia? How many lives has your bladecut short? How many battles for Procolon have you won? How many great deeds in the sagasrelate to the smith or carpenter? How many times has your like been hero of the day? Yes,perhaps even hero of the realm?"

Feston's supporters broke into laughter at his ridicule, and Alodar breathed deeply tomaintain what composure he had left. "No, my lord, the sagas are silent indeed on what youspeak," he said at last. "But mark you, suppose that lowly Alodar be born to the table of mightylord Festil, and Feston scion to doomed Alodun. What then of my chance to be a hero, with bladepaid for with gold, with training in arms from the likes of this Cedric, with soft bed and groaningboard always provided for? And what then of yours, forced to survive as but you could, grabbingat whatever trade gave you enough coin to feed your belly and keep out the cold?"

Feston eyed Alodar's lean form, tilted his head back and drowned out even his choruswith his booming laugh. "Sweetbalm, might the blackest demons aid the house of Festil, werethe likes of you born to be heir. Know you that I am marshall of the west wall, hero of the day,and the mirrors know what else, because I deserve it so The blood of glory runs in my veins, andI will burn my name into as many pages of legend as I am able. I and men like me will chart thedestiny of Procolon with as firm a grip of iron as this castle has upon the plain. And for thatstewardship the men of this land sing grateful praise."

Before Alodar could reply, someone in the background shouted, "Hail Feston, hero of theday and savior of Iron Fist." The crowd took up a rhythmic chant, drowning out any chance ofAlodar's being heard. Feston turned slowly around in a small circle, arms folded across his chest,

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and attempted a stern smile to acknowledge the accolade. Alodar looked at the throng as welland saw adoration on every shouting face. He spotted the first archer he had attended raising hisgood arm and yelling hoarsely, unmindful of who had saved his life. Even Morwin could notresist the hypnotic tug of the rhythm and shouted with the rest.

After a minute, Feston raised his arms to stop the cheers, and the courtyard fell silent,under his complete control. With even heavier sarcasm, he addressed Alodar again. "And whatmakes you aspire to rise above your station so, journeyman? Could it be that you hope by such afeat to turn the head of our fair lady away from true men-at-arms and upon your own heroicprofile?"

To his own surprise, Alodar's cheeks flushed involuntarily as he thought of the beauty ofthe queen.

"Sweetbalm, my son," Festil's deep voice roared, "you have hit upon it. This shamedvarlet's son seeks no less than Vendora herself and truly to be hero of the realm. You had bestredouble your efforts tomorrow to stay in contention."

The crowd crowed with laughter in unison with the guffaws of the retainers, drowningout any of Alodar's sudden protestations. The noise echoed across the courtyard and seemed tohim louder than any of the din of battle. He looked about for a sympathetic face; finding none, helowered his eyes to wait until they tired of the sport. Eventually the noise began to subside, andthe charge, "Feston, hero of the day," started again in its place. The men-at-arms resumed theirpace towards the tower, and the crowd fell in behind, cheering them on. Alodar looked up and,seeing no eyes still upon him, headed in the opposite direction across the courtyard, torn betweenthe tugs of haste and decorum.

In a moment, he was alone. Seething in his own thoughts, he paced along the wall intothe night. He struggled to submerge again the memories of hurt and frustration, but this time theywould not go. He ran his hands through the many pockets of his cape, trying to concentrate onthe contents he found there, enumerating the ways in which they aided him in his trade.

Had he fooled himself all this while, pretending that it did not matter? Accepting whatdeep inside he could not? Choosing to float and seek, when he should fight the current, no matterhow swift? Is that why, regardless of what he had tried, it always seemed the same, empty,incomplete? With an uneasiness that was compelling, pushing him onward to yet another craft?If he was a lord's son, could he truly rest content until he was what fate has chosen for him to be?He stopped and filled his lungs as the anger did not cool but boiled higher within him. By thelaws, he was as much a man as Feston or any of his peers! If not by deed then by birth, everyrespect shown Feston was his by right as well. Enough of drifting; he would accept half rationsas his lot no longer.

Alodar let his breath out slowly and threw his head back, eyes closed, trying with reasonto divert from the path his emotions were taking him. But how? How could he grasp what hadeluded his father's every effort and in the end crushed his spirit from him? Whenever Alodar haddared to consider it in the past, the answer had always been the same. First try reason, then plead,and finally beg as they tossed him out of each manor in which once he was welcome.

What would make the likes of a Feston meet him eye to eye, weigh courteously what hewould say, force from the noble's memory whatever had befallen Alodar's house before? No,even better! Feston should meet him on bended knee in recompense for what has happened andwith the deference such as that shown to the queen.

Alodar blinked his eyes open and jerked his head forward fully alert. The queen, hethought, a beauty who would be the fair prize of a quest from the sagas. A queen besieged, who

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had yet to select her hero of the realm. A queen naturally gracious to whomever might rescue herfrom the peril in which she was now ensnared. Title and estate restored would be the least of herfavors. And the hero of the realm. For him they would be forced to bend their knees.

He looked up at the night sky, the tension suddenly gone, his lips curving into a slightsmile as he savored the image forming in his mind.

He envisioned himself rounding the corner to the main throughfare that led to the palacegates. The roar of the crowd intensified and he patted his mount gently on the neck to soothealready jangled nerves. From the second and third stories which dotted the way, streamers andconfetti rained down onto an already clogged street, and many a lesser building seemed on theverge of collapse from the humanity it carried.

Royal guardsmen paced slowly ahead trying to clear a way for the procession. Younggirls sighed as he passed, batting eyes or gesturing outrageously to catch his attention.

"Alodar, Alodar the hero, Alodar the savior of the fair lady, Alodar of Procolon," thecrowds shouted over and over without tiring, each small group trying to drown out the rest as hepassed.

And Alodar smiled and waved expansively. He glanced over his shoulder at hisgroomsmen who followed and saw them riding straight and tall, sharing in the fame thatshowered down on their leader and touching them as well.

Far too quickly the concourse was traveled and Alodar and his guard dismounted at thebase of the wide gate that led to the house of the rulers of Procolon. The crowd momentarily fellsilent and trumpets sounded from within with the voluntary of the queen. With regal slownessthe gates parted and, five abreast, the nobility marched down the steps to meet the one who hadsaved the queen.

White-haired lord Festil was first. With a dramatic flourish of his cape he fell to one kneeand bowed his head.

"Where you command, may you see fit to let me follow," he said. "Your deed willforever shine in my heart and in those who come after me."

He stepped back into line and Feston swore his allegiance in turn. In quick precision thebarons of the outlands, the lords of the fortress towns, and the lesser nobles as well knelt andgave Alodar the accolade of the hero.

The trumpets blared again and Vendora appeared unaccompanied at the gateway. With along gown trailing behind she gracefully glided down the steps to extend Alodar her hand.Alodar knelt before Vendora and kissed her offered hand and she immediately bade him rise.

The fantasies raced on as Alodar continued his pacing, unmindful of the time. Finally, asthe moon rose against the gatehouse of the east, he broke out of his reverie as he saw Morwin'slazy shuffle coming his way.

"Ah, there you are, Alodar. Thinking of another scheme to get the attention of the lordson the morrow?"

Alodar wrinkled his brow and his eyes shot flame at the apprentice. "Listen, Morwin, Istrive to break this ring of siege as much as anyone, but by the laws, I will no longer abide somepopinjay taking more credit than is his due. I tell you this, the battle is not yet over and we shallsee who is most deserving of the chant of the crowd and who the ridicule." He paused, recallinghis newly found resolve. "And yes, the hand of the fair lady."

Without waiting for a reply, he stomped off to seek sleep in what remained of the night.

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CHAPTER THREEThe Castle’s Secret

THE next morning Alodar again was roused out of deep slumber, but this time the figurebending above him was shrouded in black cape and hood.

"Master Periac?" Alodar squinted through sleep-filled eyes. "I had almost given you upfor lost in the underground chambers. We have not seen you for days."

"Yes, it is I," Periac said, pushing back his hood and patting into place his ruffled blackhair. His temples were bare; but, by judicious positioning, he was able to cover the bald spot onthe top of his head. His watery, pale blue eyes straddled a nose too small for the blocky face, andhis mouth was hidden top and bottom by white flecked hair.

"I have been busy with contemplation, Alodar, busy with contemplation. A well turnedthought may save the fevered activities of many. In any event, I trust you have conductedyourself to credit our craft in my absence. A good reputation goes a long way towards unlockingthe next door, as I have often instructed you. But there is no time for lecture now. We must go atonce for audience with the queen."

Alodar immediately sat up, eyes wide awake. A chance for information, he thought.Information for the plan that I must soon put into shape.

"But Morwin and I are assigned to aid Feston's men on the west wall, master," he saidwith distaste, "and should prepare for the bombardment soon to begin."

"There is no time for that; it will wait. The queen summons and we will go. It is anopportunity, and we must use it as best we can for advantage. A queen's gratitude goes evenfurther than reputation."

Alodar smiled and Periac's brows knit into a frown."Do not presume you know already the full value of what I instruct, Alodar," he said.

"You are quick to learn, yes, and have experienced more of the craft than those who have spenttwice the time as journeymen. The best that I have had, I truly admit. But the practice ofthaumaturgy and living with profit from it can come only from patiently following what a masterhas to pass on to you."

"But have I not correctly performed whatever you have asked of me?" Alodar asked,rising to his feet. "And then eagerly pressed for more?"

"It is exactly that impatience of which I speak, Alodar," Periac said, stroking his goatee."One evening's discussion on the weaker similarities of form, the next day a single trial withstreamrounded pebbles and a few acorns, and then you are done with it. Why, when I studied, Ispent more than a year on that one subject alone. You seem less interested in learningthaumaturgy than in just getting through it. But as I have often said, there is no great mysteryrevealed at the end.

You become a master by solid progress, not by superficial dabbling or suddenrevelation."

"I do not fault your methods, master," Alodar said. "The haste comes from beyond theboundaries of the craft. Look, when you were a journeyman, how sure were you to dedicate yourlife to the art?"

"Why, there was no question," Periac said. "My father and uncles were masters beforeme. From their hands I learned my trade. No other calling did I consider."

"And had I come to manhood a nobleman and a nobleman's son, then I think I would

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have felt the same," Alodar said. "Content with my lot, not questioning what else could be. Butinstead, I have raced through thaumaturgy as I have the rest, seeking the mystery that you say isnot there, the feeling that this indeed is what I really am."

Periac stared at Alodar for a moment in silence. "You have the makings of a master inyou, Alodar," be said. "But that feeling will come only when you are truly worthy of it."

He paused again, and then suddenly drew his cape around him. "But enough of this fornow. The business of the moment is the audience with the queen."

Periac started for the keep in the center of the courtyard. As the barrage began, Alodarran to catch up with his mentor.

Once inside the keep, they spiraled several times around the staircase along the inner wallbefore they arrived at the level of the queen. One of the two guards with crossed halberds at thedoorway checked a list with his free hand and motioned them to enter.

Beyond the doorway, Alodar found himsetf in a large, quiet anteroom, with smooth stonewalls hung with tapestries that damped the battle's din. Low benches and stools, covered withrich velvet and scattered about Uke a child's cast of jackstones, cluttered the entire floor. Twomore men guarded a small archway draped with a thick curtain, and from time to time a pageemerged and called out a name to the group sitting or pacing about. In response, one of thewaiting men would spring up and follow the page when he just as quickly disappeared. No oneever returned; presumably they all left after their conference by some other door. From time totime, additional messengers burst into the room and proceeded unchecked through the curtain,waving hastily scrawled notes on the progress of the fighting down below.

Time passed, and Alodar saw Periac settle into a comfortable introspection, staring offinto space. He tried to imitate the master as best he could, but the anticipation made the timecrawl. The shadow from the window to the east diminished to nothing, and the one from the westhad grown nearly full length when finally the page motioned them to come forth.

As the guard pulled back the curtain and Periac stooped to enter, Alodar understood whyhe had been asked to attend. The inner room was tapestried like the first, but almost devoid offurnishings. In its very center stood a long, oaken table with seats for eight. Seven of the chairswere occupied by Vendora and her advisors, and behind each stood an attendant arrayed in thecolors of his master. Periac took the seat at the foot of the table, and Alodar stood behindhim, gripping the chair back in imitation of the others.

He looked down the length of the table at Vendora and saw that she wore a sea-blue dressdeeply cut in front with a large aquamarine snuggled like a nesting egg in the cleavage of herbreast.

Her hair coiled in elaborate wavelets, framed by a sparkling tiara. In regal attire, sheseemed impersonal and distant, less of a woman and more like a trophy to be placed on themantle at the end of an adventure.

On her right sat lord Festil, arms folded across his chest and his back ramrod straight. Toher left, lady Aeriel rose to speak, and Alodar noticed she wore the same clothing as when he hadseen her before, tunic and leggings on a pleasing slender form, dagger at the waist, but on herright side rather than the left. Her hair was shoulder length and simply kept, and her cheeks wereclear and fresh, covered with freckles scattered about like a sunburst through a willow tree. Sheglanced down at Periac and Alodar, and her dark eyes smiled encouragement as she began.

"We have solicited and heard diverse suggestions today, my lords, from commander tosoldier alike, on how we might break the grip that tightens about us," she said. "But we mustleave no possibility unexamined, and I have recommended to our fair lady that we hear also what

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the common craftsman has to offer for our cause.""The hour grows late, my fair lady," interrupted Festil, "to waste our time in so fruitless a

manner. Exactly what is it that you would perform for true men-at-arms, tradesman? How willyour pox healing and wart removal gain us deliverance when sword and shield will not?"

"My lord Festil," Periac responded in a voice cool with deliberation, "judge the potencyof my craft not merely by the practices you see about you. These wastelands are but one cornerof the world. Here by tradition, for want of a better reason, thaumaturgy and the other arts playbut a small part in warfare. But I assure you that in realms elsewhere, my craft has a bigger rolein deciding affairs of state."

"Then how shall you dispose of our problem?" interjected the short and corpulent man onPeriac's left. "Will you rip the earth apart and have Bandor's forces swallowed up whole? Orperhaps you can enchant each of our blades so that they can cut through his mail like a knifethrough butter?"

"My good lords," Periac said in the same rolling tones of salesmanship that Alodar hadheard so many times before. "On one hand you belittle the scope of my skills and on the otheryou allude to the fantasies of the romances. My craft is neither trivial amusem*nt nor totalomnipotence. Like all things, its true worth lies between. And if we are to use thaumaturgy forour great gain, then we must all understand what its capabilities and limitations are. Understandthem well, else why would the fair lady call me here?"

Periac paused and Alodar saw each man settle back into his chair, resigning himself tohearing the master out. "Thaumaturgy," Periac began, "is the most clear and straightforward ofthe five arts in its execution. Unlike alchemy, magic, and the rest, it requires no great erudition ordedication to effect its results. Here in Procolon we regard thaumaturgy as we do masonry orsmithing.

With it we forge large works of metal or stone from small models in our shops. Weincrease the yields of whole fields while carefully tending only a part. We purge the body ofplague and mend it whole again. But the true potency of thaumaturgy is limited only by thecleverness of the man who understands its basic concepts, the principles of sympathy andcontagion."

"Sweetbalm, we are gathered here to plan our military strategy, not listen to anapprentice's first lecture," interrupted Festil.

"Let him speak, Festil," Aeriel cut him short. "Perhaps he is unaffected with the blindnessthat a feat of arms will somehow yet save us."

"Two principles," Periac continued, stroking his goatee. "Sympathy and contagion. Thefirst simply stated is: like produces like. By manipulating objects in a simulation we can causecorresponding effects to occur on a different scale in time and distance. My gondola soars in theair in response to the movement of a small sliver."

"So then," challenged Festil again, "why not build a small model of Bandor's camp andsmash it with your fist and save us the wounds and sorrow of tomorrow?"

"Because there is another important ingredient of any spell and that is a supply of energy,a force or power to do the work. It does no good to smash a model, unless I control the forcesnecessary to level the tents as well. Without a spinning flywheel to draw upon, the gondolawould not lift in response to the rising splinter. Without the heat of the fire in Bandor's camp, themissiles launched at our catapult could not have been diverted to the mark. Practitioners of mycraft seek ways to channel energy, but alas, we cannot create it.

"Not only is energy needed but, in most cases, much more than common sense might

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dictate. The coupling between the simulation and the actual is not perfect and there are alwayssome losses. The more closely the two resemble one another, the better the connection and theless the energy waste. The best coupling is provided by things which were indeed once part of asingle whole. Or as the principle of contagion states it- once together, always together. Inprinciple, we could use any object for control of the gondola, but a small piece of it works betterthan any foreign substance. And in like manner, a wound is most effectively sealed if a drop ofblood is mixed with the gelling starch, and a bit of flesh with the molding wax.

"So, lord Festil, with the wave of my hand I cannot topple the belfries that will thundertowards us, for it would take too much energy. Nor can I, say, render any man invisible or passthrough solid walls, for I cannot simulate these things. Nor yet can I strike at an enemy far awaywithout something of him to bind in the spell. But I can apply my craft in the fair lady's servicewith as much imagination as I am able."

"And if thaumarurgy is so straightforward then, master Periac," Festil continued, his tonestill hard and unconvinced, "what need have we of any of your services at all? Why cannot onehere at the table perform the craft for the queen as well?"

"There is that little matter of the spells which bind the simulation and energy sourcetogether and then subsequently release them," Periac said. "To safeguard the means of ourlivelihood, we must naturally protect their nature, passing them on from master to journeymanbut to no one outside of our craft.

"And as I have already said," Periac persisted before Festil could stop him again, "successis not merely a matter of rote application of the well proven. Rather it depends upon the skill ofthe master to see through surface distractions to the deeper similarities around him. To recognizesubtle and time-worn connections that form the true basis of our art."

"You state so well the limitations of your craft, master Periac," Festil persisted, "that nowI wonder if perhaps one of the other four might not serve us better in our plight."

"They have their shortcomings as well," Periac said. "For example, the formulas ofalchemy have no guarantee of coming to the same result with each use. Only one time inhundreds does one end with a solvent that can dissolve more than the glass in which it wasformed. The massive factories on Honeysuckle Street produce mostly waste, repeating andrepeating the same steps in order to form some modest quantity of healing balm or sense-enhancing philtre."

"There is truth in what you speak," Aeriel said. "We are here because Kelric, the courtsorcerer, entranced himself to find what great wealth might lie undiscovered in the kingdom. Inhis vision he saw Iron Fist and a formula of alchemy of great merit, one with high yield andhence potential for large profit. With it, the queen can hope to replace the wealth which used tocome from the royal mines, now thrust as deeply into the mountains as men can go."

"But what details did he see?" Alodar blurted. "What did he say of the passageways andchambers underground?"

The fat man on Periac's left rose to protest the interruption, but Aeriel shot him a hardglance that settled him back in his seat. Alodar looked about the table and marveled at hercontrol. Except for Festil, she clearly had the respect of the group and all deferred to her lead.

"No detail could he see," she said, "and the only words that came from his trance werethat the Iron Fist must loosen its grip before the formula could be found. It may be that the castlewill have to fall because we have yet discovered no grimoire in these mute walls."

"And as for sorcerers," Periac continued as if no interruption had occurred. "With one atcourt you know well the difficulty of dealing with them. Reclusive and obstinate their art must

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intrinsically pervert them from a decent relationship with their fellowmen. Why else do theydeliberately play upon our fears of enchantment when we plead for some small illusion orprophecy?

"And magic is no better. The rituals performed in seclusion sometimes take severallifetimes. Except for such useless trinkets as the ceremonial dagger I see on lady Aeriel's side, itwould take many a castle's treasure to afford what magicians have to offer. Their swords thatnever dull and mail that does not break are far better, true, than the alchemical salves which rotaway, but who among you has ever seen the like?

"Finally, there is wizardry," Periac said, raising his hand and counting his fingers into hispalm one by one.

"Yes, what of that?" the fat man said. "The talk of the bailey floor is that Bandor ispossessed by a devil and pushes this attack for no mortal cause."

"I cannot accept such groundless whisperings," Festil cut in. "Revolt against the crownhas happened before. But traffic with demons, like a baseborn craftsman? No noble of Procolonwould think of it."

"Judge not all of wizardry by the few poor examples we have seen among us," Periacreplied. "The wizards we judge as wise know that their wills are of insufficient strength todominate any but the simplest of imps. They travel with carnivals and the like, content withpushing their sprites through idle tricks as one would a trained mouse. Their lot is far better,however, than that of the foolish who have dared to struggle with true power and ended as thehoop-jumper for the demon instead. It is fortunate that their cruel masters soon tire of the bizarreacts they force upon them. The crumpled and abandoned shells whimpering for bread are betteroff as beggars than when they were the submissive slaves to powerful djinns.

"But it was not always thus," Periac said, sweeping his upraised index finger in Festil'sdirection. "The sagas of our past tell of men of great will and courage who struggled with thestrongest demons and bent them to their bidding. The power they could thereby command madethem much respected throughout many lands. No, my lord, you would not judge a wizard of longago as a mere craftsman."

Festil scowled, but Periac turned his attention to the queen and continued. "But as to lordBandor, I must say in truth that possession would be most unlikely. He conducts the siege withcoherence and precision, not with the mad acts of contradiction that a fiend would force uponhim."

"For a master of a single art," Vendora said, "you seem well versed in the rest as well."Periac smiled and tipped his head with a slight bow, "What I have said is the depth of my

knowledge, my fair lady. Each craftsman guards with pride what is his own and deals reluctantlywith the others. For more, you must consult with the proper practitioners. But, to the point, thereare none of them here to aid you, only I, And to escape Bandor's trap, I can indeed be of service."

Alodar tightened his grip on the chair and the lords about the table leaned forward inanticipation. Periac saw the increased interest and paused to heighten the effect.

"If Iron Fist is to fall, and I see no way that we can prevent it," he said at last, "then wecan save much bloodshed by raising the white flag."

"Never," thundered Festil pounding his fist on the table. "This stronghold has never fallenand it shall not fall now. Or if indeed we cannot hold, we will defend the walls to the last man forthe honor of our fair lady."

"I think, my lord," Periac said, "that our fair lady's honor is better preserved bysubterfuge than by singing sword. If we surrender, you men-at-arms will become captives, yes.

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But we lowly tradesmen might be allowed to go our way after performing for our captors someof the same services we have done for you. The queen can slip out with us and then return toAmbrosia unharmed."

"And do you not think that every cart that leaves this place will be searched from axle tobighpost once the fair lady is found missing in the keep?" Festil said. "And how could anyonemiss her beauty, no matter what maid's dress you cast her in? Her doom would be sealed on thespot, once such a scheme was exposed."

"Her beauty is renowned, yes," Periac said, rubbing his hands together with deliberateslowness.

"But with my craft we could alter that. A small simulation, a wax head, and then in aninstant it would be over. A bulbous nose, thrusting chin, slanting brow, and pox on the cheeks.No one would choose to look at her. And then once safely away, we can restore her countenanceto what it was before."

"You mean to apply a disguise," Vendora said, "as if I were an actress playing the part ofan old crone?"

"I do not speak of makeup, my fair lady," Periac said. 'The face I would give you wouldbe as real as the one you have now. The sores would ooze real pus and no putty or paint wouldstick to a searcher's hand. They could not detect it."

"Then how surely can you undo what you have done, master Periac?" Vendora said withthe softness missing from her voice.

Periac rubbed his hands together more forcefully. "I am a skilled practitioner, my fairlady. My eye is still good, my hand firm and my memory sharp. I doubt that anyone wouldnotice a significant difference when we were done."

All eyes turned to the queen to await her response. She touched her hand to her cheek andthen back to smooth her hair. Alodar held his breath trying to imagine the same gold dusted todirty brown atop a pock-marked and misshapen face, painful to see. He thought of his resolve ofthe night before and how strong it might be if Periac's transformation were indeed so.

Suddenly, before the answer could form on Vendora's lips, another page burst into theroom, blood streaming from his nose and ears. "The south wall," he gasped. "Scaling ladders, toomany of them. We could not hold. Flee, my fair lady. Flee as best you can."

"Quickly, my fair lady, this way." Festil bolted from the table and motioned to the rearexit from the chamber. 'The rest of you, to the bailey floor. Secure the keep from the intruders."

The assemblage exploded for the doorways like pieces of shattered glass. The advisorsscrambled by Alodar, and he hesitated as he watched Festil usher Vendora and Aeriel out theother way. In an instant he made his decision. As the curtains swished shut, he rushed after thedeparting queen.

He sprang into the passageway beyond the conference room and saw the threedescending a long spiral staircase like the one he had climbed in the morning, but narrower andwith no windows to the outside. As they disappeared from view, Alodar plunged down the stairs.Down and down he sped, just able to catch sight of Vendora's flowing gown around the curve.He glanced over his shoulder and saw Periac about the same distance behind, racing after.More openings whizzed by on the inside, but the outside curve remained featureless andunbroken.

Only an occasional torch on the wall prevented total darkness. Around and around thestairs wound, until Alodar completely lost his sense of direction.

Finally the staircase ended and joined a level walkway that continued to curve about the

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keep. Alodar increased his speed and closed on those in the lead. He raced around nearly half thecircumference and then saw a flash of copper from the top of Aeriel's head as she disappearedinto a square-cut hole in the stone floor. He ran to the opening and peered inside, motioningPeriac to hurry and catch up. A second staircase spiraled into a room below, where Festil wasbusily straining at a large lever hinged on the wall, while Aeriel and Vendora descended.

"Why, it's the first chamber," Alodar exclaimed. "The one with the iron slab on the floor."Festil looked up, unable to budge the giant lever from where he found it. "Quickly, man,"

he said."Help me here so that we can seal them out,"Periac caught up with Alodar and together they descended into the room. All three tugged

at the lever, and slowly it began to move. Alodar glanced back up at the opening through whichthey had come and saw a giant stone slab, held against the ceiling on metal tracks, sliding inresponse. It rumbled across the opening and thudded into place, sealing off the entrance fromabove.

Festil and Periac collapsed to the ground, holding their sides and panting from theexertion. The two women leaned against the walls, chests heaving, unable to speak. Alodarglanced about the chamber he had visited two nights before and saw no change. A square-cutslab of iron, rusted red from the dampness, sat in the center of a featureless floor. The circle ofround walls had no structure except for indentations for the lighting oil and the four archwaysthat radiated to the castle's corner towers. Only the lever which closed the exit to the keepseemed to serve any purpose.

Alodar moved about the room, glancing into the long dark tunnels radiating from it.Three were pitch black, giving no clue as to what lay beyond. But as he looked into the fourth, hesaw a procession of many torches and heard the jingle of mail. Even in the distance, he couldrecognize Feston's bright surcoat reflecting the torchlight.

Sonn Feston and the group he brought with him were in the chamber and fanning out toexplore the entrances to the other passageways. "My fair lady," he said, "thank the amulets thatyou are safe and not in Bander's grasp. We may yet win praise for the sagas on this day."

Vendora pushed herself from the wall and straightened to a free standing position,brushing down the disarray of her gown and readjusting the aquamarine to its proper position.

"How stand our forces now, lord Feston?" she gasped, still gulping air between herwords.

"Not well, my fair lady," Feston replied, "but not so badly that there is not hope still. Thebattle rages fiercely on the bailey above, and I think in the end it will be to no avail. But we havesecured the lower levels under each tower, just as you have done with the keep, and we find nosign of Bander's forces here to peril us. The bulk of our defenders are left above, alas, to fend asbest they can, and we could not prevent some craftsmen coming down into these fortificationsalong with men-at-arms. But we have secured most of the food and I think, judging from thesewalls, lack not for water. It will be a long while before Bandor can begin to hope of reaching us."

"With the queen so neatly bundled up," Aeriel interrupted, "why should he even care? Doyou propose no more than to await our fate just as we have done for the last forty-three days? Iam not trained in matters of war as you are, my lords," she said, "but it seems to me that thesechambers and passageways serve a better purpose than to pass the time. I think aloud andwithout deliberation, but do not these walls and interconnectings at least give us an element ofsurprise? When Bandor eventually takes full command of the castle above, he will find the fiveentrances to us, and probably can do no more than station guards at all positions to await what

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we would do next. He must split his forces into fifths, and we can concentrate ours to strike atone—and at a time of our own choosing."

"Necessity imparts sharpness to your thoughts, lady Aeriel," Festil said while risingslowly to stand besides his son. "Quite surely I believe you have hit upon the intent of the castle'soriginal design. If the walls were to fall, the towers would still have to be taken; then withunderground communication, each could aid the others so that all might stand. But on balance,my son's plan seems a good one. We have not the towers, but only the chambers underneaththem. In addition, the blood of Bander's vassals now runs hot with victory and lust for rape andplunder. Our salvation may be a surprise thrust, as you say, but I think it wise to sit until ourcaptor's zeal cools in the careless boredom of guard duty before we try."

"Well enough, lord Festil," Vendora said softly. "We need time to assess our situation.Lord Feston, continue to conduct yourself as you have. I appoint you commander of whateverforces remain. See that order is established and the entrances to these dungeons well guarded."

As she spoke, the queen looked around the high and windowless walls of the chamberand reached behind her for a cloak that was not there.

"Here, my fair lady," Feston said dramatically, releasing the clasp of the cape of the manwho stood near and whirling it about her. She clutched it eagerly and drew it tight while her eyesdarted again about the room.

Alodar and the others caught her mood and somberly shifted about as the reality of theirplight began to sink in. They were safe for now, true, but in the long run what did that matter? Adesperate attempt to break out was the best they could devise. Their lives were at stake and noglimmer of hope could credibly present itself.

No glimmer, unless indeed the castle possessed one more secret defense to aid them. Andif he could find it and thereby save the queen, ah, who would be the hero then? Oppressed bytheir trap as were the others, but grimly determined, he headed into one of the passageways tosearch again for some clue.

Alodar flicked back his cape and sat to rest on the rust-encrusted slab in the center of thechamber. He glanced over to the wall where Vendora huddled in the cape Feston had given hertwo days before. Her shoulders stooped and her hair lay tangled and matted against her brow.She listened half attentively as Feston squatted easily at her side, telling her small talk of thefour guard detachments under the towers.

Alodar sighed. Their band was so small and their fates so intertwined that the formalitiesof rank had begun to give way. But he did not want to approach the queen himself until he hadsome positive news of discovery to present to her. He dug his gouge into the soft red rust beneathhim for perhaps the tenth time and left another shallow furrow beside the others. The fresh cutrevealed nothing new, only rust deeper still. Perhaps the whole slab was rotted through andwould soon turn to dust.

"Marking off the hours, journeyman?" a voice asked over his shoulder, and Alodar turnedto see Aeriel taking a place beside him. The dagger at her side clanked against the slab andAlodar glanced down at the bare blade and stubby hilt.

"Are you left-handed?" he asked as she followed his gaze downward."No." Aeriel laughed. "It is but my nature. The fair lady insists that I wear the badge of

office as do the others of her court, and so I must. And were the blade of any value I would canyit properly; but it is only a useless symbol, so I display it accordingly."

"A magic dagger and of no value," Alodar said, raising his eyebrows in disbelief."Costly enough in coin or barter," Aeriel said. "Enough so that a craftsman could never

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hope to own one. Yet not so dear that the nobility would be likewise denied. It is the perfecttoken for one to declare that he is wealthy. But for its utility as a weapon—here, judge foryourself."

Aeriel withdrew the dagger from the loop at her waist and passed the hilt to Alodar. Hewrapped his hand around it and immediately pursed his lips in surprise.

An electric tingling pulsed through his fingers and shot up his arm. He felt goosebumpspop out on his chest and back. For a moment his eyes watered and his tongue felt dry.

"It is magic, there is no doubt," Aeriel said. "What else gives one such a feeling? Thoughyou do get somewhat used to it after a while."

Alodar nodded and tightened his grip on the hilt. His fingers and thumb slipped smoothlyinto small indentations in the grip, and the pommel snuggled comfortably against the base of hispalm. The dagger felt like a natural extension of his arm, as if custom tooled to fit his hand andno other. He reached out with his index finger to test the point which looked surprisingly bluntand frowned in puzzlement when he made contact with the cold gray metal.

"Yes, that is why it is so absurd," Aeriel said. "And the edge of the blade is the same.Impossibly dull and unyielding to any grinder's stone."

"Cannot the magicians give it an edge as well?" Alodar asked as he handed the daggerback, releasing his grip reluctantly. "With a feel like that one almost would be tempted to take ona swordsman."

"As I understand it, the ritual is set," Aeriel said. "Any change destroys the symmetry ofthe whole. Either one accepts a perfect hilt with a blade of no value or a dagger with no magicalproperties at all. And of course, if such a dirk as this could cut, the magicians' price wouldpreclude it from the baubles of the nobility."

"You speak most strangely of your peers, my lady," Alodar said with the beginnings of asmile.

"I did not reach the council of the queen by adhering to what convention would expect ofme, Alodar," she said. "Had I thought and acted as the rest of Vendora's childhood friends, thennow I would be no more than a lady-in-waiting, concerned with pretty needlework, rather thanaffairs of state. Let the likes of a Festil be guided by tradition, rather than what each situationuniquely demands. I will not be frightened by an idea, just because it has not been previouslyrecorded in the sagas.

"And as proof of that," she continued, returning Alodar's smile, "please call me Aeriel.There is no need for ceremony for one who seems to work so diligently in our cause. I could notbut notice that you react to our situation in a different way than most everyone. Rather thanmoping about when free from a turn at guard, you have been examining each mortar joint withthat small glass of yours. Do you still carry out the queen's commands of now so long ago?"

"Yes, I still look for a key," Alodar said. "But as yet I have found none. I am beginning tothink that there is nothing in the passageways to aid us. The answer must lie in one of these threechambers under the keep. So I visit each in turn, hoping for some inspiration."

"And which is next?""The second level, the one with the pillar.""Good, let me go with you.”Alodar blinked, but then quickly nodded his agreement. The two left unnoticed out one of

the passageways to the towers. They trudged aJong in silence for awhile, and then Alodardecided to make the best of his opportunity.

"How fares the queen under our duress?" he said.

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"Alas, she lets her fate weigh heavily on her shoulders. As you can see, she broods toomuch to conduct herself as her station requires she should."

"But if somehow we are indeed rescued?""Ah, she would return to her former self in an instant, full of glory. And ample gratitude

for the man who saves her.""Regardless of station?" asked Alodar."Yes, regardless." Aeriel laughed. "I see the queen interests all men in the same way."Suddenly, before he could continue, the ground shook with a long rolling wave; the torch

lights blew wildly and flickered dim. The narrow passageway roared with the sound of crashingstone, and the shock, muted and stretched by the thick walls, echoed for several moments.

Aeriel reached for Alodar's arm. In the quiet that followed, he muttered, "The second onetoday. It only can mean that they are toppling the towers, one by one. Either our remainingdefenders above give them difficulty or they seek to level Iron Fist on some mad craze. It is wellthat they have not yet discovered any entrances to these chambers."

Aeriel released her grip and breathed deeply. "Come, she said. "We were going to thesecond level."

They reached the tower in a short while. Descending through a hole in the floor, theyclimbed down to the next landing. Retracing their steps one level down, they returned to achamber under the keep. It was deserted and built similarly to the ones above and below, exceptthat instead of a slab or water pool, a massive stone column ran from floor to ceiling.

"It certainly is not needed to support the vault," Alodar said. "The other two chambershave the same span and the ceiling runs free from wall to wall. Yet strength is somehow theessence of that column. Look at it, not a seam anywhere, a monolith of granite. It couldwithstand the blows of many a mangonel and give up not a single chip from the shock."

"If it does not support, is it indeed even secure?" Aeriel asked."Yes, the base penetrates below floor level. From the look of it, it also projects up into

the ceiling as well."Alodar stepped back to survey the column but found himself instead watching Aeriel as

she inspected the stonework. Her eyes darted first to the ceiling, then to the floor, and finallyscanned the length slowly for any crack or seam. She looked back at Alodar when she was done,and her eyes widened as she realized what his focus of attention had been.

"Excuse my boldness, but you are most pleasing fair," Alodar said without thinking."Oh enough, Alodar." Aeriel raised her hand as a slight color came to her cheeks. "I have

seen the effect of the queen on too many men not to know what truly constitutes beauty. Let usconcentrate on our search."

Alodar nodded and motioned to the archway, suddenly pleased with himself for what hehad said and the reaction it had caused. Without another word, they left the chamber and returnedto the flanking tower. As they began to climb down to the bottommost level, the ground shookagain like a blanket snapped taut on a newly made bed, and the rumble echoed about them sothat neither could speak. As the reverberations died, a man-at-arms poked his head through theopening to the level above.

"Lady Aeriel, come quickly to the queen's bidding," he shouted down. "A strangeoccurrence in the central chamber."

Alodar and Aeriel quickly reversed direction, following the man back to the queen.Everyone of their small band was there, filling the room, and all heads looked anxiously upwardstowards the huge vault of the ceiling. Vendora was where Alodar had seen her last, but now she

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stood propped against Feston, leaning heavily on the arm he wrapped around her.A sudden streak of motion caught Alodar's eye. He turned his head upward to see several

large drops of opaque liquid ooze out between two of the massive stones. They fell and spatteredagainst the rusty slab at the chamber's center and added to the messy orange slurry of theirpredecessors.

He frowned in concentration. Nothing from thaumaturgy certainly, he thought. But whathad Periac told him of the other arts? What would seep through what no mason could chisel in aweek?

"Solvent!" he yelled as the answer struck him. "And it looks high grade. Everyone out!The ceiling is going to collapse. That is how the towers were toppled. They are dissolving themortar between the stones."

No one moved. All were transfixed by the slowly increasing tempo of the drip and thewidening pool on the chamber floor. Before Alodar could say more, the giant keystone in thecenter of the vault began to slide slowly down and away from the rock which surrounded it. Itgathered speed; with a cascade of liquid on every side, it fell away entirely, into their midst. Witha resounding crash, it hit the slab and sprayed liquid and splinters of rock in all directions. Thecrowd screamed and sprang alive, bolting for the passageways, shouldering one another aside intheir haste. Alodar and Aeriel moved to one side to let them pass, their eyes on the queen acrossthe chamber.

Feston, with his grip still on Vendora's arm, spun her towards the nearest exit and pushedher ahead. Periac recovered his balance from a brushing blow and plunged after the queen. Festilimmediately followed, almost catching the thaumaturge's cape with his long running stride.

Alodar looked again at the ceiling. Through the new opening, Bandor's men werelowering a rope ladder and several were making ready to descend. He glanced over his shoulderinto the passageway from which he had just entered and then hesitated no longer. GrabbingAeriel's hand, he raced across the room, avoiding the many small pools of solvent which werenow working on the seams in the floor. As he passed the slab, his eyes was caught by its nowshining brilliance. The bath had cleaned away the rust and a good portion of the iron as well.He stopped suddenly and looked again. The shine was not from the iron alone.

"Look, Aeriel," he exclaimed. "In the center of the iron, a disk of copper! It is not a solidiron slab, after all.

Beneath the rust is this circle of copper in a yoke of iron. A circle at each level. Thecopper here, the column below, and a well at the bottom of it all."

Three circles of the same diameter! One above the other. In a flash the castle's secretcame to him. He looked again at the rope ladder. Two men were already gently swinging on it.He grabbed Aeriel again and ran off after the others. He had the answer. If there was onlyenough time to use it.

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CHAPTER FOURThe Hero's Reward

THE passageway blurred by and Alodar glanced back over his shoulder. Bander's menwere already in the tunnel after him. He increased his speed; the drawn swords shining in thetorchlight gave his legs urgency even beyond what he had felt two days before when the outerwalls had fallen. He squeezed Aeriel's hand tighter, and they rapidly closed on Vendora and theothers up ahead. They caught the queen just as they entered the small room under the cornertower. The panicked flight momentarily stopped in a mass confusion of waving arms andshouted directions.

"Up, up to the surface. It is our only chance," yelled Festil as he tumbled Periac downfrom the stairs and started to climb.

"No, no father," Feston boomed louder still. "See the stonework. We must go down." Ashe spoke, he yanked Vendora out of the way of dripping liquid that began to ooze from theceiling and pushed her through the opening in the floor.

Everyone clambered after. As Alodar brought up at the rear, he saw the small groupdisappear into the passageway that led back under the keep.

"We will make our stand around the pillar," Festil shouted back to the three soldiers whonow ran with him. They drew their swords as they raced, and Aeriel instinctively started tofollow. Alodar grabbed her by the arm and held her back. "Our only chance lies below," he said."Let us hope that Feston and the others can hold them off until the spell isfinished."

He plunged down to the bottom level, pulling Aeriel with him. The staircase seemed tospiral for an eternity and his heartbeat almost drowned out the clank of mail and shouts of thechase that now filtered down after them.

Finally at the bottom, he raced for the central chamber, scarcely noticing the diminishingnoise as the hunters chose to pursue the quarry one level above. In a moment they reached theirdestination and saw the serene pool at the center. Alodar looked rapidly about. They were alone.

"Quickly, Aeriel," he said, "your ring. No, no the unadorned one. Gold is not the bestchoice and we must at least make the shape as similar as we can."

Aeriel slipped one of the rings from her finger and, with a puzzled expression, handed itto Alodar. Without pausing for explanation, he fumbled in a pouch at his waist and withdrew asmall collection of coins.

"At least the copper will be right," he said as he quickly tried matching the coins one byone to the shape of the ring. "Ah, this one jams in properly. Now fill the cup with the water fromthe well."

Aeriel took the cup he whisked from his cape and dipped it in the pool. "What spell doyou cast here, Alodar? I see that the coin in the ring is like the copper disk in the iron collar wesaw bared above. But their intent I still cannot fathom."

"The cool water of the well will shrink the metals slightly," he replied, "and because theyare different, the copper disk will slip free,"

"But what can we use for the energy source? There is naught here but stone and water,"Aeriel said, waving her arms about the empty chamber.

"You listened to master Periac well," Alodar said, "but no source is needed for this spell.Rather, we need a sink to absorb the beat we extract from the hunks of metal two levels above.

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And the water in the well will serve that purpose for us. Now stand close to me, for in truth Iknow not all that will happen."

Alodar glanced quickly into the four passageways, but no figures fleeing or pursuingshowed in them, and he began the binding. When be was done, he thrust the ring holding thecoin into the numbing cold of the water and held it motionless. Simultaneously the stillness ofthe pool was broken by the eruption of tiny bubbles all across its surface.

Alodar held the ring firmly, though his fingers began to ache with the cold. The simmerof the pool changed into a boil, growing more vigorous by the second, and the first wisps ofsteam crept upward into the already dripping air.

Alodar looked anxiously back and forth between the now scalding well and the placidring. Was it cold enough? Was there enough water in the well?

The feeling left his hand and the opaqueness of the steam engulfed them; so thepassageways were blotted from view and the oil lights in the wall became dim and diffuse.

Finally as the fog closed in, the copper coin dropped clear of the ring and gently fell tothe bottom of the cup.

"Look to the ceiling," Alodar shouted as he tore his eyes from what he held. Brushingaside the vapor, they could dimly see the round keystone at the center of the vault tremble andbegin to move. It slipped down a foot and then another, increasing speed with each moment andheading unerringly for the well in the chamber's floor.

"Why, it is not a stone at all," Aeriel exclaimed. "Look, it is getting longer and longer likea giant column."

"The column from the second level," Alodar explained, "held in place by a copper cap inthe yoke of iron."

He could say no more before the granite cylinder fell into the concentric hole in the floor,missing the edge all around by mere inches. With a sharp crack like a giant bullwhip, it hit thewater's surface and drove the liquid downward. Aeriel stumbled to her knees from the intensityof the blow, and Alodar fell awkwardly over her, both flailing and grabbing for their ears in pain.Small geysers shot from the well around the edges of the column as it continued its plunge,moving more slowly as it pushed the resistance before it. The din of the contact echoed about,and Alodar felt dazed from the onslaught The cacophony continued unabated for minutes; butthrough his cupped hands, Alodar could hear another sound slowly increasing in intensity, therumble of stoneon stone.

He looked about for the source of the noise and, as the copper top of the column slid fromview into the well, he spotted motion in the northeast passageway.

"The whole floor," he exclaimed, "the whole floor moves as one unit. No wonder wecould never spot a break in the stone. There isn't any."

"What has happened, Alodar?" Aeriel asked weakly, still on her knees from the shock."What did the column do hit the well?""It was a giant water ram, Aeriel. A giant ram that moved the whole passageway floor

upwards a good three feet. We are seeing what no one has witnessed since Iron Fist wasconstructed hundreds of years ago. By the laws, let us hope we also see our way out of this trap.Look at that gap," he continued excitedly as he approached the raised floorway. "Stone a footthick but still a slot beneath the bottom and the level of the cobbling here in the chamber."

As he got nearer, he lit a candle and thrust it into the newly made opening. "Stairs," heexclaimed. Before Aeriel could protest, he huddled down and disappeared from view.

The passage was narrow and confining, and Alodar had to stoop and bow in his shoulders

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as he made his way downwards. He held the candle in front as far as he could, but the darknessextended farther than the feeble light could reach. He paused and tried to concentrate on whetherto continue or return to the chamber and announce his discovery. Each heartbeat relentlesslyticked away the time they had left, and the fall of the cylinder would surely bring Bander'svassals on the run.

Aeriel's scream made his decision for him. Alodar quickly spun about and retraced thefew steps he had made into the gloom. As he surfaced, Aeriel ran toward him, pointingfrantically down the passageway that lay atop the newly discovered stairs. Alodar turned andsquinted down the long length of stone archway that led to the corner tower. His already rapidpulse quickened as he saw in the distance the wave of torches and the glint of armor. At least sixof Bandor's men were on the bottom level, babbling wildly about the raised flooring and pointingdown at the newly discovered prey under the keep.

Alodar grabbed Aeriel by the hand and turned to descend again into the darkness. Hetook a step and hesitated. "The queen," he said. "Where is the queen? It is no good unless we canalso save the fair lady."

He ran back to the center of the chamber and sighted down the two passageways he couldnot see from the edge. The first was empty, but in the second he saw rapid movement towardshim. His heart leaped with his good fortune.

"It is the queen, Aeriel," he shouted, motioning her towards him. "Feston is still with her,and I can see Periac and Festil close behind."

He moved his head from side to side, trying to see behind the four fleeing figures. Hesucked in his breath. "More of Bandor's men hot on their trail," he cried.

He glanced back into the passageway with the raised floor. The men there had begun tomove towards the chamber, though not with the speed of those pursuing Vendora and the others.Angry shouts and the rapid tread of feet sounded from behind, and Alodar whirled about, hisworst fears realized.

Enemies converged on them from all four corners.Alodar felt his muscles tense and his breathing turn to shallow gasps. Run, run, take the

only chance that you have, his body said. But he steeled himself and held his ground, eyeingeach tunnel in turn, trying to estimate which group would reach him first. Time lost all meaningwhile he waited; it seemed an eon later when Feston and Vendora burst through with theirpursuers hard at their heels.

"Where are the other men-at-arms?" Alodar scouted as Periac and Festil followed the firsttwo into the center of the room.

"They stood their ground nobly to defend the queen," Festil gasped, waving asideAlodar's question as irrelevant to his own plight.

"Then follow me," Alodar commanded «and he led Aeriel into the passageway. He didnot pause to rekindle a candle, but caught the rhythm of the steps and descended as rapidly as hecould in the blackness, pulling Aeriel after him. He could hear the voices of the other fourfollowing close behind.

They descended for more than a flight, and then Alodar stumbled as the ground suddenlybecame level and the tunnel widened. The others tumbled over him. As they flailed todisentangle, a dim light filtered down from above.

"Down here," a voice shouted, and Alodar heard the cautious tread of steel on the coldstone. His eyes began to adjust to the dimness, and he extended his hand against the floor.Immediately he felt an indentation and, sweeping his arm to the side, he discovered another.

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With an extended finger, he touched smooth and straight edges on either side of the depressionsbut found they extended forward farther than he could reach. Grooves, he thought, long narrowgrooves cut into the stone floor, He cautiously pressed forward and saw a shape gradually takingform in the dimness.

The light brightened with each clinking step, and Alodar recognized what was beforehim. "A wagon," he exclaimed. "Some sort of wagon with wheels that are guided by the groovescut into the floor."

He puzzled over the flat frame, unadorned except for the two central pillars thatsupported giant two-handed cranks; but as the light grew brighter and the sounds closer, he flunghimself up onto the platform. In blind imitation the rest followed.

Feston was the last; as he leaped aboard with a surefooted bound, the tunnel behind themblazed forth with light. Bandor's men packed into the narrow confines three abreast, holdingtorches high and staring down at Alodar and the others. The stairs sounded with rapid footfalls asmore and more poured in after them.

Pushed from behind, the first three charged with swords drawn and bore down on thesmall party. Feston drew his own blade and stood in a crouch at the platform's edge, awaitingthen: rush. The three jostled for position and the first momentarily lowered his guard. Festillashed out with his boot and caught the man on the chin, sending him sprawling.

The wagon lurched with the recoil, and Alodar saw the cranks turn lazy circles abouttheir axles. In a flash, he realized their intent. While Feston parried the blows of the other two, heleaped up to the nearest post.

"Man the other one," he shouted as he cranked the handles before him. They respondedslowly to his effort; but with each inch that he pulled and pushed, he felt the car begin to moveunderneath them. He saw the two men lunge at Feston again, but the warrior deftly leaned back,and the blows cut air. One of the two stumbled and fell, surprised by the motion that theretreating wagon gave to his target.

Alodar felt the pumping ease as the car gained speed. Then, as Periac rose to join him onthe other pillar, they jumped away from their foes. An angry shout roared from the pursuers andthey lunged forward after the car, trampling over the two who lay sprawled in front of them.

Alodar readjusted his stance and pushed all the harder, beginning to feel the wind madeby their progress whistle over his back and around to tickle his face. The vanguard of Bandor'smen kept pace for awhile, but then he saw them start to fall behind. The soldiers perceived theoutcome of the race as well, and hurled their torches towards him in rage. He ducked the firsttwo as they sailed harmlessly overhead and kicked the third from the platform, barely loosing therhythm ofhis methodical strokes.

With a sudden lurch, the car made a sharp curve and cut off the men-at-arms from view.They increased speed still more, and the voice of pursuit lessened as they flew on. The onlysound was the muffled scrape of the wheels against their precisely chiseled guides.

Alodar cranked on. He had escaped and at the same time saved the queen.The small crew remained silent, oppressed by the pitch blackness that gave them no hint

as to their path or destination.Alodar felt odd, facing backwards to the direction of motion, but determinedly kept at his

task. After many minutes, Periac sagged to the platform floor, gasping for breath, his energyspent, and Alodar felt the crank-arm's resistance stiffen. His arms ached and began to tremblefrom the effort, but he gritted his teeth and continued. His thoughts soared with what he haddone. Beyond his wildest expectations, he had accomplished everything. He was alive and well,

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free of the tragedy of Iron Fist, free to think again of the future, to mold his own destiny. Andthat destiny now was far more exciting than what a thaumaturge might dream of attaining eventwo months ago. He was not merely Alodar the journeyman, but Alodar, savior of the queen.

After much more cranking, the resistance began to increase, and Alodar felt a gradualtilting of the platform on which they rode. They were slowly rising, he thought, but no morecould he tell in the blackness. He pushed harder still against the handles, but the slope increasedfaster and the speed slackened.

Slower and slower moved the cart in the darkness. The wind no longer whistled aboutthem, and each revolution of the arms was a fresh agony. Suddenly the front of the platformclanged and latched against a metal abutment, sending Alodar sprawling and filling the tunnelwith noise. Simultaneously he felt fresh air blow by his face and looked forward to see a stoneslab hinging up before them and starlight beyond.

The party clambered forward through the opening and into the cool night air. Theywalked on coarse grass and looked down a gentle slope into rolling farmland. In the distance, ascattering of candlelight hinted at man-made structures, and the air carried the odor of animalscorraled closeby. A gibbous moon, high in the sky, cast faint shadows, but none could look at itwithout squinting, so black had been the passageway.

"Why, we have covered a good fifteen miles," Festil exclaimed. "These are the farms onthe last ridge that bounds the wastelands to the west. We are indeed well away from Bandor andhis threat."

"Yes, and by what strange means were we conveyed here?" Feston wondered. "I have notseen the likes of it in any battlecraft before. The builders of Iron Fist, whoever they were,provided her extremely well."

"As well as you have provided the queen, Feston," Vendoca said, raising and stretchingher hands high overhead, deeply drinking the fresh air. "If only we had what we set out for, ouradventure would be complete. But for the moment, I would settle for a comb for my hair. Aeriel,have you one about you?"

"No, my fair lady," Aeriel responded. "I do not. But mark you, did not Kelric say that wewould not find what we sought until Iron Fist lost its grip? That it did in most emphatic fashion.Perhaps our search is indeed not yet over."

Alodar pondered AeriePs words, then returned to the opening in the slope and squintedinto the darkness at the car. He withdrew and relit the candle from his cape and began a closeinspection. He did not have to look far. This time there was no subterfuge or deception. There, inthe flat platform between the two cranking pillars, was a small square of metal, hinged at oneside and with a finger grip on the other. Alodar bent down and swung the door open, his lightilluminating a tightly bound parchment, hard and cracked with age.

"Look here," he shouted, running quickly back to the others. "You spoke of alchemyformulas. Do they not record them in grimoires of about this size?"

All faces turned as he advanced, and Feston reached out and grabbed the bundle fromhim. With a quick flourish, he ripped the cord and outer covering from the package and began tothumb through the bound parchment within.

"Hold the candle closer," he commanded before Alodar could protest. "Sweetbalm, is thatwhat you seek, my fair lady? The ink is faint, but I can see the beginnings still. Powders,ointments, philtres, elixirs, amulets, and fetishes. Formulas of high yield, none less than eighty-five parts in a hundred."

"Eighty-five!" exclaimed Vendora. "Why Feston, you have done it all. A sweeping rescue

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and a treasure besides. With a yield of eighty-five, we undercut the costs of them all. The royalproducts will sweep the competition from the field, and my coffers will be fed by a much-needednew source."

"You speak most glowingly, my fair lady," Feston said. "Can I interpret your praise tomean that you at last see fit to choose the hero of the realm?"

Vendora's smile stiffened and she drew herself erect. "Do not presume too much, lordFeston. You have done me great service here these past few days, but not so much that my sensesdepart me."

Feston's heavy brows furrowed, and Vendora laughed at his discomfort. "Do not fret, mywarrior. Know that I look upon you with much favor. I wish you to journey with me to court, beknown as a royal suitor, and stand by me as you have done here. If in time I grow used to theroughness of your features, then perhaps I will indeed honor you with my hand,"

"Wait a moment, my fair lady," Aeriel said. " Alodar, the journeyman thaumaturge, didapply his mind and skills with marvelous imagination to our cause. It is to him that we owe ourgood fortune."

Vendora frowned, paused, and then pulled her face into a smile as she turned to Alodar."Indeed I thank you all for my deliverance," she said. "Your steadfastness in propelling the carwas most dedicated."

"That was but a minor part of it," Aeriel persisted. "He fathomed the castle's secret. Hediscovered the passageway out. Why he even found you the grimoire."

"May I remind the fair lady," Festil cut in, "that many of the more restless vassals of yourcrown will interpret the fall of Iron Fist as a sign of weakness. Without the house of the redsurcoat standing at your side, you may be hard pressed to deal with them, Bandor, and the borderkingdoms to the south, all at the same time."

Vendora looked at Alodar and then back to Feston. Her eyes narrows in thought. Shestared at the sword at the warrior's side and then studied Alodar's cape-draped form.

"Oh well enough, Aeriel," she said at last. "I am sure that the thaumaturge did exercisehis art most exceedingly fine. He and his master may henceforth speak of royal favor when theylure customers to their craft. But I cannot see how his acts compare with the feats of lord Festonor the comforts he gave me. What indeed can you profit by pressing his suit upon me so?"

Aeriel opened her mouth to speak again, looking first at Vendora and then to Alodar. Shehesitated a moment, but finally snapped it shut. Vendora nodded approval at her apparentacquiesence and returned her attention to the grimoire that Feston now held before her.

Alodar flung his candle aside and stepped forward, his eyes starting to smoulder, butAeriel placed her hand on his arm. He shot her a sidelong glance, then halted when her fingerssqueezed more tightly.

"My fair lady, there is no more business to conduct here," Festil said quickly as he sawAlodar pause. "We must start immediately for Ambrosia. Each hour we save will limit the timeBandor has to consolidate his victory. Let us descend this slope and appropriate a quicker meansof transport from the first farm we encounter."

Vendora looked up from the grimoire and into Alodar's eyes. "It is settled then," she said."A royal endorsem*nt for the thaumaturges and status as suitor for lord Feston. Ample largessfor deeds well done."

Alodar sucked in a deep breath and opened his mouth; but before he could speak, Aerielcovered his lips. Vendora smiled and looked around the group, from Periac standing silently nearthe car to Festil already ten yards down the slope. She nodded her agreement to the old man's

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suggestion, placed her hand on Feston's offered arm, and started to descend the incline. Shepaced ten slow steps and then looked back over her shoulder at Aeriel.

"In a moment, my fair lady," Aeriel said as she cautiously lowered her hand fromAlodar's mouth while still maintaining her grip on his arm.

The two stood silently, not moving, watching the queen draw away from them. Severalminutes passed, and she and the two lords gradually shrank to dim outlines, fading into theirsurroundings.

"By the laws!" Alodar exploded. "What feat must one accomplish to be held worthy inthis kingdom? Can she not grasp what I have done?"

Aeriel again raised her finger to his lips. "It will avail you no good, Alodar," she said."The queen is clever enough to know how her actions influence the safety of the crown. And thecirc*mstances here prevent her from giving her reward in a just manner. So long as Festil and hisson feel they have some claim, she can bestow it on no other."

She turned and looked down the hillside. "But at least I know who is the true hero of theday," she continued softly as she released his arm and then suddenly clasped her hands behindhis neck.

Alodar's eyes widened in surprise and he felt her lips pressing his as she drew againsthim. After a moment she dropped her arms and started to step back, but Alodar put his handbehind her.

She stopped when she felt the gentle pressure and smiled, watching him intently."You indeed behave most unlike a lady-in-waiting," he said huskily after a long pause.

He drew another deep breath and the emotions churned within him like the hot acid in thethaumaturge's cauldron. The exhilaration of freedom, Vendora's beauty, the grim determinationof his resolve, the anger of yet another injustice, and now the warm presence of Aeriel in hisarms, all tumbled in confusion, and he could not sort them out.

"And you are most unlike the tradition-bound noble or the meekly accepting craftsman,Alodar," she said. "You have dared to seek as did no other and because of it you have saved usall."

He smiled and pulled her towards him, and she again reached her arms to ring his neck.Yes, he had saved the queen, his thoughts raced. Had not Feston been along for the final

dash, then all would have followed. Title restored, respect of the peerage and hero of the realm.Suddenly he stopped his gentle tugging and frowned as the realization of what he was

doing hit him. The queen and hero of the realm—or Aeriel and whatever that future might bring?She has judged him by what he had done, rather than by his station. He could treat her in returnwith no less fairness.

But would not the surprising passion that boiled for the moment cool as suddenly? Hewas driven to the queen by what had smouldered for years. How could a chance encounter standagainst it?

He looked at Aeriel, trying te clear his confusion, and then lowered his head."What is it, Alodar?" Aeriel laughed, continuing to come forward."I am resolved, my lady," he said thickly after a moment. "I strive for no less than does

lord Feston."Aeriel's lips curved in the beginning of another smile, but then she looked deeply into

Alodar's eyes as he raised his gaze to meet hers. For several minutes they did not speak. Finallyshe reached and pulled his arm from around her.

"I see," she said crisply. "Forgive me for thinking your aspirations to be so low."

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"My lady," Alodar replied, "forgive me that your presence confuses me greatly. But I willnot have peace until my birthright is restored. And that I see accomplished only if I am hero ofthe realm. For that end did I labor and almost succeed. And I cannot with honor accept yourfavor, so long as that is my quest."

Aeriel took one step back and studied Alodar at arm's length. "Had I not seen what youhave done," she said, "I would not credit the chance of such ambition." She sighed and looked inthe direction in which Vendora had disappeared. "But if that is your goal, then may the randomfactors align in your favor." With a whirl she suddenly turned and raced down the hillsidewithout looking back.

Alodar stood dumbfounded, watching her go. It all had happened so quickly. He had heldexcitement in his arms and then deliberately pushed it away. But with each passing second thelure of Aeriel's image lessened and the anger, temporarily diverted, gathered strength.

Total success—and now, nothing! His deeds completely discounted in favor of a strongarm and flashing sword. Great spells worthy of a master judged of lesser worth than the formulasof alchemy. Despite what he had done, the warrior still stood first in the minds of men; andapparently no thaumaturge could displace him.

Alodar watched Aeriel fade from view like the others. When she was gone, he stoodmotionless, continuing to look down the empty hillside. After several minutes, Periacapproached Alodar and threw his arm about him.

"Come, my journeyman," he said. "Never mind the twisted thoughts of the nobility. Youhave done credit to your craft tonight, and we have been amply rewarded. We can call ourselvesthaumaturges to the queen; Vendora herself has given us leave. No more mending pots orkeeping the frost from winter fruit for a single night's meal in the backward outlands. Let us alsotravel to Ambrosia and ply out craft where the com is gold, not copper."

Alodar blinked as he remembered his master's presence, but then shook him off andlooked down at his feet. Not by thaumaturgy could he accomplish his quest! With his face pulledinto a tight grimace, he kicked in frustration at the grimoire's outer wrappings, lying whereFeston had tossed them. They leaped high into the air; catching a breeze, they began to floatgently down to earth some ten feet away. Alodar absently watched them settle while he tried tocalm his thoughts, and then suddenly focused his attention. A sparkle in the moonlight caughthis eye.

He ran to the parchment scraps as they touched the ground and hastily scavenged them. "Look here, master Periac," he exclaimed. "More deception still. The grimoire alone does notcontain all of the formulas we have found tonight. Another is scrawled on the inside of thecoverings. See it glow in the feeble light."

"Waste not your thoughts on such distractions," Periac said with a wave of one handwhile he began stroking his goatee with the other. "Find yourself a spot of comfort and I willgive you some instruction. We will pass the time constructively until dawn to see if there are anysurvivors and Morwin among them. And then to Ambrosia to better our fortune."

Alodar looked down at the scraps in his hand and clinched his teeth. It was only oneformula against a whole book’s worth, but he had started with less two months ago. His pulsecalmed as he settled his mind to it.

"No, master," he said firmly. "I have had a brief taste of my destiny. I cannot rest until Isavor it full swallow. If it is with sword and formula that one wins the fair lady, then on that roadI will travel." With a flourish, be loosened the tie at his neck and dropped his cape to his feet. "Iam a thaumaturge no more."

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Periac's mouth opened in disbelief, but Alodar stood before him in silence, jaws set andfists clenched until the knuckles showed white.

"To cast aside the time you have spent with me is folly," Periac said at last. "And todabble with the likes of alchemy is greater folly still. Come, study with me so that you learnenough of one art to become a master."

"My life now has purpose," Alodar replied with determination, "as it has never hadbefore. I thank you for the knowledge you have given me and hope my service has been amplepayment in return. And I will journey with you to Ambrosia, yes, but then I follow this scrapwherever it leads me."

Periac looked at Alodar for a long moment, then raised his hands and dropped them to hissides.

"Very well, my insatiable one," he said. "Explore what Honeysuckle Street has to offer."He paused and then continued with deliberate slowness. "And when you decide instead to be atrue craftsman, seek out my door. For a while it may remain open for you."

Alodar's eyes narrowed, but he did not speak. With a sigh he settled to the ground toawait the dawn.

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PART TWOThe Alchemist

CHAPTER FIVEHoneysuckle Street

A stream of muddy liquid spilled from the lip of the overhead vat and into the firstcrucible in the row. Alodar stepped back against the rough timber wall to avoid the spatter andforced open his eyes, tearing from the eaustic haze. The man in front of him tugged on a chainthat looped a ring in the bottom of the oaken container; with a low-pitched squeak, the vatrumbled forward along wooden rails. The workman shuffled alongside and then yanked the chainover his shoulder.

The high bucket pivoted on phis near its rim and delivered a dose of its contents to thenext crucible in line.

Alodar watched in silence as the workman proceeded down the row, chin on his chest andshoulders slumped, like an old horse pacing the same rut around a grindstone. He squinted pastthe worker, down the line of crucibles riding above small blue-white flames, and saw that theyspanned the breadth of the building, some three hundred feet, wall to wall. To his right, six morerows with overhead tracks ran parallel to the first, each one fitted with hundreds of identicalstations, lines of graduated beakers, and funnel-mouthed flasks, all filled with dancing liquids orincandescent powders.

Beyond these, the majority of the area was partitioned by a maze of tiny cubicles barelychest high. In the ones nearest, he could see caped figures hunched over cluttered workbenchesof dirty glassware and leather bound books. On a raised platform jutting from the rear wall, hesaw piles of dull white stone, applelike fruits, cattails and rushes, and other materials he couldnot identify. Beside each, a worker pounded and strained the substances into powder, pulp, orliquid, and thrust the products into the tracked vats stationed nearby. The thud of the hammejsand groan of the presses bounced off the ceilings and walls, producing mushy echoes thatmasked all but the sharpest of sound.

Alodar followed the track around the entire periphery of the building, down thewindowless rear wall, across the row of silos that formed the western facade, back along thefront with its many doors, and finally overhead as it merged into a complex of switches whichfed the seven rows of waiting containers. As the first worker reached the end, Alodar saw asecond pull his vat onto the same track and begin to drop measured doses of a coarse graypowder into the simmering crucibles.

One row over, a third lifted a beaker from its tripod and held it up to the light cascadingfrom the high windows in the east. He shook his head and poured the milky contents into atrough running the length of the bench, then moved on to the next,

"That last one was clouded only the slightest," a voice behind Alodar suddenly yelled outas the inspection continued. "How can I show a profit if you dump every flask just because itisn't crystal clear?"

The man replaced an empty beaker on its tripod and looked in Alodar's direction. "I fear I

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am too liberal as It is, Basil," he called back. "With only the merest trace, the chance ofskunkwater is most high. We are lucky you have not contaminated half of the work cubiclesfrom what we have processed already this morning."

"I have given it only to the old ones," Basil shot back. "The way they dawdle, it would bea small loss in any event. Now see that the yield is greater; if the light shines through, howeverfaint, then it is worth the risk. We must have one of three if any volume is to result when we aredone."

Alodar turned to face the speaker and looked into large eyes, wide-set on a smooth roundface. Heavy cheeks sagged on either side of a slash of a mouth; thick lips pulled down at thecorners into a perpetual look of disapproval. Shoulder-length hair, held stiffly in place by anaromatic pomade, brushed against a flared silk collar of deep purple. The rest of the tunicshimmered golden-yellow, embroidered with intricate designs and hanging free on a stockyform. Alodar looked down to see stumpy calves dropping into fur-lined boots trimmed withsilver.

"Are you the proprietor?" he asked. "I have come in from the street and wish to discuss aproposition to our mutual benefit."

Basil quickly ran his eyes up and down Alodar’s roughly clothed form. "Another onewith a formula, are you?" he said. "It seems a grimoire lay hidden under every rock in thecountryside, just awaiting yesterday's dawn for discovery. Ever since the rumor of the royal shoptooling up for a new run hit the street, there has been no end of it. But no matter, I will watchyour demonstration for the usual fees."

Basil turned back towards the cubicles and motioned for Alodar to follow. "What willyou need?" he continued. "Anthanors and the rest go by the time, the ingredients by what isconsumed."

Alodar matched the short man's stride and tightened his grip on the parchment scrap inthe pocket of his new cape. The lack of his thaumaturgical gear made it feel strangely light, andhe was continually glancing down at its brown plainness to see that his shoulders were stillcovered.

"Tell me more of these fees," he said as they reached the cubicles and began to wind theirway into their midst. "I am from the outlands to the west and unfamiliar with the practices ofalchemy in Ambrosia."

"From the west!" Basil said in mock surprise. "It makes the story so much moreplausible. If the queen found her fortune in the fall of Iron Fist, why not a common craftsman aswell? But to your question, I am a merchant and it is only fair that I receive just payment for useof what is mine.

You wish to show me some alchemy. Very well, do so as your formula directs. But beprepared to render in double proportion for what is consumed in the process."

"Double proportion," Alodar said. "Why should there be any cost at all? I propose toshare with you whatever my formula might bring. That will be your compensation, not a fewpieces of copper for a single execution."

"Yes, double proportion," Basil said with a wave of his arm. "I manage a profit onlybecause, like the rest, I perform my formulas on the largest of scales. A hundred times I boil themurky muds of mangrove swamps with the gray clays from the barbaric north, so that I may getfifty crucibles filled with syrup of extraction. And to those fifty I add the fleshy skin of thecactus, so the sweetness may be pulled away in seventeen, leaving clear liquid to be decantedhere."

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Alodar followed Basil's arm to the nearest workbench and saw a figure huddling under acape studded with the inverted triangle logo of the alchemist A bony hand reached out from thefolds and carefully poured the liquid from a beaker into a funnel filled with what looked likecoral-red flower petals. With a scratchy pen, the alchemist slowly copied strange glyphs from anopen grimoire on a clean sheet of paper and then crumpled and cast it into a flame when he wasdone.

For a moment the liquid seemed lost in the crevasses between the petals, but then a dropof light pink formed at the bottom of the funnel's stem and fell into a flask below. Several moredrops followed the first, and then a small stream of color trickled free. Almost as quickly, a smellof stifling sweetness filled Alodar's lungs, and he coughed violently in surprise.

"It is always that way when it is fresh," Basil said. "Diluted and aged, you do not notice.But I am lucky at that. Out of seventeen, I expect maybe three flasks of honeysuckle oil. Threeflasks out of a hundred for spices, perfumes, and as ingredient for a dozen formulas more. Canyou not imagine the waste and expense if I tried the steps one at a time all the way through? No,the only way is to perform all the identical operations at once with a minimum of effort. Ademonstration is the epitome of extravagance. Double the cost for disrupting the production lineis only fair; be thankful triple is not the rate instead."

"But why a charge at all?" Alodar persisted. "As I have said, I am prepared to share inwhatever gain might accrue."

"So say they all," Basil responded. "And after the formula fails four times running, whathave I then? Only pleading for one more try for which the random factors will surely align. Andif not, then for the next. No, I insist that the demonstration pay for itself."

"And if one does not have the payment," Alodar asked, "how then do you ever find newformulas of merit?"

Basil's eyes widened and his lips curved upwards into a toothy smile, "Why you agree asdid the last two yesterday," he said, "the ones now pulping up on the platform to the right. Allthey had to offer was their labor, which I accepted. In six months they will have paid in full fortheir little fantasy and be able to leave free men. Is not that right, Eldan?" Basil turned andpounded the back of the alchemist watching the last of the pink liquid fall from the petals, nowbleached white.

The craftsman slowly removed the funnel from the neck of the flask and dropped itscontents into a bin at his side. Without saying a word he pivoted and held the flask out for Basil'sinspection. As his cape fell away, Alodar saw wrists cuffed in iron and held rigidly apart by atwo-foot length of dark black bar. The alchemist's eyes stared straight ahead, unblinking. The leftside of his face was splotched a deep green, and the flesh of his nose hung limp like a deflatedballoon on the plane of his cheeks.

"Now, Eldan here," Basil continued as he accepted the flask, "could have fared better. Ioffered him a regular wage. But he preferred to be independent, tinkering in his own shop downthe street, taking risks beyond the call of prudence. There are others like him still out there,obtaining loans from me to purchase ingredients for wilder and more unproven schemes. Andfinally when they can borrow no more on their names, they offer their labor instead as payment.

"For Eldan," Basil said as he pounded the alchemist a second time, "it is ten years servedand only ten more to go. Of course, the splash of dye and the cartilage rot are to be expected.And we have had to add a few restraints to ensure he keeps to his work cubicle."

Basil passed his hand in front of Eldan's eyes and then snapped his fingers. A longmoment passed and then the alchemist jerked his head and blinked. "Finally the honeysuckle

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does slow one down,"Basil said. "In a year or so more he will be good enough only to pull the vats around the

circle."Basil paused and his smile was smug. "I own this factory outright, have part interest in

two more, and even mine one of the richest veins left in the Fumus Mountains. It is not badprogress for a humble apothecary who once carried blocks of peat from the bogs for a fewcoppers. I used to jump to the alchemists' beck and call; now they jump to mine."

Basil snapped his fingers again and Alodar waited for the delayed reaction. "Well," Basilsaid, "let us see what you need and strike a bargain. There is no point in trying any of the others.The rates the length of the street are all the same."

"I have no gold," Alodar said."Then your labor," Basil replied. "Fear not that you may later reconsider. I have the

means to ensure that I receive payment in full."Alodar gripped the formula tighter as he saw Eldan's face finally twitch. He coughed

again from the lingering smell of the oil of honeysuckle and wiped another tear from his eye. Helooked at the manacles on Eldan's wrists and a cold chill ran down his spine.

"I will have to think about it," he said finally and turned for the door to the street. Evenoutside, he could hear Basil's deep laugh echoing after.The air suddenly crackled, and Alodar leaped up onto the counter as a glowing blue globebounced through the doorway. With a swiftness the eye could hardly follow, it darted to and fro,careening off the walls, floor, and ceiling. It sped by his face and, as he pulled back, he felt thehair rise from his head and stand on end, tracking the passage.

"By the laws," a high voice sounded from the room beyond, "you would think not anamulet in this place worked. What rotten luck. Nine batches in a row, and every one of themproducing ball lightning instead of the elixir. Well, this is the last of the baneberry. It had betterwork, Saxton, old boy, or it's a diet of caraway for quite a spell."

Alodar watched the dancing ball slowly shrink in size and activity, and then finally expireamong the dusty glassware of the alembic in the far corner. He swung down on the other side ofthe counter, advanced to the doorway, and peered into the workroom behind.

Light from the setting sun cascaded through highset windows down upon a massivedisarray. The wall on the left was shelved floor to ceiling, and all available space was crammedwith row upon row of bottles and vials of many shapes. Most were empty and uncorked, longcobwebs linking them together and filling their interiors with ladders of dust. But here and there,neat little collections sparkled with deeply colored liquids or glowing powders.

The wall on the right was also shelved, but stacked with a tumble of small boxes. Alodarcould see a label on each, but in a script that he did not recognize. Most of the containers were ofrough-hewn wood, but an occasional one had sides of shiny steel, clasped shut with a strong lockand chained to a nearby support. Crucibles, aludels, and curcubits competed for space on thefloor, leaving only a smalj winding path from where Alodar stood to a workbench on the farwall. There, beneath a bookshelf sagging with almanacs andgrimoires, huddled a robed figureintent upon his task. The fiery heat of an anthanor colored his plump cheeks red, and large beadsof sweat formed upon the folds of his neck. He stoked the furnace and pumped the bellows,oblivious to Alodar's presence.

"Alchemist Saxton?" Alodar called to the man. "Are you alchemist Saxton, the one withthe powder of deep sleep?"

Saxton turned to look briefly at the interruption, waving his hand back towards the

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doorway. "In the outer room, the second display case. It is ten coppers a vial; leave it on thecounter."

"No, no. I have come to see you about another matter," Alodar said. "I understand fromthe street that you work independent of the factories and need a novice to help you in your craft."

"Yes, that I do," Saxton answered without looking up from the anthanor. "One withenough stomach to stand by his job once I have taught him. But leave me for a moment, I have aformula to complete."

Alodar watched as the alchemist withdrew a crucible glowing red hot from the furnacedoor and set it down to sizzle on the workbench.

"Well, no lightning this time," Saxton said, running one hand across his bald pate andthen wiping it against his robe. His smile split his round face like a wedge removed from anorange, and his small, close-set eyes nearly disappeared into the folds of his cheek.

"One more step," he said, "and we may yet line our purse this month." He waddled downthe workbench, withdrew one of the grimoires from the shelf overhead, and rapidly thumbed tothe desired page.

"Bloodroot," he mumbled and ambled around the clutter on the floor to face the wall ofboxes.After staring for several moments, he reached on tiptoe and pulled one container from itsresting place. He extracted a large red bulb and returned to the workbench^ placing it in themiddle of a stack of clean parchment.

"And now the activation," he said as he withdrew a quill from a nearby bottle and deftlydrew a complex symbol on the sheet beneath the root. As the ink dried, he stared at the strangeglyph and grunted satisfaction.

"About the novice," Alodar interjected.Saxtoa's eyebrows jumped and he turned to look at his intruder. "Still here? Then you are

either brave or foolhardy. This last step could make the dancing ball look like a toy, and it onlyhas six chances in ten of going right."

"I wish to learn of alchemy," Alodar replied, "but do not care for the way a factory offersto teach it. I have heard that there are risks and am willing to accept them."

"Very well, then, we will see the fiber of which you are made." Saxton shrugged,returned to the bench, diced the bloodroot into a fine powder, and added it to the crucible nowalready cool. He looked warily back at Alodar and threw the inscribed parchment into theanthanor.

"All is ready for the final formula," he said as he began to write upon the next page in thestack. His pen rapidly flicked out line after line of intricate symbols, pausing only occasionally todart back to the well for more ink. In an instant, the page was covered, and Saxton set it aside tobegin a second. He filled half of another and then paused a moment with his pen poised high.

"The last symbol," he said as he glanced at the crucible. With a flourish, he added a fewmore scratches to the paper. Alodar heard a sudden bubbling and turned to watch a thick frothcome over the top of the little stone dish and descend to add its stain to the richly covered bench.

"By the signatures," Saxton exclaimed. "Chance is with us today. No explosion to testyou with. Instead, more than two whole gills of the finest nerve elixir north of the isthmus."

Before Alodar could interrupt again, the alchemist scurried to the wall on the left andremoved a rack of small corked vials, covered with dust like the rest.

"Here, if you want to be a novice, make yourself useful. Dust them off and label and fillthem properly. And when you are done, place a sign on the door that we have nerve elixir here,freshly brewed and only two gold brandels at that. The factories may be able to undercut us on

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the sweetbalm, itching powders, and the like, but they would never risk trying for nerve elixir."The alchemist set the vials down, ran his hands across his smooth brow, and began a

small shuffling dance among the paraphernalia around the workbench. He kicked up the dustwith several energetic stomps and then suddenly stopped and looked Alodar squarely in the face.

"You are too old to seek seriously the robe of a beginning novice," he said with a frown.He pursed his lips and stood a moment in thought."And so, let us see this wonderful formula then." He smiled at last. "Though I warn you,

some deluded soul comes here with such a tale fortnightly, and I have yet to see one worth theeffort to look upon it"

"You do not speak of fees," Alodar said."No, no, that is not my way," Saxton answered. "If you have spent your good money on a

hastily scrawled piece of nonsense, I will tell you so."Alodar hesitated a moment, then removed the old scraps from his cape and handed the

first across to Saxton's outstretched hand. "I come to you, alchemist Saxton, because I haveinquired carefully and the street gives you the reputation of an honest man. Nevertheless, myfirst efforts at bargaining have filled my thoughts with caution. Permit me to reveal only the firstpart of the formula for my own protection."

"Oh, a powder for the street talk. Here, let me see it," Saxton said, ripping the scrap fromAlodar's grasp. "Know that I could have been as the rest. Only the safe formulas, high yieldpotions of low potency. The long lines of pipes and valves and the endless belts of the prettybottles that the ladies like so much. But what does that get you? A steady and frugal return and achain to your workbench for all of your days. Ah, I could have been that but I am not. A fetishfor all such bookwork. I have more daring and will stake my whole stock on the one chance for atruly remarkable philtre. If it goes awry and burns me to a crisp, what of it? If it produces onlyskinrot, I can start again. But my lad, oh ho, suppose I succeed. What then of those who stand intheir neat stalls, performing the same step as each indentical vial comes down the line? Why,with the right potion, one could be rich for life, selling drops here and there for a baron's ransomwhen the need struck."

Saxton stopped as the glyphs on Alodar's scrap finally penetrated his consciousness."Great amulets, my lad, where came you upon this?""From the fall of Iron Fist, alchemist, from the same trove that produced Vendora's new

grimoire. Can I assume that you are interested?”"An elixir of boils on the royal shops." Saxton waved him off. "They push polluted swill

through their pipes no less than do the likes of Basil the apothecary. But enough of that. Theformula interests me indeed. What is your proposition?"

"What is yours?" Alodar replied warily.Saxton ran his hand over his head. "Well, you could proceed as you originally stated," he

said. "I will accept you as a novice. In the course of time, you will learn enough to activate theformula with no assistance. The craft is broad and the knowledge diverse, however. Much morethan what is specifically needed would be thrust your way, and you would have to wait patientlyuntil you understood the signatures of the final ingredient before attempting the mixing. Iestimate that in perhaps seven years you would know enough to try,"

"I seek not mastery of all of alchemy," Alodar said. "Just the meaning of these scraps inmy hand."

"Wait," Saxton said as he raised his open palm. "I have not finished with my proposal.You could study as a novice and have all in seven years. Or we can work together on this

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specific formula, sharing equally in the labor for perhaps six months and then equally in therewards as well."

"I put forth nothing but the formula and the effort for its preparation?" Alodar asked."And I nothing but my knowledge and equal toil as well," Saxton replied,"I sought no better arrangement when I saw Basil this morning," Alodar said, breaking

into a smile and showing Saxton the rest of his scraps. "See then all. It is with you I would ratherstrike a bargain."

"And in truth, we are not totally clear of the apothecary's grasp," Saxton said as hequickly shuffled through the pieces of parchment. "From time to time I have had to borrow fromhim when my luck ran sour. Even now I owe him a sack of brandels a half year hence or myservices for a full twelve months thereafter. And as I scan the formula here I see that theingredients go quite beyond what one can expect to find in my little shop. Pennyroyal, goldthread, dried salamander, camphor, and sandalwood are the stock in trade of any alchemist on thestreet. But the others, a dead man's candle, root of shrieking mandrake, midnight dew collectedunder a moon eclipsed. Not standard items and it will take much to procure them. Yes, we mayhave to deal with Basil before we are finished, I fear."

"Is it a risk you are willing to take?" Alodar asked."It is your risk too," Saxton said. "You would take it, even if we did not have to barter

with him again. My present agreement binds any novices I may have as well. If we fail to earnenough to make payment on time, then you also will pull vats and carry beakers from mixing lineto workbench cubicle. The juices that stain your skin and the vapors that rot it away willsurround you for a year. Even for such a short time you will not escape unscathed."

Alodar frowned and stood a moment in silence. Eldan's image was still too fresh and heshuddered at the thought. "What product does the formula produce?" he asked. "For whatmagnitude of reward do I take the risk of this bondage?"

"Oh the rewards are great enough," Saxton said with a smile. "This formula is for anointment, no less than a caloric shield, allowing one to endure great temperature that wouldotherwise be fatal."

Alodar's frown deepened. "I can fathom no use for that," he said. "I was hoping forsomething more dramatic and powerful."

"It is powerful enough," Saxton said. "Powerful enough for the Fumus Mountains.""How can such an ointment aid in the mineshafts which everyone declares to be

delivering their last?""Those tunnels are not the working of man," Saxton replied, "but natural fumaroles and

fissures in ancient volcanoes which have smouldered since before the first sagas. And in theirwalls we have found hundreds of perfect crystals of emerald, aquamarine, beryl and other finegems. With a few chips of the chisel, they fall free into the pouch, more like collecting wildmushrooms than wrenching soft metals from their tightly clutching ores. And the deeper we havegone, the larger have become the stones. Last year a topaz the size of a robin's egg came fromBasil's mine next to the queen's."

'Then they are hardly playing out," Alodar said. "Great treasures might be at lower levelsstill."

"But it is the heat," Saxton explained, "that is bringing collection to an end. Near thesurface, where the cool air mixes with the humid blast from below, one can stay as he will,although with discomfort. At depths where gem quality stones were first found, a miner workedhis full day, if properly attired. But all such levels have been discovered and searched many

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times over until there is no more treasure. Now all that remains are mad dashes by the daring intopassageways which burn to the touch, to retrieve one stone and then hastily return.

"Why do you think I risk neck and limb to make elixir to calm one's nerves, to keep cool-headed in time of peril? No less than three lords have announced that they will venture beyondwhere any have dared and bring back jewels to fill the treasure chests of the queen. Yes, eversince she returned from the west with that rough Feston in tow, Ambrosia has been seized with afever for noble deeds to attract her attention. Every lordling seems convinced that a brave questthat returns much fortune will turn Vendora's head before she settles on the red surcoat bydefault. And the jewels of the Fumus Mountains would top any feat in bravery and reward by far.We will be amply paid for an ointment which makes possible such a success."

Alodar's frown turned to a broad grin, and he pounded the older man on the shoulder. "Iknew I was on the right track," he exclaimed. "Yes, yes, of course, the jewels of the FumusMountains. But why settle for a stack of gold coin when the greater reward is ours for the taking?Do not plan to sell the ointment when it is finished but smooth it on my limbs instead. I willbrave the heat and darkness and bring back the jewels for us to share. Gems enough for you todole out a few at a time to keep you in expensive pleasure, and yet enough for me to overflowVendora's royal coffers. With wealth from your alchemy and the lays of the bards for what I willhave done, how could any other have better chance for the hand of the fair lady?"

Saxton blinked at Alodar's outburst and looked cautiously into his gleaming eyes. "It isnot certain," he said, "and risks are still present. The ingredients are so dear that we can notafford great quantities. Only a modest chance will we have of success; one cannot guaranteecertainty in this craft. And even if we do succeed, know that the ointment will reduce theheatflow to your body but not completely stop it. There may be no gems worth the taking exceptat depths for which even the protection is insufficient."

"You stated you are willing to risk all on one chance," Alodar said. "For my quest, so amI."

"And finally if you do stagger to the surface laden with wealth," Saxton persisted, "doyou think that others will stand by and let you remove it? How well can you wield your sword toprotect the fruits of our labor?"

"I received modest training as a small boy,” Alodar said. "But I am willing to undertakemore, if that is what is needed."

"Oh, by the laws, you have my interest and know it," Saxton said as he looked again atthe scraps in his hand. "The parchment smells old, the script looks ancient. If any formula is tomake my fortune, then why not this? But the effort will be a great one, and many hours must wetoil before it is done. Even to get one vial at the end, it looks as if we must start with no less thana thousand of the first step; and as you see, I am ill-equipped to perform repetition with muchefficiency. But yes, I think you must become a warrior as well. I have a distant cousin whoinstructs sons of the nobles somewhere across the expanse of Ambrosia. Cedric is his name, andperhaps he would teach a novice alchemist as well."

"I have heard of him," Alodar said. "His skill was praised in the bailey of Iron Fist.""Very well then," Saxton said, "we will proceed as follows. You spend your days with the

soldier's toys while I continue my usual routine with mine. After all we must still earn the cointhat keeps our minds alert and heart's blood pumping.. During the hours of darkness, we willwork to produce the caloric shield. Hopefully, by the time the ointment is ready, you will havesufficient skill to protect whatever treasure is found as well."

Saxton stopped and looked out through the high windows. “Tomorrow you can seek out

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Cedric," he said, "But by the looks of the shadows we may as well begin now the first evening'slabor. Let me see, I said we must prepare to activate the first step a thousand times. That wouldmean we need no less than twice that number of spider eyes all neatly cut free and dipped inhoney. You begin with them while I start to set up the rest."

"Spider eyes," Alodar groaned, "and two thousand. But that could take months all byitself."

"Persistence," Saxton said, raising his index finger. "Persistence is the primary attributeof the alchemist."

Alodar looked up at the sun high overhead and yawned. He had wielded the tiny scalpelfor the better part of the night and getting proper directions had taken most of the morning. Butat last he was headed out of the winding alleys of the craftsmen and into the heart of Ambrosia.The street ahead widened, and well worn cobbles replaced the mud underfoot. Paintedstorefronts mixed with rough clapboard. In the distance Alodar saw inns, taverns, and liveriesrising above the smaller structures.

As he continued, the street crowded with beggars and merchants with pushcarts,badgering the patrons who ventured forth for business before noon. Hawkers standing onbalconies added their voices to the melodious background clop of horse-drawn coaches. Thearoma of freshly baked meat pies on storefront shelves blended with the smells of humanexertion as he pushed his way through the thickening swarm.

Alodar pressed on, and the shops gave way to private dwellings and finally to expansivemansions, high-walled with gates closed to the street. He no longer blended in with the traffic butstood out against the glint of mail and sheen of silk that passed him by. Near the river which splitthe city, Alodar stopped and banged a heavy knocker against a door of iron.

"I wish an audience with warmaster Cedric," he said to the anonymous eyes which peeredthrough a small slit in the door.

"Have you an appointment?" the voice behind the eyes asked. "Warmaster Cedric ispresently giving private drill and has two more pupils after noon today."

"I wish to engage him in like manner," Alodar said, "and am here to arrange terms andtimes. Perhaps he can see me for but a moment.”

The impersonal voice exploded in a hearty laugh. "And I see by your attire that you must be the scion of some lord in Vendora's court itself.

By all means enter. My master needs a diversion this morning and I think he will be mostamused by the value you place upon his craft"

The door swung open and Alodar saw two figures clashing long staves against oneanother in the large courtyard. Vine-covered walls ran around the periphery, meeting either sideof a two-story structure at the far end. Large wooden racks of precisely hung clubs, swords, andmaces hid all but one small doorway, and the windows above were crowded by cabinets ofdaggers, crossed halberts, and double-headed axeblades secured to the wall. Circles and squaresof dusty chalk divided the hard clay ground into the pattern of an often-patched quilt, and in thearena nearest the building the two men struggled. Alodar's irritation over the servant's mannervanished as he advanced to meet them with a rapid stride.

"No, no, no," the taller of the two growled. "If he thrusts with both hands equallyextended, push your staff perpendicular to it. If you do not, he will slide around your guard anddrive home like this." With these words he dropped his left hand from his stick and, swingingwith his right, soundly thumped it against the ribcage of his opponent. The second man yelped

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with surprise and tripped to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs."Enough for today, Dartilon," The victor dismissed the other with a flourish. He

smoothed back into place short, silvery hair and twirled the end of his waxed moustache intosharpness. His eyes were an unblinking steel blue and his cheeks axeblade flat about lips drawninto a firm thin line.

The skin on his bare arms and legs showed the crisscross of many scars and blotches ofa*ge but stretched tight like a drumhead across his thickboned frame.

The fallen man scurried away into the house at the courtyard's end, rubbing his side, andAlodar seized the opportunity to speak. "Warmaster Cedric, have you room on your calendar foryet another? I cannot pay as well as some, but I will be an attentive pupil and learn well whatyou may teach."

"My fee is a gold brandel per lesson,” Cedric rasped, "Does your eagerness extend thatfar?"

"A gold brandel, no," Alodar said. "At least not at once. Not until I receive return on myformula."

"Alchemy,” Cedric snorted. "Hardly a stable undertaking on which to depend. I have acousin, Saxton, who practices the craft in some little shed out on Honeysuckle Street. He toilsalone from sun to sun and all of his hard labor keeps him no more than days away from beggary.I prefer to instruct one whose purse always jingles, regardless of the luck of each morning'sbrew."

"It is from Saxton, in fact, that I come," Alodar said. "And surely you had rather someoneasking to learn than some lord's son sent because it is the fashion?"

"I take the rich men's gold because they thrust it upon me. If they wish me to ride on pastlaurels instead of upon the horse of the commander, then it is only just that I do so. Time withyou only deprives me of coin for my purse. Be gone with your ideals so we can both spend ourtime more profitably."

"I come on no idle whim, warmaster Cedric," Alodar persisted. "I am determined to learnthe craft of fighting and seek to leam it from him who teaches best."

"Determination, my scars." Cedric waved aside Alodar's words. "Determination until youfeel the first true stab of pain and realize that it is not some glorious game for the sagas."

With these words, Cedric suddenly lashed out with his staff and knocked Alodar's feetfrom under him. Alodar's eyes blazed, but he understood the intent and choked down his cry ofprotest. He slowly rose, rubbing his shin. Through clenched teeth he said, "Such a blow I canstand, warmaster."

"Indeed so," mocked Cedric and he flicked out and tripped Alodar to the ground oncemore. Alodar grimaced from the shock to flesh already growing sore, but scrambled upright,reaching out wildly for the end of the stick which now quivered tantalizingly in front of his face.As he extended his arms, it whizzed through the air with lightning swiftness and pounded hisstomach with three quick thrusts. Alodar involuntarily doubled up, grasping his hands to hismiddle, helpless to ward off a series of blows which now rained down upon his unprotectedhead.

In an instant the barrage stopped, and he huddled, licking blood, ears ringing, barely ableto understand Cedric's words.

"What now of that determination, lad? Do you still want to be the mighty warrior?"Alodar struggled to his feet a third time, still clutching his stomach and squinting to see

through eyes beginning to puff shut. "If this is the way you instruct, let me have the other staff

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and continue," he spat out. "By the laws, yes, I am determined."Cedric lowered his weapon and intently studied the figure Alodar cut before him. "Yes,

let us test it fairly," he said as he scooped up the second staff and tossed it in Alodar's direction.As Alodar reached for it, the master's stick sprang to life, whirling, thrusting and pushing

with lightning speed. Alodar, numbed as he was, could only imitate a stance he had practiced asa boy and thrust his staff horizontally forward. Cedric whipped his erect and cracked Alodarupon the top of the head and then each shin, Alodar shifted his stick vertically to ward off theblows, and Cedric replied with lunges to both sides, methodically hitting shoulders, arms, thighs,and calves. In desperation, Alodar released his left hand and swung his staff in a slow arctowards Cedric's dancing body. Cedric smiled and crackel Alodar's knuckles. The stick droppedonce more to the ground.

Now defenseless, the barrage increased in intensity and Alodar huddled, hands over hishead in helplessness. As the shower of pain continued, Alodar curled up smaller still, saying nota word but tightening his lips as each blow again hit his swollen knuckles and the puffing weltsforming on his back. Finally Cedric tired of the sport and stopped the pummeling. "And thedetermination, now?” he taunted.

"As before," Alodar croaked, struggling to rise on quivering legs. "Let us go at it again."Cedric dropped his staff and stood a long time in silence.At last he said, "You are either addlepated or burn with desire, my lad. What indeed

pushes you so?"Alodar managed to pull himself erect and return the older man's stare. "I wish to prove

myself worthy," he said. "Lord Feston spoke highly of the value of your teaching and hisreputation at arms is great."

"Sweetbalm for reputations. More come from circ*mstances than from merit. Ambrosiais babbling even now about how this Feston, one of my former lordlings, bettered fifteen men onthe walls of Iron Fist. Fifteen men surely all like yourself. Yanked from some town or field,dressed in leather and told that they were now warriors. Why, with any training at all, one couldhack away among the likes until his arm grew tired, with no threat upon his own person. But trueskill in arms is not measured by such petty reputation. It is by trial in which yours is not the onlysword that bites deep. And such skill is achieved at no little cost. Can what you seek be worth the

agony of this morning and the days to follow?""Yes," Alodar answered simply, holding fists tight against his sides, determined not to

collapse until the interview was over."Valdo, tend his wounds with sweetbalm." Cedric turned suddenly and beckoned to the

servant still at the gate. "And fit him sparring gear for the morrow.""Sparring gear?" Alodar asked. "For tomorrow?""Yes," Cedric said. "My pupils need practice against the lesser skilled order to build

confidence and polish their technique. They would never dream of testing themselves against oneanother, and you can serve their needs admirably. And if you watch while I instruct, you maylearn enough to fend against them. Can your determination take day after full day of that?"

"It can," Alodar said. "It will have to."Cedric gave Alodar one last look. "A hero and a fool," he muttered and walked out of the


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CHAPTER SIXLack of the Potionmakers

ALODAR pushed the cork into the last flask and sat down on the smalt stool beside theworkbench.

He shook his head to clear the numbness and looked through fatigued eyes at the tworows of transparent liquid that barely covered the bottoms of their containers. Only sixty-three,he thought, sixty-threee small flasks to represent the results of over five months of labor.

Saxton placed a fleshy palm on Alodar's shoulder and rose on his tiptoes in a backarching stretch. "Well done, my lad," he yawned. "You have been an apt pupil and we haveaccomplished much. Four steps completed and six more to try. If all the rest go right half of thetime, then we have about three chances in four of producing the ointment And with fewerrepetitions to run at each stage, we will progress all the more swiftly."

"From such speed we can well benefit," Alodar said. "The monotony of repetition bothersme less than the time remaining before we must make good the loan from. Basil."

"There is an additional matter for concern," Saxton said. "I have traded what useful stockI could for ingredients to get this far but can continue in the same manner no longer. The sixthstep requires peat tar dug in darkness and Basil virtually monopolizes the entire supply. Eitherwe deal with him or attempt instead to use a substitute."

"I would rather not give him further claim upon our futures when we have come this faron our own," Alodar said.

"Nor would I," Saxton replied. "I have escaped the snare in which he has entrappedothers by bartering but modestly and then only when I had no other choice."

He stopped and ran his hand over his head, his eyes frowning in thought. "And by thelaws," he said, "we may as well try. There is more danger if we substitute in a formula thispotent, but if we do not, we increase our risk as well. Let us look in the almanac and see whatsignatures must be provided."

Saxton reached up on the shelf and pulled down one of a matched set of volumes placedin a neat line amid his jumble of assorted grjmoires.

"Yes, peat tar, here it is," he said. " 'Thick, sticky black liquid with pungent odor.' Well,the thickness and stickyness are well enough understood. Almost all of the more complexformulas that have many diverse ingredients need some substance to bind them together. Theother properties are a little more ambiguous, depending upon the final objective. Fortransfigurations, black provides the animal's coat, for invisibility, the quenching of light, and soon. Ah, this is the entry. For heat-shielding, black gives the dissipativeness of empty space. Letus see, for the pungent odor there are likewise many interpretations but they all seem to deal withrepulsion. In our case, yes, here it is. For shielding ointments, the odor repels heat."

Saxton slammed the book shut and replaced it on the shelf. He closed his eyes, folded hisarms across his chest and rocked back and forth on his heels.

"Sap from the maple tree," he said at last. "I have some here. And if somehow we coulduse the powder of distaste with it, the signature should be close enough to work."

"You have the powder as well," Alodar said. "I came across it while looking for more ofthe syrup of narcissus."

"But as you said, we can ill afford the labor," Saxton replied. "The powder binds butpoorly with any other substance. It would float on the surface of the maple sap like oil on water.

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We would have to force each gram into the liquid one at a time and hold it there until it wassoaked through and would stay. And for each of our flasks we need hundreds of grains. Yourtask with the spider eyes was a small effort by comparison."

"Does the soaking require an activation," Alodar said, "or merely the effort to bring itabout?"

"There would be no alchemy in the preparation," Saxton said. "That would follow whenwe had the peat tar substitute ready for use."

"Then I have the solution," Alodar said excitedly. "What you describe is but a perfectapplication of thaumaturgy. We can hold one grain in a bead of sap and, with a simplespellbinding, the others will follow."

Saxton wrinkled his nose and frowned. "I have no need for another craft," he said, "andcertainly not for another craftsman. Besides no thaumaturge would accept an invitation to myshop even if I were to extend one."

"I can do what has to be done," Alodar said. "Let us pour out the sap and I will showyou."

Saxton looked at Alodar a long time, then shrugged his shoulders and pointed to one ofthe shelves. Alodar slid off the stool and retrieved a glazed jug with a stopper crusted with moldand hardened streams of sap running down the sides like candlewax about a bottle. He decanteda generous amount into a large shallow pan and, sucking on a glass tube, extracted a droplet toplace in a vial nearby. He found the powder of distaste and grabbed a pinch between thumb andforefinger. Like a cook spicing a stew, he sprinked the dark black powder over the open dish.Then, with a pair of tongs, he extracted a final grain from the small square tin.

He looked at the anthanor flame burning nearby and spoke the words he had not used forthe long months he had labored at his new craft. Then, with a sudden motion, he plunged thetongs into the vial and turned to watch the surface of the pan. The powder disappeared fromview, sinking into the darkness of the sap and leaving sluggish ripples in its wake.

Saxton crept closer, his squinting frown replaced by eyes wide with curiosity. He lookedat the uncluttered surface of the liquid in the pan and then to the tongs in the vial. "The quarterpart of an hour should be enough," he said quietly as he studied the mixture.

Some time later, Alodar released the connection and pulled the empty forceps from thesmall vial. The grains of powder remained where they were, floating in suspension. "We areready with the substitute peat tar," ha said with a smile.

Saxton grunted at Alodar's success and motioned him aside. He picked up the first of thestoppered flasks and carried it across the room to a ring above a small smoking flame. The sootimmediately began to blacken the bottom of the glassware and send wisps of carbon up the sides.Saxton removed the cork and added to the clear solution some of the impregnated sap, using alarge bulbed pipette. Then as he watched the liquid simmer, he began to copy a parchment scraponto clean paper.

"By the signatures, why must the good formulas all be such a bother?" he wondered."Ten steps in this one, each with no more than an even chance of proceeding correctly. Tensteps, by the laws. One thousand setups for the first, so we get about five hundred successes.Five hundred successes so we can have step two go right in about two hundred and fifty. Herewe are at the fifth and must try it no less than the full sixty-three times just so we have twochances of having the final activation succeed. Were the stakes not so high, I would be temptedto make one lot and be done with it Would that these formulas could be multiplied as are those ofa cook without a corresponding decrease in their potency,"

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Before Alodar could reply, Saxton had completed all but the final symbol and raised hispen-hand high. All was ready, and Alodar tensed as the quill descended to the paper.

The room suddenly exploded in light, and Alodar's eyes pulsed with pain. He blinkedonce and then twice more. All was strangely dark except for a dull glow in the direction of theflask, which remained even when his lids were closed. Saxtoo lurched against him, and both fellto the floor in a crash of splintering boxes and the tinkle of broken glass.

"Hellfire," Saxton coughed. "We have to get out"Alodar opened his mouth to reply but quickly shut it again, gagging on a thick, stinging

vapor which burned the linings of his throat. He raised one hand to cover his nose and felt atrickle of fresh blood on his palm. He stood upright, crunching glass, and flailed blindly with hisfree hand until he found Saxton's arm. The doorway should be behind them. As he pulled thealchemist to his feet, he began to grope towards the exit.

More glass clattered as they staggered together, stumbling against the gear scatteredabout the floor. Alodar banged his shins against a heavy iron bar across their path and fell to hisknees. He rose and limped forward, free hand in front reaching for a familar object. He tookthree more steps and then stopped, feeling the blank wall that separated the workroom from thefront of the shop. He reached back, placed Saxton's hand on his shoulder, and began inching tothe doorway on the right.

His lips started to quiver behind his guarding hand and be fought to hold back thegrowing demand for air.

Each cautious blind step seemed to be his last, but he pushed on for another until be feltthe jamb of the door. He could hold breath no longer and bolted into the front room, ricochetinginto the walkway beside the counter. Saxton scurried behind, and together they crashed forward,ripping the latch from its guide, and out into the street,

Alodar stumbled for the last time and sprawled on the sidewalk planking. He took atentative breath; although it was tainted with the smell from the workroom, it filled his lungswith air. He rolled over and looked at the sky. The dull glow was still there, but fainter now, andthe dim outline of the moon began to form beside it. He turned to his side and deduced that themass beside him must be Saxton, painting rapidly, but alive as well.

"Cut short your stay at Cedric's tomorrow," the alchemist rasped. "We will journey to theapothecary and barter for what we need. So Basil has all the supply of peat tar. It is well worthwhatever price."

Alodar ducked behind his shield and the padded club whizzed over his head. Unarmedgrappling, staves, broadsword and shield, and now the mace, he thought. The months ofmonotonous execution of the first steps of the formula bad given him time to observe Cedricwell. Well enough that Alodar was beginning to be a true match for Dartilon and the others likehim.

His opponent staggered as he halted the rush of his missed blow, and Alodar seized theopportunity to strike. He thrust his shield diagonally across his body, blocking Dartilon's arm atthe top of its backswing. Reaching out with his own mace, he swung it in a wide arc, catching theyoung lord squarely on the back of his unprotected head. Dartilon sagged to the ground,momentarily dazed by the blow.

"Enough," he said weakly. "I am tired from the festivities at my father's manor last night.Enough for today. When I am fully awake and fresh, we shall see who can better handle theclub."

Alodar said nothing as Dartilon rose and retired to the dressing quarters. His left arm

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ached from holding the heavy shield through three successive combats, but he did not mind thediscomfort.

"Well enough, Alodar," Cedric's voice rasped behind him. "Rest a bit in the shade of thecourtyard wall. You will find progress faster if you do not try to master it all in a single day."

"I think I can make it worthwhile for another match," Alodar said as he turned and sawCedric heading for the shadow. "And I do not rest easy so long as there is more to learn."

Cedric sat down on a small bench pushed against tbe vine-covered wall. "And when youhave learned all that I have to teach you, what then do you expect?"

"As I have said, warmaster," Alodar replied, "the respect which is my due."Cedric pulled his lips into a tight line and slowly shook his head. "Come," he said, "there

is no one else to instruct for the next hour. But there is more that I can teach you than the crashof the mace."

Alodar dropped the shield and joined Cedric on the bench. He looked the older man inthe face and raised an eyebrow expectantly.

"I was lowly born," Cedric said, "and sought the glory of the sagas with my sword. Longhours and numbing pain I endured perfecting my craft. Fatigue and aching soreness were myonly companions. I have seen few in my lifetime whose dedication matched that of my youth."

Cedric stopped and his lips curved into a slight smile as he looked at Alodar settingbeside him.

"But no matter for dedication and training," he said at last. "The border wars of Vendora'sfather provided many opportunities for me to show my mettle, and by luck, skill, and recklessabandon I made my name known throughout Procolon and the neighboring kingdoms. Fromwarrior, sergeant, captain, to commander I increased my glory fighting thirty years for the king,and when I thought I had enough to compel the respect from any man, be he lord or no, I camefinally to the royal courts of Ambrosia."

Cedric threw back his head and closed his eyes. "I remember it well," he said. "Acourteous audience, a gold medallion, a flush of balls and parties, and then, when the novelty ofmy presence faded, the postern gate. Retired with honor so the proclamation said, but not somuch that I could pound a lord on the back or join him in a cup of wine. The craftsmen of thestreet might sing my praises, but so long as I was not a part of the faction with the ear of theking, then it did not matter.

"I became a bodyguard of a minor noble and observed from his retinue the workings ofthe court. I saw the whispered conversations, the hints of special knowledge, the alliances, thecoercions, the allegiances that shifted with each interpretation of the actions of the king. It tookme some while to understand the rules of the games at court, and once I learned I did not care toplay. Better they pay me soft gold for their son's instruction than I pay them for an occasionalbow or polite greeting.

"You speak of respect, and I tell you it is not for deeds but for influence. Have the favorof the ruler or the conviction of others that you do, and respect will follow. And no feat of arms,regardless how closely it resembles a tale from the sagas, will have the value of a simple bribeto an appointment herald of some high placed noble."

"It is not only by arms that I plan my assault," Alodar said. "I intend to use the result ofSaxton's alchemy as well."

Cedric pushed Alodar's words aside with a wave of his arm. "How can that serve anybetter?" he said. "Practice at arms at least returns with increased skill the investment of time yougive to it. Random dabbling on the Street might yield nothing at all."

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"Of the five arts, alchemy is indeed unique in its uncertainty," Alodar admitted. "Usingexactly the same ingredients in the same formulas does not necessarily produce identical results.The next to final step for nerve elixir, for example, produces ball lightning instead four times outoften."

"Unpredictable outcomes that make useless such experimentation," Cedric rasped."No, they are indeed related," Alodar replied. "With nerve elixir, we stabilize our erratic

impulses to fly and jerk uncontrollably in just the same way the crackling forces of the balllightning are aligned and held in check. And although the chance outcome inhibits methodicalinvestigation, the fundamental doctrine of alchemy does give some indication on how toproceed."

"And what is that?" Cedric asked."The doctrine of signatures," Alodar said, warming to the task of displaying his new-

found knowledge. "Or as it is simply stated: 'the attributes without mirror the powers within.'Beeswax is an obvious choice for use in a formula that transmutes lead to gold. Its ability topolish helps to create the metallic sheen of the final product. Vulture feathers play a role in theproduction of rugs of levitation and so on."

"If it is so clear then," Cedric persisted, "why all of this talk of trade secrets, newformulas, and profit margins?"

"It is true that if cost and time were not factors, an alchemist could devise a formula toproduce almost any product desired, a powder of immobilization, an amulet of unbounded luck,or an ointment of true invisibility. Indeed the alchemist's logo is a triangle impossibly balancedon a single point to show how the laws which govern thaumaturgy are easily transcended. Towork his craft, he would consult his almanacs of the properties and brew together the rightcombination of powers to achieve the effect. But, alas, nature works in perverse ways. The morepotent the product, the longer the progress must be, and the smaller is the chance of a successfuloutcome.

The experimentation of alchemy is that of finding the shortcut, the formula with fewersteps, cheaper ingredients and a higher chance of producing the result. A grimoire with formulasof high yield is a treasure indeed."

"Then perhaps I do waste my time toiling with sword and shield," Cedric said. "I wouldbe better off on Honeysuckle Street tearing apart their shops and acquiring these formulas for myown use."

"I think that a grimoire by itself would do you no great good, warmaster," Alodar replied."Knowledge of three things is needed to activate a formula successfully, and the grimoire

will contain only two: the ingredients, and how to prepare and mix them. It will even describethe complex string of symbols for each step of the formula to be copied fresh for the reactionactually to take place. But what is missing are the additional symbols which must be drawn toactivate the ingredients to release their power into the brew. And the symbols of activation areclosely guarded by the master alchemist. Though I work closely with Saxton on a product ofmutual benefit, he reveals to me only a few of the signs which form the heritage of his craft."

"It would seem that the persuasion of pain might reveal what is missing," Cedric said."And then one could in a trice have what has taken years to find."

"For one formula, perhaps," Alodar said, "but the varying repertory of even a modestlysuccessful alchemist runs to thousands of formulas and activations."

"Yes, but as I have noticed," Cedric said, "nothing these brewers produce seems to lastfor long."

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"It is true," Alodar admitted, "that the virtue of the powders and elixirs does fade quickly;and the more potent the effect, the sooner it is gone. Only true magic can be permanent; magicalarmor is proof against all blows forever. But the toil of magicians is not easily come by."

"Vendora could make good use of more than one such shirt of mail," Cedric said."Bandor still runs wild in the west and several of the neighboring barons have joined him in hisrebellion. It is no longer a simple matter of one recalcitrant lord."

"I have not heard," Alodar said. "Between my efforts here and in Saxton's shop, I havehad time for little else. But how could Bandor attract any to his cause? It was even rumored thathis madness was no less than demon driven."

"According to Kelric, the court sorcerer, it is no rumor at all. In his trance of all seeing,he finds no mind of man stoking the fires of revolt. Some of the nobility still refuse to believe itof one of their own. But what in truth pushes Bandor and how he persuades others is of littlematter. The west acts in concert against the queen and she must respojid. Even now the armiesspeed homeward from their idle swordwaving in the south so that they can bite real flesh in truedefense of her crown."

"Then the sooner I am proficient, the sooner I can aid," Alodar said."And the alchemy?" Cedric asked. "Do you labor at night as hard as you do here by day?""As bard," Alodar said, "although the effort by itself will not be sufficient. We must

travel this noon to Basil's mines in the Fumus Mountains to barter for more ingredients for ourcraft."

"Well, your -enthusiasm does arouse curiosity, Alodar," Cedric said. "Perhaps enoughthat I will visit my cousin one of these days to see first hand what all this fuss is about."

Alodar started to smile but Cedric cut him short. "Look, young Solidar arrives early forhis instruction. You wish not to waste your time with rest; then swing your mace in challenge. Iwill wait here and then instruct him when he is sufficiently limber."

"By the amulets, Rendrac, not so fast," Saxton said. "You know every turn in thepassageways and the torchlight is sufficient. But this heat addles my brain and I must concentrateto keep from tripping over the rubble directly underfoot. I cannot be looking ahead twenty feet tofollow which side tunnel you duck into."

"You said you bad urgent business with Basil,” Rendrac growled back, his deep voiceechoing off the tunnel walls. "He will not be out of the mine before nightfall and so I lead you tohim. But know that I am hired not merely to run errands for whomever might ask. Be thankfulthat my own work takes me close by and accept the pace with which I choose to reach him."

Alodar squinted at their guide and saw only a hulking silhouette against the flickeringtorchlight. The form hunched over to avoid a descending ceiling, burying his head betweenboulderlike shoulders that brushed the narrowing walls on either side.

He followed Saxton through the constriction and then around a sharp corner into a dazzleof light. He blinked his eyes and looked out a large jagged hole in the smooth stone wall thatadmitted a flood of afternoon sun.

"A gas bubble popped through here," Rendrac grunted as Alodar moved to the opening tolook outside. "We connected through to the passageway we just traversed because it wasconvenient."

Shielding his eyes with his hand, Alodar looked down the gentle slope of the mountain,barren of plant life and strewn with dark basaltic rocks, streamlined from their molten passagethrough the air and pockmarked from the gases which bubbled from them as they cooled.Standing on tiptoe, he looked to tbe left and saw in the distance the snakelike walls which wound

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their coils around the city of Ambrosia. He exhaled the heavy sulphurous vapors of the interiorand for the first time noticed the detail of the tunnels in which he and Saxton had stumbled forthe better part of an hour.

Like the boulders outside, the walls were smooth and firm, melted and scoured by the hotvapors that forced their way upward through not quite solid rock. He stepped back and lookeddown the passageway from which they bad come and saw it heave and fall and then twist fromsight, like a gigantic wormhole that wandered randomly through loose-packed earth. He ran hishand along the glassy wall and felt an occasional indentation that caught his fingertip or snaggedhis palm.

"Matrix for the gemstones," Rendrac said. "Some of the first ones found. But all suchhave been taken out ages ago." Rendrac waved his arm about the chamber and then ran his handdown stubblepocked cheeks. His hair was cropped short and unkempt, sprouting from his headlike coarse grass, woven by the wind. Cruel, dark eyes capped square jaws that merged into thesinews of a stumpy neck fully as wide as the head it supported. A thin, sweat-soaked tuniccovered a barrel-like chest above thighs as big around as a smaller man's waist.

Banging his sword against the stone wall as he turned, he motioned them forward andstarted down the passageway on the otherside of the opening. Saxton took a deep breath,coughed, and then pushed Alodar ahead, placing a hand on his shoulder as he scrambled by. Thetunnel dipped down a steep slope and the air immediately turned oven hot. Alodar dug in hisheels to control his descent and felt his throat prickle from the irritants that he scooped in witheach shallow breath.

Downward they descended at a cruel pace, and Saxton's hand on Alodar's shoulderbecame an aching wetness that gave fresh irritation with each step. His tunic clung, and his eyesstung from the salt deposited by the steady trickle from his sweating brow. He felt a weaknesssoak into his body, and his arms flopped limply at his sides, far wearier than they had been aftera full day in Cedric's courtyard.

"Enough, we will see him another day," Saxton croaked at last, but Rendrac did not reply.He continued on for another thirty feet and pointed to a dun opening to his left. Alodar andSaxton stumbled forward and lookedinside.

"Rendrac," a voice called out of the side passageway. "It took you long enough to arrive!No one will try any further. They claim that mips are popping through the torch flames in muchgreater numbers, and that the petty tricks destroy what little concentration they have for theirtasks. And not only the simple imps but sprites as big as a fist, and through common flame atthat. I explained that some sulphur must have been burnt accidentally, but they would not listen.I think that your logic may well succeed where mine does not."

"I was delayed by the two who came with me, Basil," Rendrac said as he ducked into thepassage. "I will take care of the others in but a moment. A few broken limbs and a jarred brain ortwo, and they will know what they must do."

"But remember what you are about," Basil warned. "They are of no use if they cannotstill swing the chisel and carry the pouch. The last two you persuaded were able to crawl downthe mountainside free men because I could no longer profit from their effort."

"I will be careful," Rendrac growled as he moved past Basil. "So long as they do what Isay, then their pain will be but little."

Basil turned and frowned for a moment as Rendrac disappeared into the gloom, but thenshrugged his shoulders and continued forward.

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"Why, Saxton," he said as he approached and saw the alchemist standing in thetorchlight. "What ever could compel you to seek me here? I thought you far too lazy for suchexertion. Are you so anxious to repay the brandels that you cannot wait yet another day?"

"You judge me correctly," Saxton gasped. "It is not for your repayment that I wouldendure such as this. But the brandels I do not have and the days remaining before they are dueare precious few. I must use them efficiently."

"An extension, then." Basil suddenly broke into a toothy smile. "Ah, Saxton, you havemade my afternoon. Each time in the past you have somehow come through and settled yourcontract. Each time I have looked forward to the day I would have your labor all the more. Anextension, yes, I can arrange it. Say another month against two years of service rather than one."

"It is not for an extension," Saxton continued weakly as he ran his hand over his head."By the laws, Basil, cannot we proceed upwards and talk as we go? If we do not, then you willsoon have to carry me instead."

Basil waved Saxton's words aside. "It is only your first time and you are not used to it,"he said. "It is the lower levels which really test one's mettle. If you descend deep enough, thetunnels run together; no one can say that they belong to me, the queen, or some other, Yet we donot squabble over what is found there. It is just reward for anyone who has the fortitude to bravethe heat and return with a prize. Of course, if they depart and return by way of the passagewayswhich are clearly mine, then I receive my fair share.

"But of your visit, tell me more. Despite the nonsense about the mips, I feel quitegenerous today since my other endeavors go well. Look at my waist and what do you see? Yes, itis no less than a magic dagger, the same that is strutted about the royal court. The nobles are notthe only ones with sufficient wealth to own such blades. I have no less than eleven more; an evendozen purchased from Lectonil, the master magician of the Cycloid Guild. An even dozen freeand clear. He was anxious to sell and gave better terms the more I would take. The profit I willmake from resale of the rest will more than pay for the one I wear here. So tell me of yourdesires and with a light heart I will listen."

"We need more ingredients," Alodar said, "and wish to barter for time and terms.""Most aggressive for a novice," Basil said. "Especially for one who is bound by the

agreement as well. But is this correct, Saxton?" He rubbed his hands together and broadened hissmile. "Do you need more, when I am yet to receive payment for the first?"

"It is as Alodar says," Saxton replied. "We work his formula and need additionalingredients. Deadman's candle, midnight dew, peat tar and the rest. I have a list of ithere."

Basil took the offered piece of parchment and then looked for the first time in Alodar'sdirection. "You saw me in my factory in Ambrosia some time ago," he said. He glanced at thelist and then furrowed his brow in thought.

"I find this hard to believe of you, Saxton," he said at last, "You have eluded me thelongest because you have been so careful with your agreements, I cannot see one of your trainingswept up in the hopeless dreams which blow in from the Street."

"Look at the list," Saxton persisted. "What I choose to blend is no concern of theapothecary. State your terms and let us be done,"

Basil's frown deepened and he rubbed his chin. "You have not yet worked off yourexisting debt," he said. "Yet, for the first time, you are willing to borrow even more and for aformula not of your own making. Tell me what you are about, Saxton, and then once Iunderstand, perhaps the arrangement will be easier."

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"Your terms," Saxton said, and Alodar felt the alchemist sag his other hand on hisshoulder as well.

"But these are not inexpensive ingredients," Basil said. "Why for the shrieking mandrakealone, to root them out I must use trained dogs with wax plugging their ears. And the peat tar isdug underneath light-tight sheds. The sparkle of a single star would destroy it all."

"Terms, your terms," Saxton said as he collapsed his full weight down upon Alodar'ssupport.

"Very well," Basil replied with a sudden edge to his voice. "Keep your petty secrets, butremember well when you crawl back in less than a month's time that it was not I who wasinflexible on alternatives." He stopped and twisted his face in thought. "Twenty years of servicefor both you and the novice against three hundred brandels on our agreed upon date," he said atlast.

"Is your formula so precious that you will risk terms such as those?""Twenty years is not a fair price," Saxton said. "It should be five at the most and we

would agree to that most reluctantly.""I care not to waste my time in bargaining. Twenty years is the only price," Basil snapped

back."I have waited too long for this opportunity.""Then perhaps, Alodar, we can reconsider," Saxton said. "It is not the first time I have

abandoned a formula before completion. You have taken to the craft well and there will be moreopportunity to make our fortune."

"Accepted," Alodar said, ignoring the alchemist's argument. "I would rather deal with thisapothecary no further, but if this is our only choice, then we will take it. If we succeed with theformula, the cost for the peat tar and the rest will be unimportant."

"You accept?" Basil said. "Twenty years and less than a month's time?"For a moment there was silence and Alodar looked over his shoulder at the alchemist. "Accepted,"Saxton said weakly with a wave of his hand. "It is as the novice states. If we

succeed, then it will not matter."To the shed on the mountainside then," Basil said slowly as his frown of puzzlement

returned. "We will seal the agreement there and arrange the details for the delivery of theingredients to your shop."

Basil turned and headed upwards. Saxton shuffled by Alodar to follow. "Twenty years,"the alchemist muttered as he passed. "Would we fare even as well as Eldan in such a time?"

"We quest, do we not?" Alodar replied. "The potential of such adversity spurs us onwardsto our goal."

"Yes," Saxton said, "but the next step could fail all sixty-three tunes, regardless of ourmotivation."

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CHAPTER SEVENThe Random Factors Align

ALODAR dumped a bucket of oily water into the gutter and slumped to the plankedcurbing. He kneaded the tired muscles in his neck and looked up into the early evening sky. Itseems bright enough now, he thought as he saw the disk of the moon balanced like a platterabove the roof-line across the street. He hoped Saxton's decision to wait three days until it wasfull was the right one. Even foregoing all time at Cedric's and spending two full weeks workingthe formula, there was little time to spare.

Alodar stretched his arms over his head and frowned. It was well enough for Saxton topropose a few days rest to uncoil his knotted muscles in some tavern, but it had only givenAlodar pause for the first time in months to consider deeply the path he had chosen.

All of this effort for only four samples. Four small vials, filled with what looked likemotley collections of tiny colored beads. But when held to the eye, each globule was a many-faceted crystal, able to withstand great stresses without breaking, stresses from grinding forces orsearing heat. Surely one tube would produce the ointment for which they had struggled. Fourchances to soften the crystals into a thick gel; then for each that succeeded, one additionalprocedure to make the ointment safe for contact with bare skin. With four vials, they couldexpect the contents of two to transmute properly, and then one of them to be rendered harmlessas well.

Two steps but with only four samples remaining. Alodar pursed his lips and shook hishead. When they had six stages to go and sixty-three chances, Saxton's caution in the mines hadseemed hard to understand. But now the outcomes could be enumerated on one's fingers and theboldness of their pledge seemed a much greater folly.

Each result was random. If the last step failed on the first attempt, then there would beone chance in two that all this work would have gone for nothing. Or if none of the four vialsliquified in the way they wished, then Basil's factory, not wealth and glory, would be the finalreality.

Alodar closed his eyes and tried to recall Vendora's beauty, to taste again his anger atFeston's ridicule, to feel the prickly bitterness at Festil's blind rejection. But the images of half ayear ago were blurred and fuzzy, the hunger and pain at Iron Fist buried far beneath thenumbness that rode on top of his thoughts.

Was it so important, he puzzled. Could he not Instead steal away in the night, perhaps tothe kingdoms to the south or even to Arcadia across the sea? Cedric did not seem to value greatlythe opinion of those who buzzed about the royal court. Was such respect worth the risk be ran togain it?

Alodar breathed deeply and then let the air out through his nostrils. No, there was first thequestion of honor. Saxton was enmeshed in this as deeply as he, and they must share the peril aswell as the potential for great gain.

A sudden crash from the interior of the shop broke Alodar out of his reverie and hesprang to his feet. For a moment there was silence, and then he heard the crunch of glassgrinding underfoot. He kicked the bucket out of his way and dashed Into the storefront, lookingfor the sword and shield Cedric had lent him for practice. As he stooped and thrust his handthrough the enarmes, a massive figure loomed in the workroom doorway.

"Rendrac!" Alodar shouted as the form came forward into the candlelight. "What cause

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have you to be in the confines of Saxton's shop?""No bar did you have on the workroom rear door and Basil is most curious about your

formula,"Rendrac said. "He will reward me well when I tell him something of it." Alodar raised his

swordpoint In front of his chest. "You will learn nothing of it here tonight," he said slowly. "Begone and return only if we need more ingredients from your master."

Rendrac smiled and stepped forward, fingering the hilt of the sword at his side. "And Ileave when it suits my own purpose,” he growled. "Not the whim of a mere novice."

Alodar took a deep breath and tightened the grip on his blade. His heart began to race andhis eyes widened as he looked up at the giant coming towards him. He ran through his mind hissparring yard training and set his jaw in a determined line. It must come to a true test sooner orlater, he thought, and defending the four vials was as worthy a cause as any.

Rendrac completed one slow step and stopped, eyeing the distance between them. "Comeforward, little man," he said. "Come forward and show your mettle."

Alodar looked at the angle of Rendrac's sword arm across his body and tilted his shieldupward. The man would slash down rather than across, he thought, as he slowly slid his ownblade toward the side.

"You learn nothing of alchemy while you stand frozen," he spat back into Rendrac'ssmile. "To search the shop you must first win the right to do so."

"Very well," Rendrac growled. "If you are alive or dead, I will find out what I wish. Tome it does not matter."

Then, with the swiftness of a much smaller man, he drew his sword and dashed it downtowards Alodar's unprotected head. Alodar whipped his shield upwards and received the blowwith a numbing jar. A shock ran through his arm; his elbow buckled from the contact.Involuntarily he stepped backwards, banging the heel of his boot against the wall. He peekedover the top of his shield and saw Rendrac's sword arm again raised above him. He took a deepbreath and stiffened his body in anticipation for the next downward slash.

The blow rocked his shield and skittered away. Alodar staggered and huddled lower tothe ground.

He thrust tentatively to the side, but quickly withdrew his arm. His reach was too short.He would have to extend beyond cover even to prick Rendrac's skin. He scowled and gritted histeeth as Rendrac's arm flew upwards for the third time.

"When you have finished with him, prepare to take on another," a voice rang outsuddenly from the doorway to the street. Rendrac halted in midswing and glanced in thedirection of the challenger.

He looked back quickly at Alodar, then thrust the countertop candle towards the doorwith his free hand.

The flame flickered from the motion, then held steady and cast its light across theentrance.

Rendrac grunted in recognition and pointed his blade in challenge. "I am no weaklimbedand untutored pupil, old man," he said. "You would fare no better than the novice."

"You will not slip past my guard with words, Rendrac. I am willing to cross swords withone of your petty reputation, if you are with one such as mine. Use your sword or put it away. Itis one or the other."

Rendrac flexed his fingers on his swordgrip and paused in thought. Alodar frowned at hishesitation, and then turned and squinted across the countertop.

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"Cedric!" he said. "Why are you here?""I have not seen you at practice for two weeks now," Cedric replied, "and, as I have said,

your activities with my cousin have piqued my curiosity. It seems that I arrive at a most fortunatetime."

Alodar lowered his eyes and dropped his shield to his side. "You must think I am no greatcredit to your teaching, warmaster," he said.

"A big man is not often bettered by a little one, no matter how talented the latter," Cedricsaid.

"And you cannot expect six months' training to make up the difference between you.Raising your sword against this Rendrac would have cost you your life and proved nothing. But Iam more of a match in size. Let him decide if he wishes to measure which of us has the greaterskill as well."

"As I have said," Rendrac growled, "you will find me more a match than your fledglingpupils."

"That I judge to be true, Rendrac," Cedric replied slowly. "But then you will find memore than you have yet encountered as well. In my lure I have fought a dozen of your bulk and Isuspect I will learn little from another. But the choice is yours. Sheath your sword and walk outunscathed. Or come forward with it drawn and afterwards we will remove your body."

They all stood silent for several minutes, but finally Rendrac scowled, thrust his swordback into its scabbard, and stomped around the counter. Cedric stepped into the shop andmotioned to the doorway. Rendrac pulled in his cape and shot a last glance back around theroom.

His eyes danced to avoid Cedric's; when he looked in Alodar's direction, he saw thebeginning of a smile. His scowl tightened and he waved his fist threateningly. "The next time,you may not have a protector," he growled.

Alodar opened his mouth to reply, but stopped when he beard loud voices suddenlyspilling in from the street.

"But do you not see, Saxton, that the risks you take are unnecessary. I have to demandtwenty years because, as I understand it now, no fair return will I get for the brandels I havelavished already upon your venture. But as a partner I can do much to ensure the success of all."

Two stout figures suddenly jostled to enter the doorway, and Alodar saw Saxton guidedthrough by Basil's silk-covered arm. Basil's cheeks flushed red from the exertion of supportingthe sagging weight at his side and Saxton's were redder still from his visit to the tavern.

"Rendrac," Basil said as his eyes adjusted to the candlelight. "What are you doing here?""No less than what you attempt with a jug of wine," he snapped back.Basil looked to Alodar, then Cedric, and finally frowned at Rendrac's words. "We will

speak of this later," he said at last."Why such attention?" Saxton cried gleefully as he sagged to the floor. "There has not

been such activity in my shop since twelve years ago when I thought I had stumbled on to aphiltre of longevity."

"Oh, be quiet, you fool," Basil said, "else I add the cost of the wine to what you alreadyowe. Come along, Rendrac. The night is wasted here, and we should be off to attend othermatters."

"Poor Basil," Saxton chortled as he sat with his hands folded over his stomach. "It is toomuch to bear, is it not? Someone else on the street is to make a profit from the Fumus Mountainsand you cannot let it be."

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Basil stopped in the doorway and turned to look down on the alchemist. "What about the Mountains?" he asked slowly. "What does your formula have to do with

the mines?""You may as well know," Saxton laughed. "There is nothing else to purchase. We will be

done in three days time and then it will not matter. Yes, Basil, it is the Fumus Mountains and thejewels of the lower depths. We shall get them, Alodar and I, while sweat stains your finegarments as you watch us pass by."

"A new tunnel," Basil said as he bent down beside Saxton and grabbed the folds of hissoiled robe. "Some sort of acid that will eat through to the bidden passageway that runs high andcool."

"No, far better," Saxton giggled as he tried to brush Basil's hands aside. "A caloric shieldthat will make the depths accessible for exploration. I wager that you will be repaid with a topazfar larger than a robin's egg."

"Then the partnership," Basil said excitedly. "It is as I have promised. Forget the debt forthe ingredients. Share with me the plunder from the bowels of the volcano and I will release youfrom the agreement to which you are bound."

"The wine loosens my tongue," Saxton said, "but some sense I still retain. It is Alodarand I who have shared this formula in good faith. It is only right that we reap all of the rewardfrom it as well.”

"A novice of a few months," Basil said. "How important could such a loyalty be? I haveworked the Street for years and in truth am a member of your craft as much as one whose robebears the inverted triangle. What cause can you have to deny me so?"

Saxton slowly shook his head. Then with surprising strength, he wrenched Basil's handsfree from his robe. "I remember too well the stare of Eldan and the others," he said, suddenlysober. "Too many fine craftsmen have I seen you sweep into your factories and too many pooruseless hulks have I seen you push into the alley on the other side. No Basil, I will not share withyou the fruits of my labor."

Basil stared for a moment into Saxton's unflinching eyes and then slowly rose. Hesmoothed his tunic and adjusted .the magic dagger at his side.

"Very well," he said at last. "If you choose to play by the letter of our contract, then sowill I. You have assured your repayment by gold or by the future labor of your back and brain.But that assurance is good only so long as you possess sound faculties upon the date they aredue. If I judge that you endeavor beyond the usual risks of the craft and jeopardize the value Imay receive, then I can rightfully ask for a guarantee of sounder value. And adventure into theFumus Mountains does qualify certainly as an undertaking of high peril. Your labor is no longersufficient bond, Saxton. What can you offer in its place?”

"Why nothing else, as you well know," Saxton said, rising uncertainly to his feet. "And Ihave never heard of such a condition binding an alchemist so."

"The clause is there," Basil snapped. "Before, I have not had cause to use it. But if youhave no assurance for your loan, then by right I can call it due immediately."

He stopped and twisted his face into a forced smile. "You are wrong when you think youhave five days more, alchemist," he said. "It is in fact less than one. Have three hundred brandelsin my hand by the next dawn or prepare to be measured instead for the restraints of the factory. Ithink I will put you next to Eldan's stall, so that each day you can watch and know full well whatyou will become."

"Your investment is well protected, Basil." Cedric broke his silence and reached into his

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cape."Here is a pouch with ten brandels. In two days time I will arrange to have the rest. Take

it as token and follow your hireling out into the street I shah" be the guarantee that the obligationis met."

Basil turned and looked up into Cedric's stern face. His smile vanished. For a moment hewas silent as he studied the unblinking eyes and felt the gold in his hand. "You have a reputationas a warrior, Cedric," he said at last, "not as a merchant. I can not be sure that your promise isany better than the rest." With a flourish, he tossed back the pouch. "I need not accept this," hesaid. "Dawn is within my rights, and even the queen herself would have to agree to it."

Cedric took a step forward, but Saxton moved between him and the apothecary. Thealchemist glanced out of the shop into the moonlit sky. "Your offer is well appreciated, cousin,"he said. "But Basil's twisting of words does no more than to force us to hasten our work. Themoon is not quite full, but enough so that probably it will little matter. Be gone, Basil. If it is bythe first rays of the sun that we must stuff your purse, then so it will be. Return to your factoryand await there your disappointment."

"Yes I will go," Basil snarled, "but to the first rays of dawn, and then no longer. Markyou, Saxton, even six hundred brandels a minute late would not be enough. You pay in the darkor cough on honeysuckle for a full score of years to follow."

The apothecary turned abruptly and stomped out of the shop with Rendrac close on hisheel. Saxton steadied himself against the door frame as he watched them disappear down thestreet. Finally he ran his hand over his head and looked back into the ulterior.

"And good night to you, Cedric," be said. "Alodar and I will not need your help furtherand we have much we must do."

Cedric grunted and stepped to the doorway. As he left, he turned and looked back into thestore.

"Next time, hold your shieldhand yet higher," he said, "and prepare to thrust under ratherthan around the side."

Alodar started to reply, but Saxton waved his arm towards the workroom, "Find me thepills which will clear my head," he said. "The next eight hours will decide it all."

Alodar looked up at the moon well into the sky, and then down to the square opening athis feet. Saxton's bald head popped through, and he extended his hand to help the alchemist upthe last few rungs. Saxton stopped his climb and waved away the aid.

"In a moment, Alodar," he panted. "It may be easy enough for you to climb to the roof ofthe shop a dozen times, but for one of my dignity, it is a different matter."

"The moon is almost to its zenith," Alodar said. "If we do not begin soon, there will be notime for the mountains before the sun follows it into the sky."

"As I already have taught," Saxton replied, "the purity of the ingredients materiallyaffects the chance of success. The more the moon rises, the less the air pollutes the passage of itscool light. We must make haste, but not so much that what chances we have are therebycompromised."

He stopped and looked upward. "But a few degrees more should be satisfactory," he said."Make ready the lens and the filter."

Alodar turned back to the apparatus at his feet and lifted the large lens from its case. Heplaced it in the semicircular base for the support stand and snapped the confining ring shut. Hesighted through the thick glass at the two closely set panes placed some two feet behind androtated the optical axis into line. Stepping over the gear they had hurriedly brought up from the

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workroom, he found the bulbous flask and pulled the cork. The odor of banebeny tickled hisnose, and he carefully decanted the deep blue liquid into the narrow space between the twovertical sheets of glass.

Alodar walked back behind the lens and dragged the huge mirror into place. He sightedinto the sky where the moon would be ia the next few minutes and tilted the reflector to catch thelight and bounce it horizontally, A parallel beam, he thought, converged by the lens, filtered bythe banebeny and finally focused on the flask at the end of the line. How much more complexthan the simple spells of thaumaturgy.

He pushed the gear into final adjustment and stood back to watch Saxton finish hispreparations.

"I am ready," he said as the alchemist pulled a long flexible hose from an earthen jar andinserted it into the mouth of the flask.

"As am I," Saxton replied. "When the moon's light strikes the mirror squarely, I willinvert the jar and the limestone will fall into the oil of vitriol. The gas from the reaction, the bluemoonlight and the granules we have placed in solution will interact and if we are lucky form theointment."

Alodar nodded and stooped to sight the moon through a small hole in the back of themirror. The bright edge crept into view and then the whole disk dazzled his eye with brightness.

"It aligns perfectly now," he shouted suddenly as he turned to watch the light streakthrough the apparatus and hit the flask with a dull blue glow.

Saxton inverted the jar and the first cautious bubbles burbled to the surface of thesolution. The alchemist snatched a pad of parchment, activated the ingredients and scratched outthe formula. As the final glyph formed. Alodar caught his breath, awaiting the reaction. Helooked at the flask, hoping to see the clear liquid instantly haze into a tracslucent gel.

Several minutes passed but nothing happened. Saxton rocked nervously back and forth onhis heels and ran his hand over his head. Alodar squinted at the glassware trying to see somechange in the solution, a slowing of the bubbles' rush to the surface indicating a transformation.

"Have you placed the flask at the precise focus?" Saxton asked. "With the moon not fullwe need all of the intensity we can muster."

"It is the lens, Saxton," Alodar replied. "With such a size you cannot expect it to bend therays that strike the edge with the same precision as those near the axis. I have placed the flask sothat the circle of confusion is smallest. Any better is beyond the grinder's art."

"Then it is the brew which is bad," Saxton said. "Toss it aside and we will try another.Three chances will be as good as four since I have only enough salamander skin left for the twosuccess we expect. The rest I already have used in barter."

He looked at the solution bubbling as if no formula had been activated. "Yes, let usdispose of it," he said. "Who can say what perversion of the desired result will occur if we let itinteract any longer. Or if nothing is to happen, then it will surely spoil."

Alodar stared down the line from the mirror which first caught the moonlight to the flaskwhich finally received its filtered rays. He passed his hand in front of the solution and saw thepale blue spot on his palm the size of a brandel. He frowned and thought of his training as ajourneyman.

"Yes, that will work," he exclaimed as the idea struck him. "Saxton, do not yet disturb thebrew.

There is more that can be done. Quickly now, help me find the small glass we used to aidin removing the eyes of the spiders."

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Alodar ran to the ladder and descended into the workroom below. He began rummagingthrough the tools of the trade, tossing the gear aside like an excited dog digging after a smallrodent.

Saxton shuffled to the opening and peered inside. "Not more thaumaturgy," he said."Remember what happened the last time you mixed the two crafts together.""Here it is," Alodar said, ignoring the command. "Now with another small mirror and a

sample from the flask, it will be done." He quickly scooped up an armful of stands and clamps,and staggered back up the ladder to the bubbling flask. Pinching the gas tube with his fingers hedecanted some of the fluid into a vial and then fastened it to the stand he positioned nearby. Heran back to the first mirror, adjusted it slightly and then inserted the edge of the second into thepath of the light. A slender beam separated from the rest and darted across the rooftop to engulfthe vial in brilliance.

"We risk enough, Alodar," Saxton said. "Let us try the next batch instead and take ourchances within the confines of the art."

"But a moment," Alodar said. "I do not mix the crafts so much as use them incomplement to one another. You need intensity and by no skill of alchemy can you make lensesperform better than the grinder has designed them. But the key is the light, not the glass whichbends it."

Alodar did not wait for a reply bat performed his spellbinding and then thrust the handlens into the second beam's path. He slid it rapidly back and forth and brought the rays into aprecise focus on the vial.

"The small glass converges with far more perfection," he explained, "and by thaumatugywe can force the larger to do so as well. Look now to the flask and observe how we fare."

"A sparkling brilliance," Saxton gasped, and Alodar turned to see the large tube of lightconverge into a tight point deep in the center of the solution.

Several moments passed in silence, then suddenly the liquid wavered before their eyes.The next bubble out of the tube dimmed from view and the one just leaving the surface left asmall crater in its wake.

"It gels," Saxton shouted. "My lad, we have ointment on the first try. Yes, of course, wemust have sufficient intensity or the ingredients will not interact. But no matter how you did it,let us set up for the second while the luck still points our way."

Alodar caught Saxton's excitement and hurriedly adjusted the equipment. He fixed thesmall glass in a clamp and then stood by the first mirror, keeping the moon directly in line as itcrested in the sky. In a few moments Saxton had disengaged the first container rilled with theglowing ointment and replaced it with a second. He tossed the spent gas generator aside andthrust the tube from another while casting anxious glances at the shimmering brew.

He finished the final glyph and almost instantly the clear solution thickened into thetransluscent cream. Saxton's eyes widened in wonder. He ran his hand over his head and thengently stroked the side of the flask.

"Two in a row," he exclaimed. "The random factors align, Alodar, I can feel it." He castthe second gas generator aside. Holding the flask high, he dance around the rooftop in exultation.

Alodar smiled and started to break the thaumaturgical connection.Saxton looked at the container he had set aside and then the two standing ready still filled

with clear solution. He stopped his celebration, frowned at the knot of brightness where the lastflask had been and stared back at the battered chest with small labeled drawers standing nearby.

"Powdered skin of salamander, less than three brandels more," he muttered and then his

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face recovered its smile."No, Alodar, leave the gear as it is," he said. "Run quickly instead into the city and get

from Cedric the gold he offered as loan,""Back to Ambrosia," Alodar said puzzled. "But, Saxton, whatever for? I am as happy as

you that the first two produced the ointment, for we can dearly use the time. In less than fourhours the moon will set, and sunrise will be but little after. Let us perform the last step twice asyou planned and proceed on to the Fumus Mountains."

"But do you not see," Saxton ran on excitedly. "The random factors align. The transitionwas so dramatic, so emphatic. We are not dealing with chance. All of our trails will succeedtonight, I can feel it. We need not settle for two vials of the ointment when four are ours for thetaking. If we double the supply of the skin of the salamander, there will be enough to perform thefinal step on all four. For a few brandels more we can secure what we need from the royal shopat the head of the Street. Go to Cedric's and maximize our good fortune."

"But sunrise," Alodar protested. "There will not be time enough for it all.""We quest, do we not?" Saxton chortled, waving his index finger at Alodar's scowl. "And

with the factors aligned, how can there be failure? I will complete the formula for the two flaskswe have prepared while you are gone; when you return two more will be ready to process aswell. Away. You may as well secure the powder as stand idly by while I exercise my craft."

Alodar looked down into the silent street and then toward the heart of the city. "Verywell," he said, "I will go. But if the moon gets close to the horizon and I have not returned,follow me with whatever you have of value. We will meet and save time in taking the road northto the mountains."

"The random factors," Saxton said as if he did not hear. "They align and, by the laws,with a formula of great importance. Yes, hurry along, lad. Tonight, we can do no wrong."

Cedric wrapped his cape tighter and cursed at the bite of the cool breeze. "Alchemy," hesnorted.

"Only for such a craft would one have cause to tramp about the streets in the middle ofthe night."

"As I have explained, warmaster," Alodar said as he hurried to match the longer stride,"you need not accompany me to the dwelling of this seneschal. I can rouse him as I did you.Even if his irritation makes all ten brandels the price for the powdered skin, I will not begrudgeit." He looked at the moon already uncomfortably low in the western sky. "Haste is far moreimportant."

"If I did not come," Cedric rasped, "dawn would find you pounding at his gate."Cedric stopped and turned off the street at the next open gateway. Buzzing voices and

loud laughter from a dozen sources floated over the wall, and a caped figure staggered againstAlodar and lurched into the night. He blinked at the torchlight when he entered the courtyard andstumbled past two more sprawling forms snoring in his way. The area was scattered with smallclumps of richly dressed men nodding dutifully at each other's words and waving empty cups atthe wine stewards wandering by. In a corner, a dark-haired girl tossed her veils to the rhythm ofher small finger cymbals, but no one noticed.

"You come late to lord Dartilac's festivity," a man in servant's livery said into Cedric'sear, "And it is not so light that I can recognize you as one of his peers from the court. I do notmean to offend, but have you brought the invitation affixed with his seal?"

"This is my invitation," Cedric said. He slowly tumbled the ten brandels from their smallpouch.

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"I must speak with his lordship on a matter which I am sure he will find to his interest.Can you not arrange for such a moment?"

The servant scurried to retrieve the coins and stood up with his face in a smile. Hebeckoned them to follow and started to weave his way across the courtyard. Against the wall tow,hich they headed, Alodar saw a blond-headed man of middle age holding a goblet in one handand poking the chest of his listener with the other. The lines of the face twisted in frustration andthe blank expression on the recipient of the argument forced each jab to be harder than the last.As Alodar and Cedric approached, the servant coughed and the conversation abruptly halted.

"Lord Dartilac," Cedric said without waiting. "I am the one who teaches your son,Dartilon, the use of arms."

Dartilac set his glass on a bench nearby and frowned. "I pay you well and on time," hesaid. "I see no reason to call upon me here and at such a time."

"What you say is most proper," Cedric said, "but, as you know, I instruct the sons ofmany of the lords and learn much that might not otherwise be common knowledge. LordCartilon, for example. His son I taught this very day."

Dartilac picked up his glass and took a cautious sip. "And what news do you have aboutthe house of Cartilon?" he asked slowly.

"As you know," Cedric said, "the queen is most appreciative of the loan of your seneschalto aid in the activations of her formulas from Iron Fist. And Cartilon has in the past alwaysaligned his house with yours, careful to say to all how you aid the flow of coin so necessary inthese times of increased peril."

"And now," Dartilac repeated, "what news do you bring?"Cedric smiled back into the lord's knitting brows. "Nothing other than what your own

speculations might give you," he said. "But first a small boon, my lord, as a token of the goodfaith in which we deal. Your seal on a writ against the royal stores for powder of salamanderskin, a few drams, no more. I am sure your steward would honor it, since he knows whoultimately decides his welfare and keep."

"Salamander skin," Dartilac said. "Do you jest? What you know is of little value if such isthe price you place on it."

"I need it before dawn and that makes it more dear," Cedric replied. "With your seal I canobtain it from your man as I could no other way."

Dartilac rubbed his chin while he studied Cedric's unblinking face. After a moment hegrunted and snapped his fingers overhead. The servant reappeared and dipped his head in a smallbow. "My seal on a writ to the royal factory of alchemy," Dartilac said, "to be drawnimmediately but to a maximum of three brandels and no more."

The servant frowned questioningly but Dartilac waved him away. "And now what ofCartilon?" he said.

"The army returns from the south," Cedric said. "What will be Vendora's first concern, topay them their due or to see that they are properly led?"

"Leadership, of course," Dartilac said. "It is true that her vassals have already providedtheir yearly aid to the crown to which they are shown and further provision must come from herown purse. But with a strong man at the head, they will rally to her needs and point to the west;their pay can come later."

"And between the lords who aid with ready coin and those who assist with sword, forwhom would she show more favor?"

"But both are needed as she knows full well," Dartilac said. "Leadership may be her first

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concern but she would not turn her thoughts from those who support the crown in so generous amanner."

"In a situation such as this," Cedric repeated, "who would she favor?""Arms," Dartilac growled. "Under the present conditions she would tend to arms." His

frown deepened and he stopped in thought."But surely Cartilon would not shift into Feston's camp without much reflection and

consultation," he said at last. "He has been steadfast in our course to resist the influence of therough outlanders. Old Festil may have been a favorite of Vendora's father, but Cartilon sees aswell as any that Feston dangles on a string. Why even now my staunch friend labors to influencelady Aeriel to add her voice to ours. And he is here tonight somewhere across the yard, partakingof my hospitality as do others of the same persuasion."

"Thought and consideration," Cedric said. “'I would judge that all of the intimates of thecourt spend a good part of their time in such profitable fashion. To be a member of a factionswinging into ascendency is a temptation. And even if one were himself steadfast, it wouldbehoove him to reassess critically the loyalties of every man that he thought stood behind him."

"But Cartilon," Dartilac said. "I instructed his son this very day," Cedric said.Dartilac grabbed his chin and gazed past Alodar's shoulder. "It is a matter to look into,"

the lord muttered behind his hand.Cedric stood silent, and Alodar saw the pensiveness grow on Dartilac's face. While he

pondered, the servant returned and thrust a folded parchment in Cedric's direction. Thewarmaster nodded and motioned Alodar to accept it.

"Value given and just value received," Cedric said. Without waiting for a reply, he turnedand started for the exit.

"You train many of the scions, did you say?" Dartilac shouted after him. "Perhaps there ismore in your future than a few drams of salamander."

Cedric continued to the gate and nodded once over his shoulder. He ducked through theopening and Alodar followed. In the street, the warrior walked in silence, his lips pulled into agrim line.

"I see that your way is far more effective than my pounding," Alodar said. "It is fortunatethat you learned something of Cartilon's leanings in time to be of such advantage."

"Think over carefully what I said," Cedric replied. "Cartilon's son said no more than thatDartilac was having yet another festivity." He stopped and grabbed Alodar by the shoulders. "Ilearned the rules but did not choose to play," he rasped. "And I do not care to begin even now.Finish this foolishness with Saxton and be done with alchemy. I expect you back in my sparringyard on the morrow."

Alodar started to speak, but stopped when he saw the bottom edge of the moon's diskshorn away by the line of Dartilac's roof. He tore free of Cedric's grasp and spun around to lookto the east, squinting Into the lights of the city and trying to detect the glow that preceded dawn.

"I shall repay you with honor, warmaster," he said at last. "But for now, my quest comesbefore all else." He grabbed the writ firmly and plunged down the road. Sprinting around acorner, he raced back to Honeysuckle Street.

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CHAPTER EIGHTMoltenrock Treasure

ALODAR panted up to Saxton's storefront too out of breath to shout his return. Heentered and swung around the counter and into the workroom. As he dashed through thedoorway, he stubbed his toe on a plank jutting in the way and his eyes widened in surprise. Theshelves and cabinets lay tumbled to the floor in a vast clutter. Alodar stepped cautiously throughthe rubble, knee high in splintered wood and broken glass. The air stank of a mixture of odorsfrom ruptured containers and he could not see a familiar sight in the confusion.

He walked slowly forward, scanning the floor, each step accompanied by the pop andcrack of additional small destruction. The large cabinet from the south wall blocked his path. Ashe surveyed a way around, he saw a single pudgy hand thrust from underneath its heavy oakenboards.

Alodar quickly stooped and heaved the box off the fallen alchemist, who lay face down inthe tangle on the floor.

"Saxton," he shouted as he rolled the brown-robed figure over. "What happened? Whathappened here? Are you whole or hurt?"

Saxton stirred slightly and opened his eyes to the noise. He frowned and focused withdifficulty, small trickles of blood oozing from his mouth and the many small cuts on his face.

"Alodar," he stumbled out softly. "Alodar, by the laws, it worked. It worked not once buttwice. As I said, the random factors aligned and both of the flasks produced safe ointment. Thechance of an alchemist's lifetime and I had it succeed twice."

"But what happened here, Saxton?" Alodar persisted."Rendrac," Saxton said, and then he began to cough uncontrollably, throwing up great

quantities of clotted blood. Alodar looked quickly about and spied a pottery jug still unbroken ona high shelf. He fetched it and, cradling the alchemist's head, gave him a small drink of water.

"Yes, Alodar," Saxton continued after a moment. "The luck of a lifetime is oftenbalanced in this perverse world. The factors aligned, but Rendrac could not give us the slightestchance of success thereafter. While you journeyed to Cedric's, he returned here just as thecontents of the second flask transmuted into a form safe to the touch. I thrust them into theclutter as be entered, but this body was not meant to withstand the warrior's pain. He pummeledme as well as the shop, and finally I had to tell him where they were."

"You did as well as you were able, Saxton," Alodar said as he looked about the room.Anger began to boil. "I will pursue and give Rendrac his due. We shall recover the ointment yetand your treasure as well."

"It is too late for that, my lad," Saxton said, beginning to breathe with difficulty. "I havestudied the inner organs of animals enough to guess what has happened to me. I am not topartake of any of the jewels of the mountains."

He stopped, and a deep sigh rattled through his lungs. "But then neither will Basil havehis way," he continued. "Two successes with a caloric shield! It is enough for any alchemist."

"Sweetbalm, or perhaps thaumaturgy," Alodar said. "We have quested, Saxton, you and I.Do not faster when the goal is in sight."

"All the balms were destroyed in the mess." Saxton waved one arm in a feeble arc overhis head.

"Think no more of me. Flee instead while you can. Basil will receive enough from

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Rendrac's trip into the heart of the mountains to care little for the service of a novice.""Rendrac braves the heat?" Alodar asked.“Yes, he anointed himself with the full contents of one flask as I looked on helplessly,"

Saxton replied. "When he was done, he resembled less a man than a silver demon, the coalingdid shine so. And the second batch he crushed underfoot and rubbed its precious salve into themuck he already had made. The other two flasks on the roof were destroyed as well, I fear, whenhe tossed all the gear to the earth in his rage to find the ointment."

Saxton resumed his coughing. As Alodar offered him another sip of water, he waved itaside. He hacked on for several moments more and then, in one giant convulsion, arched hisback with a final gasp. He fell limp into Alodar's arms, staring at the ceiling with unblinking eyesand saying no more.

For a moment Alodar held him in silence and then lowered him gently to the door. Hestood up and ran his eyes aimlessly around the clutter. He remembered Saxton as he had firstseen him preparing the nerve elixir, struggling with his craft but free of the doom which finallyclaimed him.

It was the formula, the quest that had turned him from what he had done so well. HadAlodar not come to his door, he would be tinkering here still, not breathing his last trying todefend a treasure he probably did not know how to spend.

Alodar slowly let out his breath and looked out the window into the night. "But by thelaws, it is done," he said. "There is nothing in my knowledge of the crafts to bring him back."

He pulled the small packet of salamander skin out of a pocket and tossed it into theclutter. And now that the alchemist has finished, what of the novice? What Saxton had said wastrue enough. If Alodar disappeared now, Basil would see little profit in tracking him down. Andso little time remained before dawn that the chance of finding gemstones to redeem his futurewas impossibly small.

Alodar wiggled his head and tried to shake out the fatigue. But if he were honor bound toaid Saxton in life, then the vengeance was his as well, he thought. No matter that safety lay in theopposite direction from the mountains. He must track Rendrac there, regardless of theconsequences. And the fair lady—a treasure for her he must have as well.

He gave Saxton one final pat and rose with his jaw set in a determined line. "Rest easy,alchemist," he said. "Rest easy for I will continue on." He paused and then pulled his face into abittersweet smile. "We quest, do we not?"

He shook his head to clear the feelings and, for the third time, surveyed the wreckagescattered about. As he scanned from wall to wall, the torchlight reflected into his eyes from theshards of glass and plates of metal on the floor. Then he caught a glimmer subtly different fromthe rest, silvery and opalescent, from a small bead in the midst of the litter.

"The ointment, surely," Alodar said half aloud. "Perhaps Saxton's second flask will serveits purpose as well as the first." He stooped and extended his gloved index finger into the smalldrop. It parted sluggishly and formed a pool around his fingertip, dense like mercury butsensitive like water.

Alodar put forward his other hand and gently stroked the drop up the side of his finger.The ointment followed, leaving a thin layer of shimmering silver. Heartened, he quickly workedthe rest of the salve onto his hand, kneading it around to fill all the cracks and crevices of theglove. When he was done, his entire hand was covered; when rotated in the torchlight, it gave offa soft silvery glow.

Alodar looked around the floor, carefully righting equipment and pushing aside the

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rubble as he went. He found a second small bead and then another; with each he repeated thesame slow process of transferring it to his body. In an hour, both his arms were covered; inanother two, his legs and the front of his torso. He rummaged through the wreckage, found asliver of a mirror, and then carefully covered his back with a small stick and the droplets hefound nearby. As he discovered more and more of the ointment, the search for the rest tooklonger. The moon touched the horizon as he finished his face and eyes. One part of his mindcried for haste, to strike out after Rendrac before his headstart became too great, before all thetime was wasted in preparation. But the balance argued caution, and he continued his methodicalsearch and application. He had begun to despair of finding yet more salve when he discovered abead in the corner, evidently arched high over the intervening floor by Rendrac's shatteringstomp.

He deftly scooped up the globule and rolled it around his palm, hesitating as he watchedit skitter about. Saxton had said nothing about the internal effects, but what he must do was alogical necessity. Shrugging his shoulders, he popped the droplet into his mouth and began toswish it around. His tongue glazed and his lungs acquired that tickly feeling he had bad as a sickchild. He exhaled forcefully and felt his nasal passages coat up as well.

He held his hands before his eyes, turning them from side to side, watching for telltalesigns of spots with no protection. The stuff was spread tab thin, he suspected. How could such ameager layer protect him from the heat of the mountain?

He stepped into the rubble and flipped open a small strongbox. Reaching inside, hescooped up the handful of coins that remained. Four coppers—all that was left of Saxton'swealth. Barely enough for the rental of a horse to take him to the Fumus Mountains.

Alodar raced his mount into the midst of the torchlights and jumped from the saddle. Thehorse stomped forward into the circle of miners taking their morning meal. On his left, Alodarrecognized the circular hole where the gas bubble had burst through the mountainside. At his feetwere picks, torches, iron strapped chests, and piles of small leather pouches, mixed with thepockmarked rock littering the gently sloping hillside. Straight ahead, rising from a silkenmattress spread over the rough ground, was Basil the apothecary. Alodar glanced at the paleglow forming in the east and quickly drew his sword.

"You come a trifle early to pay your debt, novice," Basil said as he recognized theintruder. "And in so theatrical a manner. I am a reasonable man and would have allowed you thehour remaining."

"Rendrac—where is he?" Alodar snapped. "He has an obligation to pay to Saxton aswell."

"The alchemist is no longer bound," Basil said. "I do not fault a man if he changes hismind, so long as his last decision is the correct one. And having Rendrac coated in the caloricshield is payment enough for what Saxton owed. I do not mind assuming whatever risk resides inthe depths of the mountain. Full share is far better than a part."

He stopped and shredded a piece of parchment into the air. "See, the contract isconcluded," he said.

"If the ointment was satisfaction enough," Alodar spat, "then why did you direct Rendracto take his life as well?"

Basil knitted his brow. "Saxton's life," he said, puzzled. "I know not of what you speak. Iwould not order Rendrac to such an extreme measure, for what could it profit me to do so?Saxton dead is of no value whatsoever. Alive he either repays in goods or with labor. No, I maycovet the products of his craft but I have no use for his life.'"

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Alodar stared into Basil's eyes and hesitated. It might be true, he thought. Basil's controlover Rendrac did not seem absolute. He tightened the grip on his sword and looked quicklyaround the group of miners slowly creeping back to form a circle around the two. He glancedinto the opening into the mountainside and made up his mind.

"Then where is Rendrac?" he asked. "It is he that I will deal with first."Basil looked to either side and signaled for his men to converge even closer. "He is

already into the mountain," he said, "but that should be no concern of yours. Saxton was freed ofhis contract, but unless you have the brandels then you are still bound to my will. Put down yoursword and submit. I will even let you stay and see with us what Rendrac brings from the depthsbelow."

Alodar cast quick glances to either side and took one step backward. "It is not quitedawn. Until then I am still a free man."

"An exercise in futility," Basil said as he motioned his men forward. "If you do not havepayment now, how can you hope to within the hour?"

"I will discuss it with Rendrac." Alodar suddenly turned and scrambled up the lip of theopening. He tumbled over into the passageway and spun around with his sword still pointingforward. Two miners appeared over the edge and then hesitated as Alodar flicked his blade backand forth in challenge.

"Oh, let him go." Basil laughed. "He will return soon enough, begging for water. Or ifnot, Rendrac will spot the body on his way out and we will dispose of it later."

Alodar did not bother to reply, but turned and headed into the bowels of the mountain. Hefollowed what seemed to be the same tunnel he had traversed before, torchlit and sharply slopingdownwards.

He raced past the side passage in which he had bartered with Basil, and the line of torchesled him onward for three hundred paces more. He ripped the last source of light from the walland dipped through a small opening into the blackness that extended beyond.

The path tumbled and pitched as he slowly progressed, occasionally opening up toimpressive heights and then narrowing down to slits to be traversed on hands and knees. Buteach step led him generally downward; and with each, Alodar felt the increasing discomfort ofstillness and heat.

Suddenly the pathway opened wide into a larger tunnel that sloped even more forcefullyinto the mountain's interior. Alodar looked up at the roof, fully three times his height and couldsee bright spots of light from cracks that led to the surface. He held his torch to the floor,illuminating the smooth and hardened rock that had confined an ancient upward thrust of heat-laden gas.

Alodar looked down the direction of the tunnel's path and saw a dull glow in the recedingblackness. He thrust his torch forward and picked up a small dot of light far ahead. He watchedfor a second to make sure it moved, then ran to follow, his footfalls echoing loudly down thepassageway.

Apparently alerted by the noise, the bearer of the light stopped and waited for Alodar toget closer. The dot resolved into a torch, its light reflected from the gleaming ointment ofRendrac the warrior.

"Sweetbalm. you are indeed a nuisance." Rendrac's voice resounded through the cavern."But, I see, a dimwitted one at that. If you come no more protected than that dull sheen indicates,I need worry about you only a few steps further."

"The ointment protects me as well as it does you," Alodar shot back. "I feel only a little

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discomfort and could survive with even less if I had to."Rendrac responded with a booming laugh. "Oh could you now, novice? How well do you

think you are protected now? Try your spittle on the rock before you answer."Alodar wrinkled his brow, but complied. To his surprise, his saliva hissed and foamed

and in an instant was gone."Yes," Rendrac continued, "the meager ointment you have protects you well enough now.

But if you have any sense, you would turn back to save your flesh from baking."Rendrac whipped his free hand about with a flourish and then placed it firmly against the

wall. A blur of fine mist spewed from the contact in much the same way as the spittle had fromthe rock.

"The ointment also evaporates in response to the heat," Rendrac continued. "I am wellanointed and presently feel not even your discomfort. I shall be able to descend much farther intothe depths of the mountain, but that thin coating of yours will be gone in a trice."

Rendrac laughed again and turned to continue his downward march with an easy stride,small tendrils of vapor rising from where his boots touched the hot rock-bed.

Alodar breathed deeply in defiance and then immediately regretted the act, coughingback the harsh volcanic gases into the humid air. He pressed forward after Rendrac, dimly awareof pinpoints of heat in his boots where the nails joined the beels to the soles.

Downward they went, following the tunnel's gentle turns, shining torches high toilluminate the smooth and featureless walls. Alodar stepped rapidly, trying to keep up withRendrac's easy gait.

Concentrating on closing the gap, he struggled to shut out the growing discomfort andfeeling that his strength and clearheadedness were ebbing away.

They trudged on in silence for many minutes, Alodar some ten yards behind and unableto draw closer. The walls echoed the methodical rhythm of their step as they placed feet firmlyagainst the downward slope of the tunnel. The cavern of smooth and unweathered rock loomedhigh and wide about them, majestic in its size. Like the intestine of some giant monster, itundulated forward into the very center of the mountain.

As they continued, Alodar suddenly caught another gleam of light reflected back from historch.

Before he could act Rendrac cried out in recognition. "The first one! By the staves, italone makes the whole journey worthwhile," he said. He stopped, reached on tiptoe to thetunnel's high wall, and deftly wrested a gem from the matrix which held it

"A topaz of at least thirty carats," Rendrac exclaimed as he dropped it into a silverypouch hung at his side and resumed his pace. Almost immediately, he shouted again, "Moresparkles. Just look at them! Sapphires, emerald's, aquamarines, bulging from the walls like thewarts on the face of a crone. I doubt if a pickaxe is even needed for them." In a hastened effort,he began wrenching the jewels from the bedrock, excitedly advancing further into the depths forstill bigger stones that blinked back his torchlight.

Alodar exerted himself to plunge after, now that Rendrac was slowed with his gathering,but his limbs responded sluggishly to his will. Small pains began to shoot through his lips; whenhe held them apart, the interior of his mouth ached for them to be shut again. Eyes darting about,he spied a small stone that Rendrac had missed and hastily reached out to snare it. With a start,he dropped it to the cavern floor, fingers stinging from the hasty contact. He spread his hands ashe had done before he left Ambrosia. The opalescent shine was still there, but now barelynoticeable against the fabric background that it covered.

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Alodar turned to pursue Rendrac with plodding steps, each one an effort that barely keptpace with his adversary's slower meander back and forth across the tunnel's breadth. He sawRendrac stop, pant, and catch himself as he almost wiped his brow. Alodar's own eyes wateredand ached, and each breath brought fresh pain when he inhaled.

They rounded a sharp corner, and Alodar noticed that he could see farther ahead than thesphere of light provided by his torch. In the distance, a bright red glow filled the cavern floor,and the reflections bounced back and forth off the walls. Beneath the sharp echo of Rendrac'sboots, he heard what sounded like a creamy ointment bubbling in a cauldron.

Rendrac looked at the soft background lighting, back to Alodar's torch, and thenextinguished his own. He tied shut the third small pouch crammed to overflowing at his waist.With a grin, he snapped open a large sack that hung to the floor. Picking the jewels from thewalls and dropping them inside, he continued onward.

They drew nearer the glowing redness until it filled the tunnel with Its light Alodarextinguished his own torch and let it hang at his side, no longer needing it to show his way. Witha dull realization, he saw that the glow came from a pond of molten rock lapping the floor somehundred yards ahead. The liquid nearest them was placid, but farther on Alodar squinted into aviolent frothing of reds and yellows that shot brilliant sprays to the very top of the cavern,melting rock where it struck and tumbling giant stones into its midst. Further back, the tunnelroof glowed amber as it blended into the level of the lava. They could advance no further.

"The biggest prizes yet," Rendrac called out, panting down to the very lip of the lake oflava.

There in a crystalized border around the pool, like the icing on a cake, massive gemssparkled in the glow. The smaller stones were the size of cherries and the largest as big as aman's fist.

Rendrac lowered his pouch to the ground with its mouth gaping open and shoveled thejewels inside.

Like a garden keeper removing autumn leaves, he methodically moved around the edgeof the lake, raking in the treasure.

He finished stuffing his sack and bound it shut as Alodar came closer, wobbling on eachstep, his eyes glazed into an unblinking stare. Rendrac opened a second bag; holding it low to theground, he tried batting the larger gems into the folds with his gloved fingers. His eyes racedover the jewels strewn about, disdaining those which were less than a baron's ransom. He lookedout over the pool, stopped his collection, and hesitated.

"It will be enough," he said. "I need not test the ointment that far." Returning to the firstsack, he wrapped the drawstrings around his wrist and then slowly pulled it over his shoulder. Hestaggered slightly as the heavy weight thumped against his back, grasped the second bag firmly,and started to return in Alodar's direction.

This would be his chance, Alodar thought dumbly. With painful slowness he forced hishand down to the scabbard at his side and winced as he tightened his grip on the hilt Rendracsaw the motion and laughed. Without a word, he stopped, slowly balancing his weight on onefoot and then kicking out with the other at Alodar's stomach. Alodar saw the boot rising but hisreactions were too dulled to respond. With his sword only six inches from the scabbard, he feltthe blow strike home. As he crashed to the tunnel floor, Rendrac swept by, leaving him to regainhis breath and scramble to his feet alone.

Alodar sloughed aside the effects of the kick, but his palms and the soles of his feet feltburned, and the rest of his body ached with protest from the heat. He tried to lick the roof of his

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mouth with his tongue, but it lay flaccid and no moisture would come. He should have beendisappointed that Rendrac was gone, but the heat dulled his will to care. He looked dimlyforward to where the large jewels had been and saw no more. Only the smaller gems that thewarrior had left lay scattered about the edge of the undulating pool of lava.

Like an enchanted harvester, he stiffly lumbered forward and dropped a dozen smallstones into the pouch at his side. He looked uncomprehendingly at the wealth at his feet, back upthe passageway, and then across the sea of molten rock.

As he scanned the bright red liquid, he saw what Rendrac had chosen not to investigate, asmall dark speck bobbing in the fiery waves. He squinted his eyes against the light to see what itwas.

“A chest," he gasped. "Much smaller than the largest of the jewels, but a chestnonetheless." He hesitated as he watched the small box bob on the slowly rolling surface, tryingto remember why he was there.

He looked again at the chest It might be the means for his freedom—and the treasure forthe fair lady. The quests were still intertwined.

He hesitated for another moment, trying to anticipate the shock of contact, but histhoughts fused together in a sludge. He shrugged his shoulders and took a first step towards thevery edge of the pool and then another.

The pain coursed through his palms and he felt the burning sensation creep down thenape of his neck and onto his back. He tried to shut his mind to the protests of his body and plodon to the edge. He concentrated only on raising one foot and extending it in front of the other.His supporting leg trembled with each step. His gait became a simple shuffle, each pace bringinghim only inches closer to his goal. Finally he stood by the edge of the pool, feeling the angrywaves of heat rise and bake his chest and thighs. He hesitated and then reached down into thelava to retrieve the small container from where it floated.

His hand screamed anew, not only skin but muscle and bone feeling the energy penetratedeep. Waves of heat pulsated up his arm and into his body. His flesh seemed to sear and his vitalfluids boil as the feeling ripped through him. Alodar somehow ignored the pain and, clasping thesmall box as firmly as he could, he rose to stand erect.

The pain throbbed for several minutes more, and then was replaced by a deep numbnessthat ran the length of his arm. There was nothing left to stay for, he thought finally, and he turnedand started to climb the tunnel to safety.

With great effort, he placed one foot up the incline and then followed with the other. Farmore slowly than he bad descended, he struggled upward. His consciousness slid nearly away asvisions of Iron Fist, Saxton's shop, Cedric's courtyard, Aeriel and the angry red wallshallucinated before him. To the small amount of reason that remained, it seemed that retreatingfrom the heat should bring relief, but nothing seemed to change.

On and on he staggered, focusing only on the floor, not knowing if each step would behis last, and dimly not even caring. One weaving stride followed another up the passageway, andAlodar could not think clearly enough to recognize any of the natural features he had passed onthe way down. After a countless number of steps, he began to realize that his torch was again ofuse and the fiery lava no longer lighted his way.

Some time later the pain lessened as he climbed, but he could not take heart, so wearywere his limbs and lungs from the punishment they had received. His breath was forced, andevery muscle throbbed from its abuse. Eventually the slope became less steep, but Alodar did notnotice as he continued to plod onward. He saw the light flickering along the wall and he followed

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the guideposts upward. Finally he looked forward and blinked at a large patch of rosy bluedirectly ahead, beckoning to him with whiffs of fresh air.

Alodar threw one leg over the Up of the opening and pulled himself out of the tunnel.Sliding down the outside of the slope, he tumbled into an exhausted heap in the midst of Basil'scamp.

He looked slowly about and saw Basil on his knees in front of two large chests with theirlids thrown open. The apothecary brought his hands upwards, filled with gems, and then let thejewels spill through his fingers. About ten paces behind, Rendrac stood, holding a large polehorizontally across his chest and pushing back the excited miners straining for a glimpse of thetreasure.

"You return," Basil said looking up from his play. "By the laws, you return." He lookedquickly about the camp and then to the horizon. He turned back to Alodar with a smile. "Yes,you return," he said, "just in time to begin your lifetime of service.”

Alodar sighed wearily and looked up into the first rays reaching over the horizon. "Mycontract is not yet completed," he said as he set the small chest aside and fumbled into the pouchat his waist He grabbed a few of the small stones and flung them across the ground. "With thesegems, you are more than paid in full." He looked down at the chest and reached into the bagagain. "And a fee for the rest since it is by your tunnels I obtained the treasure that is totallymine."

Basil looked at the small jewels scattered at his feet and then down at Alodar"s side."Well said, novice," he replied. "You as well as your master Saxton have a spirit I would love tobreak. But I am not a man for grudges. Give me that interesting item you extracted from thedepths and you leave a free man, with whatever remains in your pouch, as well."

"You have already been paid," Alodar said. "You have no just claim to anything more."Basil looked quickly about the camp. "Perhaps I do not," he admitted, "but then Rendrac

is not so principled as I. His impulses cannot always be controlled, although when he apologizesto me with small gifts such as these, all is forgiven," He again ran his hands through the chestsand motioned Rendrac forward with a wave. "Take the small chest," he ordered. "The treasurefrom the depths. I want it all."

"Well enough," Rendrac growled, stepping forward. "Let us see what this novice can dowithout a protector standing at his side." With a frown of irritation, he wiggled both arms stifflyin a shimmer of opalescence in the rays of the rising sun. He grimaced and reached up to pull athis cheek, frowning with the effort.

Alodar struggled to his feet and tried to force his senses alert. He looked at the giantstriding forward and he sighed with his fatigue. "Cedric says that you will not win unless youthink that you can," he muttered, but other thoughts brushed his concentration aside. For monthshe had received less than a good night's sleep, and in the past day none at all. Whatever energyhe had left seemed boiled away in the depths of the mountain. His arms and legs were no morethan dead limbs on a burnt-out tree, hollowed to the core. And Rendrac had pummeled him intothe corner of Saxton's shop with ease when he was fresh and alert. What chance had he now? Butit was for vengeance he had come, and it must be seen through to the end.

Alodar drew his sword and tensed, ready as he could be. He breathed the sweet airdeeply, trying to force life back into his tired limbs as Rendrac unsheathed his blade and slowlyswung his arm back for the initial blow.

Alodar dully watched the tip of the sword as it cut through the air in the backward swingand then reversed direction to begin its journey forward. He turned to the side and presented his

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own sword as guard, wincing in anticipation of the shock of contact. He blinked once, but theblow did not come.

In disbelief, Alodar looked to Rendrac's face and then back to the weapon still inmidswing. As Alodar watched, it slowed to a crawl and then stopped motionless.

Almost simultaneously, the big man uttered a weak yelp, and his free hand slowly rosewith a spasm of effort from his waist to a mouth held rigidly open under eyes filled with fear. Fora second, nothing happened and then, like a silver statue, Rendrac toppled to the ground with aloud clang.

Alodar moved to the prostrate form, its limbs still in the rigid position they had heldwhen erect. He reached out and touched the hand that held the blade and felt a deep coldness,rock-hard and smooth, Alodar struck down with his own sword, pommel first, onto anoutstretched rigid arm.

The now inert form rang from the contact."The ointment," Alodar murmured. "It was meant to be used sparingly and burnt off.

Rendrac was too greedy and applied too much. And now it has degraded with age and entrappedhim."

Basil's jaw dropped in stunned disbelief, but he recovered and turned to the minerscautiously pressing closer behind. "After him," the apothecary shouted. "His blade can touch butone or two, and we will have his treasure to add to our own as well."

The miners hesitated, and Alodar saw his opportunity. With his last burst of energy, hesprinted forward and tipped over the chests at Basil's feet, sending a cascade of brilliant jewelsrolling down the hillside.

The advancing miners paused, then spun around in pursuit of the treasure as it tumbledby. In a moment, they were racing pell-mell after the speeding stones as they fell. Basil hesitateda moment more, eyeing first Alodar and then the gems cascading away.

"Stop, you wretches!" he yelled at last. "Unhand what is rightly the property of Basil theapothecary." The men paid him no heed and raced onward, stooping and picking up the gems asthey went.

"Stop, I say!" Basil called out as he pursued, pulling the magic dagger from his belt andwaving it high in the air. With a vicious swing, he whacked at the neck of the slowest movinghenchman as he stooped, and kicked out at another as he halted to consider which path.downward to follow.

In an instant Alodar was alone, with only dim shouts and an occasional cry to break thestillness. He sat wearily down at last to collect his thoughts and decide what to do next. Thesounds grew fainter, and he decided that Basil and the others would not soon return to botherhim. He looked about and retrieved from the hillside the small chest he had found and gentlycradled it in his hands.

The deeper he went, the bigger had been the gemstones; and this was the deepest of all.Jewels for a royal diadem had been strewn about the cavern floor. What greater treasure must beresting within the confines of this small box? Visions of perfectly cut diamonds bigger thanoranges danced in his mind. With a wrench of his knife, he popped open the lid.

He peered inside, and his heart sank in disappointment. Instead of breathtaking jewels, hesaw instead two black spheres of volcanic basalt Six months of effort, back-breaking labor andgreat risk to his life from the hazards of the formula, the snares of Basil's factories, and finallythe furnaces in the center of the mountain; and what did he have to show for it? A few jewels inhis pouch and two machined hunks of common rock.

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He had pictured himself questing for the fair lady like a hero from the sagas. His deed ofdaring was to win great treasure and sweep him in front of all others that sought her hand!

He sighed and set the chest to the ground. With his chin slumped he sat inert andunmoving and let the sun climb silently into the sky.

The inn room door creaked open to Alodar's knock, and he looked into the face of Periac,the master thaumaturge.

"Alodar, you have returned," Periac exclaimed. "Come in, come in. You are just in timefor an evening's instruction. We will continue from where we left off on the hills that borderedIron Fist."

Alodar looked wearily around the small bare room and headed for the stool in the corner."A meal and a night's rest first, master, for which I will fairly pay," he said. "And it is not forknowledge of thaumaturgy that I seek you out."

As Alodar slumped down, Periac reached out to brush the dust off the table with a sweepof his arm. "But I fare quite well in the city," he said.

"There is much pot mending and cistern excavation to be done and word of an honestcraftsman soon gets around. I can well use a journeyman and you would find your stomach farbetter filled than when we worked the outlands. I doubt your start with alchemy has fared aswell."

Alodar reached for the pouch at his side and placed it on the table. "I have learned a fewof the simpler activations and formulas," he replied. "Saxton was most trusting with his craftwhen we had a rare idle moment together. It is true that I still know more of thaumaturgy. But asfor the fruits of my effort, what do you think of these?"

With a flourish, ha tipped the sack. A sapphire, a tourmaline, and two rubies clatteredonto the table.

Periac's eyes widened and he stroked his goatee in thought. "In truth," he said at last,"you have always impressed me as a clever lad. Perhaps your skill does better reside withanother craft."

Alodar waved his hand over the table. "It may well be impressive," he said, "but notenough to turn the head of the fair lady. Here, take one ruby. It is yours for the favors I ask ofyou. Seek out the shop of the alchemist and use the second to see that he has a decent burial. Thesapphire I would have you carry to Cedric the warmaster, in compensation for my not continuinginstruction at his hand."

He glanced down at the table and put the tourmaline back into the pouch. "The last I willsave," he said, "for I suppose tomorrow I must eat as well. But the true reason for why I am here,master, is because of your knowledge of other than the craft of which you are master." Withoutwailing for reply, Alodar reached again to his waist and brought forth the small chest. He flippedback the lid and held it forward for Periac's inspection, his eyebrows rising in expectation.

"They are magic," the thaumaturge said without hesitation. "Magic spheres of fineconstruction."

"Magic," Alodar echoed, squinting at the container. Gingerly he grasped one of thespheres with his gloved hand and found that he could not extract it, so smooth was its surfacepolish. He removed his glove and tried again with his bare hand. An electric tingling suddenlypulsed through his fingers, and immediately he was reminded of the feeling when he handledAeriel's dagger. Exerting all the force he could muster to prevent it from slipping away, heslowly pried out one of the orbs and turned it quickly over to gaze at it in his palm.

It was black, totally black, the deepest black Alodar had ever seen. In an indescribable

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way, it sang of perfection, a sphere of such precision that no mere lathesman could ever hope toduplicate it. His hand vibrated from holding the orb, and somehow he was acutely aware that itcontained great power.

Alodar returned the sphere to its resting place and examined its companion in the sameway. It was identical to the first, except that a thin line neatly circ*mscribed it, dividing it intotwo perfectly equal hemispheres.

Alodar had never seen such handicraft in his life, but there could be no doubt, "Magic,"he mumbled as his spirits returned. "Magic spheres somehow placed in a pool of molten lava.

"But what more of them can you tell?" he continued. "Of what use can they be? Surelythey have more utility than ornamentation."

"They are incompletely formed," Periac said. "The ritual that has created them is not yetcomplete. And when it is finished, I cannot fathom what will be their virtue, but to theirpossessor they will convey great power indeed."

"Power," Alodar muttered and then paused in thought. "At Iron Fist I applied my wits andwas bested by skill in arms," he said at last. "In Ambrosia, I learned those skills, but in the endRendrac's brute force carried back the treasure for the queen. It is raw power I must have to winthe day; wits and training are not yet enough.

"Power," he repeated, lightly juggling the small chest in his hand. "My quest leaves melittle choice but what I have here. Yes, there can be no other way about it, Either I am defeated orstrike to unlock the secret of the spheres and hope it gives me what I will need to win the fairlady."

He popped out of his introspection and looked into Periac's face. "But how can I learn ofmagic?" he said. "Basil the apothecary did mention dealing with a Lectonil to the south. Perhapsin his guild I will find what I must know."

"He would be as good as any," Periac said. "But from him or any other magician youwould learn little. Judge not the manner of instruction of the other crafts from what you know ofthe nature of thaumaturgy." He glanced at the gems still on the table and stroked his goatee."And perhaps of alchemy as well. Magicians are a secretive lot, far removed from the dealings ofnobles and common men alike. They pass on their rituals only to the initiates and acolytes whopledge lifetimes to their secluded service."

He shook his head and spread his anna wide. "You have experienced the workings of twocrafts, Alodar," he said. "Is it not enough? If alchemy is not to your liking, then return to myinstruction. To delve now into magic will only compound your folly."

Alodar snapped shut the chest and returned it to his pocket. "Perhaps you are right,master," he said, "and someday I might indeed return to your teachings." He paused and his eyeswidened. "But power!" he said. "It is worth giving the random factors another chance to align.Yes, by all means, master, let me profit one more day from your instruction. But tomorrow I willtravel south to ferret out the spheres' meaning. Ferret out their meaning in a palace ofmagicians."

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PART THREEThe Magician

CHAPTER NINEThe Palace of the Cycloid Guild

ALODAR gently lowered the card onto the others and held his breath. The flimsystructure did not collapse and he reached for the next one in the deck. A child's pastime, hemuttered to himself. What possible bearing could it have on determining his merit He frowned atthe tower already three tiers high and tried to decide the best place to start the next level.

"Enough, there is no need to proceed further," a harsh voice sounded from across thetable. Alodar blinked out of his concentration and looked up just in time to see a robed armsweep across and tumble the construction away. "But I had not reached my limit," he said. "Evenas a boy, I was able to form a fourth story before it crashed to the ground."

"There was more to the directions than just building a house of cards," the man facinghim said.

"After three blacks in a row, then a red must follow. And at no time can your elbow touchthe table unless you place your free hand to your forehead as well."

"I ignored the details in the depth of my concentration," Alodar replied. "Though in truth,master Lectonil, I do not see how they can matter."

"They are important because they illustrate my point," Lectonil said, stabbing his indexfinger down against the deck. His hair was white and covered his head like a fuzzy bush growingon top of a rocky mound. Deep-set wrinkles furrowed his broad face with age and his eyesalways frowned, regardless of what he said. He wore a black robe covered with a pattern ofmany tiny silver rings, the logo of the magician.

"What you were attempting was not magic, but a ritual nonetheless,"' he continued. "Andit is by ritual that all magical objects are made." His frown deepened and he examined Alodar'sexpression critically as he spoke. "These rituals must be performed with utmost precision.Utmost precision or else they will fail. One hasty step or sloppy motion and all the labor thatwent before is instantly undone. A ring already priceless can become no more than the one in thenose of a bull."

"I was most careful as I proceeded," Alodar said."Yes, to construct a house of cards, each one must be precisely placed," Lectonil said

pulling his lips into a grim smile. "But you must satisfy the boundary conditions as well."Alodar did not reply, but glanced around the small bare hut and then quickly through the

single window to the landscape beyond. The terrain sloped uphill, much steeper than the FumusMountains.

Except for one well-worn path, the rough ground was untouched by the mark of man. Thesummer green of hearty shrubs stood out brightly in the midday sun, but farther back vagueshadows shimmered and faded like reflections in an agitated pond. Except for this single shack,the entire palace was hidden behind that curtain. Periac was right about the secrecy of themagicians. A hard hour's climb from the village in the valley below, admission to the grounds

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only when accompanied by someone who knew the way through the shimmering veil, andacceptance on a permanent basis that depended upon satisfying arcane criteria hidden by thesetests.

Alodar looked again at the dancing images, some soaring high like runs of rope danglingin the air. Others hugged the ground like giant slugs. The larger structures must be buildings, hethought, and the smaller blobs people moving between. He squinted and tried to discern somedetail, but nothing resolved in the blur.

"Precision is the essence of magic," Lectonil continued, waving his arm towards thewindow. "Even for the most menial of tasks, one must have sufficient control. But you havefared well in the preliminary tests of the others. And my exercise with the cards shows your handto be steady and your mind quick enough, despite the error at the end." He studied Alodar andhis eyes narrowed.

"Quick enough to execute properly a long and complex list of instructions,once you have learned to follow exactly the direction of a master magician."

“Do you mean that I am admitted as an intitiate?" Alodar asked.Lectonil raised his hand palm forward. "Our roster of initiates is complete," he said, "and

until one advances to an acolyte, the Guild is reluctant to accept more. I offer you now theposition of a neophyte only."

"If I have aptitude, as your examination has indicated." Alodar asked, "then cannot Isomehow profit from your instruction nonetheless?"

"My day is quite full with research and direction as it is," Lectonil said. "I have no time towaste on one not of my persuasion."

Alodar wrinkled his brow in puzzlement but Lectonil continued. "Of that I make nosecret," he said. "Beliac opposes me openly in the council. He proposes new lines ofinvestigation, new experimentation with rituals as yet untried. They might hold the glitter ofexcitement for the younger masters and some of the acolytes but they present much peril as well.We have prospered over the centuries with objects of great tradition and modest embellishmentscarefully researched.

What need do we have for radical dissipation of our resources on tinkering that mayproduce no return at all? Had Beliac shown the proper respect when he received his black robe, Imight have nurtured him along. But immediately he attacked my ways; no heed did he pay to mystation. With each passing year his boldness grew as he subverted more to his cause. Such is nota proper way for a master to act. He should have pride in his Guild, of which I am the seniormember."

He spat. "Beliac! How can he be so blind to what I have accomplished, the reputation Ihave established through years of carefully planned research? I would not doubt he is demonpossessed, so destructive is the direction in which he tries to convince us to go. Yes, demonpossessed. If it can happen to some uncultured outland baron, then why not a learned mastermagician as well?"

Lectonil's cheeks flushed and his eyes glowered. "And so I show my favor only on thosewho side with respect and tradition," he said at last. "Respect, tradition and what is proper aswell for the future of the Guild. How you would align in the matter I cannot tell from tests suchas these. I must wait and observe your actions over a period of much longer time."

"But if I perform my tasks and do not get involved in such abstract affairs," Alodarpersisted, "what then of my chance to learn the craft as well? Without such opportunity, my bestcourse may be to seek admission with other magicians farther to the south."

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"The border is troubled," Lectonil said. "You would have a difficult time in passingthrough."

"Nevertheless, it is an option to consider," Lectonil scowled and looked down at the cardsscattered about. "Oh very well," he said, with a wave of his arm. "My need for someone notencumbered with study is pressing. Work for a few months as I instruct and then if you proveworthy, I will elucidate some of the art as a suitable reward."

Alodar hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether to speak of the two spheres hecarried with him. Perhaps they would interest Lectonil enough so that he would cooperate tomutual benefit. Both Periac and Saxton had been quite open with instruction; if the magician sawan advantage, then he might also teach.

Alodar looked intently at Lectonil's uncompromising features and then to the shimmeringcurtain which hid the palace from view. He thought of the cryptic tests and how little he hadlearned from questioning the villagers in the valley below. Finally he frowned and moved hishand away from the pouch at his side. "Is a few months two or three?" be asked at last, "Oh, itmay as well be two,"

Lectonil growled. "We will discuss it in more detail later. For the moment, follow methrough the curtain. I will see that you are properly robed and lodgings assigned. If you makehaste, you will be in time to witness a part of one of the major rituals, which emphasizes theimportance of what I have said here." He stopped and gritted hts teeth. "And were it not forBeliac, I would be there as well."

Alodar ran his hands down the sides of the long brown robe. How strange, he thought forthe fifth time in as many minutes, that there are no pockets. The acolytes and magicians he couldunderstand, but even the covering of the neophyte was as uncluttered as the rest.

He shouldered his way through a wide doorway with the rest of the crowd and searchedthe stands rising from either side for seats still empty in the rapidly filling stadium. He saw a rowof brown in the midst of the motley colors of the onlookers and climbed to join it.

"A new man," a voice called out as he neared the group. "Welcome to the neophytes ofthe Cycloid Guild. I am Hypeton and these are your fellow stragglers for truth."

Introductions bounced around as Alodar found a place on the rough bench. He lookedabout the structure and reestablished his bearings. To his rear, the air oscillated in the curtain andhe followed the shimmering overhead, squinting briefly into the disk of the moon. Rather than aperfect circle of light, it appeared like a large drop of silvery oil undulating on the surface ofwater and casting diffuse rays in all directions. His eyes tracked across the sky, in the directionbehind other buildings of the Guild, he could see the protective veil again bend to earth. Thelarge rectangular stadium floor was walled in on all four sides with many doors around theperiphery, but only on the two longer ones did the seating rise into the air.

"You join us at a most propitious time, Alodar," Hypeton continued, pushing back theshock of brown hair which tumbled down his brow. "Did you note the closeness of the eveningstars to the rim of the moon yesterday eve? They will certainly occult tonight, the six hundredand twentyfifth day since the last total eclipse. It is the perfect time for a fifth striking and we arelucky to see one in our lifetimes."

Alodar started to question the meaning of Hypeton's statement but remained quiet asthree trumpet blasts from below silenced the crowd in anticipation. From an opening low in thewall opposite, a slow procession began to make its way onto the stadium's floor. In the front,three heralds, long trumpets thrust ahead, marched in step with the drummer a dozen pacesbehind. Following them, twenty white-robed initiates pulled a large wheeled cage. As it came

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into view the crowd murmured with excitement.Alodar stared into the cage to see a green-scaled beast, winged and resting on powerful

thighs, a long forked tongue whipping idly between rows of large, serrated teeth. Saucerlike eyessat unblinking atop the flat snout, and the whole head oscillated from side to side in response to asnakelike rhythm which coursed up the long, sinewy neck. The wings stayed tucked close to thebody in the confines of the cage, but Alodar could see many folds of thick, leathery membranethat contrasted sharply with the rough scaling of the rest of the body.

"Is that a wyvern?" Alodar exclaimed. "Never in my travels to the west or even inAmbrosia itself have I seen the like."

"A wyvern it is, Alodar, one of two that we have here," Hypeton answered. "Old Lectonilwas able to hatch them some fifty years ago when the lesser moons of the blood star lined withours."

Alodar returned his attention to the procession as more and more marchers filed onto thebroad floor. Seven golden-haired women, bare breasts bobbing in unison with each step,preceded a large brass gong hung from a man-high frame. Gray-robed acolytes carrying huge,two-handled, golden keys followed a second caged wyvern, this one blindfolded and sittingdocile in its narrow cage.

Finally, silence engulfed the crowd as the master magicians of the Guild, robed in deepestblack with circular logos of silver, brought up the rear.

"Only four are needed for this ritual," Hypeton explained, "and, by the laws, you canimagine the fighting that must have gone on in the council chamber for which of the fourteen itwould be. I see that Lectonil is missing and Beliac too. The masters must have been so polarizedthat they could only agree on the neutrals like Mentenon there. A solid searcher so they say, butno great flashes of intuition or daring to try new theorems. But look, they are nearly ready."

Alodar watched as the first of the four black-robed men mounted on a tripod a smalltelescope handed to him by one of the initiates and began to sight the moon and its companionstars of the evening. He raised one arm and extended his index finger to command attention.Alodar stole a quick glance skyward. As the first of the two flitting stars passed behind thewobbling moon he saw the black-sleeved arm fall with a sudden flourish. Almostsimultaneously, a second magician inverted an hourglass, and the seven women joined hands andbegan to sing a soft, harmonious chorus.

The sands ran for several minutes, and all stood transfixed on the stadium floor. Whenthe last grain fell, the third magician started gesticulating wildly, conducting the other performersin their tasks in a complicated rhythm. The drums pounded in a seemingly random cadence, andcandles sprang to life at what Alodar judged to be the cardinal points of the compass. Theblindfold of the second wyvern was pulled aside, and the beast added a deep bass moaning to thehigh chorus as it saw its caged mate.

The gong rang once more, and the chorus stopped. The second magician producedanother sand glass; when it emptied, the wyvern's eyes quickly were covered again. As itswailing stopped, acrobats exploded from the entrance tunnel and did a complex series of flipsand tumbles that ended in the formation of a human pyramid three men high, in the center of thefloor.

The fourth magician suddenly awakened from his inactivity and motioned to the stockyacolyte nearby who staggered forward with an anvil of gleaming gold. Alodar squinted to followthe detail as the magician removed a ring from his left hand and placed it on the flat metal head.A second acolyte handed him a hammer. As the gong sounded, a third and final time, he deftly

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tapped the small band of metal.In the silence that now filled the stadium, Alodar heard a small grunt from the blow and

then a babble as all the participants suddenly relaxed and began talking at once."Enough, it has proceeded well," the magician commanded the assembly as he picked up

the ring and thrust it back onto his hand. The entire group dropped their various props to theirsides and, in an unplanned confusion, jockeyed back to exit the way they had come.

"Is that all?" Alodar asked, puzzled, as he and the others also began to exit from thestands. "I do not understand the intent of the performance."

"As I have said, Alodar, it was a rare event indeed," Hypeton responded, "A striking ofthe rough outer edge from a ring of transportal. Only one more striking to finish the inner and itwill be complete."

"Then why not spend a few more minutes and be done with it?" Alodar asked. "Surelysuch a pageant is assembled at great expense."

"Yes, would that it were true, Alodar," Hypeton said. "But the strikings can beaccomplished only when the rituals of magic make it so. The next and last cannot be done for yetthirty years. As you say, the expense is enormous. Each man on the stadium floor received muchrigorous training to perfect the part he had to play so that the ritual could proceed correctly. Thattraining, that dedication to the goal, is such that only a guild of magicians could attempt it. Nosmall wonder that rings of transportal and their like fetch the entire treasuries of kingdoms whenthey are completed.”

"But how fare you in the meanwhile?" Alodar persisted. "How can even a guild surviveto make such wonders?"

"A question that cuts close to our very own keep, Alodar." Hypeton laughed. "Though Ionly repeat the rumors that circulate among the neophytes, the Cycloid Guild is in the most partliving off gold from the sale of magic armor some three hundred years ago. But to this legacy isadded the smaller sums that come from easily made lesser items and the admission charges to thetown dwellers to see the rituals. And the Guild lives in fashion to make it a self-containedcommunity, independent of the principalities that rise and fall about it. Why, you are here todaybecause you will serve a function of that community, so that itinerant laborers or city-dwellingcraftsmen need not be consulted."

"Then, since I serve a goal common to all," Alodar said, "might I easily approach one ofthe magicians to consult on a small conundrum that has drawn me here?"

"By the laws, no," Hypeton said. "A magician hardly speaks with civility to his peers,barely tolerates the intrusions of acolytes into his thought, and instructs initiates only because hemust. A neophyte addresses a black robe only because he has been spoken to. If you desire suchcompany, study the rudimentary texts they give to each of us and try for the initiate's robeyourself. If you are truly skillful with the equations and postulates, you may have a black robe ofyour own in thirty years and can then riddle your conundrum as you see fit"

"But Lectonil himself said he would give me instruction in two months time in partialpayment for my tasks," Alodar said.

"So the masters say to all prospective neophytes they interview in the shack outside thecurtain that surrounds us." Hypeton laughed. "There is much mundane work to be done in theGuild, and they dangle a promise if they must. Why, I have been here three years and know nomore of the construction of rituals than the day I arrived. But the food and bed are fair enoughexchange for the work that I do. And if I eventually tire of it and leave, then they will findanother."

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"Is there no other way, then, that one can satisfy even the smallest curiosity aboutmagic?" Alodar asked.

"By the angles, no, Alodar," Hypeton said. "And take me seriously now, for I jest nomore. The secrets of this Guild, like any other, are closely guarded and much ill fortune befallshim who tries to discover them in other than the prescribed way. I remember well the printer twoyears ago who somehow whisked away to his chamber a box of organization so that he would nolonger have to sort his type by hand after each day's press. A harmless enough ambition and anitem easily enough made by the scores. Alas, when they ran the ritual of presence, the boxglowed red hot and shook the air with a mournful wail for all to hear. They took him from theneophyte towers and, before the central library, showed him his reflection in a mirror ofinversion as we all watched. A most gruesome sight, Alodar. his heart still pumping and entrailshanging out for all to see, surrounding the features and skin trapped inside."

"The ritual of presence?" Alodar said."Yes. Lectonil and his followers want to perform it once a fortnight to keep the Guild

secure. Beliac argues it wastes our time and resources, and yearly is sufficient, if at all. Butbetween the poles of both, it is yet often enough. You will feel it when it is run; hair stands onend and skin pimples with cold. Warning enough to leave magic to the Guild and concentrateonly on the tasks they have given you."

Alodar's thoughts raced. The magic spheres were too valuable to entrust to some hidingplace outside of the grounds of the Guild. They represented all that he had of importance in hisquest for the fair lady. But to leave them in his new quarters to await the next ritual of presencewas greater folly still. He must find out their intent and be away quickly, no matter howInteresting the knowledge he might gain here proved to be.

"I will regard master Lectonil as a man of his word," he said at last, "and follow explicitlywhat he says for a full two months. But at the end of that time, he will be reminded of his end ofthe bargain."

"Then do not judge him too sharply by his reply," Hypeton said. "You will find the othersare no better."

The sky dimmed in sunset and Alodar started down the ladder. The torches were alreadylit, but he could do no more work by the feeble light. He reached the bottom and looked alongthe broad expanse of the building. Still clutching the brush, he ran the back of his hand across hisbrow.

Some four hundred feet of wall, and after three days it was still only half painted. Andthis on top of digging a quarter mile of trench and cleaning more than three score dirty pens. Heheard footfalls on the cobblestone steps and then the gentle swish of a robe against the grass. Hedropped the brush into the bucket and turned' just as Lectonil approached from behind.

"You make good progress, neophyte," the magician said. "In a few more days the southfacade will be done. In another week perhaps the north as well. I am pleased by the eventhickness you have applied with precision,"

"Pleased enough to begin the instruction?" Alodar asked. "You said that for certain thisnight you would be unencumbered."

Lectonil stopped and frowned. "Another session with an acolyte," he said with a wave ofhis hand.

"It was scheduled late this afternoon. Perhaps when the south wall is done, or better yet,when the north is completed as. well."

Alodar wiped his hands with an oily rag' and dropped it to the ground. "How can I be sure

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that in another two weeks time the answer will not be the same?" be asked slowly. "I took you atyour word when I entered the Guild, master, and did not question when you put me off for oneexcuse or another. But the delays have persisted for thirty days more. For three months now Ihave served in good faith, mucking the stables, digging trenches in the hard clay, and patchingthe walls with paint. It is time enough that you make good what you have promised. I give youthe benefit of the doubt no longer."

Lectonil’s eyes narrowed and his voice tinged with hardness. "You speak at great oddswith your station, neophyte," he said. "And I will instruct you when it is a convenience to me,not when you happen to beckon."

"It is knowledge of a specialized type that I seek," Alodar said. 'The demands on yourtime would not be great."

"No matter if it were but the number of beats in a dance of divergence," Lectonil said. "Iwould reveal it only when you deserved to know, be it in another two months or perhaps eventwo years hence. There is no cause to treat you differently from any other. You receive a fine bedand ample meals for your efforts. I doubt you would be rewarded as well for the same labor inthe town at the foot of the mountain."

"It is not for bread and board that I sought out the Guild," Alodar said. "It was the lure ofmagic that made me come. I explained quite clearly my aspirations when you interviewed me inthe hut a quarter year ago. And as clearly, you did agree to aid in its achievement."

"I understand full well your desires," Lectonil snapped, "but the frustrations you feelwhen they are not instantly fulfilled are your own struggle. They are not the concern of a mastermagician."

"Then what of your word?" Alodar asked. "One receives in kind what he deals out toothers. If you do not honor the rights of a neophyte then how can you expect him to deal fairlywith yours. It is a temptation of many, I would imagine, to seek by stealth what you will not givefreely."

"Do not speak of a magician's word to a mere neophyte," Lectonil said, his eyes suddenlyflaming.

"Such a concept has no meaning. And do not threaten what you cannot deliver. It willavail you no better than the pestering you are emoloying with increasing frequency."

"It can avail me no worse " Modar growled back.Lectonil started to reply, but then paused for a moment in thought. His brows furrowed,

and he pulled his face into a grim smile. "Yes, if it will stop your irritations, it is worth it," hesaid at last. "And the example would be most instructive to the others. If it is by stealth that youpropose to learn the secrets of the Guild, then by all means I give you my leave. Whatever youcan discover by your own devices is yours for the taking. Not a single fact will I begrudge; noretribution will be exacted. But be prepared to accept as well the consequences of your actionswhen you tamper with the safeguards that have protected those secrets for so long and so well.Mark you, you will fare far better with a paintbrush and awaiting instruction when it is mypleasure."

Before Alodar could reply, the magician stomped back onto the walkway anddisappeared into the night. Alodar waited motionless until he could hear footfalls no longer andthen he exhaled slowly.

He smoothed the covercloth over his gear and then stood up abruptly. Lectonil had givenhim leave, permission to find out on his own whatever he could. He looked across the courtyardto the hall of the initiates and, in a flash, made up his mind.

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Alodar spent the evening hours in hasty preparation. Near midnight he returned to thecourtyard. The night air blew cool and clear as he walked the spacious grounds that weredeserted by the workers of the day. His heels sounded sharply on the cobbled walk that ran in along, gentle arc out from the hall of administration past the towering library and then to the gatesof the magicians' private quarters.

Smaller pathways diverged gracefully from the main thoroughfare and led to otherstructures along the way. Except for the stadium, none was so grand in size as the hall ofmagicians, but each was worthy of any of Procolon's lords. Off to the left was the house of thewyverns and other exotic animals, a low stack of jutting terraces made as much of glass as ofstone, and displaying for all the animate treasures within.

Further back and barely visble stood a cluster of small towers, each topped in uniquefashion, some with crenelations and some with gently curving bands of silvery metal meeting atthe apex. The space allotted each neophyte was small but still a finer appointment than anyAlodar had known before.

To the immediate right was the square block of the initiates, white and windowless, butcovered on all four walls with the deep gashes of immense calligraphy. Out of sight behind, laythe quarters of the acolytes, in back of them the cubicles of instruction, and beyond that thestadium of major rituals.

To the left stood the library, a tall slender pyramid covered with a mosaic of fiery redjewels, glowing of their own inner light. Four windows, tiny as viewed from the ground, coveredeach side near the apex; but for them, the walls were as unbroken as those of the hall of theinitiates.

He looked back along the way be had come. The hall of administration covered fully halfhis view; unlike the beauty of the rest, it was a jumble of towers, blocks, and ramps. Brick buttedagainst marble, graceful columns supported rough hewn beams, tiered archways of metal lookedlike scaffolding for new construction. The collage showed the haphazard growth of centuries asthe Guild expanded and needed more space to provide for the increasing demands for self-sufficiency.

Alodar had explored only a small fraction of the passageways inside but he had found akitchen, a tannery, a carpenter's shop, a soap works, a small bath, and three testing rooms inwhich one demonstrated his qualifications for advancement in the Guild.

Alodar resumed his deliberate tread on the cobbled arc. These grounds could swallow thelikes of Iron Fist a full ten times over, yet no solid wall ran along the periphery to protect whatwas within. Who would be foolish enough to brave the magical traps and delusions that served intheir stead? Who indeed, he thought grimly, as he stood finally before the sealed doors of the hallof the initiates.

The vast grounds were empty and silent as Alodar stood before the portal. He took onebreath and firmly pressed the small disk which glowed dully at his left, just as he had seen theinitiates do during the day. Soundlessly, the smooth slab before him parted and revealed analcove not much better lit than the starry sky.

Cautiously, he entered and the door slid shut behind him. Alodar turned as the air rustledwith the closure but he saw no second disk to indicate his way back out He faced forward andadvanced two small steps. Either side of the alcove was featureless, but the walls radiated awayfrom him so that, some ten feet distant, he faced not one but four more doors.

A simple expedient, Alodar thought Only one of the doors leads any farther. The otherthree probably are trapped and three out of four would-be intruders are disposed of without the

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use of magic.Alodar approached the one on the far left, hinged and handled with gilt and covered with

velvet, tufted with small stones of jet. He listened intently but could hear nothing and advancedto the second.

The next, unlike the first, was made of rough hewn beams, splintery to touch and withfixtures of crudely beaten iron. Alodar placed his ear gingerly against the surface. After amoment of deep concentration, he heard distant voices from the other side.

The third door was of stone, but with a giant blue steel bolt that held it firmly into theframe that contained it.

The last door gleamed of glass, smooth and cold to the. touch and dimly reflectingAlodar's figure as he squinted through it. Deep black lay beyond, shadow on shadow, with noform. He stepped back and pondered his choice. He did not know enough of the ritual andsyrabology to make the correct guess. Some other clue must guide him. After a moment'sthought, he withdrew a small, telescoping rule from the knapsack he had fashioned to hang underhis pocketless robe. He carefully laid it at the foot of the first door and ran his fingertips alongthe stone floor. The masonry lay flat and true, like all of the construction at the Guild, with not asingle crack or niche to disturb the gliding motion of his hand.

The area before the wooden door was the same; but in front of the third, a narrow gap atone end of the rule widened to a barely perceptible depression in the middle and then returned totrue on the other side. This alcove was originally made with great craftsmanship, but since itsconstruction it had served as the footpath for countless initiates. This was the one that he musttake.

He straightened up, secured his rule, and pulled back the blue steel bolt.Nothing happened immediately in response; to Alodar's gentle touch the thick slab swung

gently inward on its hinges. Alodar blinked as he gazed down a small tunnel-way into a well-lighted cross passage. He waited a moment to accustom his eyes and saw two white robes strollleisurely by in the brightness beyond. A third shuffled by in the other direction, arms heavilyladen with thick scrolls of cracking parchment.

There, not twenty feet in front of Alodar, unobscured by any visible impediment lay thegoal of the night's venture. He smoothed down the spare neophyte's robe he had bleached withthe aid of some of Saxton's teachings and slowly began to traverse the narrow passageway. Hetook a first step and then another, and the lightness grew correspondingly nearer. Suddenlyanother white robe poked his head into the tunnel and headed in Alodar's direction. Alodarturned sideways and averted his gaze. The newcomer paid him no heed but sped past and onoutwards to the promenade.

Encouraged, Alodar resumed his cautious pacing of the distance to the hallway. Hecovered fifteen feet more and nothing happened. Then, just as the exit was within tantalizingreach, a brace of bells began ringing rapidly in the recesses of the ceiling. Metal grated loudlyagainst stone, and he looked over his shoulder to see a heavy steel portcullis descend to block theentranceway behind him. He whipped back to look at the ceiling directly ahead and saw a secondbarrier begin to fall. Without thinking, he sprang forward, hurling himself low into the rapidlydiminishing opening, arms out straight and stomach sucked tightly against his spine.

With a swoosh, he slid across the polished stone into the cross passageway, just as thesteel shafts jostled his feet out of the way. Alodar stood up and confronted three initiates startledby the sudden appearance and the din of the bells. Alodar took advantage of their hesitation, spunabout, and sprinted down the hallway.

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"An intruder!" somebody shouted behind him. "Stop the man! He has tripped the watcherin the west entrance." A chorus of footfalls began to echo Alodar's own.

As he sped past the openings to cubicles, more inquisitive heads poked out into thepassage.

Alodar looked forward and saw the hallway turn to the left some twenty feet ahead. Heincreased his speed towards the corner, hoping to perform some evasive maneuver while he wasmomentarily out of sight. As he approached and prepared to dart to the left, the sound of morebells added to the din. Alodar wasted no time in speculation but attened himself for a secondslide.

Another portcullis banged down as he dove, this time catching his robe on its sharpspikes. With a savage effort, he wrenched himself free as his pursuers slammed into the ironworkand thrust their arms through at his retreating form.

Alodar took but three steps before a third set of bells added to the chorus of the othersand he saw yet another barrier begin to fall some twenty feet ahead. He looked hurriedly to theleft and right and saw that a single side door was his only remaining exit. He ran through theentrance into a small cubicle, furnished simply with a bed and writing desk, but marked by nowindows or other openings.

Alodar reached into his knapsack and withdrew a small bag filled with powder. Helooked around the room, stacked the chair upon the bedframe, and climbed up the wobblystructure. Outside he could hear the gateworks being raised and the pursuers yelling out hislocation to others who came to join in the hunt.

Swaying on the chairbottom, he stretched to full height and chiseled away at the mortarbetween the corner ceiling tiles. He crammed the bag into the small hole, inserted and lit a fuse,and jumped to the ground as three white-robed figures rushed into the room. Alodar quickly fellto the floor and ducked under the table. The initiates stooped to follow.

"The game is over," one cried as he pulled on one of Alodar's legs. "What great sport.The masters have not had someone to punish publidy in some time. I do hope they choose anentertaining ritual."

The ceiling exploded and Alodar's assailants were hurled to the ground in a tumble oftiles, mortar, and stone. Alodar scrambled out and back up onto the bed.

He saw blue sky above; the overlying stone had fallen with the tile. Without pausing, heleaped upwards, arms outstretched, and caught the edge of a block which still remained. Beforethose below could recover, he pulled himself up and onto the roof.

He ran rapidly to the edge and leaped off to the ground. No one yet was coming toinvestigate the explosion, nor had an initiate popped out of the hall in pursuit. Alodar waited longenough to regain his sense of direction and then sped back towards the neophytes' quarters.

Just read a few scrolls to find out about magic spheres and be on my way, he thought ashe ran. Perhaps something more passive, such as waiting for Lectonil, was not such a bad choiceafter all.

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CHAPTER TENBarter and the Beauty

"But with all due respect, sage Beliac," the acolyte said, "let not the length of my tenurehere color your decision. I have the proficiencies of a man many years my senior. Indeed I canproduce a wand of ebony in but a fortnight, one of jet in two. I know by memory the rituals forfourteen talismans. I have mastered not only central, diagonal and symmetric but adjacentorthogonal magic squares as well. Listen and I will tell you of the method for producing a helmetof a thousand blows. First swing a pendulum with a bob of solid gold over the egg of a turtle as ithatches in the noonday sun. Next paint the claw of a roc—"

"Enough of the classroom recitation, Duncan." The magician waved him to cease asAlodar leaned forward to hear the quieter and slower tones. "It takes far more than rote to winthe robe of black, as you well know."

Alodar stretched on tiptoes to get his head above the wall and catch the words. Two fullweeks had passed since his adventure in the hall of the initiates, but nothing had happened as aconsequence.

Still, another frontal assault might be suicidal without more data. Eavesdropping certainlywas not the way of the sagas, but for the moment it was the only path open. Beliac and hisacolyte had met in this grove often at this hour. The piece of eggshell placed in the grass behindthem had the right shape to focus the sound, and the alchemical coating made the reflectivitynearly perfect. With the spellbinding of thaumaturgy, nearly all of what they said came his way,even though the grove was some fifty feet distant.

The small stand of trees was between the library and the hall of the acolytes, and themaze of open study cubicles nearby was ideal cover. From his hiding place, Alodar squinted atthe magician and tried to catch his facial expression as he spoke. His hair was jet black andcombed in long, straight strokes back from his forehead. Deep-set eyes and a narrow noseseemed buried in a forest of heavy eyebrows, thick moustache, and long curly beard. The effectwas intended to convey the dignity of age, but the smooth, wrinkle-less skin betrayed Beliac tobe one of the youngest masters of the Guild.

Duncan was younger still, perhaps five years older than Alodar, but with a hairlinealready receding to the top of his head. His eyes were close set, and his face carried a painedlook, as if life were always treating him unfairly. His gray robe hung askew on his shoulders,dipping to one side and twisted into disarray.

"But most gracious sage," the acolyte continued, "I have studied the record of investitureof Valeron when he secured the silver ring for his own. There is no question of his tbat I cannotnow answer. The apex of the library should not be denied me just because I have been an initiateonly three years and an acolyte but two."

"The key ring to the apex is not lightly granted, Duncan," Beliac said. "We must havesufficient judgment and wisdom to use properly the rituals and theorems that are euscrolledthere. It would not do for one unseasoned to have access to such power. And why the rush? Lookat the pace of the neophytes. Some linger on for decades before even attempting the examinationfor initiates. Indeed, some are content with the simpler tasks and never strive for what is beyondtheir immediate grasp. We have some two score acolytes in the Guild at present; yet only a dozenor so have the potential to be magicians. Only the best will don the robe of black, when we deemthem truly ready."

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"But I am ready, venerable sage," Duncan said. "There is no new ritual that t couldmaster were I to wait even a fortnight more. Time would only be a burden."

"Would it now, my acolyte? Then ponder the solution to the following proposition. Acoven of ice demons appears from the black rocks in the valley below. They flash through the airto our very gates and, though the air shimmers and distorts as always, they slide through in aheartbeat. With convulsive power they begin to thunder our buildings down in mighty ruin. Whatdefense do you propose?"

"Most surely my sage, I would make ready our supply of djinn bottles and lamps andinstruct all at the level of acolyte or greater to fashion more as quickly as they are able."

"A divergence of djinn bottles," Beliac shouted. "I said ice demons. The like that confinesan imp or figenella would not secure the devils of which I speak. Such an answer is insufficient.What else could you suggest?"

Duncan was silent for a long moment before answering. "Nothing more is in my learning,sage, but then I assert that no answer need be given. You propose what cannot come to pass, as ifto ask how to move the stone of infinite weight. Except for a stray gremlin here and there,demons of power spark through our world no more. Common Same is insufficient to bridge thegap so that they can appear of their own volition. Contact with the demon world is mediated byfire. Without something exotic burning, the barrier is too great for the powerful to overcome.Small wonder that I do not recall an answer to such a problem in the recital of those who havepreceded me."

"You wriggle out of the proposition too easily, Duncau," Beliac said. "I seek to see howyou respond when the answer is not in the recitals you have so carefully memorized. But there issome truth in what you say. There are few wizards of note in Procolon, and the ones to the southare most reclusive of late, though it is the time of year they usually stage the battle for the kings.But this year they have announced no such display. Perhaps they are too engrossed in whathappens in the west with two barons themselves possessed."

"Two? I have heard of Bandor and no other." "Another peer to his north was somehow seized as well, or so say the lesser sorcerers.

Kelric has not confirmed it, but I wonder if his power has not slipped to such an extent that herefuses even to try."

"But if there are indeed two, then the fair lady's problem is solved," Duncan said. "Thedemons will turn their puppets against one another in the same fashion as the wizards direct theirslaves in the south. Either both will be destroyed or the devils will tire of their game and retirewhence they came."

"Such has not yet happened," Beliac replied. "The west of Procolon rises in coherentrevolt as before, and with a unity of purpose they struggle against the queen who now besiegesthem. Indeed, Vendora has called throughout the kingdoms for a wizard brave enough to attemptan exorcism to come forward. Clearly she must defeat not only the discontents of the west butthe devils which propel them as well."

"Among the acolytes, we hear much talk from the south that the several kingdoms viewVendora's trouble as an opportunity," Duncan said. "If they were also to act now in concert, thereis little resource left that she can call to her aid."

"Perhaps only Arcadia across the sea or even the barbaric tribes to the north, if they couldbe convinced to fight," Beliac agreed. "All else is pressed into the struggle to the west. But suchmundane happenings should not concern us. Our safeguards are good, despite what Lectonil willsay.

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Which prince rules the valley and the townsmen does not matter. But enough of affairsoutside our walls. Come now, what do you say to the problem?"

"I see I give you no direct satisfaction, O sage," Duncan replied. "But let me press on toanother perhaps more practical reason to consider my petition now. The council stands sorelydivided between those who support your august views and those who fawn behind LectomTsrobe. It is no secret among the acolytes how many issues of great import are laid aside to anotherday with seven votes yes and seven more nay. A fifteenth magician would bring great changes inthe state of affairs in short time."

Beliac paused for a moment and then spoke with care. "And what would your persuasionsbe, were you indeed to get the privilege of the black, acolyte Duncan? Where do you stand on theissues that so dearly concern the council these days?"

"Why most assuredly with you, inspiring sage," Duncan answered. "I like not theconstraints to which Lectonil wishes us bound. Many times have I heard you argue the need forexpanding the number of acolytes, diversifying their skills, experimenting with new rituals andthe rest. And on such a course I would see the Guild steered as well."

"Yet the manner in which you approach the craft is more like that of Lectonil than mine,"Beliac said. "He would much favor one who found comfort in memorizing what has gone before,rather than daring what is new. Why have you not approached him instead with yourproposition?"

Duncan bit his lip and lowered his eyes. "Please do not take offense, my sage," he said,"but in truth I did approach him with the same offer. 'I need no help from outside the council,' hesnapped. 'A change of one vote and it will be over.’"

The acolyte paused, but when Beliac did not immediately reply, he rushed on. "But mymethod of learning is a superficiality. I am at ease with your leanings as well as any other. WhenI have the robe of black, such things will little matter."

"I see you have studied more than just the magician's craft, Duncan," Beliac said. "And Iam much conerned about the issues of which you speak. The occurrence two weeks ago will bepivotal in the next council meeting. Lectionil will make sure of it. He will demand the ritual ofpresence be performed immediately. And since I am opposed to such waste on principle, I willresist him this time as well. But he will paint a dark picture of the threat to the Guild, the dangerof so many uninitiated roaming at freedom within the palace grounds. Though he knows full wellhow safely we are protected, it will cause one or two of the more neutral to pause and considerit."

Beliac stopped and touched his fingers to his lips. "He has kept to his chambers since theincident," he muttered. "I would not doubt that somehow he put a neophyte up to the wholething."

He was silent for a moment, and then his eyes narrowed. "Long ago, I visited hisquarters. Topmost in the towers and the largest besides. Thick woven rugs, the newest sheets,and the freshest fruits in his bowl. And why should he have the tightest load of instruction and bethe one to call our council to order? I am more the magician and it is only the accident of birththat he is older. If there is to be order in the Guild, then the trappings of senior master shouldbelong to me. But enough of such discourse. I will ponder what you have said. It is not a decisiongiven easily in a single evening."

"As you wish, my sage," Duncan said with sudden hope in his voice. "I ask only that youconsider my petition with care."

Alodar watched the two men depart, Duncan skipping rapidly toward the hall of acolytes

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and Beliac, chin on chest, pacing slowly past to the magicians' quarters beyond.Alodar looked down from the third story window onto the swatch of grass in front of the

hall of administration. He smiled as he detected the bits of eggshell scattered about in the turf.On the carpet spread in the middle of his array Lectonil sat with his back erect, facing anothermagician in the same formal pose. Behind each, arms akimbo, stood four acolytes in a row.Looping around to enclose them all was a complete circle of initiates of both Guilds. To the side,objects of their craft peeked from a disarray of crates.

"Then it is concluded, Trodicar," Lectonil said. "The gong of shattering resonance and thewell-tempered djinn bottles for the boots of varied prints and the amulet of blinding light. But theeverlasting candles we will save for another time."

"Oh, very well," Lectonil's counterpart replied, starting to rise. "By what means are therituals to be exchanged?"

"By the usual method of the wax-sealed book, two copies, freshly illuminated.""When we dealt with Beliac, he gave us three," Trodicar said. "Two for the masters'

immediate use and another for the library.""No wonder his research drains our treasury so," Lectonil growled. "Half of his gold must

be consumed by extravagance. But I assumed you would request no less and am prepared to dealas generously as he. Mark you, an additional copy to replace one lost to the hazards of the trailwill not be forthcoming."

"It is fair enough." Trodicar nodded and the conference suddenly broke into an informalactivity of exchange and packing. In a few minutes, the group split into two and moved inopposite directions. Lectonil and his followers passed from Alodar's view into the hall entrancebelow.

Shortly thereafter, Trodicar's retinue strung out into a single line that wove across thesward and then through the curtain of distortion. The last initiate passed into the dimness, pullingat the donkey with their provisions. High on the backpack Alodar saw the corners of the recentlybartered books protruding through the topmost flap.

His eyes widened with excitement. Books of magic moving away from the protectivedevices of the Guild!

He looked out to the shimmering view. It was well that he had taken every excuse to visitthe town. He had been guided through the curtain enough times that he should be able to makethe transit alone.

Alodar waited a few minutes more until everyone was out of sight and then quicklysprinted down the stairs. He raced outside the hall, across the swatch of grass, and into the haze.Rocks, shrubs, and the pathway ahead distorted in dizzying shapes that flickered from one glanceto the next. Trunks waved back and forth, leaves expanded to giant size and contracted topinheads, while rocks oscillated like soft gelatins. In a dozen steps, he was completelysurrounded by the distortions, unable to tell by sight from whence he had come or the directionof the true pathway ahead. He glanced behind to see the towers of the hall of administrationseemingly sway in the breeze, soaring to the sky and then drooping like a waxen model left jnthe hot sun.

Closing his eyes and concentrating, Alodar paced off a dozen more steps and then turnedabruptly to his right.

After several minutes of dead reckoning, aided only by minimal clues from the textureunderfoot, his boot sounded against a large flat stone. The edge of the chasm, if the talk amongthe neophytes was accurate, was a deep cut wrapping around the Guild within the interior of the

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curtain. With his eyes still closed, he gingerly pushed one foot forward and felt the narrow beamwhich must span the gap. Arms outstretched for balance, he stepped off the six steps and feltwith relief the firm contact with the stone on the other side.

He opened his eyes and saw the diffuse light grow dimmer still, as if the sun hadsuddenly sunk towards the horizon. The scrubby chaparral shriveled away to isolated clumps ofgnarled and bare branches, and a single needle-like spire wavered above a rolling landscape,Alodar blinked, trying to remember if he had seen such a scene when he was guided before, butthe image shimmered away.

He stepped forward six steps and then turned to his left. After a score more paces, hespun back to the right and continued down the slope. Twigs and small branches pulled at hisrobe, but when he peeked in the direction of the tugs, the grotesque shapes only added to theconfusion. He stumbled over the small stones which littered the way and finally banged his toesagainst the sharp point of a flat rock directly in his path.

He mentally ran through the sequence from the beginning to make sure of the correctpath and then started down the branch to the left. After several more minutes of concentration hebroke through to the still air of the outside world.

Alodar sighed with relief at his accomplishment but had no time to stop and savor it. Heran to the edge of the trail and looked over the side. The pathway switched back several timesbelow him.

On the second bend he saw the guildsmen pulling their beasts of burden. Downhill, thetrail cut back in a wide arc that nearly circ*mscribed the hill before reversing direction.

Without waiting further, Alodar lifted a fist-sized rock and hurled it down at the donkeylumbering along. The first shot missed the target and the trail completely. The second was alucky hit directly on the animal's haunch, The donkey reared upright, wrenching the rein from hishandler. Another hit on the lower neck was enough to terrify the beast into bolting down the trailwith the magician and his acolytes racing behind.

Alodar quickly turned and began to scramble through the bush to the other side of thehill. His feet slipped on small rubble. Several times he had to grasp at a nearby shrub to keep hisbalance.

Pulling and tugging his way, he pursued a rough arc through the chaparral while themagicians zigzagged on the looping path below. Several minutes passed in a frenzy of exertion,and then Alodar stopped and looked down the slope. If he hurried now, be could meet the beaston the long switchback and have a chance at the books before the pursuers could come around.He took a deep breath and charged down the hillside, hitting the rough ground on a dead run. Heleaped over the small barriers that lay in his way and zigged and zagged down the incline. Hislegs seemed to acquire a will of their own, hurling one foot in front of the other and dragging hisupper body behind. He caromed forward with only enough control to twist and dodge the largershrubs and rocks that swept by in a blur. Struggling for balance, he flailed his arms wildly in theair, more than once almost carried away by the avalanche of small stones he started with hispounding tread.

In a final burst of speed, he jarred onto the pathway, feet skittering across the groundtowards the edge of the cliff. As he ran forward, the donkey rounded the curve and gallopeddirectly ahead down the trail. Alodar slowed and stepped to one side, reaching out to grasp thepack lashings as the beast ran by.

Stabbing pain shot through his arms as he was stretched by the contact, but he gripped theharness firmly and was swept from his feet and dragged along. Trusting his grip to his left hand,

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he released his right and fumbled for the books peeking out of the top of the pack. With a savagemotion, he wrenched one free and tumbled to the ground, rolling off the trail and cascading downthe edge of the cliff.

Brush and rock slowed his descent, whacking at his limbs and ribs as he spun. In adizzying moment, he lay still at the bottom of a little ravine, groggy and with blood tricklingfrom a battered nose, but still clutching the magic book of the Guild. Up on the trail he heard theexcited cries of the initiates as they ran past, calling for the animal to stop.

Alodar lay still, not so much to ensure that the magicians were gone as to let his body restfrom the beating it had taken.

A long time later as dusk began to fall, he slowly sat up, wincing from the soreness in hisback and legs. With a hand trembling from the effort, he cautiously broke the seal on the smallclasp which bound the book shut. He breathed deeply and cracked the volume open to themiddle.

The pages fell flat with a sudden puff of black smoke. As Alodar fanned the haze aside,he saw that the parchment contained not writings on magic but blankness from top to bottom. Hequickly cut to another page and the opening was accompanied by the same explosion andabsence of content.

He spent the next hour trying to part the leaves in various ways, slowly, from the top,with eyes closed, behind his back, but always with the same result. When he was done the bookwas empty, ready and fresh for the first word to be written in it

Alodar tossed the useless volume aside in disgust and began to climb slowly back up thechffside.

"Safeguarded still," he muttered. "I have yet to find the way.""This way, Alodar," Hypeton called as he wove his way through the clutter of low

benches and tables in the dark and musty room. Alodar followed, barely able to keep sight of theswirling brown of the robe in front as he avoided the outstretched arms and legs in his way.

He saw their target at last, a small round table in the far corner, already occupied by twofigures huddled over the light of a single feeble candle.

"Ah, my night vision deceives me not,” Hypeton said with satisfaction as he sat down."The best bench in the house, I wager."

Alodar sat down in the one spot remaining and squinted into the gloom at the two others,whiterobed but hooded as he.

"But we are much too formal," Hypeton continued, throwing back his cowl and reachingup to do the same to the figure at his left. The hood fell in a cascade of golden curls shiningbrightly in the light of the candle. "And yes, I was right, it is you, Cynthia, and your companionmust be Camphonel, is it not?"

"Enough of your light manner, Hypeton," the bare headed girl responded in a throatyvoice. "It is barely tolerable back at the Guild. I care not to have it pursue me when we take leaveto visit the village."

"Ah, Cynthia, as gruff as always," Hypeton said. "How is it that your heart does notmirror theperfection of your skin? It would be most wondrous if it were so."

"Which new one do you bring with you tonight, Hypeton?" Cynthia asked, ignoring thequestion. "Did the last one finally tire of the same parade of taverns and houses, week afterweek?"

"I am Alodar, the neophyte," Alodar said. "Are you also of the Cycloid Guild?"

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"Indeed I am," Cynthia answered. "Perhaps you have already seen me in the course ofyour sojourn there."

Alodar squinted at the face across the table with eyes not yet accustomed to the darkness.The chin was square with a harsh line that contrasted sharply with the softness of the cascadingcurls. The nose and lips were a trifle too large for the thin, oblong face but the eyes were alive,returning with confidence Alodar's measured look. Men who did not know her would judge herplain, he thought, but those who did would feel a strong allure. Recognition sprang to him as hetraced down the outline of her figure now hidden by the robe.

"Indeed, the ritual of the ring," Cynthia said simply. "But I see that the folds of yourcloak hide something interesting as well. Here, let me see your hands."

She extended her arms across the table and Alodar placed his hands in hers."Your hands are scarred," she said. "What manner of labor do you perform for the

Guild?""The same as always given to the newest of the neophytes," Alodar answered. "The

marks are there because I have practiced at arms.""Not only practiced, I see," Cynthia said, running her hands along Alodar's forearm,

fingertips gently rippling over the token from some of Cedric's instruction. She looked deeplyinto Alodar's eyes.

"You must tell me sometime of the adventures that gave you these," she said. "A tale ofarms would be a most welcome change from those of magic, which is our steady diet."

Alodar opened his mouth to speak but hesitated, enjoying the pleasure of her contact. Hetried to picture Vendora and compare her beauty, but the image was faded as if seen through themagician's curtain. He struggled to remember her as she looked in the dungeon of Iron Fist whenthey first met or later in the keep just as the walls finally fell. The queen was a stunning beauty,but how exactly her face was different from Cynthia's he could not tell. He sighed at theblankness and almost instinctively began to withdraw his arm.

Cynthia turned her hand over and playfully stroked the back against his. To his surprise,he felt a small nodule of hardness in the middle of the smooth skin.

"It appears the work of the initiate is also not only of the mind," he said."That is the mark of all who advance beyond the level of the neophyte," Cynthia replied.

"When they stoked the branding iron with the small disk into the furnace on the day of myinitiation ritual, I fainted dead away. When I awoke, my hand was bandaged and I was cloaked inthe robe of white, free to roam the hall of the initiates. Several weeks later, only the little circleof scar tissue remained."

"And what true significance does it have?" Alodar asked."Who can tell?" Cynthia said. "So much of the initiation ritual is merely tradition from

years gone by. I have no call to be reminded of it in my instruction since."Before the conversation could continue, the murmuring of the crowd began to rise in

anticipation and Alodar turned to view the small stage at the other end of the room. The curtainbehind parted and a minstrel walked forward. He strummed a chord on his strings and waited forsilence before beginning.

"The lava ran hot, fierce and glowing. The fumes alone scurried the lesser men back, Butto the queen he had pledged the gems So into the tunnels stomped mighty Rendrac.

"Knee deep in liquid fire he struggled To the very heart of the smoking mountain;In a sparkling pool of rich treasure He stuffed his pack from the cascading fountain."

Alodar blinked in amazement as the ballad droned on. It was all there in traditional saga

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form. The brave hero setting out alone against overwhelming odds. By his mighty prowess hesecured a treasure for his queen but, alas, perished in the deed. A hundred years from now moreverses and embellishments would be added so that the true event could not be fathomed by thewisest from the telling.

The crowd showed its approval at the conclusion and then buzzed with the gossip theballad had evoked.

"They say that his mentor truly reaps the benefits of his great labor." Camphonel spokefor the first time. "He rode into Ambrosia in magnificent style, tossing small gems like pebblesinto the crowd. To the queen he presented a necklace of huge stones, with an emerald nearly fistsize for the pendant. Vendora postponed her betrothal to some other outland lordling, and nowBasil is in her company everywhere. But she craftily does not choose him over the other. Instead,she delights in their daily struggle for her favor."

Not one suitor but two! Alodar looked down at his brown robe and sighed softly. Heshook his head and focused his attention on the conversation still bouncing around him.

"A lack of definition on the politics to the north!" Hypeton swore. "Their waysdegenerate further with each passing year. Thanks be to the permutations that keep the Guild outof such pettiness."

"Your ear is as sensitive as your tongue, Hypeton," Cynthia said. "The Guild deals withstruggles of power as much as any principality. Why the entire esplanade is talking of nothingelse. The next council meeting is an extraordinary one called by Lectonil. It will be the real testbetween his faction and that of Beliac."

"And how do you see the outcome?" Alodar asked."The talk is mainly fueled by rumor, with no substance one way or the other," Cynthia

replied, "but I think that Beliac feels the pressure of time to be against his ideas. He seeks to getvotes by other means than those of cold logic. Else why would he beseech me to show certainfavors to one of the less committed masters? Why, I wager that if a means of persuasion werepresented to him, he might even traffic a neophyte."

"Of course," Alodar said. He quickly slid from the bench and headed through the nightback to the tower of the neophytes.

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CHAPTER ELEVENThe Unfettered Dragon

ALODAR pushed aside the twig and peered out at the acolyte standing at rigid attentionin the hot sun. He reached down to the small wax figure at his side and deftly drew the lips apartin a ghoulish grin. Duncan's features responded in kind, although his cheeks trembled from thestrain of trying to break the grip which held him.

Alodar looked down the path and saw Beliac's slow approach to the library's entrance, hischin deep on his chest and every step reluctant.

As the magician passed, Alodar removed the cork from the flask and grimaced at the foulodor which arose from it. With a sweeping motion, he tipped his head back and downed itscontents, feeling a raw, rasping sting all the way down to his stomach. His throat would bemonstrously sore for a week afterwards, he knew, but Saxton's craft was never particularlyconcerned about the aftereffects of its potent brews.

Beliac drew abreast of the immobile acolyte and Alodar pursed his lips to speak."Good riddance, pompous windbag," Duncan seemed to say. "I hope they see fit to take

back the robe of black as well as denounce your ideas." The voice was high and sluggish, Alodarthought, but no one would doubt that

Duncan had spoken. The elixir of ventriloquism worked well indeed.Beliac stopped his pacing and looked up in disbelief. "Well move along," Alodar

projected. "You may as well get it over with.""See here, acolyte," Beliac replied. "The affairs of the chamber are no concern of yours,

in spite of what you have surmised from our previous converse. And mark you well, regardlessof what happens there, I will emerge with the unbroken circle on my robe still, more than amatch for any acolyte in the Guild, no matter how lofty an opinion he holds of himself. None ofyour station dare address me thus."

"And in truth you are correct, O sage," Alodar said in his own voice as he stepped fromhis hiding place and out onto the walkway. "By a combination of the arts of thaumaturgy andalchemy, I made appear what was not so. Acolyte Duncan, of course, never of his own free willwould make such statements."

"Then it is you, neophyte, who will feel the wrath of my punishment when I have time todeal with the matter," Beliac snapped in reply. "What is your name and station within theGuild?"

"My demonstration was for a most pointed purpose," Alodar persisted. "I believe that youhave a need for the control of another's voice and posture within the very next hour. That I canoffer to you."

Beliac's eyes brightened with comprehension. "Ah, what you say is true, most clever lad.Quickly now, inform me of the ritual by which this is done and I will reward you in dueproportion."

"As I have said," Alodar replied. "It is not of magic, but the other arts. I must be presentto perform, else it cannot become so."

"A neophyte in the apex. Unthinkable!" Beliac growled. "Give me the ritual or face mywrath on the spot."

"My presence or nothing," Alodar said coldly looking into the angered eyes of the

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magician."Decide now or let the opportunity slip from your grasp."Beliac was silent for a long moment and then flung his arm in hasty beckoning. "Very

well, come along. We will deal with your lack of respect later."Alodar returned quickly to the bush, ran his fingers over the waxen eyes and laid the doll

out on the ground. He bounded back beside Beliac, not even bothering to check Duncan'sapparently slumbering form nearby.

Beliac extended the ring on his left hand and aligned its intricate design of miniatureplanes and cubes into a mating indentation in the slab in front of them. A moment passed withBeliac's hand rigidly extended forward, but there was no motion in the slab.

"Oh by the postulates, calm yourself man," Beliac muttered to himself. "It will not do forone of Lectonil's lackeys to see me so agitated that I cannot work the outer door." He took a deepbreath and then another and pressed his ring more firmly into the slot. The rock parted at a linethat Alodar had not detected, and they stepped into a small alcove.

"Here, since you are uninitiated, you must wear a talisman to calm the watcher." Beliacshoved his ring into another slot to his left. A small drawer extended from the wall and Beliacwithdrew an ornate chain of gold braid and placed it about Alodar's neck. He then used the ring athird time to part the door at the rear of the alcove, and they entered the library proper.

Alodar's eyes darted greedily about as they passed down the center aisle towards astairwell in the very center of the large square. Unlike the subdivision into many small roomingcubicles of the hall of the initiates, no intervening construction blocked his view.

The entire floor was covered with neat rows of desks and study benches, most occupiedby figures robed in white and gray. From all four of the gently sloping walls, shelf after shelf ofbooks, scrolls, and manuscripts cantilevered out into the study area. Alodar gazed up the spiral ofthe stairs to where they finally disappeared in a small ceiling area crowded by the four wallplanes that converged to it. At regular distances along the flight upwards, catwalks radiatedoutwards from the wall and ran unsupported from below to join the spiral. At each level a secondwalkway circ*mscribed the interior and gave access to still more shelves of magical knowledge.

Alodar smiled with satisfaction. This was where he must search for an explanation of thepower of the spheres.

They reached the stairwell, Beliac pressed his hand to the base of the banister, and theybegan to climb. Alodar's brown robe caught the attention of many who studied below, butBeliac's one of black silenced any questions. The long ascent was uneventful; no clanging bellsor slamming barricades added to the sound of their tread.

"I would think the library to be more highly guarded than the hall of the initiates," Alodarsaid as they climbed. "Yet it would seem a knife in your ribs in exchange for your ring wouldimperil all the secrets here."

"The magic in my ring encompasses more than just the parting of the slab, neophyte,"Beliac replied with a slight wheeze. "That ring was formed as part of the same ritual thatexchanged my gray robe for black. Off my hand it is powerless, worth only the few brandels ofsilver of which it is made. It works for me and me alone, as do the thirteen carried by the othermagicians of the Guild."

"Then that same knife might prompt you to use the ring to gain my entrance, just as youhave done of your own free will. The result would be the same."

"As I said, neophyte, a ring most magical," Beliac continued. "It is attuned to me and tome alone, but in a state of mind of reasonable tranquility. If I am stressed, it will not work and

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fear for my life would render it useless. You saw how I had to calm my slight anger to effect ourpassage. No, there is no way into the library save by the will of a master magician. But enough ofmy craft. At the moment, I am more concerned with yours.

"When we enter I shall greet first the one you are to control. Let him be until we are tovote on the elevation of Duncan to the black robe, and then have him vote yes. Can you indeedeffect this?"

"If within the next hour, before my powers for voice casting subside, yes," Alodaranswered. "And I will need in addition something from his body. A hair perhaps will be theeasiest to secure."

"Hmmm, yes," Beliac said, touching his fingers to his lips. "That I can arrange. Be readyfor it when the opportunity arises. But, hold, we are at the portal to the apex."

Beliac stopped and placed his ring against the ceiling and an opening formed as it had onthe ground level. Following the magician's lead, Alodar rose the last few steps and entered thetop of the pyramid.

Unlike the giant room below, the apex was windowed, but the openings did little toalleviate the cramped feeling of the four walls sloping to a point overhead. A large, U-shapedtable filled the room. Wedged between it and the wall behind sat the other thirteen magicians ofthe Guild.

"What illogic is this?" Lectonil's voice boomed against the walls. "Beliac does try allpatience to bring a neophyte into the council chamber." He looked at Alodar and his eyeswidened in recognition. "And one such as this will fill your ears with lies when we discuss whattranspired in the hall of initiates. Take him out before his words taint our reason."

Beliac waved his speaker to silence and moved to the wall not blocked by the table. Heturned to the left and squeezed behind the seated magicians, motioning Alodar to follow.

"Well, what explanation do you have for this?" Leoontil persisted. "I have monitored thework of this man before. He has no need to be concerned with things magical." He lookedAlodar in the eye.

"And I seriously doubt that his motivations are for the good of the secrets of the Guild."Beliac ignored the challenge, and turned instead to the magician next to the empty seat.

"Why, Fulmbar," he said, "you look in fine spirits for this council. Does it perhaps foreshadowthat you have reconsidered your change in stand? No, do not answer now. Save your surprise forthe vote. I first must deal with master Lectonil, as vocal as ever."

Beliac took the empty seat and glared across the table to his adversary on the other sideof the room. "I brought the neophyte to induce just such an outcry as you have made, Lectonil. Itbetokens the illogical panic in your thought, the fear of losing some prerogatives of your stationby the slightest liberalization of our rules and conduct. His presence here is in no way connectedwith what happened in the hall of initiates."

Lectonil frowned at Beliac's words but then rapidly recovered. "We are all well aware ofthe way you twist the most innocent statements to your own purposes," he said. "A neophyteshould be denied access to the apex, not because of illogical fear but firm deduction of what theconsequences might be. Now if you have done with your theatrics, send the man back to hisduties and let us consider the business at hand."

"He remains for the purpose that I have called him here," Beliac said. "I will not bebadgered by your stern words."

"By the laws!" Lectonil's face grew red with rage. "Your statement summarizes the entirebasis of your thinking. Loose and careless with no respect for your seniors. Do you not know that

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this Guild was founded and flourished on rigor? Rigor in postulate and proof, not a wave of thehand, an approximate result, a truncated expression. If we follow such thinking, we follow it toour doom, Beliac, and so long as I can balance the diagonals of a square, I shall fight with prideto have such thought purged from, the consideration of our council."

"The times have changed, old man," Beliac responded unruffled by the heat of Lectonil'swords. "Such rigidity might have worked in centuries past when kingdoms were large and theirtreasures vast. We could afford to invest all our efforts in monumental magic, knowing that therewould be some buyer for the goods when we had finished. But look at our transactions recently.We labored hard to produce ink of purity in lots greater than a gill. But what has happened? Theliquid lies unused in some storeroom. No alchemist comes forward with sufficient gold to claimit. We spend a goodly share of our endowment yearly just to supply your two precious wyvernswith the meats that keep their scales tight and well fitting. And to what purpose? So that we mayin thirty years have a ring of transportal. What monarch can possibly afford what it has taken usto produce it? And yes, more to the point, look at our annual outlays. Will the Guild even be herein thirty years to complete the ritual?"

"It is your sloppy ways and little dabblings that squander our endowment," Lectonil said."And with them you somehow hope to change the course of centuries. But have you not thedepth of thought to see that it cannot be? The Maxim of Persistence still guides, Beliac. As youhave apparently forgotten, simply stated, it says 'perfection is eternal.' Perfection, Beliac,perfection. Not some convenient approximation. If we do not use the proper steps and followthem exactly, we will become nothing more than expensive alchemists with gold ringsthat turn to tin if you rub them but once. The everlasting quality of our work will be but myth forthe sagas."

“I am as well versed in the fundamental laws as you, Lectonil," Beliac replied. "In fact,judging from the relative number of monographs the two of us have circulated in the last year Iwould say I am more in tune with the true meaning of our law than you. At your zenith youmay have discovered some interesting rituals, but I fear you are now far past your prime inproductivity and in judgment."

"If I may interject a few words, most august masters," one of the other magiciansinterrupted. "Master Lectonil, I fear you disparage young Beliac here greatly. He does notcompose the ritual elements into magic squares, it is true, but his constructions in threedimensions are made with equal rigor and have produced new objects and lines of researchundreamed of just ten years ago."

"Undreamed of and unwanted," Lectonil snapped. "Of what use are twelve elements thatseem to fit together into a dodecahedron whole if the result is only a ring that ties one'sbootstraps?"

"Now you are most unfair." Beliac shouted for the first time. "That ritual was merely thefirst example. I dare say that the first square produced results no more inspiring. The field isyoung but in time we will have objects that are totally outside the reach of such well traveledavenues as square construction, be they trimagic, panmagic or symmetric."

"Masters, if you please," another rumbled. "Our ears tire of such discourse. We are hereat master Lectonil's calling to decide on the petition to elevate acolyte Duncan to the status ofmaster magician, and we need not hide behind philosophical rhetoric. We can all count. If themajority backs master Beliac's petition, then future councils no longer will be evenly divided. Ifwe vote the proposition down, it indicates clearly that master Beliac no longer can mustersufficient strength to cause deadlock. In either case, the work of the Guild will proceed."

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"The first issue before us, master Zinted," Lectonil said, "is the presence of the neophyte.He must be removed and then Beliac must be censured for jeopardizing the secrets of the Guild."

"By the traces, Lectonil," Beliac said, "we have said nothing to compromise our heritageand methods. Look I prove it to you."

Beliac turned to Alodar and continued his explanation, "As you may have gathered fromour discourse, the making of a magical object is a matter of performing a ritual, a ritual that isperfect in some well defined sense. Possible ritual elements, the ringing of a bell, drawing of abow and so on all have different Ritualistic attributes and numerical values. In our research, westrive to arrange and order these elements in such a way that a perfect sequence is obtained. Suchsequences produce objects indeed most magical.

"One such mechanism of arrangement and a successful one, I freely admit, is to order theelements in a square in such a way that certain of the numerical values of their attributes sum inthe same way whether considered horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Once these conditionsare satisfied, one performs the ritual, taking the elements in sequence row by row.

"Now I have told you much more than you could deduce from what we have said and Iwill add one thing more. Pluck a hair from master Fulmbar's crown. There, you have performedthe first step in a ritual of no mean potency. How do you proceed now?"

"Why I have no idea," Alodar responded as he drew his hand into the folds of his robeand planted the hair into a second wax doll he had strapped to his waist. "You have told me someprinciples but with no instruction on the values of the elements or how to assemble them, Icannot proceed."

"As is obvious to any with clear wit in this room, he knows less than what one could pickup through idle gossip in the neophyte's tower. I further submit that our decision on Duncan willbe common knowledge in the esplanade within the hour in any case. No secret has been revealedby what transpires here, so let us proceed. Besides, master Lectonil, do you wish me time tochange further the minds of our assemblage here or do you prefer to have our collective decisionrecorded so the Guild may proceed?"

"You are ready for the vote on Duncan now, and did not bring this neophyte because ofmy stand on the ritual of presence?" Lectonil asked.

"As I said, the neophyte is here merely to illustrate my position," Beliac replied. "It is tobe Duncan first, and if there is no deadlock, then the rest will naturally follow."

Lectonil twisted his face further but at last waved his arm to begin and said no more. Themagician on his left stood and formally stated the resolution before them. At its conclusion, hecast his negative vote and sat down. The counting began to move around the table. Alodarquickly muttered the incantation while the eyes and ears of the assemblage were on each speaker.He broke the small vial of caustic soda from his underbelt into the oil of vitriol and felt the heatbegin to rise in his hand. He looked about, but cramped and shielded by Beliac's chair, no onepaid him any heed.

Beliac rose and voted, and Alodar began to manipulate the little waxen image. Fulmbarseemed unsteady and awkward as he stood, but the strangeness was lost in the murmur ofdisbelief that followed his vote.

"What manner of substitution is this?" Lectonil shouted out above the rest. "You havewavered from time to time surely, Fulmbar, but you assured me not an hour ago that your votewas switched to be mine. It is for that reason alone that I called for the extraordinary session."

"I have indicated my choice and say no more," Alodar projected through Fulmbar as hemade the magician slump back down onto his chair. The magician in the seat immediately

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adjacent sprang up and cast his affirmative vote, apparently to insure that Fulmbar would haveno change of heart. In a moment the vote was finished, once again a seven to seven tie.

"Well, well," Beliac chuckled. "It appears, master Lectonil, that we are back to moreindividual sessions of persuasion. I suggest that you not call the council to session unless you aremore sure that a productive decision will result. Until then, it seems our time will be better spenton research, instruction, and meetings at the usual hours. I wish, however, that you remain amoment, master Fulmbar, so that I may thank you for your enlightened change of heart."

With no further words, the magicians rose and filed to the exit in the center of the room.Lectonil left last, glaring at his opponent and frowning at the placid figure of Fulmbar at his side.

"And now, neophyte," Beliac said, "we must secure master Fulmbar away out of thereaches of Lectonil until I can devise a means of persuading yet another vote."

"And once we have done that," Alodar said, "then might we discuss the matter of thereward for the service I have provided you?"

Betiac eyed Alodar coldly. "I think that to continue living would be reward enough foryour impertinence," he said.

Alodar opened the outer door to the neophyte tower and felt the refreshing coolness ofthe evening air. Marching Fulmbar slowly to Beliac's quarters had taken a good hour. ReleasingDuncan in his patron's custody and then arguing with the magician had consumed another,though for his own part, Alodar did not feel anxious to press his case. He had learned more thanhe had hoped from his exploit and saw no point in trying to pry out more.

After he was dismissed from Beliac's presence, Alodar had returned to his lodging andnapped into nightfall to melt away the tensions of the afternoon. Now refreshed, he walkedslowly along the esplanade. Beliac had bought only a little time with the stratagem, he mused,and sooner or later must own up to what was done to another magician of the Guild. He would bebusy enough not to make good any threats for the immediate future. The problem rather was howto gain access to the contents of the library, knowing now what the security measures were.

As Alodar passed the house of the exotic, a sudden flicker of movement caught his eye;as he turned, he heard the crack of glass under a heavy tread. He paused for a second. Then awoman's high scream of terror filled the air. Instinctively, Alodar sprang for the entrance, hisbrown robe flowing behind.

With a sudden shove, he rocked the huge double doors back on their hinges. The longcorridor which transversed the ground floor ran before him, and slowly stomping away from himdown the passageway was a huge, green-scaled dragon.

A second scream echoed down the corridor, and Alodar saw, beyond the wyvern'sshifting back, the golden curls of Cynthia the initiate. She stood transfixed at the hallway's end,back and palms outstretched against the unyielding wall, looking with terror at the beast whichlumbered towards her.

"Hold your courage," Alodar shouted through a throat still sore from the potion and brokeinto a run after the two-legged dragon. He reached quickly down to his side for a sword that wasnot there. "Curse these robes," he muttered as he ran.

In an instant he was up to the giant tail that gently swished back and forth with each step.Having no other weapon, he stomped the heel of his boot down upon the rigid spine of scales.The wyvern did not react but continued his steady plodding gait. Alodar steadied himself againsta wall and then leapt with both feet upon his target. This time the tail twitched spasmodically,knocking him to the ground into a scatter of broken glass.

Alodar quickly scrambled up and dusted his hands against his robe, ignoring the blood

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which began to ooze out of many small cuts. He hastily looked about and saw that all of the glasspartitionsinto the various cages had been broken. Here and there, small creatures scurried in the wreckage.In the opening to the left Alodar saw that two jagged daggers of glass still stood in a shatteredframe. He lashed out quickly with his boot and snapped one at the base. Fingering it gingerly, hecaught up with the advancing dragon and jabbed it with his makeshift weapon. The pointskittered along the scales, but Alodar felt sudden pain in his hands as the edges caught and cuthis flesh.

Grimacing, he tightened his grip, feeding blood pour out onto his palms and the hurtintensify in its sharpness. The beast was almost upon Cynthia, lowering its head and extendingits forked tongue expectantly, when Alodar lunged again, this time with the full force of his bodybehind the blow.

The tip caught between two scales and the shaft snapped a few inches from the point.Alodar fell forward upon the beast's back, frantically rolling to one side to avoid being impaledon his own point, and clattering to the floor. The wyvera yelped; distracted, it turned to see whatannoyed him.

"To the side passage," Alodar shouted, righting himself and gritting his teeth as he placedhis free hand against the wall, "Move, I say," he yelled again. In desperation, he flung theremains of the glass in Cvnthia's direction.

The initiate instinctively moved to one side to dodge the missile, jarring herself out of herpetrification. She quickly ran into one of the arms of the cross corridor, while Alodar scrambledbackwards from the head that was turning to examine him. He ducked into one of the cages andlooked from side to side for another weapon. To the left, he saw Cynthia peering in at himthrough another broken window. He was in one of the cages at the corner of the tee, withviewing from two directions.

As the dragon extended its head into the cage, Alodar hopped out to join the initiate,staining her robe deep crimson as he threw his arms about her.

"This way," he yelled as he pushed against Cynthia's stiffening form. "We have to getsome distance so we can search for a weapon."

The two began to run down the passageway, and the wyvern withdrew his head from theempty cage and turned around the corner. It saw its quarry sprinting away and ruffled its wingsin annoyance, scarping the walls which confined it. It hooted after them and quickened its pacein pursuit.

Alodar felt the air grow warm as the call of the dragon echoed down the passageway. Heturned a puzzled glance to Cynthia, who gasped out as they ran, "It is getting angry and firing up.We will not have a tradesman's chance if it gets within three strides."

Alodar turned to see how close the wyvern pursued and was surprised at the way thedeliberate lumber had been replaced by a fast rocking pace.

"It is gaining on us," he shouted to Cynthia, pushing her from behind with his bloodyhand until she nearly stumbled. "Look there, a staircase to the second level. Perhaps it does notknow how to climb them."

Alodar spun Cynthia to the side, grabbing her arm to begin pulling her up the stairs. Asthey disappeared around the corner, the passageway flashed to the bright of day as a cloud offlame rolled past, furnace-hot.

They reached a landing half a flight up as the dragon reared at the foot below. It snakedits head halfway the well, the raspy and pimpled tongue flicking out a foot more beyond. It

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roared in anger as it caught sight of its prey disappearing. As the echo trailed off, anotherfireball coursed up the stairs.

The shock of the heat flashed memories of the Fumus Mountains through Alodar's mind,and Cynthia shrieked from the blistering bath. The sphere of flame crashed against the landingwall and burst into smaller globes, which ricocheted towards them.

"Your robe, pull in your robe," Alodar shouted as the balls of fire danced by. One caughtCynthia's hem. Almost instantly, the garment burst in a new shower of incandescence. Alodarlooked over the railing and saw the wyvern slip and stumble as it tried to place one of its broadfeet on the narrow risers. It unfurled its wings and banged against the walls; with one powerfuldownstroke, it levitated a few feet off the ground and onto the third step.

Alodar turned back to Cynthia, who stood on the floor above, frantically beating herhands against the ends of the robe which encircled her in flames. He bounded up and knockedher to the ground, sending her rolling down a hallway more spacious than the ones below. Theflames sputtered for a moment; but as soon as she stopped, they sprang to life again. He ran toher. Ignoring the throbbing in his hands, he grabbed her disintegrating hem. With a mightyspasm, he yanked his arms apart, splitting the robe from bottom to top, and flung it away fromthem.

The wyvern careened to the first landing and Alodar pulled Cynthia to her feet, as nakedas the day of the stadium ritual. As they resumed their flight, Alodar caught sight of a familiarglowing disk in the wall on the left.

"What is that?" he shouted, pointing as they ran."The initiate viewing room," Cynthia responded as she saw the small circle.Alodar thought back to his previous encounter with such a disk. In a flash, their method

of escape struck him. The timing would have to be perfect, but they had no other choice. "Theninto it," he directed. "Let us find our safety there."

Cynthia responded to the command and firmly pushed the small button. The doorsmoothly parted and the two ran into a small anteroom that appeared to open onto a spaciousbalcony. Alodar took three rapid steps into the middle of the chamber. He stopped and faced thedoor through which they had entered.

"Let us go to the balcony and beyond." Cynthia tugged at his arm in a wave of freshpanic. 'The wyvern will catch up with us in a moment."

As she spoke, the dragon glided up to the door and furled its wings, hitting the floor witha dull thud. Alodar grabbed Cynthia by the hand; with a whipping motion, he propelled herstumbling through the door to the balcony. He looked back into the hallway at the approachingbeast. He waited an instant longer and then ran after Cynthia, but took only two more stepsbefore a brace of bells began sounding in alarm.

In an instant, iron bars crashed to the floor ahead, cutting off his escape, and he turned toface the beast. The only other exit was blocked by the bulk of the wyvern, folding up its wingsand stooping to enter. But as it extended its neck into the room, long tongue flicking expectantly,the second barrier began to fall into place from the jamb of the deor. The heavy iron bars hit thefloor with, a thud and the lowermost crossbrace caught the dragon directly behind the head,driving it to the ground.

The wyvern let out a cry of anger and a large belch of fire that sent Alodar springing tothe wall. With a frantic tug, the beast tried withdrawing its head out into the passageway, but theexpanse of skull behind the large, opalescent eyes cracked against the stout iron bar.

Alodar scrambled to his feet and cautiously felt his way around the periphery of the room

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towards the dragon. The wyvern eyed his motion in anger and, between spasmodic strugglesagainst its trap, sent volleys of fire into the chamber to consume its adversary.

In a moment Alodar was at the wall which held the exterior doorway and out of the angleof fire from the wyvern. He quickly dismantled a rod from which a small decorative tapestryhung and advanced northeast from the side. His hands pained him enormously and he feltgiddy from the loss of blood, but he performed his task with determination.

Alodar leaned wearily against the wall with the bloody, brain-spattered bar hanginglimply in his hand. How many blows it had taken he could not recall, but only a pulp of bone andflesh remained of the wyvern's head, and the great body lay silent, to flame no more.The portcullis that led to the balcony raised back into place, and Cynthia cautiously came intothe room.

Alodar motioned her to him. "It is all over," he said. "All that remains is to repair ourwounds and forget what has happened." He reached down, grabbed the small tapestry, and flungit about her shoulders. "Come to my cubicle," he said. "I have a small amount of sweetbalm thatwill help those burns of yours."

Cynthia nodded her assent and the two found their way out of the building withoutlooking back. In an hour, Alodar was arching his back and smiling with contentment. Thesweetbalm had anesthetized his pain, and the wine from the larder blurred the recent memoriesand the horror of what might have been. Cynthia lounged easily in the chair beside him, sippingfrom her glass and staring deeply at Alodar over the rim.

"Why do you think such vandalism occurred?" he said."For certain, I cannot tell," she responded. "I know however that the initiates loyal to

Beliac were abuzz with activity. I suspect they feared that if Lectonil could almost changeFulmbar's vote, he might succeed with others. They struck to discredit him as best they could onsuch short notice. The maintenance of the wyverns has been a source of contention between thegroups for many years. One running loose and slaughtering a few unlucky passersby certainlywould harm Lectonil's position."

Cynthia shuddered and drew the folds of one of Alodar's brown robes tighter about her."A most complete speculation," he said. "What points you to it?""I was not in the house by chance, but by direction of one of Beliac's acolytes. I had

ignored his advances some years back and thought no more of the matter, but apparently he didnot see it the same. Had you not come along when you did, I fear that double purpose wouldhave been served by the mayhem."

"Then do you think to embrace Lectonil's position and seek protection from him? Itseems to me that the entire Guild soon will be divided into the two camps."

"And doing increased violence to one another," Cynthia said. "A year ago they werecontent with finding flaws in the other's conjectures and theorems, but I think that day will notreturn. As for Lectonil, what he could offer is most limited. Few of the acolytes and initiatesharken to his standard. Even the likes of Duncan casts his fortune elsewhere. For myself, I intendto leave the Guild on the morrow and wait in the village until it is settled. There is none here towhom I am attached. None that could protect me well. None that I can in truth call a man."

Cynthia lowered her glass and extended her hand to rub against Alodar's as she had donein the tavern. "None save one." She smiled and moved towards him. Alodar set down his wineand looked up as she stood before him. With a shrug, she dropped his robe from her shouldersand beckoned him to rise to meet her.

Instinctively he rose, pulse quickening. Again he tried to focus on Vendora, compare her

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beauty and position to Cynthia's and find her the winner. But Vendora was miles and monthsaway. He sighed and all images vanished from his mind.

Alodar woke when the first rays of dawn filtered through the blinds into the room.Cynthia breathed in a deep slumber beside him, still in the euphoria of the sweetbalm. Idly, hefingered her curls which lay on the pillow beside his head. What course now? Cynthia wasenough woman for any man, beautiful and full-figured, intelligent, and a self-confident initiate inthe magical arts. He had saved her life, and the little skill in arms he possessed stood to her inexciting contrast to the scholarly attitudes of her peers. He could seek out Periac, resume histrade in thaumaturgy, or better yet combine it with alchemy and provide services most unique.And would such a life be so bad? Could the secret of the spheres really mean more than that?

Alodar sighed and shook his head. No, he would soon tire of thaumaturgy, and withalchemy it would only take longer. At least his quest offered a definite goal and excitement.Alodar the hero, Alodar the savior of the fair lady! His mind again of single purpose, Alodarquietly began to pace the room. His visit to the library with Beliac had shown him how he couldenter. The problem that remained was that of moving freely inside without triggering thewatchbells.

He puzzled over the ease with which the initiates and their superiors passed through theprotected hallways, while he was instantly recognized as an outsider. They made no specialmotions, nor did they touch marked panels in the wall. In fact, Cynthia without a stitch waseasily hurled past a barrier while he was trapped behind.

If it was nothing of action or what one carried, what indeed set the magic user as differentfrom the rest of the workers of the Guild? Alodar stopped and pondered a few moments more.Only one thing marked the initiates, be realized in a flash of excitement—the small scar on theback of the wrist. Alodar walked to the bedside and grasped Cynthia's hand. He gingerly fingeredthe pad of flesh that indicated her station. The tissue was thick and told him nothing, but he knewwhat he must do.

He woke her gently and explained his request. She gave her consent. "If our paths are notto intertwine," she said, "then it is my parting gift for the brave warrior." She looked deeply atAlodar and smiled. "Perhaps in the village below I can find another."

A small dab of sweetbalm at the nostrils returned her to slumber, and Alodar grasped herhand firmly in his left while he opened his small knife with his right. Carefully, he began to cutaround the base of the scar. Although tiny rivulets of blood obscured his vision, he heard thesatisfying scrape of metal on metal.

He continued to cut for a full half circle; then with a pair of tweezers, he pulled the secretfrom its hiding place. Alodar wiped the object clean and stared at a small, unadorned disk ofgold. The ritual of the branding was merely a ruse so that the initiates might not even know howthey moved past the barriers so easily. Thethin disk looked innocuous enough, but it would be his safe passage on the floor of the library.

He dabbed sweetbalm onto the small wound he had made and saw it instantly close. IfCynthia went directly to the village as she planned, then the loss of the disk might go undetecteduntil Alodar was long removed from the Guild and back on the road to Ambrosia. He let her armfall and then hastily finished the rest of the preparations for his entry.

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CHAPTER TWELVEThe Improvised Ritual

ALODAR stretched to tiptoe in the darkness and groped with both hands against thesloping library walls. His right brushed against one of the decorative nodules that randomlydotted the sides. He put his foot onto the projection at knee level and pulled himself up. He wasoff and climbing.

With his left hand, he reached out for another purchase and lifted himself three feet more.His feet wobbled against the narrow projections, and his hands felt slippery from the effort toscale the steep incline. Upwards he struggled, ten feet and then another ten, switching back andforth laterally across the face of the slope as he climbed.

After thirty feet, he stopped and cautiously adjusted the straps that held the pack to hisback. The next handhold was only a foot above his head but far to his left, outside of comfortablereach. Alodar extended his hand, rocking all of his weight onto his left foot and stretching as faras he dared, but a good nine niches separated him from the grip. He looked back down to theesplanade and felt the first twinge of the instinctive reaction to his height.

He frowned tightly and shut his view of the hard cobblestones out of his mind. Movinghis right hand close to his body for additional thrust, he sprang upwards and outwards towardsthe grip.

The momentum of his jump carried him past the target, and his hand closed on empty air.As he began to slide downwards, he lashed out again, catching the nodule as it seemed to rushupwards into his hand. He felt the tug of his body loosen his fingers, not yet set in their tenuousgrip, and he reached about with his feet frantically for the perch they had just left. His right footfelt resistance and he thrust savagely against it to stop the downward motion.

In an instant, Alodar's hand grip was secure, but he was diagonally stretched across theface of the pyramid, holding on with opposite arm and leg fully extended. Slowly he worked hisright arm upwards until he could clasp his hands together. Then, abandoning his foothold andpulling so thathis arms trembled, he raised his head until the nodule he gripped was at eye level.Carefully, be extended his leg outwards to the left and then smiled with satisfaction when he feltanother gemstone beneath his heel.

Other nodules were randomly scattered nearby; in a few minutes, Alodar was resting fora second time, but some ten feet higher than before. Only thirty feet remained until the top, andthe grips seemed closer spaced than below. Exercising increased caution as he moved higher, hegained the level of the apex in another half hour.

Alodar peered in through the square opening and saw the back of a heavy tapestryblocking out the wind and starlight. He reached into his pack and withdrew the small disk ofmetal that he had received from Cynthia and clasped it firmly in his left hand. No grillwork orshutters barred his entrance. Pushing his arm in front, he squirmed through the window andthrust the curtain aside.

He dropped to the floor silently and stood frozen for a moment more. No bells sounded inalarm at his presence. Alodar waited a full minute and then another. Nothing stirred and only hisown breathing broke the absolute quiet. Cautiously he lit a small candle and looked about in theflickering light. The room was as he had seen it before, cramped and unfurnished except for theU-shaped table that crowded about its periphery.

Alodar slowly moved to the portal in the floor that led to the library proper, expecting at

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each step to trigger the watchbells. He grasped the latch and pulled the door open, staring intothe blackness below.

The candlelight showed the first rungs of the staircase that spiraled downwards to thefloor, but Alodar did not place his foot on the first tempting step. The magicians let the lowerorders into the library and then left them unattended. Something kept them from using thestairway. Indeed, Beliac had pressed his ring against the banister before they had started theirclimb.

Uncoiling the rope from his pack, he secured it to one of the legs of the massive table andlet the other end fly downward into the darkness. He grasped the rope awkwardly, not trusting toremove the golden disk from his palm. Slowly, he let himself down hand over hand in the midstof the spiral, gradually loosing his sense of height in the blackness. Methodically, he descended afoot at a time, unmindful of how far he had traveled and how far yet to go.

His reverie was suddenly broken by the sharp contact of solid stone beneath his feet. Hereleased his grasp of the rope and stood upright in exultation. He had gained the library floor.

Alodar relit the candle and let his eyes grow accustomed to its meager light All about thefour walls books, scrolls, and manuscripts were neatly stacked, beckoning with the secrets of themagicians. He quickly scanned the vast arrays of knowledge and saw in the north corner scrollstossed in a disarray uncharacteristic of the order of the rest. He walked over to the pile and liftedthe first one from the heap.

"Helices and spirals, tier four; Heptagons, tier three; Hexagonal symmetries and tiles, tierfourteen," he read aloud softly. "The index, precisely what I need."

He shuffled through the coiled manuscripts until he found the one that alluded to hismetal spheres. "Tier seven," he mumbled and counted off the cases from where he stood. Severalminutes later, after carefully scrutinizing titles in the dimness, he found what he sought andwrenched the book from its place on the shelf.

Cracking it in the middle, he held the exposed pages to the light and mouthed what heread. "The two spheres of Dandelin are tangent to the ellipse at points one and two respectivelyand touch the cone along parallel circles. If we join the point of presence to the points oftangency and also the line connecting with the vertex, these lines will all lie entirely on thesurface of the cone."

Alodar snapped the book shut, set it back in the rack, and exhaled a deep sigh. The secretof the spheres would not be a single night's work, he reasoned sadly. Time would have to bespent with some fundamentals before be could even begin to understand what he needed toknow. The general education that took an initiate through acolyte to magician would not benecessary; he could focus on only those things necessary. Still, the walls of the library wouldhave to be scaled many times before he was through with his task.

Moving with considerably less haste back to the index tier, Alodar began to search for thefirst reference text of the beginning initiate.

"And Cynthia disappeared without a trace as well," Hypeton babbled on. "She has beenmissing nearly a month, yet both sides avow no knowledge of her, but accuse instead the other ofmisdeed. The tension virtually pulls the Guild asunder."

Alodar nodded sleepily in reply and pulled closed his entrance curtain as the otherneophyte departed. He worked with dedicated effort by day so no attention would be drawn tohim, but even more diligently at night as he delved into the secret of the spheres. The ascent wasby now a mere routine and most of the evening could be spent in study. Still, the intensity withwhich be concentrated and the strain of anticipated discovery took their toll as surely as the

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labors of the day. At least tonight would be the last, Alodar thought slowly, his wearinesssuppressing even the excitement of the occasion. He knew enough now about this one facet ofmagic to start the ritual that would release the power of the spheres. He shouldered his pack andlooked about the cubicle. The parapherniali a for the evening and everything that he would needfor a hasty journey were packed and ready.

If all went well, the sun would find him free of the Guild and on the road north back toAmbrosia.

He crossed the courtyard quickly and soon was at the base of the library, grasping for hisfirst handhold with a grip made familiar from much practice. In scarcely ten minutes he was atthe top and through the curtains into the deserted council chamber.

Alodar lit his small candle as before, but this time did not move to the doorway in thecenter of the floor. Instead he carefully spread a silken scarf along the surface of the table andremoved from his pack the small box which contained his treasure. He opened the lid and feltimmediately the aura of power that coursed up from his fingertips to permeate his entire body.He removed the scraps of parchment that contained his notes from the previous evenings ofstudy.

Everything he needed should be here; but if not, he could descend to the floor below andconsult with the texts.

He scanned the notes twice quickly and then began the ritual. Placing copper rings oneach of his fingers, he grasped a small incense coffer with his left hand and immersed it in theflame of his candle with his right. The perfume began to well upwards into the small confines ofthe room; in a minute, it was almost overpowering with Us sweetness.

Alodar stood immobile as the smell penetrated his nostrils and filled his lungs.Concentrating not to cough, he counted heartbeats to one hundred thirty-seven and then struck asmall triangle hung from a tiny frame with the copper ring on his index finger. The chimesounded shrilly and, rather than dying away, rang in resonance with the structure of the ritual asit began to take shape.

Alodar listened only half attentively as he pondered the step to perform next. But as hethought, he gradually grew aware of a slight tingling that crept along the base of his scalp. Hisskin prickled as If scraped by a dull razor and a slight twitch tugged at his left eye. At first it wasonly an annoyance to be shut out of his concentration, but the feeling grew in intensity and beganto move over his head and down his neck to the rest of his body. He shuddered involuntarily andfelt a chill in his arms and lees. The triangle still hummed, but rather than diminishing as itshould, the tone deepened and grew in power. The heavy table began to hum, and echoesbounced back and forth off the sloping walls.

Alodar raised his hands to his ears as the sound suddenly increased to deafeningproportions and the small band of metal grew red hot from the force with which it vibratedthrough the air.

Something was obviously wrong. Alodar thought slowly, his mind dimmed by the fury ofthe noise. Some other ritual was being enacted and interfering with his magic here.

Before he could think more, the doorway in the floor suddenly flew open, bathing thechamber with light from the library below.

Lectonil leaped up into the council room, and two other magicians panted after. "As Isuspected," he said, "Beliac's deceit with the Guild is most complete. Despite his protests, hetraffics our secrets even to the neophytes who would support him.

"Bring them forward," he motioned to the black-robed followers. "Let Beliac bite on the

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fact that it is the ritual of presence that has led us to the last of his crew of traitors."The shrieking stopped and Alodar felt his thoughts clear in a rush. He immediately

dropped the triangle to the floor with a clatter and reached to scoop up his spheres."Hold, neophyte, it is enough," Lectonil commanded and clapped his gloved hands

together. A bolt of jagged yellow jumped from his palms and shot towards Alodar with ablinding flash. Before Alodar could respond, he felt his arms thrift apart and backwards and hiswhole body suddenly lifted and slammed into the wall. As a sharp explosive report echoedaround the small chamber, his breath rushed out and his vision clouded from the force of theblow.

"Trifle not with a master magician, neophyte." Lectonil glared at him. "Especially onewith the gloves of thunder."

Alodar opened his mouth to speak; but before he could, Beliac's voice rumbled forth fromthe stairway.

"And to what purpose do you rouse me from my studies, Lectonil?" he asked. "Theprotocols must be observed, I insist. There is no basis for council meeting without the notice oftwo full days to bring all rituals in progress to a satisfactory halt. Your prattle about the danger tothe remaining wyvern can surely wait a fortnight."

"It is for a far more serious matter than the safety of a dragon that we are here, Beliac,"Lectonil replied. "We convene tonight to judge the most serious charge of treason. Look, wehave even caught your neophyte in the practice of ritual. Such disregard for the traditions cannotbe condoned, regardless of the ends you think they serve." Beliac looked across the room towhere Alodar lay and then stared at the two spheres still sitting in the small box on the table. "Iknow not in what foul practice this neophyte engages," he said, "but it is without my council ordirection. I have had no discourse with him since he was in this chamber over a month ago. I sayas you that he should be punished for his deeds. Bring forth the mirror of inversion and let us bedone with it His crime is none of mine."

"Ah, but it is, Beliac," Lectonil persisted. "I would not have acted so precipitously thisnight had I not first solved the riddle of that last meeting when your follower was present. Bringin the other one and let us confront them," he said turning to the doorway.

Duncan was abruptly pushed into the chamber, a look of bewilderment on his face.Following him came another black-robed magician.

"Fulmbar," Beliac said in surprise as his peer entered. "Yes, Beliac," the magician repliedwith hate dripping from his voice. "With the aid of Lectonil's acolytes, I am free at last of yourbondage of this past month. And I have told them all of your conduct the last time I sat in thischamber. It is true I would have voted against you that day, but in the past I supported you asthe issue merited. And had you stood by the honor of the master, I might have followed yourcause yet again. But your deeds with the neophyte have cleared my indecision and firmed myresolve. I anxiously await the council vote on the form of your de-elevation."

"But wait," Beliac interrupted, with a shade of panic beginning to tinge his voice. "I actedin the desperation of the moment and no ritual magic was used in what I did. A minortransgression worthy of small censure at the most."

"Enough of the pleading, Beliac." Lectonil waved the protest aside as the rest of themagicians began to file in. "The case against you is tight. Your neophyte was caught in mid-ritual, working your will. Tell us now what you had planned, else your punishment will be all theharder."

"But . . ." Beliac's eyes rapidly searched the faces of his peers for signs of sympathy. "I

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know nothing of the dabbling in which this neophyte engages.""Very well, then," Lectonil said. "Perhaps the neophyte himself will not be so guarded.

What do you say about your deed tonight?""I work with the pair of spheres before you," Alodar answered, as he slowly rose to his

feet. "The one is smooth and the other circ*mscribed by one great circle."The assembled magicians followed Alodar's extended hand to the table. "Could they be

spheres of protection?" one of them gasped. "Most rare and valuable objects indeed. The work ofan eon before they were truly formed and ready."

"By the laws, Beliac, this is most undisciplined! The uninitiated should not traffic withsuch potencies. He might start one to activate before he knows what he is doing."

"As for example, by striking a triangle of discord," Alodar said, holding out the smallinstrument he had used minutes before.

Lectonil's mouth dropped when he saw what was in Alodar's hand. He reached out totouch the first sphere and then quickly withdrew with an involuntary yelp.

"They have started," he said, eyes suddenly wide. "Quickly man, how long have you beenat this? We must know how much time remains."

Alodar frowned in puzzlement over the magician's sudden concern. He reviewed thesteps that remained and the significance of each.

"But of course," he said aloud at last. "The power within the spheres has already beendisturbed from their mold. Either we run the spells to completion or they will explode of theirown volition with cataclysmic force."

Several of the magicians broke their ranks behind Beliac and began to jostle one anotherfor position in the doorway.

Lectonil retreated a step in hesitation and then called after the fleeing members of theguild.

"Wait," he said shakily. "We must stay and resolve what to do. We cannot abandon thespheres. Their release will damage our chambers beyond repair and perhaps our heritage belowas well. The ritual must be worked to completion."

"Then stay and work it yourself," the magician closest to the door yelled out. "It is youwho burns most with the fire to confront Beliac with his deeds."

Lectonil backed another step from the table, but then stopped."Hold your positions," he commanded with more composure. "We can handle the

situation with but little danger to ourselves. Bring forward the acolyte. He should know enoughto complete what must be done."

Two of Lectonil's followers thrust Duncan forward to face the master. Lectonil's faceparted In a cruel smile.

"So you wish the status of the magician, do you, Duncan?" he asked. "Then you can showyour proficiency to us by completing the ritual of Cantor on these spheres. Surely you havememorized what is to be done."

Duncan's eyes darted to Beliac and back to Lectonil. "I have studied it, master," he said."But the events of this evening jumble my thoughts. I recall it not. I have had no time to prepare.Please, we know not how much time is left; let us flee."

"Then for you it will be the mirror," Lectonil cut him short. "Unless you search yourmemory and are successful in the recall."

"But I cannot," Duncan protested falling to his knees in frantic supplication."Each minute you waste is one less to complete what is to be done," Lectonil said

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harshly. "Be about it, man, or you doom yourself surely."Duncan eyed the pack leaning next to where Alodar stood. With trembling hands, he

opened the top flap and began to extract the necessary equipment."And the time?" Lectonil addressed Alodar again. "How long ago did you start?"Alodar drew his tongue across a mouth suddenly dry as the impact of the situation sank

in. "A full five minutes,"he said. "At least that much before the wailing stopped me from goingfurther."

"Quickly, the glasses." Lectonil gestured and one of the magicians opened a drawer in thetable. 'That leaves twenty remaining." He watched as a sandclock of the appropriate size was setbeside Duncan.

"Now we proceed with caution as follows," Lectonil said "Repair to our chambers untilthe crisis is past. Guard Beliac until the issue here is resolved. I will remain on the stairwell,watching these two as they proceed. If all goes well, you can rejoin me here. If I judge thatinsufficient time remains, I will incapacitate them with the gloves of thunder and retreat out ofharm's way before the explosion tears the apex asunder. In either case, we will deal with Beliac'streason then."

The magicians mumbled their acquiescence and began to file out of the chamber.Alodar's eyes jumped from Lectonil to Beliac and back, hoping to see an opportunity. Beliac alsowatched the magicians file out. Suddenly, when four were already on the stair, he bolted forwardand shouldered his way in front of those remaining.

"Magicians loyal to the new ways, follow me," he shouted. "We are outnumbered, butthey will feel our sting before we are done."

Lectonil turned to the startled black robes who remained. "After them," he shouted."Subdue them and repair to the chambers as planned."

The magicians pounded down the stairs after the ones who fled. Lectonil looked atDuncan and Alodar and then backed down the stairs until he stood only waist high in the room.As he took his place, a blue flash reflected upwards through the opening, followed by a rollingboom and an anguished scream. In an instant, the walls rocked and vibrated with an answeringspasm of subsonic rhythm.

"A gem of blue blindness and the oscillator of life," Lectonil muttered. "It seems thatboth sides armed themselves well for our confrontation. But no matter, acolyte, tend to yourduty."

Another flash burst upwards. Duncan jarred loose from his panic and began to work themagic with the gear from Alodar's pack. With eyes half closed, he rattled off the next steps of theritual and executed them quickly. The triangle sang again, three beehive hitches were woventogether, feet stomped in a complicated rhythm. Alodar watched fascinated as the acolyte,immersed in his recall, jerked his hands faster with each step, blurring them together in his haste.As Duncan worked, the chamber rocked and rumbled with the attacks and parries that flew aboutthe library below. Lectonil steadied himself in the stairwell and occasionally glanced down thespiral, frowning at the uncertainty of the outcome.

"And that is one," Duncan said explosively. As he spoke, he held out the uninscribedsphere triumphantly in his hand. The sphere was no longer opaque rock, but danced in a rainbowof refracted light that radiated through its interior. In the very center, Alodar saw a tiny andperfect human hand suspended.

"The shielding hand," Lectonil said, mounting again into the chamber. "Here, let me haveit while you finish the other."

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As Alodar saw Lectonil stretch his right hand forward, he sprang from the chamber walland over the table into the magician's open arms. The force carried both to the floor. As they fell,Alodar grappled for the old man's hands to force them apart.

"Quickly, Duncan, quickly," he gasped. "Help me subdue him while I pin his arms. Thenyou can finish the other and we will be away before they return."

The floor rolled with another crash. Duncan hesitated and took one step around theperiphery of the table, then paused. His face froze in renewed terror as he caught sight of thesand which yet remained to fall.

"Help me!" Alodar yelled. "There is no time to waste."Duncan put his hand on the tabletop, but his eyes remained fixed on the falling sand.

With a shudder, he suddenly turned and climbed up onto the windowsill from which Alodar hadoriginally entered the room. In an instant he was gone, completed sphere in his pocket, climbinghand over hand down the face of the pyramid.

As Duncan fled, Alodar summoned new strength; with a powerful whirl, he spun Lectonilaround striking his head with a crack against the floor. The magician remained silent, and Alodarscrambled to his feet. He shielded his eyes from another flash and steadied himself from therumble that followed. Almost half of the sand was gone.

There was still time to run. But if he did his entire quest would have been for nothing. Hewas no match for Duncan in rattling off the ritual by rote, but somehow he had to perform it onthe second sphere.

He climbed back over the table and relit the incense; the ritual was begun. Alodar rangthe triangle and this time it quieted at the proper time. Fumbling with his sketchy notes, heslowly began to lay out the twine on the table, covering and looping the strings in a way thatwould form a knot like a beehive. With the last tuck in place, he pulled the ends tight. The coilsshrank into a lopsided triangle.

Steeling himself against the impulses that tried to make his hands shake, he undid themess and again methodically went through the steps that formed the knot. He pulled the ends andthe loops slid shut with beautiful symmetry. Encouraged, he began another and quickly laid asecond by the first.

"The three knots define the plane in which the bees move to pollinate," he muttered todistract himself from his pounding heart as he began the third. "Three knots to form the plane tocleave the sphere." He stopped and hesitated. "Such a step makes sense for the first sphere, butwhat of the second with the fine line already dividing it in two?" Alodar frowned andconcentrated on the lore which he had studied the past month. With the line already breaking thesymmetry, the three points were redundant; they would lie in the plane already formed. He couldproceed as before and the result would still be the immovable hand.

Alodar stopped completely and glanced up at the glass. If he continued, there wasprobably still enough time to complete the ritual as Duncan had done. A shielding hand in asphere of protection was a king's ransom indeed. But the second sphere was different andsomehow the ritual should be different as well. Perhaps a power far greater would be his if heacted with decision. But his notes would not help. He would have to get the reference from thelibrary floor.

Alodar gauged the sand remaining and jumped over the table ft third time. The floorshook and another scream exploded up from the doorway. Four minutes, he thought. If he couldbe back in four minutes, then he would still have a chance.

He grabbed the balustrades with both hands and bounded downward, six steps at a time.

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He closed his eyes to slits to block out the bursts of light and ignored the bells whichimmediately began to chime. Against the brightness, he could just barely see the black robesdancing to and fro among the benches to dodge and launch their magical blows.

In one corner he saw gloves like Lectonil's clap together and a yellow bolt arch out toshatter soundlessly against some invisible barrier in the way. Beyond the transparent wall, twomagicians huddled, rapidly working their craft. Elsewhere the black forms grappled arm to arm,ladders of energy streaking outward from the ring of one to strike the gemstone of another, finingthe air with a sharp pungency from the discharge.

Alodar reached the floor without a challenge and quickly ran for the tier that containedthe reference he needed.

"The neophyte," someone yelled behind him. He dove forward and rolled as the yellowflash lashed out over his head and hit the tier in front, ripping scrolls apart and sending smallscraps fluttering to the floor. Alodar crawled to his left and overturned a table as a second boltfollowed the first, crashing into the protesting beams he flung in the way. A moment passed andno third shaft came. Inching up on his knees, he saw his attackers facing another direction andwarding off the thrust of a dagger which seemed to dart through the air of its own volition.

Alodar scrambled back to the tier and with both arms spread the jumble of manuscripts.His hand closed on a familiar form; and with a feeling of sudden triumph, he grasped the otherhandle of the scroll he sought.

He bounded to his feet and ran back to the staircase, ducking and dodging the blasts ofmagic power that came his way. He thrust the scroll into his belt and started up the incline, bothhands pulling him forward. He circled around a third of the distance, not pausing to look backbut thinking only of the sand that remained in the glass. Suddenly he tripped and lurchedforward, shins banging against the steps ahead. He wriggled hia feet frantically, but theyremained steadfast to the step on which he had just landed.

"The all-holding glue of Deckadin," he heard above him and looked up to see Fulmbarslowly descending in his direction. "It is well I decided to take a vantage point up here," themagician said, "although I did not suspect to have my trap sprung so quickly."

The room rocked with another rumble and the stairs groaned in protest. Alodar's legswrenched violently with the wave of power but he remained firmly rooted still.

"The sphere!" he yelled. "Release me so that I can finish the ritual, or we are all lost.""I am a master magician, neophyte," Fulmbar snapped back. "I will not be guiled by a

trick so transparent. Lectonil has the matter well in hand, else I would see him bolt down thesestairs to signal us to safety. You will bold your position until I summon aid."

Before Alodar could speak again, Fulmbar's eyes suddenly widened and he threw hishands upwards. Alodar instinctively ducked and felt cold metal fly by and brush over his back.He looked forward to see Fulmbar suddenly enmeshed in a net of fine silver wire that clung tohim tightly and pulled him down.

“The net of the perfect catch," Fulmbar shrieked as he tore at the mesh, while it propelledhim stumbling down the stairwell. The magician lurched against Alodar and dug a hand into hisarm as he stumbled past. Alodar was twisted around by the grip, and then pulled backward ontothe hard steps as his feet remained firmly locked into place. Fulmbar continued down the stairsand Alodar felt nails cut deep as the grip slipped up his arm. Using his free hand, Alodar tore atthe fingers which held him, grasping at a beaded bracelet around the magician's wrist. With afinal scream, Fulmbar relinquished his hold and fell with a rush, bounding headfirst on each stepas he went. The bracelet snapped in Alodar's fingers; simultaneously his boots popped free.

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Another bolt of yellow sizzled up after Alodar as he rose to climb, but he paid it no heed.The building shook with the biggest explosion yet, and he saw a gaping hole torn in the northwall, creating a shower of brick and gleaming red stones.

His lungs heaving, Alodar reached the apex and closed and locked the heavy door in thefloor. He looked quickly at the remaining sphere which now glowed red hot with a line of fieryyellow around it He unrolled the scroll and began to scan rapidly down the contents. The entireritual fitted into a fifth-order magic square, and the tying of knots occupied the center cell.Replacing the three knots by two changed the value from five to nineteen and the square nolonger balanced its sums.

Alodar hurried over the bulk of the text which dealt with the shielding hand and itsvariations. Near the end of the roll he found what he wanted, a footnote on transforming thesquares so that they became panmagic, summing the same on all diagonals as well as by row andcolumn. Quickly he worked the equations to produce the four non-equivalent variations. Thethird was the one he sought; the first two elements were the same as the ritual he had started, butthe rest were permuted and the central value was nineteen.

Alodar drew a deep breath and plunged into the ritual. He poured a ring of fine powderaround the box containing the sphere, lit it in a flash of smoke, and nodded with satisfaction asthe globe began to spin. He clapped his hands together thrice, then slammed the lid of the boxshut, wincing from the burn to his fingertips. "Another knot next," he growled and beganweaving together four short pieces of colored twine.

The steps followed one another rapidly and Alodar lost track of the time in hisconcentration to perform each one with precision. He would have no chance to go back and tryagain if all was not done correctly. Finally he approached the end and beat out the syncopatedrhythm that had been third in the standard ritual. He lifted the small flute to his lips and startedthe slow count to thirty that would signify completion.

Now with only one step remaining, Alodar's eyes darted to the glass, to see the last of thesand begin its fall to the lower chamber. He filled his lungs to blow before the final particles hitbut checked himself with the knowledge that it would do no good. The blast of the pure notemust come when it was needed, not before.

Sweat broke out on his forehead as he watched the trickle slow and a hole grow in thesmooth surface and begin to widen to the edge of the glass. Five counts to go, and the sandcontinued its relentless fall.

Only a layer seemingly one gram thick coated the nec.k of the tube; then, with onecoordinated wave, it rolled downward through the opening. Four counts remained— three—two.Alodar grimaced from the expected impact of the explosion to come. Then, as the final grains hitthe mound beneath, he blew a piercing note that filled the small chamber with sound.

The echoes faded quickly, and Alodar's shoulders slumped with relief in the silence. Theritual was perfectly and precisely completed. The power had been released and transformed. Itwould now last forever. Alodar waited a minute more in the luxury of the quietness; then hethrust the orb into his pack and scrambled up onto the windowledge. Seeing the product of hislabor must wait; escape from the warring factions of the Guild had to come first.

In an instant he was clambering down the wall and across the esplanade, dodgingbetween the initiates and acolytes who stood gaping at the pyramid as it roared and shook fromthe battle inside. Shortly thereafter, beyond the bounds of the Guild, Alodar looked backwardthrough the protective distortion in the morning sunlight. Even through the shimmering, he couldsee a huge towering plume of flame where the library had once stood.

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On the trail northward beyond the village, Alodar turned from the path and paused tocatch his breath. He squinted back the way he had come but saw no dustcloud of pursuit. Hereached in his pack for the sphere, now quite cold, and brought it to eye level. The opaquedarkness was gone; in its place gleamed a sparkling transparency. But unlike the one Duncan hadtaken, the center of this sphere held a single eye, lidded closed. It was tiny, like the shieldinghand, delicately sculptured with fine detail. Small wrinkles wove across the lid and minute spike-like hairs curled in a precise line along the bottom edge.

Alodar blinked in surprise and quickly spun the sphere around, looking for one of themagical symbols he had expected to see. He shook the orb violently, as if to rearrange thecontents, but the closed eye did not change.

Duncan had escaped with a hand of protection, and what king would not give a treasureto be safe from any mortal blow? At the very least, Alodar had expected a magical object ofequal value. But all he had to show for outwitting the safeguards of the Guild was yet anothermystery. He was no nearer his rightful heritage or his true place in life than the day before thegates of Iron Fist slammed shut In bitter disappointment, he thrust the sphere back into his packand scowled at the ground.

He rested for a few minutes in silence, and then sat erect and looked up the trail. It wouldreturn him to Ambrosia. But what did he have to show the queen to turn her head from theothers? A mere bauble that could have been fashioned by a jeweler. The eye did not even providean imitation of magic. Nothing of what he had read in the library told of magical eyes, eitherclosed or staring full open. Such a logo would be more appropriate to charm of the sorcerer thanthe impersonal ritual of the magician.

Alodar blinked at what he had just thought. He stopped and withdrew the sphere a secondtime from his pack. He brought it to eye level and stared, frowning into its interior. Surprised atwhat impulse directed his actions, he sat unmoving, concentrating on the tiny eye. For severalminutes nothing happened; then he felt the weak tendrils of strange shadows rising from thedepths of his mind.

His eyes blurred out of focus, and a hazy image formed in his thoughts. As if stroked by agentle feather, fleeting snatches of a distant scene were pushed into place, and he saw a barrenlandscape, dominated by a single thrusting crag. Stunted and gnarled shrubs fought a strong windto retain their meager leaves, and the sun hung low in the sky. Alodar felt himself drawn insidethe huge monolith, into a tomblike cavern carved from the solid rock. In the very center was acoffin sealed with a thick glass lid.

The landscape was the same as that in the vision when he passed through the curtain. Hegasped as the shock of recognition dissolved the scene, like a stone thrown into a reflecting pond.He looked quickly about and saw only the empty trail and the hills which contained themagicians' Guild.

Alodar struggled for several minutes more, but the feeling did not return. He lowered thesphere to his side and focused on the horizon. "Sorcery," he mused, "sorcery. Of the five arts it isthe one concerned with expanding the limits of the mind to see in time and space. And what Ijust experienced can be related to nothing else."

He savored the sensations of the sphere while they were still fresh and then sprang to hisfeet. The disappointment of only a few moments before washed away jn a wave of newenthusiasm. Well, why not? With only a piece of parchment he bad plunged into alchemy; withtwo hunks of rock, he had braved the magicians' Guild. Perhaps in sorcery and with the eye, hewould finally find what he sought. The quest would go on.

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PART FOURThe Sorcerer

CHAPTER THIRTEENIllusions of the Court

"HERE, take the bauble back," Cedric rasped as he tossed the ruby in Alodar's direction."You cannot clear your conscience with a bribe, nor will I accept it in lieu of your toil. When weleft Dartilac's more than a season ago, I instructed you to be here in my courtyard the morningafter. Instead some thaumaturge appeared nearly a week later with the stone offered as anapology."

"Periac," Alodar said as he glanced around the familiar vine-covered walls of Cedric'sfield of instruction. Like a warrior being reviewed, he stood before the warmaster while Cedricpaced back and forth. "I must seek him out as well when we are finished. Does he still room atthe inn where I saw him last?"

"I have not kept a record of your appointments." Cedric frowned at the interruption. "Butfor a fact, he is in Ambrosia no longer. Two days ago he saw me again, asking if I had news ofyou. Then he departed for the north. 'The milk has soured, he said. The people in the capital havebecome panicked into hoarding their gold, rather than spending it on the likes of my craft.”Panicked indeed! The city is like a bubble of marsh gas, awaiting a spark. Vendora holds a royalball tonight to foster the image of nonchalance. And her visit to Arcadia is broadcast to be only aformality of state, but everyone knows she sails tomorrow in desperate search for aid."

"Tomorrow," Alodar said. "But why must she go at all? And what of her court? Doessorcerer Kelric follow her as well?"

"It is as she feared," Cedric answered. "The kingdoms to the south have ceased theirbickering long enough to coalesce their armies into one. This morning they have crossed theborder, so the sorcerers say; nothing stands between them arid Ambrosia, And no mereambassador can she send across the sea to plead her cause. King Elsinor remembers all too wellhow he personally had to beg on bended knee for aid in suppressing a rebellion of his own. Heexpects the fair lady and no one less to argue for the return of the favor. As for Kelric, I imaginehe sails with the rest. The barge is big enough for half her household, although not as seaworthyas many a smaller craft."

"Then I must seek him quickly," Alodar said, "before it is too late."Cedric stopped and looked up and down Alodar's rough clothing, wrinkled and duly after

his journey from the south. "With your appearance and unpolished manner, you will fare nobetter than I," he said. "It is time for a man to be measured by what he can do, but they cling stillto the trappings of blind tradition."

Alodar opened his mouth to reply but Cedric cut him short. "Too old," he spat "They saidI was too old for command. Why even now, I am worth three of their young sons, wet-earedboys who have been no more than nicked by cold steel." He crashed his fist into an open palm."It was not my age, but that I still refuse to play by their rules. What difference does it make if it

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is Feston or Basil that I would follow, so long as my sword swings swift and true? But since Iwould not declare, neither side will have me. And so one less arm is raised in Procolon's cause."

"Lady Aeriel would know your worth," Alodar said. "I am sure she puts the true interestsof the queen above the favor seeking."

"I have not dealt with her directly," Cedric replied. "But if she is a member of the court,then she will be no different.

"You speak with contempt of those who prejudge by pattern and rote," Alodar said. "Iwould not think you would so measure the lady. In any event, if the queen sails tomorrow, andKelric with her, it is to Aeriel that I will appeal for a berth."

Cedric did not reply but again looked up and down Alodar's shabby clothing.Alodar followed his gaze and then nodded, "I agree that I must know something of the

ways of the court. It is why I am here. You taught me well at Dartilac's. With a little moreinstruction, I am sure I will pass through the palace hallways like the rest And if you will notaccept the ruby for payment, then all I can offer is the high opinion of the teacher which isgenerated by the deeds of the well-taught pupil."

Cedric's eyes narrowed and he studied Alodar for a long time in silence. "It is true thatyou do not seek the position of a commander," he said at last. "Perhaps this lady can get youplaced in a lowly group such as Quantos' marines. Some position that is not significant enough torequire commitment to either side."

Cedric resumed his pacing, twisting his moustache into sharpness and looking overAlodar's head to the walls beyond. "I had hoped to wait until you were fully trained," hemuttered after a moment, "but the events force it to be now." He shrugged, slapped his hip withdecision, and then motioned to the bench nearby. "Come, Alodar, there is a matter of muchimportance of which we must speak."

They sat down facing one another and Cedric placed his hand on Alodar's shoulder. "Iadmit to some truth in what they say. On cold mornings my knees are stiff and my eyes no longerfollow the tip of the fastest blades. I am still very much the master, but I know that someday Imust pass my heritage on to another."

Cedric stopped and gently rocked Alodar back and forth. "You will never become a greatwarrior," he said. "With more training you will grow into someone not to be dismissed lightly.But you are too small and slow to hack your way through a screaming hoard or stand toe to toewith a thickmuscled giant. No matter how hard you try, I do not see you someday beating yourchest in triumph on the top of a pile of bloodied foes."

Alodar's lips parted but Cedric raised his other hand for silence. "But you have spirit.Despite the meager abilities at your command, you track your goals like a hero from the sagas.And it is that drive that attracted my attention to you; it is that dedication which commands myrespect and motivates me to aid you as I can." Cedric paused and looked deeply into Alodar'seyes. "I see my own burning youth in your quest, Alodar. Even though my joints grow stiff,through your pursuit I live again.

"And so, if by the random factors I am to remain behind when the fair lady chancesacross the sea, then I choose to send my spirit with you rather than some other dewy-cheekedwarrior, no matter how skillful." Cedric unstrapped his sword and placed it across Alodar'sknees. 'Take this," he commanded, "but remember when it is drawn, it must defend not onereputation but two."

Alodar blinked at Cedric's words and tentatively reached out to touch the hilt in his lap.He looked back into the warmaster's eyes, saw the intensity of the feelings, and then tightened

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his grip. "I will wear it in honor," he said softly.Cedric was silent for a moment longer, then slapped Alodar on the arm and sprang up

from the bench. "Enough of this chatter," he rasped in his usual manner. "There is little time andmuch to be done. I will tell you the etiquette of the court, and the ruby will provide what youmust wear.

Then, if your tongue is quick enough, you can try to convince this lady Aeriel to secureyou an appointment with Quantos of the royal marines."

Alodar wriggled his toes in the soft fur that lined his new calfskin boots. He glanceddown at his silken tunic and smiled at the subtle pattern of silver thread which ran through thecloth. Around him mingled the nobles of the court, and nothing marked his raiment from theirs.The tailor had been right, he thought, the small ruby was twice again enough to purchase awardrobe equal to any here.

Alodar looked around the large room and saw everyone crowded into the periphery. Thecenter was clear, and the sheen on the parquet floor reflected brightly the light of the chandeliersoverhead. Decorative columns with flowery capitals and fluted shafts were spaced with precisionalong all four walls; between them, frescos and tapestries blazed with heroic deeds from thesagas. On the far wall next to ceiling-high double doors, a small ensemble of musicians tunedtheir instruments, adding to the low drone of conversation. The mood was somber; the roomresonated with the gentle hum of smoke-sedated bees, rather than the vigor of a swarming hivethat one would expect at a royal ball.

Alodar scanned the assemblage for familiar faces from Iron Fist or Cedric's sparring yardand, here and there, he thought he recognized some lordling. The entire titled class within a day'sride of Ambrosia must be here, he thought. It was no wonder that the bribe to the footman to gainentrance had cost as much as the clothes on his back.

The buzzing around him rose slightly, and Alodar looked to the doors that connected theballroom to the hallway beyond. Without fanfare, a tall, black-headed man entered the room witha military stride, and Alodar recognized him instantly.

"Look, it is lord Feston," someone to Alodar's right stage-whispered to her companion."He can hardly control the agitation that disfigures his already uncomely face."

"Well enough that he is so discomforted," a second voice responded. "Perhaps he willthen acknowledge the existence of other ladies besides the queen."

Alodar shut out the conversation and concentrated on Feston as the man moved about theroom, acknowledging the greetings thrown his way. A year ago, Alodar would have been cowed.But today he noticed the way Feston moved his right hand to rest on the hilt of his sword, how heexposed his thigh when he gestured upward and away. His left foot was forward; he would swingfrom the side, rather than overhead. A contest between them tomorrow might have the same endbut it certainly would not be decided by a single thrust.

Feston had not completed a half circuit of the room when a footman dressed as richly asanyone present skipped into the crowd, blowing a light tune on a flute. Behind him, with adazzling beauty on .each arm, came the massive bulk of Basil the apothecary. A gasp rose fromthe assemblage as he triumphantly advanced through the doorway, covered from head to toe inwhat appeared to be a robe of woven gold.

"My good company," he boomed across the hall. "What pleasure it gives me to see all ofyou so splendidly arrayed for the entertainment of our queen." As he spoke, he idly flicked hisfingers in a rhythmic pattern, causing a random clicking sound to emanate from his palm. Asmall stone dropped from his grip in a glittering flash, and the ladies scrambled to retrieve it.

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In an instant, one held it aloft."Keep it, my dear," Basil said. "It is but a small sapphire. Have it set in a ring."As he spoke, Alodar saw a flash of red hair as several more of the court crowded into the

room."My lady Aeriel," Basil said, whirling about. "I see another fine setting for one of these

stones." With a sudden flick of the wrist, he tossed a second gem in Aeriel's direction and itfell in a smooth arc down the front of her dress. Her cheeks momentarily flushed and the crowdtittered at her discomfort.

Alodar looked at Aeriel and his pulse quickened. He could not help a small smile ofpleasant anticipation as he thought how his quest gave him reason to seek her company again.Heralds at the door blew two stacatto blasts and Alodar jogged his attention back to the entrance.With unrushed dignity, Vendora entered the room in a gown of deepest red. He looked at hercold beauty and exhaled slowly. Vendora took two small steps into the corridor of people thatopened for her and then stopped and looked back through the doorway. With a laugh, shemotioned forward with her hand, and another figure entered the ballroom. The murmuringincreased as Vendora spoke gaily to the assemblage, and Alodar's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Lord Feston, apothecary Basil, and my distinguished company," Vendora said lightly."As you well know, I have had much difficulty in choosing a consort between my two suitors.Can you imagine the difficulty in my decision, now that I have not two but three." She laughedagain and waved an elaborate flourish. "I present to you," she said, "the distinguished magicianof the Cycloid Guild, Duncan, the all-protecting."

From across the room, Alodar shook his head at the news. Feston had profited from hisdeeds at Iron Fist. Basil from his alchemy; and now even his magic sphere had been used forbenefit of another. Although Duncan left the Guild only shortly before Alodar he must have beenable to gain immediate access to the queen with the power that now glittered in a small cage ofspun gold hanging from his waist.

"Perhaps later," Vendora continued, "Duncan will be so kind as to demonstrate for us themiraculous object he brings to the throne of Procolon. But for the moment, let us forget otherdepressing matters of state and revel instead in some entertainments."

Vendora moved to a more central position and Feston, Duncan, and Basil jockeyed forposition immediately behind. The rest of the crowd crushed together in back of the three suitorsand fell silent in anticipation. After a long moment, a robed figure, stooped with age, ambledslowly through the doorway. Alodar's brows rose as he saw the faded eye logos on the frayedrobe, startlingly out of place in the finery about it.

Lectonil had been old but had carried his age with dignity, his back straight and his treadsure and firm. In contrast, the figure in front of Alodar shuffled uncertainly forward, draggingone leg behind as he advanced. His fingers were stiffly spread and curled like the talons of a bird,and rheumy eyes squinted from a face that sagged with loose and wrinkled flesh. The head wasnarrow and long, as if slightly flattened out of shape by a blacksmith's vice. A few long andstraggly hairs hung to the shoulders from above the ears, and a slight ridge ran the length of thecompletely bald crown.

"The logo is the mark of the sorcerer," someone behind Alodar muttered. "What risk thequeen takes to expose herself so."

"It is only Kelric, the seer of the court," a second voice answered. "He served Vendora'sfather and long ago u'ed up his ability to enchant, so they say. He has little more than illusionsleft, and I wager that is what he performs for us tonight."

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Kelric shuffled to the very center of the room and bowed stiffly to the queen. Withoutpreamble, he began to sing a long, melodious song in an unfamiliar tongue. Alodar listenedintently; with his trained ear, he tried to pick out words of power from the deception whichsurrounded them. The chant droned on, and he furrowed his brow in puzzlement as the melodycaressed his ears. Far better than any thaumaturge, he thought. Every word seems to havesubstance and contain real meaning.

Each sound obeyed an intricate logic in following the one that preceded, and Alodarfound himself almost dozing with the gentle rhythm that flowed through the room. He began tosense a pattern as verse followed verse in a repeat of what had been said just moments before.Then, as a third repetition coursed through his head, he felt an overwhelming compulsion to lookthe sorcerer in the eye. As he yielded, his eyes locked instantly on Kelric's, now wild andglowing owl-like in a stare that seemed to bore into his innermost being.

The scene around the old man blurred for an instant and then snapped back into focus,but somehow not so sharply as before. Alodar felt himself idly wondering what was different.Before he could complete the thought, the sorcerer vanished in a column of green flame that rosefrom the floor and splashed against the ceiling.

Like a fountain, the flickering flames caressed the beams which spanned the room, thenarched outwards and fell towards the floor. As each globule neared the ground, it exploded in asmall blossom of flame that winked out of sight Gradually the column changed color,progressing through the rainbow from green to yellow to orange to furnace red. Then, with asudden rush, the base of the column rose from the floor, crashed against the ceiling, and sent adazzling cascade of sparks down onto the onlookers. Alodar winced with the expectation of fierycontact, but the globules seemed to melt away as they touched with feathery lightness.

A small ripple of applause broke forth from those around the queen as every spark but thelast died away. The surviving point of light grew as it fell, subtly transforming from a brightspeck of flame to a tiny opalescent sphere. As it floated downward, it grew fist-sized, then aslarge as a barrel, and at last enlongated to the shape of a giant egg. The shell touched the floorwith a gentle tap, then cracked asunder. From the two ragged halves, a scaly reptilian formsuddenly appeared, arching its neck and flicking its forked tongue in the direction of the queen.The crowd involuntarily gasped as the monster grew in stature, belching fire as it stretchedskyward. Alodar stepped backward and reached for Cedric's sword at his side. The wyvern at theguild had been monstrous, but it did not compare with the giant he saw now uncoiling before hiseyes. With scales gleaming in the candlelight, it darted its tongue menacingly out across theroom, seeming to reach directly for Alodar over the heads of those who stood in between.Out of the corner of his eye, Alodar saw others flinch as he did and then, when the giant mouthopened and billowed out a ball of flame, the room erupted with screams of alarm.

Alodar threw his arm over his face to ward off the fiery breath and drew his blade chesthigh to slash at the dancing ribbon of tongue. But the heat and sting did not come, only the softfeathery caress that had accompanied the fireworks before. Looking to the center of the room, hesaw the dragon now start to shrink in size, imploding to a small replica of its former self, hardlya foot high. Then, without pause, it began to whirl about, rapidly blurring its features into ashining green disk.

Alodar stared at the vision and he saw soft colors begin to form and undulate about on itssurface. The rotation slowed and the hues changed from golds to pinks and reds as theyrandomly flowed and ebbed in shining patterns. Suddenly the motion stopped, and Alodarblinked at the metamorphosis. The dragon was gone; before him stood a stunning replica of the

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face of Vendora the queen."The starting point," he heard Kelric say. "But for each of you, an image of your own.

Look at the beauty of the fair lady and it will transform into the object of your deepest desire."Alodar felt his lips curve into a smile. Kelric was clever, he thought dimly. For most of

the men present, the illusion would not change at all. He concentrated on the golden curlsframing the finely chiseled face and tried to taste the feeling of success with his quest. But as hewatched, the illusion subtly began to change. The hair shortened and mellowed from gold toamber. The eyes darkened and danced to life. In an instant Alodar saw, not the face of the queen,but a vision of lady Aeriel.

In surprise, Alodar blinked a second time and the image diffused away. The room againwas in sharp focus, and Kelric stood huddled in the center as he had before. A spatter of applausebroke out once more from the crowd. "Well done, Kelric," Vendora exclaimed. "Your illusionsas always show great creativity and finesse."

The sprcerer bowed with a sad smile; with a fumbling hand, he grasped at the small bagthat Basil tossed to him as he straightened. With head down, he turned and shuffled out the wayhe had come, the gathering making more room for his passage than had been done for the queen.

Alodar rubbed the side of his face and then shook hia head. How real the sorcerer'sillusions had beenl There was none of the blurriness of a dream, or the known hallucination of adrug, but an experience accepted by all the senses. No wonder the glance of the sorcerer wasshunned. The step from illusion to enchantment seemed to be a small one and, once entrapped,one would have no hint that his will was the slave to another.

The musicians struck up a tune, and the lords and ladies maneuvered for position to dancewith the queen or her suitors. Alodar hardly noticed the proceedings and shouldered his way pastthe crowd as it filled the center of the room. As he went through the tall double doors, he sawKelric's stooped form Founding a corner and he raced after.

"Master Kelric," he called, "a moment for consultation, it you will."Kelric turned and frowned in irritation. "Were you one of the ladles with the low cut

gowns, I might have time to listen. But for a lord's son, you have not enough gold to pay me forwhatever you want."

"It is not for illusion or far-seeing," Alodar said as he drew abreast. "I seek edificationand instruction and I think I have an object that will interest you greatly." He reached into thepouch at his side and withdrew the transparent sphere.

Kelric's eyebrows raised momentarily when he saw the orb, but he quickly pulled his faceback into a harsh and unyielding expression. "It may well be a legendary sorcerer's eye," he said."And if I were still in my youth, the power it represents would interest me greatly. But my vitalforce is nearly gone; I can feel how shallow is the reservoir that remains. And I value what days Ihave left far more than the thrill of thousands marching in Sway to my enchantment. No, it isonly minor illusion and prophecy of short range in which I will indulge, and then only after thegreatest of persuasion. Take this thing and seek out one of the younger fools who choose topractice this accursed craft, one who does not yet understand the price he pays."

"But what of instruction?" Alodar asked. "Your name has become a legend throughoutthe kingdom. Surely yon wish to pass on your mastery to another."

Kelric tipped back his head and laughed. "They ascribe to the sorcerer the most evil ofmotives," he said. "But even in my most vile moods, I would not think of inflicting my fate ontoanother."

He leveled his head and looked with a penetrating stare into Alodar's eyes. "Now be off

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and irritate me no longer, or perhaps, after all, I will make the effort for more than a simpleillusion,"

Alodar remembered the images still fresh in his mind and almost instinctively turned hishead and raised his arm across his face. Kelric laughed a second time, turned, and continued hisslow shuffle down the passageway.

After a moment, Alodar lowered his head and replaced the sphere in its pouch. Hesmoothed down the front of his tunic and exhaled deeply. So that was the great Kelric, the mastersorcerer of all of Procolon. He shook his head and began to pace slowly down the hallway, handsclasped behind his back. And now what course? Should he seek a sorcerer of less renown?Perhaps someone away from the court, one whose limits bad not yet been tested.

Alodar looked down at his side. Such a search would take him away from the fair lady.And he had pledged to seek Aeriel's aid in unsheathing Cedric's sword for the queen's cause.Yes, Aeriell For both the marines and dealing with Kelric, lady Aeriel would provide the aid.Alodar slapped the hilt at his side and increased his pace. And there was still time enough toarrange an appointment before the end of the ball.

The guardsman coughed softly as he ushered Alodar into the small, plain chamber, andAeriel's face brightened with recognition. "Why, what a coincidence! It is Alodar thethaumaturge. And I see by your garb that you ply your craft to much greater profit than when welast met."

Alodar looked intently at Aeriel as she rose to greet him. She clutched an old shawlaround her bare shoulders, not seeming to care how out of place it looked, draped over therichness of her ballgown. Her lips curved in a broad smile, but he could see the fatigue thatpulled at her eyes as well. Behind her on a simple table, between two teetering piles ofparchment, was scattered an array of seals, colored candles, inkstands, and quills.

"My fortune does not extend from journeyman training, my lady," Alodar answered, "butit does provide the means by which I may consult with you for sage advice." "Advice?" Aerielasked. "You seemed quite sure of yourself in Iron Fist, Why now would you need my council?"

"The ways of the court are not so straightforward," Alodar said, "especially when theyconcern the opinions of the queen."

Aeriel stopped and visibly stiffened. "The opinions of the queen," she repeated slowly."By that do you mean you still quest for the fair lady?"

Alodar saw her change in mood and darted his eyes to the side. He paused a moment,then looked back into her eyes. "So I have done since we parted," he said with difficulty,"although oftentimes my thoughts have . . ." He trailed off and took another breath. "Yes, I stillseek for the hand of the fair lady, and your parting words led me to believe that you would notlook with disfavor upon such a goal, if it were in the interest of the queen."

Aeriel was silent for a moment and then returned to her seat behind the table. "Iencourage any endeavor that truly assists the crown," she said. "And such aid is now sorelyneeded." She rubbed her eyes and waved her hand at the documents on the table. "Writs for thearmory, rum allocations for the crew, promotions and certifications of skill, they all must bedecided before we sail. And despite the seriousness of the hour, no one else will take theresponsibility, so much do they fear offending one of the suitors by their choice. Many beseechmy favor in intercession with the queen, Alodar, but I have little time for such petty intrigues,especially now."

"But it is an audience with Kelric that I seek," Alodar said. "I will gain the favor of thefair lady on merit, not because of some arrangement with the nobles of the land."

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"And why then do you desire audience with the sorcerer?" Aeriel asked. "He traffics inthe frivolities of the court no more than I."

"Because I bring to the fair lady a gift that surely is the equal to those offered by theothers," Alodar said as he removed the orb from its pouch and held it forward. "I need only suchmeager instruction as is necessary to activate it properly and I am ready to pledge wholeheartedservice to the queen. Kelric mentioned the enchanting of thousands. Surely such an ability willbe of great value when she has to face the armies of the south."

Aeriel touched the sphere, and her lips pursed in surprise at its coldness. She studied thedelicate sculpture of the eye and then looked at Alodar in silence, frowning in thought. After amoment, she reached out tentatively for his arm but then quickly shook her head and withdrewher hand before he could respond.

"Your boldness is no less than I have judged, Alodar." She sighed. "And in the calm lightof reason, I see you as worthy a suitor as the others. I have pledged my service to the queen. Ifyou do likewise, then I must aid you as I can. Come, follow me to Kelric's quarters. I canpersuade him better than most."

Without waiting for a reply, Aeriel quickly swept through the room and out into thehallway. Alodar followed her through the maze of passageways in the huge palace. Unlike thebuildings at the Cycloid Guild, the royal residence was a one-story sprawl, a jumble of wings andannexes added over the centuries as the power of Procolon grew.

Aeriel whirled past guard stations without explanation; after several minutes ofbewildering turns, she ducked into the low and open entryway of a softly lit chamber.

He looked about in the dimness, straining to distinguish form from shadow. In a feebleflicker in the center of the room, between two giant columns of smouldering incense, he sawKelric sitting crosslegged, clad only in a simple loin cloth, with his chin slumped forward on hisbony chest. A brazier hung on a tripod, its meager flame providing the only light. Against the farwall, a lady of the court, her hair hanging long in imitation of the queen's, stood tensely erect,watching the scene.

Alodar started to speak, but Aeriel put her finger to her lips as Kelric opened his eyeswide in a glazed stare and sluggishly extended clinched fists. He opened his left hand over a disksuspended above the brazier, dropping a fine sand onto its shiny surface. With his other hand, hestruck the shallow bowl sharply, setting up a complex set of vibrations as it swung. Kelric staredat the dance of sand in silence, eyes unblinking and seemingly oblivious to his surroundings.

"I see the camp," he said in a voice as thin as a distant wind. "The fire burns low and thesentry slumps at his post. The one for which you care is not asleep. With his head propped by hiselbow on the ground he talks softly to the one who rests next to him."

"What does he say, does he speak of me?" the lady asked. "Is my favor still bound on hisarm?"

Kelric's other hand opened and a second load of sand hit the disk. He clanged it again justas the first vibrations began to subside. "My ears hear the voices," he said, "although they aresoft and faint." Kelric closed his eyes and was silent for a full minute, swaying his body back andforth with the rhythm of the gently swinging disk.

"It is not only Bander and the other leaders, I tell you," a voice, deep and youthful, brokefrim Kelric's lips as he rocked. "Each commander leads his own troops as if he were possessed aswell. They will not ask for quarter so long as one of them remains standing. This siege will faroutlast the season."

"Yes, and there are so many mips darting about," a second voice came from the sorcerer.

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"The talk of the camp has it that the barrier between the worlds has been weakened, and strongerdemons can pass through without being called. Do not look even into our simple campfire, I say.Who knows what lurks behind the flame to grab your will as well?"

"But what of me?" the lady interrupted. "What are his thoughts of me?"Kelric opened his mouth to speak but then fell silent. Gradually the sand stopped its

jumping, and his eyelids slowly opened. "It has faded, Umbriel," he said groggily. "Any morewould be greater than fair trade for what you have offered." With a trembling hand, Kelricreached for a cup at his side and drained its contents. He shook his head violently from side toside and arched his back.

Finally, he struck his face Tvith a series of sharp slaps and grimaced at the shock. "Andso a little more is gone," he muttered as he hesitantly got to his feet.

Umbriel saw his slow motions and started towards the doorway. The sorcerer quicklysprang to life and jumped in the way. "And a payment promptly rendered reflects so nicely onthe debtor," .he said with a toothless smile. "Come forward, my dear, and linger as long as youlike."

Umbriel sighed and shut her eyes. She took a single step and then hesitated. She pursedher lips and extended them forward briefly, brushing the sorcerer's cheek.

"That is a kiss one would give to a brother," Kelric grumbled. "Remember, in a fortnightyou will wish to see again how fares your heartthrob on the battlefield. And before I perform,you must have a clear account for what you have learned tonight."

"But I found out nothing of what I wanted," Umbriel said. "I heard but a snatch,ofconversation and then you were done."

"You know that he is safe," Kelric replied. "That alone is worth the price."Umbriel sighed a second time and took another step forward. Kelric reached out and

swept her into his bony arms. He thrust his lips on hers. With surprising strength, he resisted herattempts to push away his chest. After a moment, he released his grip, and she staggeredbackwards, face flushed and panting deeply. "That is more to my liking," he cackled. "Andperhaps in time you will learn to enjoy it as well."

"Never," Umbriel choked. "I was weak with worry because I have not heard. For no otherreason would I seek your service or agree to what you demand for it."

"Never is a long time," Kelric said. "And you will come again, I know it." His eyeswidened and he stared at the woman. "And perhaps the next time you will not find me sorepugnant,"

Umbriel shuddered and then bolted for the door. She raced between Aeriel and Alodarand was in the hallway before Kelric's raspy laugh echoed after.

"It is unkind to treat her so, Kelric," Aeriel said. "She has done you no harm.""Nor has she shown any favor," the sorcerer snapped back. "We had a fair agreement, and

she was obligated to hold to her end of it." He waved his arm in irritation. "She is like the rest,choosing to ignore me until the need is great, and then expecting my gracious acceptance of amindnumbing task for a mere pittance of fee. If she does not show me a little tenderness, thenour relation will be governed instead by fear."

Aeriel pulled her lips into a tight line. 'The queen is judged by the court she keeps," shesaid.

"There may come a daY when shortcomings of your craft outweigh the advantages youprovide to the crown."

Kelric laughed again. "You are in fine spirits tonight, Aeriel," he said. He ran his hand

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across his bare chest and leered at her figure. "But I am most happy that you choose to see me atthis hour. It must mean only that you have come to surrender your virtue for the sake of myperson only, not for some service that I would provide intrade."

"I come as always on the affairs of the fair lady," Aeriel said. "If you instruct Alodar herein the manner of your craft, then the safety of the queen will be greatly augmented."

Kelric turned to look at Alodar and wrinkled his brow jn recognition. "I have dismissedhim already, and the matter is closed. Come now, let me see at least some of what liesunderneath that silken gown."

"Your talk is far worse than your deed, Kelric," Aeriel said. "My request has royalauthority behind it; you cannot dismiss the matter so lightly."

'Then perhaps an illusion for just the three of us? The young man here would be asinterested as I in how you might look unclothed."

"You have no basis on which to paint such an image," Aeriel said coldly. "It would notbother me if you did try."

Kelric stomped his foot in frustration and looked around the room for a robe to cover hisbony frame. "Oh very well, Aeriel. This meeting will be for business, the same as always, butone of these times I will loose my control and then who can say what might happen?" He openedhis eyes wide and stared at Aeriel as he had done at Umbriel, but Aeriel did not turn away.

Kelric sighed in final defeat and turned to some chairs stacked in the corner of the smallchamber. As he arranged them for sitting, he continued the conversation over his shoulder. "It isa sorcerer's eye, Aeriel," be said. "Most rare and powerful, I do admit. I have heard of it onlyfrom others who long ago used the last of their vital forces in our craft. And they had heard fromolder ones still. None of us have bad the opportunity to see if what is reputed of it can actually betrue."

He finished positioning the chairs to his satisfaction and motioned for Aeriel and Alodarto join him in the small circle. "Great enchantments, it is said, come from the holder of the eye.Nearly instantaneous and subtle, like the ones talked of in the sagas. But enchantments I risk nomore, my lady. Even a single one would more than deplete what remains of my life force."

"You are far craftier than you lead us to believe," Aeriel said. "You bemoan the loss ofyour powers and that you must carefully husband wbat meager resources remain. Yet for a singleembrace, you search all the way to the west for a lovesick maiden."

"It is true, nonetheless," Kelric protested. "And the few kisses and squeezes I receive forwhat remains are far more valuable than whatever pile of jewels the queen could heap upon me."

"You would not have to use the eye," Alodar interrupted. "I am willing to take whateverrisk is involved. I want from you only the instruction that will make it possible for me to do so."

"But then, Vendora sails tomorrow across the sea," Kelric said. "There is too little timeremaining for me to explain something as potent as this. Any execution must be built upon a firmfoundation of well-learned fundamentals,"

"With lady AerieFs help, I can come as well," Alodar suggested. "You can teach meduring the voyage."

"Then there is the matter of payment," Kelric said, his face brightening as he looked atAeriel.

"What do you offer me in exchange, my lady?""You know the peril which now threatens the queen," Aeriel replied. "And I know as well

that, beneath the threats and leers, there is the man who still has loyalty to the crown. Loyalty for

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providing bun with bed, food, and protection, regardless of the howls of the ones he had outragedby his actions. It is not a question of payment, Keltic, but one of duty."

Kelric sighed and lowered his head to his chest. For a long moment the room was silent."Very well," he said at last. "We will begin instruction when we are out to sea and the routine ofthe voyage has been established."

Aeriel rose and kissed Kelric gently on the forehead. "And your secret is still safe withme." She laughed. "It would spoil your image if anyone knew that a sorcerer's heart was notconstructed entirely of stone." She turned to Alodar and extended her hand. "Come," she said,"tell me if it is to Feston or Basil you would rather belong, and I will see that the arrangments aremade."

Alodar stood and grasped her hand in his. "To neither. I want no more than to be amember of Quantos' marines."

Aeriel's smile broadened. "Quantos, of course, she said as she looked Alodar in the eye."It is the right choice for one who is truly worthy."

CHAPTER FOURTEENThe Power of the Eye

ALODAR steadied himself with a hand on the ship's rail as the deck rolled beneath hisfeet. The events of the past two days crowded together in a jumble. Along with the marines,sailors, clerks, heralds, and other functionaries of the court, he had been rumbled onto the giantflagship of state that now beat east in the middle of a royal fleet. The details of bunkspace,battlestation, and the protocols of life aboard ship had occupied all of his time, but soon enoughhe hoped to see the sorcerer and learn the secrets of the eye.

"An ill-tempered decision to be sure," muttered the leather-faced man on Alodar's left, asthey leaned against the rail of the poop deck and squinted into the grayness which surroundedthem. "A full complement of officers, rowers and marines stood at the ready for the queen'scommand. But before we embarked, the courtiers descended upon us, adding two to every one onboard. And to what effect. Those silk-armed dandies will be of little value if indeed we dostumble across some privateer in this fog. And the galley and bunks are so crowded that we musttake turns on deck in this miserable wetness, while others eat and sleep below."

Alodar grunted a reply as he idly ran his hand along the rail and looked up into therigging. Yesterday the cold east wind had bowled, but today, on both of the masts, the lateensails were furled tightly against their yards, useless in the whisper of wind that barely stirred thefog.

Over the side, he watched the lazy rhythm of the oars that maintained their headway.Unlike the sleek wargalleys with their multiple rows of synchronized sweeps, the broad-beamedbarge depended primarily on the wind for its motive force. The meager complement of twentyoars to a side was used only in calms such as this or to aid in coming quickly about.

Looking forward, Alodar could barely see the gently heaving forecastle. The bowsprit,

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some three hundred feet away, was completely hidden by the mist. The main deck ran a full fiftyfeet beam to beam but was broken into many small areas by the masts, stays, capstans, chests,and hatches which led below. On the poop itself were stowed two longboats for use in shallowwater, and a small deckhouse that sheltered the wheel stood near the ladders that descended tomidship. All along the superstructure, nothing broke the silence of the calm sea except for theslow creaking groan that coursed down the great ship as each wave rolled under its hull.

"So you are a page to the lady Aeriel," the man continued. "Though I hear that you arealso well watched by lord Basil of the bottomless purse."

"Yes, Quantos, that I am." Alodar laughed. "He and his followers at court do not wish mewell. Nor, for that matter, does lord Feston—or Duncan, the practitioner in magic. But so long asthe queen maintains the ban on confrontation between the factions, I think nothing will come oftheir desires.”

"So I understand," Quantos said. "The court cleaves itself asunder. The lot of them haveno courage to stand on their own merit but seek instead to ingratiate themselves with one of thesuitors. Depending on who seems to have the upper hand in the struggle for the fair lady's favor,they shift allegiances like the tide, ripping firstFeston's colors from their sleeves and then Basil's. Why even Duncan has a following, though behas been here less than a week. And look what distortion it brings to our order on deck. Feston'ssupporters are to man the starboard watch, Basil's the port; Duncan's cluster about the queenbelow deck. The rest of us spend our idle hours up here out of the way on the poop. Let us hopethat the queen gives no new sign of favor. It will take a good day to reassign the stations onceagain."

"Why do you not speculate with the rest?" Alodar asked."I serve the queen, man," Quantos said with a thump of his bow to the deck. "I served her

father in many a sea battle before. My men and I are marines for the crown of Procolon. We earnour pay by keenly sighted arrow and sharply swung blade, not by the foppish exchange of wit inthe palace."

Several voices about Alodar grunted agreement but suddenly, before more could be said,a high whistle pierced the fog. Alodar turned to listen and heard a heavy splash off the starboardbow. He strained to catch the direction from which the noise came and heard the whine of twomore projectiles hurling by.

"Catapults," he shouted as the memory from Iron Fist raced back. "Catapults. We areunder attack!"

As he spoke, he saw, breaking through the mist, the flash of banked oars moving inunison and a low-riding hull gliding across the waves.

"A wargalley," Quantos added to the cry, "by the markings, from the south. Somehow itslipped past the rest of the fleet in the fog. And it is on collision course at the beam. Below decksquickly, Grengor! Sound the alarm."

One of the marines left Quantos’ side and quickly ran down the ladder to the main deckand then into the hatchway to the levels below. Alodar watched in fascination as the sleek vesselcut the water with graceful ease, a small wave bubbling outwards from a two-pronged ram justbeneath the waterline. Unlike their own giant, the trireme had some two hundred rowerscrammed into a freeboard of no more than five feet. A hundred feet long but only fifteen across,it seemed like a dagger, rapidly closing to pierce the balloon that was the royal barge.

Another shot from the wargalley whistled through the air and then another. A third foundthe range and, with a splintering of wood, a heavy stone rattled across the decking between the

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masts and then, stays. As the two ships closed, the hatchways of the barge suddenly discharged avolley of men, scrambling upwards to prepare for the attack. Two more missiles crashed downinto their midst, and cries of pain mingled with the curses of confusion as the various contingentsshouldered past one another to their stations on the deck.

Finally a deep voice boomed out above the rest. "Archers fire to starboard," Festonbellowed as he hurried up from below and saw the trireme approaching. "Rake their decks beforethey close. Oarsmen to port, back your oars; oarsmen to starboard, stroke at ram speed."

Two more stones plunged from the sky, striking the forecastle as Quantos' men nockedtheir shafts and fired. "Archers to your mark," Feston shouted in anger as arrows flew only fromthe stern.

"Strafe their decks, I say."He looked rapidly about as his men struggled to form at the starboard rail, and then

vaulted across to the other side."Sweetbalm, Basil," he shouted in a rage as the next volley crashed into them. "You

know that I have no bowmen in my contingent. Yet I am the commander still. Have your vassalsarch their fire over our heads and aid in our defense.”

"Your men have the fortune to be the closest to the engagement," Basil answered over thegrowing din. "Use them as you see fit. We will aid in repulsing boarders when the moment is themost propitious."

Alodar saw Feston clench his fist in frustration and then leap back across the deck. Inmidstride, he grabbed for the main mast as the ship lurched from its smooth forward motion. Theportside oars were stroking backwards and the huge ship began to lumber about, swinging out ofthe oncoming vessel's way. Alodar's eyes darted between the rapidly closing trireme, its ramkicking up foam, and the changing geometry of the gap as the royal barge slowly spun.He heard the hum of arrows and ducked instinctively behind his shield, as did Quantos at hisside.

"It is too late," the marine said as the flight of arrows from across the waves struck thedeck and bulwarks around them. "We turn too slowly to avoid the ram. Brace yourself for theblow."

With a shocking jolt, the ships collided, and the air was filled with the shrieking protestof ripping wood andmetal.

"A sound hit," Quantos shouted as he sprang from the bulwark. "And guided no doubt bya sorcerer's vision far keener than Kelric's. Lively, lads. We must grapple on before they reverseoars and strike again."

Alodar saw the trireme's oars come to a stop and then reverse in synchronism so that theirpull backed the smaller ship away from the hole it had made. Following the examples aroundhim, he picked up one of the coils of rope at his feet and flung the attached iron hook across anddown to the wargalley's deck. He glanced forward and saw Feston's men doing the sameamidship. The enemy crew abandoned the catapult and hacked away at the grapnel lines as theycame and stuck.

The compact sleekness of the trireme left little room for other than tbe rowers, however,and the hooks were being cast faster than they could be cut away. Two launched from the pooplodged firmly, high on the stern-board, out of the deckhand's immediate reach. In an instant,Quantos and his men had the lines firmly secured to anchor capstans near the stern of the barge.With a precision that was the product of years of drill, the crew bent to the crossarms and began

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to crank the two ships closer together."The angle of contact becomes too shallow for them to ram again," Quantos shouted as

he watched the slack being taken up. "If our port side rows vigorously enough, we can get theships alongside and then have a chance."

Alodar looked down towards the bow and saw the closing gap. The men aboard thetrireme abandoned their attempt to cut free and, except for a few archers still harassing thequeen's men in the stern, most of them converged on the beam opposite Feston's forces.The ropes flew faster as Feston's followers sensed success in their endeavor. Then, as the lastfew feet closed and the two vessels hit with a dull thud, Alodar saw at least a dozen grapplinghooks strike out and pull the bond fast.

"Forward and at them," Feston called above the yell of success and he sprang up on therails with his sword flying. He leaped without hesitation to the lower deck alongside. With amighty slash, he hacked at the first man who opposed him, tumbling him back onto the galley'sdeck. Feston's momentum carried him forward into the middle of the other vessel and his men oneither side began to follow. But Alodar saw the reluctance increase up and down the line oneither side of Feston until no man moved in the bow and near the stern. Across on the port, Basiland his men stood silent, awaiting the outcome.

The fighters on the trireme converged on the small party that had boarded, attacking atthe flank and pushing to cut off the bulge of Feston's line at the rail.

"We must storm the poop and aid from behind," Quantos shouted. "Come, my lads, dropyour bows and draw your blades. Across the guardrail we go."

Quantos drew his sword; with his banner in the other hand, he placed his foot up on therail to wave his men on. His troops prepared to follow. But just as the first of them drew up tothe rail, a fresh shower of arrows hailed into their midst. Two men fell to their knees, screamingin pain, feathers fluttering from shoulder and arm. Quantos let out a weak croak and thentumbled in a heap, a single shaft transfixing his throat, its bloody point sticking out the back ofhis neck.

Alodar looked across the decks and saw one of Feston's men fall and then another. Thetrireme fighters pressed their attack vigorously at those who had boarded. Alodar hesitated asecond longer, clutching Cedric's sword. Then, with a full intake of breath, he stepped toQuantos' slumping form and grabbed his banner. Standing over the fallen marine, he waved italoft. "For the queen!" he shouted. "For revenge and victory! Attack!"

Another round of arrows came and two splintered off Alodar's shield. With a fierce yell,he sprang over the bulwark and fell into the midst of the archers who faced them. He dropped thebanner, drew his sword and hacked at the head of the one who stood dumbfounded nearby. "ForQuantos," he yelled.

Then, in a massive wave, the marines responded. They swarmed over the gap and beganswinging at the archers, who retreated towards middeck.

The men pressing Feston turned and glanced at the commotion, hesitating in their ownattack. Alodar waved his sword overhead and led the marines onto their rear. The others on theroyal barge saw the men of the trireme drop back in confusion, trying to protect their suddenlyexposed flank.

Now sensing victory, Feston's full contingent stormed over the rails. Basil gave thecommand and his men also followed. The oars of the trireme stopped and the rowers began topour onto the deck from two hatches to aid their beleaguered comrades.

The deck of the wargalley became a mad swirl of sword and shield, without pattern, as

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the two forces engaged. Alodar jabbed point first at the man on his right, while hastily raising hisshield to the left to ward off an axe swinging down from a seeming giant. The blow numbed hisarm, but he instinctively stepped forward to pass beyond the thrust of his foes as his ownfollowers closed to engage them. The man on his left screamed and fell, spouting blood fromneck and arm, as Quantos' marines pressed on the attack. The trained fighters drew together andformed a line about Alodar. With him as the center, they began slashing forward to midship.Alodar's mind slid into the intensity of concentration that Cedric had taught him, fear blottedout, eyes alert for an opening or a surprise thrust, and arm darting out to give pain. He swunghis sword in a swift horizontal arc and felt the sharp blade bite into flesh as his adversary raisedboth arms high to crash downward an instant too late. With a cry already hoarse, he egged on themen who lagged on the left and closed up the right when the roll of the ship or blow of thefoeman created a hole in their line. He moved his troop steadily forward, mindless of stingingcuts and slashes. Almost in a daze, he called halt when he recognized that only armbands withFeston's red plume faced them. The wargalley was theirs and Alodar had had a taste of battle.Alodar leaned against the railing, still clutching Quantos' banner, as he watched the transfer ofprisoners from the trireme to the barge. He glanced about the deck to see that the thaumatorgicalwax he had used on the more serious wounds was safely stored away.

The larger vessel now rode quite low in the water and even listed slightly to the side. Asteady procession of divers dropped over the rail, each one adding another nail to fix a makeshiftpatch over the ragged hole ripped by the wargalley. The fog had lifted with the beginning of agentle breeze, but it would be many hours more before the repair was tight, the water bailed fromthe bilge, and the barge again underway.

One by one, the followers of Feston and Basil emerged from the trireme's hold, carryingback what meager plunder there was aboard. Then amidst a general murmur from both decks, aknot of closely linked figures emerged, all save one with arms across their faces, nearlystumbling as they groped forward to the gangplank.

"The sorcerer from the trireme," Alodar heard Grengor say at his side. "Only anenchanted vision could have guided that ship undetected in the fog through the surrounding fleetand so unerringly into the barge's side. Had we not more than twice the normal crew, they wellmight have ripped us from stem to stern before we could have grappled her. The kingdoms to thesouth sorely press the fair lady on land and nearly cut off her aid as well."'

In the middle of the block of men that stumbled forward, Alodar saw a mane of unrulyhair shake free, and then a face contorted with rage, surrounding deep-set and burning eyes.Almost instinctively, Alodar flung his hand in the way of the glare, menacing even at a distance.

“A sorcerer who has been thwarted makes a most dangerous captive," he said. "The guardwe place around him better be both careful and complete. But his presence reminds me of why Iam here. I must go below and seek out the sorcerer of the queen."

"And your instruction during your absence, master?" Grengor asked. "Are we to remainon station here in" the stern, transfer to the trireme as part of the queen's crew when it takesstation with the rest of the fleet, or can we go below, since the watch bells have long sincesounded?"

Alodar turned in puzzlement to face the sergeant. He saw a round face set on a stockyform, wideset green eyes, large and trusting, and a plain mouth between jaws of crushingstrength. "Why do you ask me, Grengor? Why not ask the one who commands in Quantos'place?"

"I beg your pardon, sir," Grengor said. "Our band is small, now not even a dozen, but we

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have fought together for many years under Quantos' banner. In our grief, I— we all feel thatnone of us has the wit to lead the others. But rather than disperse to follow the banner of one ofthe lords, we would rather answer to you, wherever you may lead us. Indeed you are no Quantos,but you showed much spirit in what happened today. We have decided among ourselves that thisis as he would have had it."

Alodar's jaw dropped in surprise, but before he could answer, a page wearing the samecolors as he bounded up the ladder to the deck.

"Attend to our lady," the newcomer said. "She is accompanied by the sorcerer Kelric inher cabin at this moment."

"On station until I return," Alodar said hastily. He turned and followed the other pagedown the ladder, his mind aswirl with what the sergeant had said.

"Alodar, you are safe," Aeriel cried as he entered her cabin a few minutes later. "I heardthat Quantos was felled and members of his troop as well. I did not know if you were amongthem."

"There are losses enough for which to grieve," Alodar said, "and we are lucky to be stillafloat."

He looked at Kelric, slumped on a small stool in the corner. "The power of sorcery wasgreat indeed."

Kelric tipped back his head and laughed. "Sorcery!" he cackled. "The power of sorcery. Itreads so easy in the sagas. Pressed on land from the west and south, and on the sea, as well. Andwhen all seems blackest, a simple charm saves them all so they may live in contentmentthereafter."

Alodar looked around the plain cabin and saw it was no larger than his own. Aeriel sat onthe bunk, dressed in men's breeches and tunic. To her left, on a small chest, was a pile ofdocuments and the quills and seals. There were no other chairs and Alodar stood facing the two,leaning against the wall.

"But a single charm might activate the eye, and then it will be as the sagas say," hereplied.

"It is not so easy," Kelric said. "The charm for what you have is most complex. Youcannot learn it unless you are proficient and, more importantly, are confident in many a charm oflesser power. Without the basis to build upon, a sorcerer's eye will be forever useless to you."

"But why is that?" Alodar asked. "Certainly in thaumaturgy, alchemy, and even magic,each spell is entire unto itself. Even if learned by rote, it has no bearing on the others."

"The difference, lad," Kelric said, "is that each of those arts manipulates the physicalobjects and forces about us. Sorcery deals instead with a matter much more elusive, our minds.You cannot see or touch the medium with which you work. And the subtle and intricate will betotally missed, unless you become familiar with the rough outlines first."

"The words are different, but the message is the same as with the other crafts." Alodarsighed. He shook his head and looked back at Kelric. "No matter, regardless of the effort, I amready."

"Well then, let us start at the beginning," Kelric said. "There are five types of charms insorcery. A charm of prophecy or far-seeing is a cantrip; a charm of illusion is a glamour; a charmof fate is a curse; dominance of one's will by the sorcerer is enchantment; and transfer ofconsciousness from one animate object to another is ensorcellment. To take effect, charms arerecited three times or, as the Rule of Three states, 'thrice spoken, once fulfilled."

"I noted at the royal ball that you cast your glamour in that repetitious way. Each word

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seemed to follow the next in a pattern but somehow with a logic that I could not follow.""Yes, the chanting of the charm is all. Great skill and practice are necessary to say all of

the words with the proper rhythm and intonation for success. The slightest falter produceshallucinations and head pains that can last for weeks. In my own practice, I have misspun acharm but twice and the memories still give me a shudder. Not only are even the most simplecharms difficult, but they must be mastered before a more complex one can be attempted. As oneproceeds towards completion, each word somehow becomes more difficult to slide off thetongue, harder to remember. Indeed, the more complex and powerfull spells create backpressures that cannot be comprehended by one who has not tried his mettle on hurdlesmore easily surmounted. And the greater the charm, the greater is the sickness and agony forfailure. It takes a stout heart to attempt such castings, knowing the difficulty and theconsequences of error. If anything is the mark of the sorcerer, it is possession of enormousbravery."

"Then why not carry a grimoire as does the alchemist?" Alodar asked. "Or have a library,like the magician guilds. Reading from a correct text to reduce the risks would seem easyenough."

"Because," Kelric responded, "no written language or special symbology yet evolved canconvey the precise nuances of tone which are essential for a successful charm. They are passedby word of mouth from unwilling teacher to foolish pupil, from generation to generation. It is theonly way that the lore of sorcery is preserved. And far better it would be if the craft sank intodecay, as has the practice of wizardry."

Alodar frowned. "Why do you always deprecate your craft, master Kelric?""Why? You ask why?" Kelric snorted. "Is it not obvious? Oh, I was like you once, young

and eager, lured by the promise of power, the respect of all with whom I dealt, the ability tocontrol and mold the thoughts of others to my will."

Kelric paused and closed his eyes for a moment, pulling the memories to the surface ofhis thoughts. "And I succeeded," he said, again looking Alodar in the eye. "I learned quickly anddiscovered many new charms known to no others. I acquired the fame of masters many years mysenior. But at the same time I lost what every sorcerer looses and can never regain . . . Today'sbattle is over. When you leave you will share a slap on the back and a few tall stories with yourcomrades in arms. You will relax in each other's presence, feeling wann in the glow of friendshipand trust. But it would not be so if you were a sorcerer. What man then would talk with you overa cup of rum, or bet the bill on who is first to pinch the barmaid? And what woman would comewillingly into your arms and look trustingly into your eyes as you murmured sweet nothings?You would be shunned by all and dealt with only by necessity. Only by spilling some of yourvital forces would you see an occasional glimpse of soft thigh and at that you would judgeyourself lucky. It takes bravery to be a sorcerer, I have said, and far more than what is required tocast the charms."

The cabin was silent for a minute and Alodar looked at Aeriel, then darted his eyes away."My quest is for the hand of the queen," he said. "The embrace does not matter."He nodded slowly and touched the pouch with the sphere at his side. "Let us return to the

matter of instruction," he said. "If sorcery is taught by oral means only, how then do new charmsever come about? It would seem that the number would gradually diminish away as masters metuntimely ends before they could pass on their heritage."

"New charms are always in the making," Kelric replied. "The trances you see me slip intoto aid my concentration in matters of prophecy are not only a crutch for an old man. No indeed,

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the trance is primarily the means by which the master frees his mind of the encumbrances of thisexistence. With it he opens up his inner self and seeks out the states where the cadences ofcharms roll like thunder and the words flash in strokes of lightning before the eyes. Upon returnto the here and now, often the mind is exploding with the power of a new charm hithertounknown to man."

"Then why not effect such a state often," Aeriel asked, "and bring back great powers thatcan only accumulate with time?"

"Alas, my lady," Kelric replied, "it is as I have often said. Each charm enacted, even thetrance of seeking, subtracts something of vital presence from the sorcerer who uses it. Each of usis born with a fixed supply of whatever is his for life; once we have used it all, we perish. Andthe leeching of inner power depends on the strength of the charm. I restrict myself now only toillusions for the court or simple prophecies of short range and even for those I need the aid ofsand, fire, or cards. I dare not try to enchant a single person, no matter how shallow his mind, forfear of consuming all that remains."

"Then why do you not have more interest in the eye?" Alodar interrupted. "You said thatit can amplify the powers that a sorcerer naturally possesses."

"No, my pulse does not quicken as I think of the sphere," Kelric said. "I am so small ashadow of my prime that I dare not use such a device. It means nothing to me, though in thehands of a young man, a fool with no thought of the morrow, such an eye indeed increases thecharm of enchantment a thousand fold.

"You see, despite the fear in which sorcerers are held, despite the way arms are flungover eyes when we approach, enchantment is not easily achieved. Remember that the charmmust be recited thrice and eye-to-eye contact must be maintained throughout the third recital. Itis not easily accomplished if the intended victim is on guard. And the more insidiousenchantments are the hardest of all to effect. The complete extinction of consciousness is theeasiest by far. You become the automaton of the sorcerer and think your own thoughts no more.

"But the more subtle enchantments in which some or most of your own free will andthoughts remain are very difficult. The charms are long, the restive forces great, and the drain onthe vitality greater still. Yet, how sublime is that charm that gives you the heart of a lady andchanges nothing else I She feels she acts of her own free will but the grip of enchantment bindsher to you. It is this power which makes the sorcerer so feared.

"And such is the strength of the eye that it can give the master the potency the sagasascribe to him. Gaze on it but an instant and you are undone. From the crushing of all freethought to the gentlest suggestion, it will be as the sorcerer wills it. And more besides; when thelid is open, the eye reaches out and compels, drawing you to look, tempting you, forcing you,conjuring you for just one little glance and then you are trapped forever.

"But enough for now," Kelric concluded. "It depresses me to think of it further.Tomorrow, if you still are steadfast in your foolishness, we will start with the cantrip for thetossed die."

"I will be at your cabin door," Alodar said. "Your words have not dissuaded me."Kelric scowled and then looked at Aeriel. "And now my lady, what are your plans for the

next hour?""I must readjust some of the berth assignments," Aeriel replied, waving to the littered

chesttop, "and then confer with the cooks to reaffirm that we are well enough provisioned.""Then I suppose the chance of your changing into something less practical while I am

here is slight?" He leered.

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"Oh, begone, Kelric," Aeriel said, "and try your persuasive manner on one of the otherwomen of the court."

"As my lady wishes." With shoulders stooped the sorcerer shuffled out of the room.Aeriel and Alodar remained in silence pondering Kelric's words for several minutes

longer. Then she arose and turned up the wick of the single lamp hung on the cabin wall."You show great trust in me, Aeriel," Alodar said, "and I pledge to show it is well placed.

When I can control the eye, I will use it most certainly to benefit the queen."Aeriel turned to look back at Alodar with a small smile. "You have demonstrated your

worth already, Alodar. Else I would not have striven to aid you when you petitioned inAmbrosia. I ask only that you serve her with your head as well as your heart. The latter is toofrail an organ to use in affairs of state."

"My motives are indeed from the heart," Alodar admitted, "although not in the way thatyou might think. But what of you? What draws you to such service of the queen?"

"It is apparent, is it not," Aeriel replied, "that Vendora never can be truly certain ofcounsel given her by any man? She has great need for someone to see through the emotion to thetruth that lies underneath."

"Then what is your reward for the service that you provide to the crown?' Alodar asked.Aeriel rubbed her eyes and looked at the pile of documents. "There are times indeed when Iwonder why I travel the path I do. But my father served Vendora's as minister of most gravecounsel. Alas, I was an only child. But I have tried to aid the crown of Procolon in the traditionof my family nonetheless. As for the drones who buzz about Vendora, enough of them seek herfavor first through me that I have few idle hours in Ambrosia. Fortunately I am keen enough tosee through their interests, so that I have not been greatly disappointed. And those who are not sodull, those who indeed might..."

Aeriel broke off and lowered her head with a touch of color in her cheeks."I tell too much," she said. "The petitioners who beset the fair lady concern me not at all.

I am no longer Vendora's companion in whispered schoolgirl romances. She is now the queenand I her counselor. Such petty concerns are from long ago."

"Shall you then spend the rest of your days in Vendora's shadow, passing intospinsterhood as the reward for your dedication?"

"I said, Alodar, that I have not been disappointed in my dealings with the men of thecourt, nor have I been a recluse. As for the course of my life, it will depend upon the man the fairlady settles upon as her consort. If he is strong enough to rule Procolon through her, then perhapsI will no longer be needed and can then seek my own destiny."

"For my own part, I thank the random factors that no such decision has yet been made,"Alodar said. "Though obviously Vendora does not lack ardent and able suitors."

"Ardent yes, but able, only perhaps, Alodar. The man who fills the needs of the queenand the kingdom has yet to prove himself. And be forewarned in your own quest that more thanchance affects the queen's moods. She is strong willed and can be influenced only by subtlepressures.

"Feston struts about the court in jingling mail, but then must show his empty pockets.Basil gives great strength to Vendora's coffers, but must apologize when one of his band refusesto draw sword. And Duncan will find that he is called upon to do far more than merely throw hissphere about the queen,

"And if you prove as incomplete as the rest, Alodar, repeated opportunities to lose facewill present themselves to you as well. My task is to give Vendora the man who is the best for

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Procolon, and I work diversely at my craft""Then you have been my unknown ally all the while," Alodar exclaimed. "While I toiled

in the alchemist shop and the magician's Guild, I despaired of returning in time. But throughyour machinations, I dare say none of them can show himself supreme."

"Take care at what I say, Alodar," Aeriel replied. "Vendora makes the final decision stflLFeston and the rest have already established their claim to be suitors. I strive to delay Vendora'schoice, not for you, but for the best, whoever that may be."

"And if the hero for Procolon does come forth and you are then free of your charge,"Alodar asked, "what sort of man then would you seek for yourself?"

Aeriel laughed. "In truth, I have no answer." She paused and then after a momentcontinued softly.

"Suffice it to say that the man in my dream knows full well how to judge the relativeworth of two women."

Aeriel slowly swept her hands back to rest on the chest behind her and looked deeply intoAlodar's eyes. Her face was framed with twin cascades of amber, falling upon shoulders thatbeckoned in the lamplight. Her eyes sparkled with the deepness of jet, and her lips, thoughturned in a small smile, were taut with resolution and challenge.

Alodar took a step towards her, then another. She said nothing; her eyes held his andthere was no change in her expression. He stopped and with slow deliberateness surveyed herbody. He locked his eyes back on hers and advanced another step forward. Aeriel, still silent,flicked a curl from the cascade behind to fall over her shoulder.

Alodar stopped and blinked, trying to understand the intensity of the feeling suddenlyrushing over him. His loins tightened and the image of Vendora, this time only days old wouldnot come. He saw only Aeriel, proud Aeriel, warm Aeriel, challenging him In his resolve.He struggled to hold on to his quest, but in a flood of emotion, it was swept away. "At the ball,I saw the object of my deepest desires," he said simply, "and it was you."

He swept her into his arms, half expecting a haughty laugh at his weakness, but he didnot care. He thrust his lips on hers and pulled her body to him, pressing the breath from herlungs.

Aeriel did not resist, but clasped her bands behind him and grasped as savagely as did he.After a long moment be pulled his head back slightly, but Aeriel pursued and reattacbed hermouth to his. Some time later, how long Alodar could not tell, their crushing grips relaxed, andhe led her to sit on the bunk behind them.

"When I saw you again in the palace," Aeriel said as she recovered her breath, "Iremarked on the coincidence. That waa because the vision that I saw in Kelric's illusion wasyou."

"My thoughts are a jumble," Alodar said, shaking his head. "For nearly a year I havepursued the queen. I turned away the favor yow showed me at Iron Fist for the quest of her hand.But somehow, Aeriel, I have seen too much of the woman you are, and the strength to resist isnow far harder to find."

Aeriel smiled at Alodar and then looked down to his side. She squeezed his hand andgently touched the poucb that held the sorcerer's eye. "You have made my heart glad, Alodar,"she said, "although by my selfish actions I do not deserve it."

She was silent a moment and then trembled with a deep sigh. She squeezed her hand intoa fist until the knuckles showed white and looked back into his eyes. "Why do you quest for thefair lady," she asked, "if not for her beauty and power, like the rest?"

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"It is for my heritage," Alodar replied. "I desire to recover my rightful peerage of therealm and the respect that goes with it. As consort to the fair lady, none could deny them to me."He stopped and thought of his dream of the hero's welcome in Ambrosia. "And for the touch ofglory that goes with it as well," he said quietly.

"And I have pledged to serve the crown," Aeriel said. "To see that the best man stands atVendora's side." She paused and lowered her head. "Continue with your quest, Alodar. The fairlady needs you far more than I."

"I have not quested in blind steadfastness," Alodar protested. "Along the way I havefaltered and puzzled at the path I choose. And nothing has given me such pause as you, Aeriel.Can I truly throw my heart into pursuing a goal if you are not part of that success?"

"We are both tired, Alodar." Aeriel shook her head gently. "You from the battle and Ifrom the work that must go on. The fatigue weakens our judgment and makes us easier prey toour desires. I apologize for tempting you so. In the morning we will be refreshed and havereaffirmed our resolve to do what we must do."

Alodar frowned at her words, his head reeling from the emotions that swung back andforth as if at the end of a snapping whip. He tried to remember the forces that drove him on, andin the corner of his mind he finally saw a vision of Vendora, the queen. "Perhaps you are right,"he said, "but I do not think a single night will unscramble my thoughts. I thunder after an abstractgoal, Aeriel, but have no idea what I will do after it is achieved."

"It is a conundrum," Aeriel agreed. "But for now, Procolon is in peril, and you must learnhow to use the sorcerer's eye."

Alodar nodded his head slowly and started to speak again, but suddenly two soft knocksechoed from the cabin door. "The queen's council assembles to plot the course for the morrow,my lady," a voice said from without. "Your presence is requested at once."

Aeriel's expression melted into one of annoyance and Alodar let out his breath as thetension oozed away. The mood was broken and Aeriel spoke as if nothing had happened as shewaved him to the door. "I must prepare. Good luck, Alodar, good luck in your quest."

"My lady," he mumbled thickly and left with eyes averted.

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CHAPTER FIFTEENThe Sorcerer's Revenge

ALODAR steadied himself against the roll of the deck as he walked slowly towards thesmall hole in the corner of Kelric's cabin. Two weeks had given him sea legs. Holding his headand eyes steady, he concentrated on the two tiny sparkles of light which stared back at him. Abare three feet away, he lowered himself to his knees and began to undulate his hands in theoutline of a pieshaped wedge. A tiny nose poked out of the hole; long whiskers jutted hesitantlyinto the room.

Alodar rapidly ran through the glamour, his face contorting into a grimace as he laboredto stutter past the last few words. As he finished, the rat extended its head from the hole and thenits entire body. Torn between instinctive fear and unbelievable good fortune, the rodent movedslowly across the intervening space towards Alodar's hands.

As the rat advanced, Alodar felt the reaction, an uncomfortable tug that pulled from histoes and fingers up through his body and then spilled out into the air above his head. Like a nailagainst slate or bone against jagged bone, the feeling coursed through him, too much to ignore,yet somehow too undefined to merit the aversion it produced.

He shook his head in annoyance. The rat suddenly halted in rnidstride and lookednervously back to its hiding place. Alodar frowned with renewed concentration and slowlystarted the enchantment. He stared at the rat as he spoke, trying to bore past the gleaming eyesinto the small mind behind.

He completed the first recital and the rodent did not move; during the second it resumedits cautious tread forward.

Alodar began the third. Although his mouth seemed filled with cotton, and nauseabubbled up from his stomach, his pulse quickened when the barrier suddenly gave way. In arush, he felt himself drawn into the small confusion of the rat's mind, tasted its hunger and feltthe sharp edge of its fear. For a moment he paused, marveling at what he had done, but thegrowing discomfort forced him to continue his task. He frowned deeply and then carefullyseparated the pulsing emotions from his own. Like a potter at his wheel, he massaged the simplethoughts and reshaped them, rounded the corners of the apprehension to a smooth pebble andtickled the stomach to growl all the more.

Alodar unstuck the last word from his throat and the rat did not bolt away. With trustingeyes it sat placidly on the planking and curled its tail about its legs. The uneasy tug at Alodar'sinnards continued for a minute more but then began to fade. He sighed with relief, knowing thathe had succeeded and the worst was over. He marched the rat, stiff-legged like a child's doll,towards the illusion of the cheese at his feet. When the twitching nose was within inches, hereleased control of the limbs and let the rodent pounce on the imagined feast of its own will. Therat showed no concern for Alodar's presence; with a vicious bite, it snapped its jaws on emptyair.

Alodar felt the upwelling of simple anticipation in the rodent's brain and carefullystimulated the tongue and stomach to make each gulp a savory delight. In a moment the phantommorsel was completely devoured, and the rat again curled its tail in contentment. Alodar watchedfor a second and then suddenly took away the cfoak that sheltered the fear. The rodent started

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and quickly scampered back into its hole."You must maintain eye contact at all times, Alodar," Kelric said over his shoulder. "Had

you not laced yesterday's bait with that sedative, the rat would have broken away when youfaltered. And the discomfort you felt was nothing compared to what it would have been if thecharm was not completed."

"I will gradually reduce the dose," Alodar said. "In a few days more, I will be able toenchant a rat as well as one who does not have the benefit of alchemy. And by working upgradually, I think I progress far faster than otherwise." He bent down and picked up the crumb ofcheese he had dropped nearby. "It is the same with the illusions. By starting with a real sample, Ican make them more realistic with far less effort. The drain of the vital force made me hesitate,but without the aid of thaumaturgy I would have been unable to get both the glamour and theenchantment finished together."

"Oh, you are progressing well enough without such aids," Kelric growled. "Your mind isquick and there is no reason not to proceed as I did in my youth."

"It is my training as a thaumaturge that provides the edge," Alodar said. "Without somemeasure of cunning, one cannot aspire to be a master."

"Yet sorcery is not learned by wit alone," Kelric warned. "It takes dedication as welL" Hepaused and scratched his side. "Although I must admit, I find no fault with you there. You havelabored hard and indeed are further along than I thought possible in such a time."

"The perseverance cornea from alchemy," Alodar replied."And the precision with which you speak the charms?" Kelric continued in mild

annoyance. "Do you have a craft for that as well?""Magic." Alodar laughed. "The rituals would not complete if not correctly performed."Kelric shook his head and stroked his chin in thought. "The crafts have always been so

separated," he muttered. "Perhaps there is some profit in intercourse between them.""Regardless of that, my concentration is now totally on sorcery," Alodar said. "What next

must I learn of the fundamental charms before I advance to ones more potent?""You have yet to show mastery of the simple illusions for dumb beasts without the fancy

shortcuts," Kelric said. "And believe me, those must be second nature to you before you canprofitably continue. You should rest and try again with the rodent tomorrow."

Alodar frowned and started to protest the delay but a last rumble of his stomach changedhis mind. "You are right. I can tolerate no more, at least for today. I will go topside to clear myhead."

Kelric nodded in agreement. "And I shall attend the queen in your absence," he calledafter Alodar. "Perhaps some lady of the court will lower her guard and let me look her in theeye."

Alodar slowly climbed the companionway to the main deck, pushing his thoughts ofKelric and sorcery aside. He pressed on the hatch and frowned as he had to shove with hisshoulder to pry it open. With a forceful crash, it slammed shut as he let go. He reached for a linenearby to steady himself in the gusts that lashed the deck.

The motion of the barge as it plowed through the waves was even more apparent than itwas below. High walls of spray rained over the bow. Ever so often the line between water and airseemed high above the tightly wrapped spars that tilted madly with the wind.

Alodar bowed his head and stomped purposefully to the rail amfdship to join a soliataryfigure that was peering out over the churning sea.

"A bit rough today," Alodar greeted Grengor as he reached his side.

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"Yes, that it is, master Alodar," Grengor replied drawing his hood closer about the wideface and stubble of beard that protruded from it. "Everyone below is packed together like fortunecards but no one complains. Not even the ones who must guard the sorcerer from the south. Thediscomfort is far less, they judge, than enduring the wet and cold up here." .

Alodar nodded and looked out over the rail across the water. "I cannot see any of the fleetin these waves and spray," he said.

"Long ago, each has furled sail and shipped oars to ride out the storm. We will be leaguesapart when it blows over."

"And no nearer Arcadia either I wager," Alodar said. "This wind from the south blows usfarther from king Elsinor with each minute."

"Perhaps so, master," Grengor said, "but the same wind batters any enemy wargalleys outhere as well."

Alodar grunted in reply and then both men lapsed into silence, drawing their cloaks aboutthem and exposing little save their eyes to the lash of wind and wave. As they watched, the broadbow nosed down under the wall of water which broke over it, and spray bounded across the deckto strike Alodar in the face. He and Grengor retreated aft as the bow sluggishly rose and thewave rolled underneath.

The ship plunged over the back of the wave and met the overtopping crest of the next onelow in the water, shuddering as the shower pounded the deck. This time both Grengor andAlodar were pelted where they stood. The ship began to right itself with agonizing slowness,barely coming up to level as the wave slid past.

Alodar turned to Grengor with a question in his eye. By his small experience, the barge atfirst had seemed a city afloat, but the tremble and groan as the ship steadied for the next pitchupward put in perspective how small they were in the fury of the storm. He arched his eyebrowsin surprise as Grengor returned his glance. He expected to see the condescending smile of theexperienced sailor, but saw instead a set jaw and eyes alive with concern.

The next wave hit the barge and a cascade of water skittered the length of the deck,spiraling past their boots and drenching their cloaks to their knees. Again the water tumbled offin giant falls to the side, but Alodar held his breath as he waited for the bowsprit finally to breakthrough to clean air. He looked all about the deck, expecting to see that only he, Grengor and thehelmsman were insane enough to be about. He saw instead a head emerging from a hatchwaynear the forecastle. In a moment, another figure was on deck and Alodar wrinkled his brow inpuzzlement. The wind and water howled as before, but no cloak protected the newcomer and hispole axe of shining steel. With a somewhat halting step, he lumbered past, not evenacknowledging the small nod that Alodar threw his way.

"One of Feston's men, no doubt," Grengor said. "Too disdainful to return even theslightest courtesy to someone not of his faction."

"It is of no importance, Grengor," Alodar said as he stared at the figure retreating pastthem and climbing the ladder to the poop deck. "Such slights might have angered me greatly ayear ago, but now I give them no thought."

Alodar watched the man finally reach the level of the poop deck and then point himself inthe direction of the deckhouse. He took one slow step and then another. Just like the gait of therat on which he had demonstrated the charm, Alodar thought. So totally entrapped that everymotion had to be directed by the enchanter.

"Grengor," Alodar cried, suddenly breaking out of his slow reverie. "What duty did yousay that Feston's men performed today?"

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"Why, let me see." Grengor said. "The oarsmen yesterday and again on the morrow. Itmust be the sorcerer then that they watch today."

"Then follow me quickly," Alodar yelled, springing across the deck and then immediatelystumbling as the roll of the ship caught him in midstride. "To the helmsman! I fear he needs ouraid."

Alodar and Grengor raced to the ladder as the figure ahead of them entered the smallenclosure on the deck above. With a strong pull on the railing, Alodar jumped up onto the deck,just in time to see the axehead plunge into the unprotected chest of the helmsman. A feeble cryof surprise and pain was swept away by the wind. The assailant flailed his blade again at thebloody form as it fell.

Alodar and Grengor burst into the house with swords drawn. With near simultaneousthrusts, they jabbed their blades forward and felt the parting of flesh and jarring contact withbone, Alodar drew his sword out with a wrench and stepped back in anticipation of a swingingaxe-blade in reply. The figure paid them no attention. With a face undistorted by apprehension orpain, he swung his next blow at the wheel, oblivious of the blood gushing from the two freshwounds in his sides.

The wheel exploded from its post in a shower of splinters and careened across the deck.Grengor thrust out again, his sword biting deeply into an arm as it swung past, but the guardsmantook no notice. Alodar watched in amazement as the axe rose high overhead and crashed it downon the post, splitting it asunder.

"Enchantment, master Alodar," Grengor called out. "Somehow the sorcerer from thesouth has made him a slave. I can dispatch him in a few strokes more, but I fear his damage isdone. Get quickly below and alarm the rowers to bend their oars. Without the helm, we cannotlong stay pointed into the wind. And the patch that was placed over the hole ripped by thewargalley may not last long if we are wallowing in the troughs."

Alodar grasped what Grengor was saying. Without another word, he ran from thedeckhouse to the ladder leading to midship. Another wave toppled over the bow and raced downthe deck. As the water coursed by, he felt a slight lurch and then saw the runoff at his feet reversedirection and head for the port side. With a backstraining pull, he flung the hatch cover aside andbolted downward to the first deck. He ran for midship where the passageway opened wide oneither side to the benches of the rowers. As he sprinted along, he could feel a noticeable tilt toport as the ship responded to each wave.

Up ahead, before he reached the benches, he heard the sound of a disturbance and sawseveral heads pop from cabins along the way. He pulled himself up as he passed the last cabin,ready to shout the alarm. But the sound died in his throat as he saw the reason for thecommotion. Two more guards with Feston's arm bands were hacking at the oars along thebenches, ignoring the blows raining down to stop them.

Another wave rolled under the ship, and Alodar grabbed for support as the deck tippeddizzily to the side. Through a port, he saw the choppy horizon shoot past skyward and thenslowly return as the barge almost righted itself.

Reversing direction, he sprinted the length of the ship. On a dead run, he barrelled by thetwo guardsmen who stood with halberds at parade over a single entrance that led to cabins faraft. The men hesitated at Alodar's approach, not immediately dropping their weapons to blockthe way. Alodar thundered past their indecision, yelling over his shoulder about an oversight ashe passed. One turned to follow, then shrugged his shoulders and resumed his stance. Racingdown the narrow passageway, Alodar pushed aside a curtain and exploded into a great cabin at

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the very stern of the ship. Only a few supporting posts interfered with a volume open from beamto beam, windowed on three sides with huge sheets of isinglass painted opaque by the boundingspray.

Vendora shrieked at Alodar's sudden entrance. Aeriel rose to her feet, eyes wide insurprise at the intrusion, Kelric sat numbly crosslegged before the two and respondednot at all. "A full moon of pardons, my fair lady," Alodar gasped, "but I fear the ship isin great danger. We must sound a general alarm before it is too late."

"What is the peril, Alodar?" Aeriel asked as she picked up her cloak. "What besides thestorm presents risk for the royal barge?"

"I am not a man of the sea," Alodar replied, "but we have lost our steerage and with theweakened hull we may founder."

"Then there is no time," Aeriel decided. "We must board the other vessels, those thatcan."

"The longboats are far smaller than the barge," Alodar said. "They could be easilyswamped in the high waves. Our safety would be greater if we could get the great ship about."

"Then which is it?" Aeriel said. "If the hull does not hold, there may be little time tochange our minds."

Alodar quickly thought of the enchanted guardsmen and the struggle amidst the oars. "If Iwere to decide, my choice would be for the longboats despite their meager size. But by no meanscan we provide for everyone aboard."

"Then we shall begin with the queen," Aeriel said waving her hand to the door.Alodar nodded, grasped Vendora by the waist and began to push her down the corridor.

Aeriel tugged Kelric to his feet and spun him to follow. The two guards turned questioning.glances to the queen as she came to their station, but she waved them to silence as she passed.

The ship lurched violently as they reached the companionway to the main deck. Cabindoors along the corridor burst open in surprise. Vendora cried out as she reached for the railingand tumbled from her footing instead.

"What happens with the fair lady?" Feston shouted as he peered out of his doorway in thedirection of the queen. Receiving no answer, he reached back inside his cabin and buckled on hissword to follow.

"Lord Feston races after the queen," a voice shouted from another of the open doorways.In an instant Basil and Duncan also scrambled forth.Alodar pulled Vendora to her feet. As the ship righted, he pushed her up the ladder

banging shins and ankles in his haste. They climbed but four rungs when the barge rolled again,this time heeling far over.

Alodar grasped the rails with both hands and held Vendora against his chest as she fellbackwards. Behind him he could hear Aeriel's frantic struggle with Kelric as their feet slid fromunder them and they grasped wildly for balance. Alodar gathered up his strength and, with onethrust, shoved the queen to the hatchway. Holding her firmly with one arm, he shouldered thehatch aside with the other and stepped into the fury of the quickening storm.

Grengor and the others of his band were there at the opening, extending arms to aid. Heshoved Vendora forward and turned to pull Aeriel and Kelric up onto the deck. The wind nowcame at his side, stinging his cheek with the spray. The barge was wallowing in the troughs.

"The longboats," Alodar shouted. "We must get the fair lady safely over the side." He ledVendora across the heaving deck and the party streamed after. They climbed the ladders to thestern and ran to where the two boats were battened besides the wreckage of the deckhouse.

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Quickly, the canvas covering was ripped away. Alodar thrust Vendora and then Aeriel into oneof the hulls as the barge lunged dizzily when another wave rolled underneath. Feston and theothers exploded from the hatchway as Alodar's men cranked at the hoists and swung the boatover the side.

With great leaping strides, Feston bounded across the deck and up the ladder. He plungedinto the marines, shouldering several aside, and jumped aboard next to the queen. "Followers oflord Feston," he bellowed above the wind, "assemble unto me and aid the fair lady."

The men scrambling on deck looked about hesitantly for a moment; then they shoutedwith alarm as they saw the activity at the stern. The boat began to lower, and they sloshedthrough the water, climbed up the ladders to the poop, and ran to the rail. A knot of mencollected against the bulwark and, pushed from behind, Basil and Duncan tumbled aboard intothe midst of Alodar's small crew. The barge listed heavily and several more sprang to the rail andjumped into the descending boat.

"Too many," Alodar shouted. "We will sink as surely as the barge. Cast off, cast offbefore more hurl aboard." Grengor and another of his men began to pay out rope more quicklyand the sloop plunged away from the rolling deck.

"Followers of my banner," Feston shouted, "seize the second boat and after us.""To my banner," Basil yelled as loud. "Prevent the others from taking what we must

have, and then after me."Alodar looked up to the deck as his own boat hit the waves. He could see the beginnings

of a mle as the factions fought with drawn swords for possession of the other longboat. In thepress of battle no one could focus his attention on the blocks, and the boat remained immobile onthe deck.

Alodar turned back to his own plight and quickly counted the men aboard. Of his owneight, he saw that all had made it safely. Vendora, Aeriel, Kelric, Feston, Basil and Duncan wereaccompanied by a tangle of six more men. Whose supporters they were, he could not tell.

"Man the oars," he commanded. "Get us clear of the barge before some wave dashes usback into her side. You there, make room for the queen. My fair lady, if you and lady Aeriel canmove forward, you will find that the small shelter will protect two from the strength of this gale."

"I command the forces of the queen," Feston growled as he wriggled himself erect in thepile of men amidship. But before he could say more, a wave broke over them ending a deluge ofwater into the midst.

"The rest of you to the bailing," Alodar continued and several of the men about Festonbegan to look for buckets in the hatchway aft. Feston glowered at Alodar for a moment, and thena second wave washed over the rails. The men about him filled and dumped buskets furiously.When Basil thrust one into Feston's hands, he bent and started bailing with the rest.

Alodar turned to look back towards the barge and saw that the thrust of the wind hadopened a wide gulf between them. The huge ship was crosswind. As she rolled, the leeward railalmost touched the waves.

"Grengor and you, Melab, in the rear," he shouted. "Let us assemble the mast and try toerect it now. If we are lucky and the wind slackens, we will be ready to hoist sail."

Alodar glanced about the boat. Except for Kelric still in a jumble, his face barely abovewater, everyone was usefully employed. He shut out all thoughts of the precariousness of theirposition and bent his mind to the task of raising the mast.

Weary with cold and fatigue, Alodar steadied one leg on top of the small shelter and heldthe glass from the meager stores to his eye. The wind was dying beneath a placid moon, and the

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sea was growing calm. All about the boat, men slumped in the disarray of sleep. Alodar leanedagainst the mast, now holding aloft a sail unfurled to catch the breeze that remained from thestorm. How soothing it would feel to collapse among the tangle of limbs at his feet and letconsciousness slide away as it had from the rest. But he dared not relinquish the grip. So long asbe stayed awake, threatening, cajoling, and pushing himself harder than any, the randomcollection of men who had jumped from the barge would act enough in consort to save theirlives.

Twice again Feston had balked at the continual bailing, but Alodar had stared him down.One of his marines and Duncan's retainers squabbled over what constituted a fair share of theload, and he had pushed between them before their inattention let the boom run free and rakeacross the rear deck with a vicious sweep.

They somehow had bailed enough to keep afloat, mended the sail at least thrice, andtumbled in rough water throughout. To relax now and let chance determine which of Feston's,Basil's or Duncan's followers awoke first might throw away all they had struggled for in the pastfour days.

With only half-open eyes, Alodar slowly scanned the sea. The clouds were all but sweptaway, but the sliver of moon did not provide enough light to see to the horizon. They must findland soon, and drifting about aimlessly the few hours till dawn was a waste they could ill afford.

Alodar grimaced and collapsed the glass. He stepped down into the jumble of sleepingforms and gingerly picked his way to where Kelric was curled up in the stern. The sorcerershivered in his sleep. His breath gurgled and wheezed as it struggled in and out of his lungs. Hisflesh was pale and hung limply on his scrawny frame. The exposure had been hard for all ofthem, but on the old man it had taken the greatest toll.

Alodar bent down and gently shook him awake. In the quietness of the night, Alodarexplained what had to be done and then listened attentively as Kelric provided the detailedinstructions. In an hour, he had memorized the cantrip and returned to the shelter amidship.

Alodar climbed wearily to the roof, made himself as comfortable as possible, and beganthe charm. Had he been fully alert, he would have spoken the words with great care, fighting theincreasing resistance a measured step at a time. But both his mind and body were dulled, Herattled off the three repetitions like a schoolboy reciting his pledge to the queen. In an instant itwas finished. He blinked in surprise at how mild was the internal reaction.

Alodar slowly scanned a full circle from where he sat and then closed his eyes against thescene. An image of what he had just seen sprang into sharp focus as if lighted by the noondaysun. He willed his thoughts forward and, like a great-winged bird, he seemed to spring from theboat.

Soaring low over the water, his mind raced ahead of the bow, straining for the horizonand sight of ship or land. The miles sped by, but the scene remained an unbroken circle of wateras far as he could see.

Gradually the rush of his thoughts began to slow; though he strained all the harder, thewaves dissolved into an indistinct haze, and the sky dimmed. His pace slowed to a crawl andthen, at the moment he seemed to stop, the scene blacked out from view. Instinctively Alodarrealized he had reached the limits of his vision and brought his thoughts back to his inert bodysitting on the shelter roof.

With his eyes still closed, he turned his head and sought to port, again sailing over thewaves far faster than any ship could take him. He breathed deeply as he finally slowed, hoping tosee a landfall of Arcadia before the scene faded away. But when the blackness came, the ocean

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looked as unchanging as it had from the bow, and Alodar returned a second time to begin thesearch anew.

He turned to starboard and saw over the horizon in a heartbeat. Before he even noticedany slowing, he saw a row of low hills pushing down to a sandy beach. Land, he dimly thoughtin his trance, land to the west and not far away.

He willed his thoughts to return so that he could break the spell and head for shore; but tohis surprise, the rush in his mind continued onward. Up into the hills his sight took him, pastsmouldering campfires and huddles of sleeping figures. On and on his thoughts raced, to higherand rougher ground. The mountains were cleft and folded, fissured and cracked with jumbles ofboulders strewn about. Alodar's attention wandered over the scene but then focused upon aslender spur of rock that soared before him. A monolith of cold granite, it stood like a giant spikethrust into the contours of the hills and seemed to challenge even the peaks beyond for height.

Alodar recognized the spire as the one he had seen when he tried to use the sorcerer's eye.As before, he felt himself drawn inside into a tomblike room. In the very center stood a stonecoffin with a thick glass lid, and Alodar's thoughts rushed forward to peer inside. He saw a manof middle age, eyes peacefully closed, and mouth curled up in a haughty smile. The hands werefolded across the chest over a robe sprinkled with many small, stylized logos of flame.

Alodar tried to look about the room, but the scene suddenly went black. He felt himselfslowly pitching forward from the roof of the boat's shelter. He quickly blinked his eyes open andgrabbed at the mast._to steady himself. A moment of vertigo washed over him and then a hotfever that turned his limbs to rubber. Alodar clutched at the mast to gain support and graduallythe feelings subsided, leaving him weak and lethargic.

Slowly Alodar climbed down into the hull and picked his way aft. For a moment, hepuzzled at his vision but then pushed it aside, too weary to expend the effort when there weremore important things to be done. The coast was not that far away; perhaps by late morning, theycould be safely ashore.

Alodar nodded his head with decision, loosened the boom and cut hard on the tiller toaim the small craft landward. The wind hit the sail at a flatter angle. With gathering momentum,the boat began moving towards the shore. Alodar leaned against the after railing, holding thecraft on course and staring into the darkness.

The hours passed, and gradually the sky brightened, until the boundary between sea andair could be discerned in all directions. Alodar watched the west. Finally a second hazy lineappeared above the first. As the boat approached, it resolved into individual low hills that beganto loom higher and higher on the horizon. Eventually the sound of breaking surf mingled withthe whistling of the wind. Alodar saw a row of whitecaps racing up towards a sandy beach.

With more seamanship and alertness, he might be able to bring the boat smartly aboutand drop sail and anchor. But such detail was beyond what little energy remained. Holding hiscourse, the craft sped directly onwards and, with a sudden lurch, ran aground.

The sleeping men scrambled awake with surprise. "You there," Alodar shouted, "to theshelter and rouse the queen. And you on the left, give aid to the sorcerer. He is too weak even towalk on his own."

The men sluggishly complied and, one by one, dropped overboard to bead for shore.Water began to bubble in through the hull. The longboat sagged gently to one side as she slowlyfilled. Duncan arose from a position in the bow. With shaking legs, he staggered to the queen.

"At last, my chance to protect the fair lady," he croaked through lips cracked from the saltair. He withdrew his sphere from the small bag at his waist After several moments, Alodar could

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see a shimmering bubble of translucence which engulfed Duncan and Vendors. His twofollowers rolled the bubble up on the bulwark and tossed it into the waves, tumbling Duncan andVendora together in a confusion of cloak and gown. Obviously, from its motions, the bubblecould not be used in any rough sea. Alodar watched as the attendants jumped in after and beganpushing the two landward, untouched by the chilling water. He saw Aerial come back to joinhim, as the last two, they jumped overboard and waded to shore. Watersoaked and fatigued asthey were, simple foraging and lighting a fire took the resf of the day. Only Alodar's curtcommands and steadfastness kept tempers in line and limbs moving until it was done. Asdarkness fell, the small band huddled in close about the flame, king at last dryness, warmth, andrest from their ordeal.

"Now that the emergency is over," Feston said, rubbing his hands together and thentouching the hilt of his sword, "we can, I feel, revert to our original chain of command. And myfirst direction is that we should abandon this beach and quickly search out a cave in the hills, sothat the night can be spent in some sort of shelter."

"There is no strength left for that, Feston," Alodar said. "We have already endured theelements for four full nights. Another will tax us less dearly than a search without light over therough ground."

"I have given a directive," Feston growled. With a savage gesture, he withdrew six nichesof blade from his scabbard. A sudden rumble of disapproval checked his action, and Festonlooked quickly about at the men who circled the fire. "You there, by your insigna, you are royalmarines. Follow the orders of your commander," he said.

"We serve the person of the fair lady," Grengor said quietly in reply. "Until she gives usdirection otherwise, we will follow the command of master Alodar. You bail as well as any manamong us, lord Feston, but it is lady Aeriel's page who has seen us safely through the storm."

"And that is the truth, Vendora," Aeriel cut in. "Just as at Iron Fist, the thaumaturge hasproven his worth to the crown of Procolon. Let the deed and not the station be your guide, myfair lady."

"I am not so dim of sight or slow of mind as you sometimes make me, Aeriel," Vendorasaid, pulling erect and drawing her robe about her. She looked slowly about the ring of Alodar'smarines, each grim-faced and with a hand on sword hilt. "I observed with care the events of thepast days.

Indeed, the man has acted well in behalf of the crown. But tell me, Alodar, how did youknow, when none else did, that the barge would founder?"

"In truth, my fair lady," Alodar said, "I do not know that it did. The helm may have beenrepaired or the patches held. The barge still may be plying the seas, having ridden out the stormas well as we. Yet, to determine with certainty the seaworthiness of the vessel could well havebeen fatal. I made the decision that I felt I had to."

"And then, instead of possible comfort in my stateroom on board, where has yourdecision brought your liege?" Vendora said.

"To the uplands north of Bardina—north of the boundaries of Procolon itself—my fairlady," Grengor cut in. "I campaigned here in your father's time and recognize the black oakwhich creeps down from the hillside."

"My fair lady," Basil said, "perhaps this makeshift alchemist has served you well thesepast days, but we are by no means safe from major peril. Our voyage was for aid to stop theforces that threaten to overrun the kingdom. In the west we fight no less than demons, and ourarmy makes no headway in dislodging the grip of their crazed servants from the land. And from

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the south march even more, to stab at the heart of Procolon."He paused and looked about the landscape. "We cannot chance another voyage across a

sorcererwatched sea in such a little craft. And little time remains to return to Ambrosia for onemore seaworthy. Our one hope now lies in recruiting to our cause the barbaric nomads whoaimlessly roam these lands. And only by statesmanship and bribery can we bend their primitivepassions to our will. Fortunately for you, my fair lady, watersoaked though this tunic is, it stillsafely protects many a jewel of great value. Appoint me leader, and I will see you safely home intriumph."

"If the danger is as black as you paint it," Duncan said, before Vendora could reply, "thena handful of jewels will be no guarantee against the treachery of these simple-minded ones.Permit me to be always at your side, my fair lady, and with my sphere and command of theothers about me, no matter what happens, your safety can be assured."

"Enough, enough!" Vendora cried, with a hint of irritation in her voice. "We must dealfirst with the matter of Alodar's recompense for services duly rendered. I doubt that any of youwould act with such decision, faced with the question of abandoning ship. Indeed you did not.Such boldness must not be stifled, but rather it should be encouraged. Tell me Alodar, what boondo you wish from your queen?"

Alodar breathed deeply and then replied with a rush. "You speak of boldness, my fairlady, and it encourages me to speak of my driving quest."

With a sweep of his hands, he turned and addressed the entire assemblage as well as thequeen. "You all know that lord Feston accompanied the fair lady from the confines of the siegeat Iron Fist, and for his effort he was made no less than suitor for her hand in marriage. ThenBasil the apothecary, armed with the treasures secured at real peril from the Fumus Mountains,earned like status for his aid to the power of the throne of Procolon. And finally, Duncan of theCycloid Guild offered the fair lady protection most magical; and for this, he too is suitor for herhand. My fair lady, though my deed may in your mind not compare with these, my desire is yetno less. I too seek your most royal favor and your hand."

Vendora threw back her head in a peal of laughter. "Ah Alodar," she said at last. "You dolighten the weariness that hangs so heavily upon me. But stay, your words are well chosen, andby logic's laws you have saved and prospered the life of the queen as well as any. Stand forwardby the fire so that I can note you better."

Alodar slowly rose and approached the queen, his heart pounding with the little energythat remained in him. He felt every impulse to glance away as she stared, but he held his gazelevel, looking back at her squarely.

"You are comely looking enough," Vendora said, as she turned to face the others. "Mygood company, may I present Alodar, suitor for the hand of the queen of Procolon."

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ALODAR stretched his legs and smiled. The weariness of their journey still hung overhim, and the meager morning meal did little for his hunger, but he was content. He flexed hisfingers in the coarse sand just inches away from Vendora's arm. He looked about the camp. OnlyGrengor and a few of his marines remained. The rest were away, scouting the surrounding hillsfor signs of the nomads.

Down the beach, Aeriel stood alone, staring out to sea. Behind a nearby dune, Kelric hadyet to stir from his slumber.

Alodar shot a sideways glance at Vendora while she idly scraped a bit of beach tar fromher gown. He had come this far from the most humble beginnings, spurred on only by hopes anddreams. To rank finally above them all must be within his grasp, if becoming a suitor ever was. Itwas only a matter of seizing the opportunity.

Alodar looked to the north and saw the line of hills slowly converge upon the sea. Thebeach narrowed to a slender ribbon and then terminated abruptly against a rocky point that cutoff the view. Back to the west, a sprinkle of vegetation dotted the slopes, chokecherry andspicebush still green beneath the bare branches of oaks and dogwoods thai yielded to pines andcedars as the elevation climbed. At the limit of vision, a hint of snowy whiteness mingled withthe hazy purples of the great mountains that thrust into the interior.

Alodar lazily scanned the panorama a second time. As he looked to the lower hills, hecaught sight of one of the scouting parties that had left at dawn. He squinted into the morninglight, trying to resolve some detail, and decided finally that the specks slowly bobbing his waymust be Basil and his retainers. As they drew closer and confirmed his guess, he sat upright andthen pointed at the approaching figures.

"Look, Grengor," he said. "Basil does not return empty handed. He left with twofollowers but there seem to be four men marching back to camp."

"And by the looks of the last," Grengor replied, "he journeys as a captive rather than afriend. It is not an auspicious beginning, if we are to convert all of these wild northmen to ourcause."

Everyone turned to watch Basil's progress; several minutes later he puffed into the camp."My fair lady," he said, as he rushed to the queen, "already I prove the great worth of my wealthto your crown. Behold, I bring forth your first new subject from the wastelands."

Basil paused to catch his breath, and Alodar looked at the captive. His hair was matted insnarls; even though no breeze was blowing, Alodar caught the pungent odor of his body. Hischest and legs were bare. The muscles trembled in his arms as he strained against the cordswhich bound his hands together behind his back. He looked around the circle of armed men, andhis expression stiffened into a mask of defiance when he returned Basil's stare.

"The barbarian's mouth dropped when I showed him a few samples of my gems," Basilcontinued. "Great treasures were back in his camp and a fair trade for a few of the jewels couldsurely be made, he claimed. And while he fingered them, it was simple enough for my followersto overpower him from behind and drag him here."

Basil stopped and looked at the dying embers of the fire. "And I think that there issufficient means in camp to make him tell us the rest of what we must know." His eyes widened

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and he licked his lips as he pushed a coal aside with his boot "Where the rest of his group ishiding and how many they may be. It can be found in a few hours, if you know how."

"But the gift of one of your pretty stones would have been simple enough," Grengorinterrupted. "And far less trouble than torturing one who probably would have dealt in goodfaith. I do not care for how you have acted in behalf of the fair lady, apothecary, and even lessfor what you propose to do."

Basil turned and faced the marine. "The temporary success of your master has weakenedyour judgment, sergeant," he said. "As you apparently have forgotten, Procolon is in gravedanger of being overrun. We do not have time to barter for days with each scattered tribe that wemeet. We must convince them in haste to harken to our banner, using whatever tools prove mostexpedient. And the fair lady will reward the suitor who provides the army to save her crown, notthe one who labors over some petty distinction for what is just." He stopped and looked back atthe prisoner. "Besides, he is as likely to be a treacherous brigand as a simple wanderer. There isno other way in which we may proceed."

"What about enchantment?" Alodar said suddenly. "He could hold nothing back if underthe charm of a sorcerer. If his tribe proves friendly, then he can be freed."

"Kelric would attempt no such feat when fully in health and in the comfort of Ambrosia."Basil waved the words aside. "He certainly will not try such an adventure now."

"I was not thinking of Kelric," Alodar replied coldly. "I have studied enough that I amwilling to give the charm a try."

"An idle bluff," Basil shot back. "The fair lady will not be fooled by such blatant attemptsto win further favor."

"It is not a bluff," Alodar said. "I have been successful with far-seeing. There is no reasonwhy I cannot enchant as well."

Before Basil could reply, Vendora rose and extended her palm for silence. She looked atAlodar and smoothed a loose curl in place. "Kelric never wavered in expounding the difficultiesof his craft," she said. "And even in his prime, his enchantments numbered less than a dozen.Can you really perform as you claim?"Alodar looked back into Vendora's eyes. "I have never attempted it before, my fair lady," he said,"but my studies thus far have increased my confidence so that I feel there is a reasonable chanceof success. If you would prefer touching the nomad's mind, rather than tearing his body, then Ishall attempt it."

Vendora's eyes narrowed, and then she looked back at Basil. "If Alodar indeed can effectsuch enchantment, then it is a skill which I can employ well in my service," she said. "I thankyou, Basil, for your efforts in my behalf, but I judge it is in my best interest if you turn theprisoner over to the aspiring sorcerer."

Basil's scowl deepened, and he stood silently for a long moment. Finally, with a wave ofdisgust, he spun and tromped off to the other side of the firepit. His followers pushed thebarbarian forward, and the nomad pitched to his knees at Alodar's feet.

"Get Melab," Alodar said to Grengor, "and prepare to hold the prisoner steady. I willconsult with Kelric and learn what I must know."

Alodar ran up the beach to the low ridge where Kelric slept. He touched the sorcerer'sarm and gently rocked him back and forth. The flesh felt hot; as the eyes slowly opened, Alodartouched the bare forehead and frowned.

"Ah, my sugar plum," Kelric's voice wheezed. "Are you so impatient for more that youdisturb my sleep?"

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"It is only your student," Alodar said. "And I interrupt your rest on service to the queen."Kelric started to reply but gagged instead and then coughed spasmodically for several

minutes. He shook awake and widened his eyes as he recognized Alodar hovering over him."Not more sorcery,” he whispered at last. "You push too hard, Alodar, and will end in no bettercondition than I."

"I wish that Basil carried with him the substance of his trade, rather than the tokens of hiswealth," Alodar said, ignoring the sorcerer's words. "With the proper ingredients, I could brew analchemical potion to cool the fever and purge your sickness. But neither my thaumaturgy orDuncan's magic sphere can offer any aid."

Kelric shrugged and rattled out a deep sigh. "It is far less discomforting than if Iattempted one charm too many," he said, "and the visions that swim before my eyes are as goodas any I have had when in a trance. Let it be, Alodar. Even though a sorcerer can see theworkings of fate, he cannot alter them."

Alodar looked back over his shoulder to the firepit. Grengor and Melab struggled to holdthe captive in a sitting position, and Vendora stood with her hands on her hips, looking Alodar'sway.

"I was successful with the cantrip last night," Alodar said. "Even the third repetition camewithout much difficulty. The queen now has need for an enchantment, and I feel I am ready toattempt it."

"No, Alodar," Kelric said weakly. "Do not be misled just because one charm seems toprogress well. You were probably fatigued and your senses dull. If you tried the very samecantrip fully alert, you might find it beyond your power to complete it."

Kelric raised one shaky hand and motioned Alodar closer to his head. "And theenchantment of a mind as complex as a man's is too large a step," he continued softly. "I studiedfor two years before my mentor judged me proficient enough to try it. If you have seen afar forthe first time less than a day ago, then you must rest instead, before pursuing anything more."

"But it is for the queen," Alodar said, "and the favor that I hope to find in her eyesbecause of it."

"Ah, the fair lady." Kelric choked out a laugh. "Even I have not dared dream so high."His chest heaved wTth effort for several moments more, and then he slowly sh»ok his head. "Inmy youth, it was always just one charm more," he said. "Just one more and my power would begreat enough that men would bow their heads with respect and my choice of the ladies would bea pleasant confusion." He shook his head a second time. "You state that you do this for thequeen, Alodar, but in the end I doubt that she will behave differently than any other."

He stopped and looked Alodar in the eye and saw the resolution. "But I recognize thefierceness that cannot be denied," he sighed at last. "And there will be little more that I will teachyou. If you must know of enchantments, then listen to my words well."

Kelric whispered the charm, and Alodar concentrated intently to remember the strangepattern of words. It was only a third the length of the cantrip for far-seeing. After a short while,he returned to Vendora and the others. He looked about and raised his brows in surprise as theyall stepped back and flung their arms over their eyes. He coiled into a crosslegged position anddirected Grengor and Melab to set the captive before him. While the two marines held thenomad's head steady and pressed his eyelids open, Alodar began the charm.

The first recital went smoothly enough; but from the first word of the second repetition,Alodar felt the beginning of the resistance. Hee spoke half a dozen words correctly, then almostgagged as he attempted the next. He tried to force his tongue flat in the bottom of his mouth, but

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spasms of nausea forced his lips closed each time he pursed them into a circle. He bracedhimself, concentrated on the next three in succession and finally forced them out. He licked hisspray-chapped lips, and beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead. The rest of the charmfaded away. Almost in panic, he mentally grabbed at the chain of words as they seemed todisappear down a hole in his memory. He focused on the next and brought it back into sharpness.By holding his breath, he kept his stomach calm. With excruciating slowness, he finished thesecond recital.

Alodar felt dizzy, A chilling numbness ran up and down his legs. His tired body protestedthe abuse. The thought that the strain would only increase began to weigh heavily on his mind.He broke the starting word of the final repetition into syllables and concentrated on uttering thefirst correctly. But each time he opened his mouth, his lips trembled and he fought to force backthe rumbles of his stomach. He gasped like a man choking and beat his fist into the sand to popthe sound free, but it would not come. For several minutes he struggled, his arms twitching andhis eyes stinging with salty tears. A dull pain started to throb in the base of his neck and pulseupwards between his ears as the realization that he might not finish began to form.

In desperation Alodar flailed about and untied the pouch with the sphere from his side.He grasped the coldness and held it at eye level, hoping somehow to tap its reputed powers to aidin finishing the charm. He stared at the closed eye, but his thoughts crackled with tenseness. Thestrange feeling that poured over him outside of the Cycloid Guild would not come.

With a final effort he twisted his lips into the correct form and squeezed his sides. Araspy growl dribbled from his mouth and then his head seemed to explode in a flash of light, as ifhe had been struck by a well-aimed mace. A searing pain raced through his body. With a feelingof his skin being stripped away, he slid from consciousness.

"The queen explicitly left him in our custody," a voice shouted angrily."Then you did not discharge your duty with much competence," a second answered.

"Well, we have what we need to know, and one barbarian life more or less does not matter.'"Alodar blinked his eyes open and then quickly squeezed them shut again. He moved his

head slowly to the side and felt a sudden throbbing that continued unabated for several minutes.He wrapped his arms about his stomach, but the pressure did not help, and he kept his lips firmlypressed together, trying to force back the queasiness. Kelric had been right; he had pushed too farand misspun the enchantment.

Alodar felt a gentle touch on his brow and cracked one lid open to see Aeriel bendingover him. "You have been in a swoon for over a day," she said. "And during the night, Basilcarried out the rest of his plan."

Alodar propped himself up on one elbow, grimacing at the pounding the motion started inhis head.

"Then what did the apothecary learn?" he asked weakly. "I think my sorcery will not bethe means by which we deal with the nomads."

"Their camp is to the north, beyond the rocky point," Aeriel said. "Their group is a smallone, their men number no more than ours. They plunder as much as they hunt. On the morrowthey wUl move southwards, looking for shipwrecked booty from the storm. We must eitherretreat before them or make the conditions of confrontation our own choosing. From the way thecaptive related their history, a civilized parlay is out of the question."

"Are they the only ones with whom we can deal?" Alodar asked."No, there are others scattered throughout the north. The larger tribes are in the hills to

the west, seeking the game that winter drives down from the higher peaks. But enough of that.

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Let the other suitors carry forth the queen's banner for awhile. From the looks of your face, youneed more rest I can fetch you a meal, as well."

Alodar slowly shook his head. "Had I succeeded, there would have been no denying myprimacy," he groaned. "As it is, now I must strive all the harder not to loose more ground."

"Keltic warned that it takes more than a week for a misspinning to fade," Aeriel replied."Are you truly ready to contest again after a single day?"

Alodar tried to push himself to a sitting position, but his arm trembled with the effort, andhe collapsed back to the ground. "Perhaps just a little while longer to gather my strength," hesaid.

"And the meal?" Aeriel asked.Alodar clutched his stomach. "Food I can still do without." He looked into her face filled

with concern. "But your presence would be a comfort indeed."Aeriel smiled, sat down beside Alodar, and placed her hand lightly on his shoulder.

Alodar managed to smile back and then turned his attention to the loud voices around the firepit"Sweetbalm on their prowess!" Feston said, pounding a fist into an open palm. "We still

outnumber them by one or two. If we strike at dusk, surprise will cany the day. And it is onlyforce that these barbarians respect. They will submit to us no other way."

"You speak with the imprecision of a neophyte," Duncan shot back. "Suppose we were totake their camp. What would we have when we were done? Half of our men slain and half oftheirs. Our numbers would be no greater than what we have now. And We would have traded tenstout hearts for an equal number who will serve only with a sharp blade at their backs. Let usretreat south, I say, as best we can. Even if they catch up, my sphere will protect the queen fromharm."

"A fight in their camp would not be as bad as all that,” Basil said, "if we could fell thechieftain with one of the first blows. According to our captive, his hold on the group is slight. Hebullied them to rob anyone who ventured this way, regardless of the profit in it. Why, theirtreasure he bragged of was no more than some alchemist's rotting samples they had plundered aweek ago. You look with scorn at what I have done with a barbarian. But apparently that wasnothing compared to what this chieftain delights in whenever a civilized man falls into hisclutches. If we can kill the leader, then the rest just might lay down their arms and follow thevictors."

"Such a blow will not be swung easily," Grengor said quietly. "These nomads are asuspicious lot. They would insist we drop our arms before entering camp. And if we rushedthem, the leader would be in the center. We would have to hack through them all to approachhim." He stopped and rubbed his chin. "It would take a berserker to slash through the defense—aberserker or perhaps someone like Feston's guard whom we saw on the royal barge. His ownsafety concerned him not. Indeed, he took more than one mortal wound without even flinching."

"More sorcery," Duncan sneered. "That plan is no better than any other." He looked atKelric, propped up against a rock a little distance away, his arms sagging limply at his sides, andthen over to Alodar, barely managing to hold his head off the ground. "One nearly dead and theother unable to complete an enchantment. I say that the key to our dilemma somehow involvesthe use of my sphere and that we should not act until we discover it"

"Then what is your proposal, Duncan?" Vendors asked. "If we cannot gain by arms orguile, how does your magic assemble the army that I need?"

Duncan looked back at the queen and then dipped his head in silence. For a long moment,Grengor and the suitors stood shuffling their feet in the sand, saying nothing. Finally Vendora

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turned to two other marines standing further back. "Bring me Kelric," she said.The two men fetched the sorcerer. With a hand under each arm, they brought him to stand

before the queen. Vendora looked at the sagging form and spoke softly. "Master Kelric," shesaid, "I am sorry that your loyalty to the court has brought you such distress. But with theconditions being as they are, can one final enchantment make any difference?"

"You are so tactful with your words, my fair lady," Kelric wheezed without bothering toraise his head from his chest. "Since my hours seem numbered and no one cares how manyremain, why not one final gesture for the glory of Procolon, you say." He nodded his head backand forth. "There are not enough jewels in Basil's coffers to make me want to attempt it."

A flicker of irritation crossed Vendora's face, and then she pressed her lips in thought.After a long moment, she reached forward and touched Kelric's arm. Frowning with the effort,she bent over and brushed her mouth against his cheek. "I am not so removed from the gossip ofthe palace that I do not know for what reasons you ply your craft," she said. "We have ignoredyour plight since we landed, one and all, it is true. But if you perform this labor in my cause, thenyour nurse and comforter shall be none other than the queen of Procolon."

Kelric raised his head and looked at Vendora through half open eyes. "And if thatcomfort requires a caress or two or perhaps even a lack of haste to resmooth a gown blown abovethe knee by the wind?" he said.

"We shall see later what it entails. Perform for me what I require and you will beappropriately rewarded."

"You are no different from the lowest chambermaid," Kelric said. "Full of vaguepromises that must be wrenched out of you, once the deed is done."

Vendora drew erect and placed her hands on her hips. "There are two importantdifferences, sorcerer. First, I am none less than the queen. And second, even if I were not . . "She left the sentence unfinished and curved her lips into a slight smile.

Kelric's eyes widened as he drank in Vendora's beauty. "But, my fair lady," he said, "inrefusing an enchantment before, my words have been true. With full health I would fail; noweven if I desired it as nothing else, the result would be the same."

Alodar frowned in concentration as he sensed the opportunity. The suitor that resolvedthe course of action would gain, relative to the others. Despite how he felt, he must enter thediscussion. He ignored the weakness and pushed himself up.

He looked to his side and saw the top of the sphere poking out of the sand from where hehad dropped it. He scooped it up and slowly climbed to his feet, panting rapidly. For a momenthe gently swayed back and forth, waiting for the throbbing to quiet and the flashes of light toclear from his eyes.

"But with the sorcerer's eye, would not the effort for enchantment of only one be greatlyreduced?" he called out. "And with a willing subject, even less required."

All eyes turned to Alodar as he weaved across the beach and finally thrust the eye intoKelric's hand. "Use it," he said. "It will be some time before I will be of full service to the fairlady."

Kelric looked down at the translucent orb, up to Alodar, and then back to the queen. Heran his eyes over her a second time and then scratched his side. For a long moment, he wassilent. "Oh, it just might work," he conceded at last. "Yes, with the help of the eye. I learned thecharm in my youth and thought I never would have cause to use it. And for the attention of thefair lady against expiring alone, I may as well try."

'Then there remains only the matter of the subject," Vendora said, looking quickly around

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the circle. "Who among you will seize the opportunity for greater glory?"Heads dropped as she scanned the group. As if she were a sorceress herself, the circle of

men avoided her eyes. A minute passed and no one moved, "Men of great bravery and pledged tothe fair lady!" Keltic laughed. "And not one as brave as an old man with insufficient strength todraw a sword,"

"My life for the crown of Procolon I have always sworn," Grengor responded quietly. "Ido so still. But that life I have pledged to give in honor in battle, not smothered and stolen awayby the foulness of sorcery." "But it seems the only way," Alodar said. "Without the enchantment,we will not bend this first small band to our side."

"Then let it be you, suitor and savior of the queen," Duncan sneered. "You have therighteous air of the pure hero of the saga. If you are indeed true to your ideals, then it is you whoshould do the deed."

Vendora turned to Alodar and her lips curved into a small smile. "It seems your boastswith sorcery far exceeded your craft, Alodar," she said. "How soon then will it be before you canswing a blade and carry an equal load with the rest?"

Alodar licked his lips and held himself steady as he returned the gaze of the queen. Heheard Aeriel rush to his side but nodded before she could speak. "It is as Kelric states, my fairlady," he replied, "a question of bravery. When you weigh the virtues of your suitors, rememberwho spoke when all the others remained silent."

The first recitation had been long. Alodar sagged with weakness as he sat in front ofKelric, who still held the small sphere at eye level. He looked from the motionless old sorcerer,mumbling before bom, to the ocean beyond. In the low afternoon sun, he could see the sail of thelongboat still fluttering above high tide. He looked to the south, over the unending beach thatfinally blurred out in the distance. He studied the hills to the north that curved to the surf, cuttingoff his view.

Then with a sudden shock, Alodar felt his gaze wrenched in the direction of the sphere.Instinct took over; he tried to draw his head away or raise an arm, but his muscles would notrespond. With great effort, he squinted his eyes to thin slits, resolved to catch only a glimpse ofwhat Kelric held in his hand and then dart.

But he could only blink once, then stare directly into the globe.A single eye, now fully open, glowed back at him, its iris golden yellow and dilated with

power.Around the white perfectly spaced black lashes stood tensely erect, and tiny crackles of

blue flame darted from one hair to the next. The eye floated free in the confines of the sphere,circled with but a hint of the palest flesh. In fascination, Alodar examined the orb whichconfronted him, feeling that he must let no part go unstudied or neglected. Even from thedistance, he could somehow tell that the lashes curved inward in the same precise arcs; not asingle vein marked the perfect whiteness in which the pupil swam.

With a last shudder, he stared straight at the pupil and felt a sudden dizziness as the worldabout him swept away. The sea, the hills, the men who stood with faces guarded, one by one theydimmed and were gone. Alodar lashed his mind out in blackness. He groped for the fabric of hisexistence but felt it dissolve. The other suitors, the craftmasters, Vendora, Aeriel—visions ofthem warped before him and slid away into the blackness. And Alodar, Alodar the suitor, theneophyte magician, the alchemist's apprentice, the journeyman thaumaturge, the one whoquested for the fair lady—like the layers of an onion, his self-images were peeled off andcrumbled away.

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Shell after shell faded into oblivion. As the innermost core was bared and dissolved withthe rest, Alodar screamed in anguish and then was quiet.

Now there was only the eye and the eye was everything. The blackness was complete; hecould not see. The silence was complete; he could not hear. He was composed of nothingness; hecould not feel. But the eye was there. The eye would provide; the eye would guide him. Whatwas proper for him to see, he would be shown. .What was proper to hear, he would hear. Whatwas proper for him to feel, he would feel.

Gradually and gently, he began to perceive. At first it was only a whisper and, becausethere was nothing else, he dwelt upon it; the murmur grew into a hiss of surf on sand. As it did,the darkness lifted; the sun shone behind Wm, lighting a gentle sea, broken only by a single maststanding above the tide. The sea ran upon a beach, a beach that stretched off in the distance to thesouth and butted against hard granite hills to the north.

He felt the wind course about him, heard the call of gulls above the beach. The scenebefore him shimmered for an instant. Then, where there had been no one, a tired old man wassitting in the sand. Without asking, Alolar knew the man was Kelric the sorcerer. He heard acough behind.

Without turning, he knew of the marines and the men of the court of Procolon.He watched the sorcerer without feeling. And as he waited, he felt himself take form, felt

the layers build upon the seed that sprang into being as he watched. He was Alodar, Alodar thejourneyman thaumaturge, the alchemist's apprentice, and the neophyte magician. Feeling coursedthrough his limbs. He was Alodar the fighter and he felt a restlessness welling up in him, to takeform and guide him to action. He felt a desire to strike, to bring forth blood, to hack until becould hack no more. And it felt right. He was Alodar and this was his purpose for being.He rose to his feet, eyes still on the sorcerer who somehow held his attention. Behind thehuddled form he saw a woman, looking away, walking slowly along the beach. She wasbeautiful, cheeks aglow, crimson hair flowing behind as the waves rolled up to touch her barefeet.

In a flash he was Alodar the suitor as well as the fighter. As he looked at the woman,something began to matter greatly. It bubbled up beside the desire to fight and it grew angularand sharp and sawed at his mind for attention. But the lust for blood flamed higher, and the edgesof the other desire shrank beside it. The sharpness rounded and it subsided. She was only Aeriel,a lady of the court. He was Alodar the journeyman thaumaturge, the alchemist's apprentice, theneophyte magician—but most of all, Alodar the warrior.

The feeling exploded within him and he drew his sword with a mighty flourish and apiercing scream. Without waiting for the others, he turned and raced out of the camp, across thesand, and to the fight, to the blood that beckoned him from the hills to the north.

Like a machine of the thaumaturges, Alodar stomped forward with an even cadence upand over the low dunes, across the gullies that emptied to the sea, striding evenly, breathingevenly, not pausing to check his direction or how far he had gone.

He was aware of the others scurrying behind, trying to keep pace. Once, after an hour,two of the marines raced bv carrying the sorcerer between them on a makeshift stretcher. The oldman raised himself shakily on one arm as they came alongside and looked Alodar deeply in theeyes. Alodar paid him no heed. After a moment, Kelric signaled that all was well. His bearersdropped back to join the throng behind.

The sun sank towards the west, casting the men's shadows before them as they finallyclimbed

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through a cut in the hills. At the narrow pass, Alodar felt a sudden compulsion to pause. Hewaited for the rest to draw up beside him and look down to a cove beyond.

They saw a narrow finger of the sea crook inland in the midst of a scattering of smallcampfires. Around each, two or three men sprawled in relaxation, talking, picking fleas fromeach other, and gnawing on the remains of the evening meal. Nearest the inlet, one roared withlaughter, holding high a silver cup and wiping the back of his hand on a woolly vest. On thepeninsula of land between the bay and the sea, women and children clustered about low-slungtents and hobbled ponies.

"It is as the captive painted it," Grengor said. "If we hurry we can take them as they eat.""Then let us group at the outcropping over there/' another man replied. "With master

Alodar rushing out, and a bit of luck, he will have the chieftan down just as we show ourselvesand charge."

Alodar heard grunts of agreement, and the desire to rest quickly passed. The bloodthirstrose again, and he jerked at the hilt of his sword. He struck out in the lead down the hillside,scrambling over the rocks and just barely remaining behind cover. The urgency boiled higher,and his nostrils flared in anticipation. The rest followed behind as he descended the irregulartrail.

Halfway down, his view suddenly blurred. As he lurched around a large boulder, he didnot see the cove, but more of the hills leading to higher mountains in the distance. In the verycenter, a monolith of cold granite soared into the sky. Alodar stopped and blinked in confusion.He was Alodar the bloodspiller, with a purpose soon to be fulfilled. There was no room in hisexistence for anything but his mission.

But the spire compelled, and he felt himself drawn forward. He seemed to skim over therough ground. Like a tiny leaf blown by the wind, he hurled to the tower. At its base, hiscompulsion grew, and he launched himself up the side. Hand over hand, as rapidly as he seemedable, he climbed into the sky, drawing nearer to whatever called him. In an instant he neared thepeak and stopped to stare at what was before his eyes. The stone was smooth, with no more gripsto pull him higher; but directly in front, protruding from the rock, was the tarnished surface of anancient bracelet.

As Alodar reached forward to pull it from the wall, the vision wavered and blurred. Hefelt the presence of the eye expand in his mind, growing, consuming, absorbing into blacknessthe sights about him. The scene flashed away and he looked down into a cove populated by asmall tribe of barbarians. He blinked again, but the image remained firm.

He resumed his hurried descent, untroubled by what he had seen and intent only on whathe was meant to do. • Down the hillside the party went, until at last they stood poised at theoutcropping, barely fifty yards from the small camp at the water's edge. With perfect calmness,Alodar marched out from the hiding place and headed straight for the barbarians, his hand on thehilt of his sword and his gaze steady.

The men in the camp spotted him almost immediately. Alodar heard an order barkedfrom the water's edge as two men rose to meet him. He closed half the distance and scannedthose still seated, marking for sure the one who commanded them.

"Drop your arms," the two guardsmen growled in unison as he approached. Alodar tookbut two more steps and felt the last restraint hurl away. The lust for blood billowed up. With afrenzy, he drew his sword. Swinging it high overhead, he ran at the two with a chilling yell.

The man on the right cleared his blade of the scabbard but did not have time to use it.Alodar's sword swung down into his shoulder with a bone-breaking thud. As the man sank,

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clutching spasmodically with his free hand the wound, Alodar pulled his sword backwards andwrenched it free. The other nomad stood openmouthed, till not comprehending the folly of sucha suicidal attack.

Alodar thrust his dagger into the nomad's stomach with his left hand in a swiping zigzagthat spilled the man to the ground.

The men behind all scrambled to their feet. The ones nearest instinctively drew theirswords as Alodar thundered into their midst. They formed a shallow bowl around him, animalhide shields high and swords pointing out. Alodar looked beyond, down to the water's edge,where he saw the chieftain now on one knee, peering in puzzlement at the commotion.

Using sword and dagger together, Alodar lunged at the two immediately in front. As hisblade skittered off their shields, he bolted around them. The man on his left slashed backwards,and Alodar felt the sharp edge of pain race through his left arm. He convulsively dropped hisdagger and faltered for a step, his vision fogging from the blow. But the urge to run amok welledup even stronger and beat down the pain, hurling it away. With the arm dangling at his sidespewing blood, he sprinted down the beach to his target.

The chieftain rose to his feet, barking new orders to the men scattered along the way.Behind Alodar, the original group pounded after, now out of sword reach but sealing off allretreat.

Glancing quickly to the side, Alodar saw a bowman nock an arrow and began to track hisprogress across the sand. One arrow sailed by in front, and then a second fell niches behind. Heburst across the logs which defined the chieftan's campfire and closed upon the three men whostill stood between him and his goal. With a savage yell, he hacked low underneath the fallingshield on his right and hit just above the ankle, sweeping the man from his feet. The two on theleft both slashed downward on his unprotected side but missed as Alodar dipped and scrambledforward.

The man nearest swung again, this time in a low horizontal arc. The point reachedAlodar's calf, and his leg buckled. The leader and the two aides closed about him, each eager todeliver a mortal blow.

The pain coursed up through his leg and spine as Alodar struggled to stand and get pastthe chieftain's guard. Three blades were raised against him, but he concentrated only on one,trying to find an opening before they fell.

Suddenly beyond the periphery of the camp, a mighty yell arose and the marines and therest of the royal party charged into view. The three swordsmen hesitated and turned to see thecause for the commotion. Alodar saw his chance. He swung his sword up into the air, reversinghis grip, and plunged it daggerstyle at the face of the leader. The point caught the barbarian in theleft eye and snapped his head backwards with the fury of the blow.

The other two nomads spun back to see their leader fall and then dropped their jaws asthey saw Alodar standing with both arms at his side, staring vacantly. One took a step forward,sword still high, but then hesitated to look back at the wall of men racing his way.

Alodar felt the fury slowly subside and the pain from leg and arm return. As the delayedblow slashed down, his leg again buckled. The sword caught him in the flesh of the shoulder anddeflected off and down into the sand. Without caring, he saw the nomads waver and then throwdown their swords.

The world without fell away and the crescendo of the pain rose higher. In desperationAlodar sought out the eye, the eye which had comforted him, which had provided for him, whichgave him his reason for being and protected him from pain.

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But the presence was not there and the pain grew stronger, throbbing through limb andtorso and beating on the fiber of his brain with ever-increasing strokes of lightning. Alodargroped for a touchstone, some reference point in the void to guide him to the eye, but none wasthere. Then, as he was on the edge of consciousness, a vision came of a granite crag, a braceletembedded in its peak, and the sleeping form of a great wizard. As the pain finally overwhelmedhim, Alodar clawed the air, reaching out to grasp at the strange force which beckoned him overthe hills.



"LOOK, Grengor, he stirs." Alodar heard the words filter through the numbness thatpermeated his entire body. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Aeriel's auburn curls cascadingdown about his face. He shifted the position of his head and felt her caress on his cheek. A dullthrob pounded in his head.

"Gently, Alodar," she said softly. "My lap will serve as well as any cradle till you mend.There was some sweetbalm in the chieftain's plunder but it was far from freshly brewed. It closedthe wounds and stimulated the regrowth, but it still will be some time before you are whole."

Alodar frowned as dim memories stirred. A bouncing ride, thin acorn gruel forcedbetween his lips, Aeriel's soft words, sunlight and campfires swirled together in a blur. Helooked out into the evening light and saw a dozen campfires scattered about the slopes of a wide-mouthed valley. The hills came together like cupped palms, and ferns and long-stemmed grassesclustered near the small stream that ran where they touched. On the slopes, the naked oaks werefew, and stately pines soared over a hundred feet into the sky. Ponies whinnied in the distance,mixing their cries with the guttural accent of the north-men's voices. In the group nearby, twotangle-haired women served the queen, while one of the marines passed a waterskin back to achieftain.

Alodar opened his mouth to speak, but Grengor cut him off. "Fear not, master. After yourdeed, not a man among us begrudges your weight. Your litter will be carried all the way back tothe palace halls in Ambrosia if it need Each bearer remembers that, because of your wounds, hedid not receive any."And the barbarians regard you as some great hero from the sagas. We tell them that you sleep inpeace, that if they do not heed your followers’ commands, once again they will face your terriblewrath. Why, in the eight days that you drifted in and out of your swoon, the first tribe'sterrified tale and Basil's beads have swollen our forces many fold. We are nearly a hundred now,

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moving southward for the queen.""It is not quite so simple, Grengor," Aeriel said. "I have seen the petty quarrels and heard thewhispered conversations among these hastily assembled allies. Basil's gems and Feston'spromises for greater reward will not keep their attention forever. As the ranks swell, they willbecome much more difficult for the few of us to manage."

"I am as aware of the truth as you, my lady," Grengor assured her. "Under thecirc*mstances, our present course seems the best. A hundred men will make no difference inProcolon's defense, but there is no time to build a large and disciplined army. We must movedown the line of hills that parallels the coast as rapidly as we can, convincing whomever we findalong the way to enlist in the cause of the fair lady. Each of us now directs six or seven of thenomads. With a bold front, perhaps we can command ten times that number. If we are lucky, wewill cross the border with more than a thousand swords."

Alodar struggled to sit up. "Grengor," he said, "the crag, the wizard's tower to the west,where the snow dips to the hills. How many days for all of us on foot? We must go there."

"Be not alarmed, my lady," Grengor told Aeriel. "It is but a delirium. A small phantasmfrom having undergone the charm of the sorcerer. As the body mends, so will the mind."Alodar still felt sick and dizzy from his miscast charm. The sweetbalm was no longer potentenough to blot out all of the pain. "Fetch Kelric, I say. He must interpret the vision. We cannotchoose our course until it is settled."

"He alone of our troop has perished," Grengor said. "Even with the aid of the eye, hegave up the little power that remained within him to quell your pain and guide your final thrustinto the cheiftain's brain. Indeed, had he not so passed from us, you still would be only what hechose to make of you."

Grengor paused and looked off into the distance. "But in the end, I think he judged hischoice to be the right one. As he sank away, the queen pronounced him a suitor for his deed inher behalf. His last expression was a smile rather than a scowl."

Alodar was silent for a moment as the news sank in, But the feeling of urgency grew andpushed his reflection aside. "There is more to the eye than just a sorcerer's tool," he said at last."I saw and felt far beyond what Kelric impressed upon me."

"And what if it is so, master?" Grengor persisted. "The deed of the eye is done, and wemust soon return to Procolon with whatever forces we can muster. Aeriel even replaced the thingin your pouch as you slept; no one else coveted it. Leave thoughts of sorcery here in the uplands.What can they possibly matter to you now?"

Alodar leaned one hand back to steady himself and closed his eyes. The scene of the hillswith the mountains behind sprang into his mind, almost as vivid as it had under enchantment.Mentally he soared over the terrain and unerringly sped to the one spot that had compelled himbefore. The giant spire was there and inside it was a tomb. A tomb to be opened. A wizard to bequestioned. The answer to a riddle for which he could not even formulate the question.

He thought of his quest for the queen; but beside this great yearning, it did not seem tomatter. He wrinkled his brow in puzzlement and reached out to stroke Aeriel's arm at his side.How could the spire connect with what he strove for? It must be an enchantment produced by theeye itself, independent of the wielder. Had he not looked, it would be no more than an idlethought to be consumed by the fires of his ambition. But the compulsion tugged and he knew hemust respond.

Alodar opened his eyes and thought through what he would say. Waving aside Aeriel'srestraining arm, he slowly rose to face the sergeant. He swayed for a moment and then drew in a

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deep breath and was steady."I know that it will take time as well as sweetbalm to mend my body, Grengor," he said

in a slow, deliberate tone. "But my mind is clear, clear enough to know what we must do. If wecontinue directly south as we have, we will find only more of the smaller tribes in our path. Butin my vision of far-seeing on the boat, I looked down on larger camps higher in the interior,larger tribes hunting where the game is more plentiful. It will take us longer to return toProcolon, but we must strike to the west so that we increase our chances of finding greaternumbers."

"But, as lady Aeriel says," Grengor objected, "it would also mean greater risk of losingcontrol of whatever forces we now command."

"I cannot ignore what I have seen under the spell of the eye, Grengor," Alodar said. "Imust go west and seek out the answer. This beckoning I cannot explain, but the truth of it I donot doubt. If you will trust me as your leader, then I ask you to join me."

Grengor looked back at Alodar's face. "The other suitors will not be convinced easily.And if we argue in front of the barbarians, the feeble hold we have on them may vanish."

"I will go alone if I must," Alodar said, looking out over the campfires. "But if youmarines and the nomads you command come, then the others will follow. We are the majority.As you say, the suitors will not risk a confrontation. They will reason that a few days detour isfar better than proceeding southward with a small fraction of our party."

Grengor rubbed his chin. "The south or west; we do not know for certain the outcome ofour fortunes either way," he mused.

"You followed me onto the wargalley's deck and into the longboat in a raging sea,"Grengor was silent for a moment. "And into the nomad's camp." He slapped his side at last.

"Forgive my hesitation, master. If you command to the west, it is to the west we will go.Rest lightly while I pass the word. We will strike into the ulterior tomorrow."

Grengor went off, and Alodar felt Aeriel's touch on his shoulder. "There is still time forrest," she suggested. "Come, make yourself comfortable."

They settled to the ground and Alodar looked up into dark eyes that reflected theflickering glows of the camp-fires. "I still quest for the fair lady," he said. "I do not know whatwe will discover in the west, but I hope that somehow it will aid in my cause."

"I understand that." Aeriel continued her gentle stroking, "Your charge into the campredeemed your loss of face for the miscast sorcery. That is all in the past now. The queen's favorwill shift to the one who can aid her best on the morrow."

For a long while Alodar thought of his thirst for glory, the granite spire, Vendora, and thefoggy memory of Aeriel's nursing in the days past. Finally he reached out and grasped her handin his. "But were it not for the quest..."

Aeriel smiled. "And I understand that as well," she said.The huge fire crackled in the first light of dawn, and Alodar huddled close for its warmth.

He tentatively stretched one of his legs forward and felt the stiffness in his calf. Idly, he fingereda chip of agate he had found on the trail and then tossed it among the clippings of herbs, twigs,rocks, and other thaumaturgical and alchemical gear he had scavenged along the way. Heslapped at one of the fleas that he had acquired from the nomadic tribesmen.

"Despite its age, the sweetbalm has done its work well, Alodar," Aeriel said beside him."Only twelve days of healing, and already you are nearly well."

"Yes I think I am ready to try some of the trail on my own feet," Alodar responded,rubbing his shoulder with his free hand as she leaned against him. And I will need to be far more

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supple when we finally reach the spire.""It is well that you are so steadfast in your determination," she said. "You know full well

that Duncan and the others accompany your marines against their will. They seek only thesmallest opportunity to show you still bemused from Kelric's spell. Once even a hint of doubtcreeps into your manner, they will try to exploit it to gain control."

Alodar nodded and looked down the trail. They were higher now, and the valley wallsclosed together. Rather than scattered on a broad floor, their troop snaked back in almost singlefile, the row of campfires strung like fiery beads on an invisible string. The trees crowded inclose, taking turns eclipsing the sun as it rose into the sky. Long shafts of light filtered throughthe needles, bathing the dusty air in a golden glow. Alodar heard Feston's deep voice andVendora's laugh in reply. He chafed at his self-imposed exile from her presence but, after hisfailure with sorcery, thought it best to resolve the mystery of the wizard's tower beforeapproaching her again. He looked back at Aeriel and saw her staring silently into the flame.

After several minutes, Grengor walked into view from up the trail and playfully slappedhis relief guard on the back as he passed. "By the spirits, a solemn lot," he cried as he approachedAlodar and Aeriel. "Did not your training maids tell you, my lady, of the danger of staring withsuch intensity into the blaze?"

"Yes, that they did, Grengor," Aeriel said, shaking her head and looking up to the marineas he approached. "Many a time they warned me that the fascination of the flame was only thewill of some demon in the world beyond. Reaching out and trying to bewitch me, just as thesorcerer does with his eye. And many times as a small girl I tested such old tales, too."

"You make much too light of it, my lady,” Grengor said. "Your maids instructed youwell. As the romances say, it is not only by the wizard's brazier that the realms are connected;innocent flame of whatever type might serve as the means also."

"But the sagas say that only the simplest and least powerful can come through of theirown will,"

Aeriel protested. "Demons of true power can bridge the gap only by the intercession of awizard.

Unless he deliberately seeks to make the contact and provides the exotic ingredients forthe flame, then there can be no transferral."

"Yes, my lady, it is probably as you say," Grengor replied as he moved across thecampsite. "But I shun staring at the flame nonetheless."

Alodar rose stiffly from his sprawled position and tentatively stretched to his tiptoes."Pause a few minutes while you can, Grengor," he said, "but we should break camp and beginthe climb. I hope to be well up the mountainside and perhaps even at the base of the spire beforenightfall."

Grengor grunted as he slumped down for a moment's rest at the edge of the fire. One ofthe other marines rose and sent the word down the line. One by one, the fires were snuffed out.Soon the valley walls echoed with the sounds of breaking camp and loading the ponies. In halfan hour, the long string was ready to march, and they started up the trail.

The early going was easy, up a modest incline with little rock and debris to impede theirprogress. As the sun began to arch up to its zenith, the slope steepened and the smoothnessunderfoot gave way to bare rock, tumbled and cracked by the snow melts of spring.

Alodar panted near the lead, his lips pulled into a slight grimace as he tried his weight onhis healing leg. With such a large party, the pace was slow enough; but he was tiring rapidly andwished that a good place to halt would soon appear.

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"A moment, Alodar," Aeriel gasped. "I am beginning to feel the effects of the height.Should we not pause, even if we do not prepare a meal?"

"I petition with the lady," Grengor said as he struggled to join them. "I have an itchbetween my shoulders that has tormented me since we broke camp this morning."

Alodar smiled at Grengor's efforts to reach a spot high up in the center of his back. "Holdstill for a moment," he said. "I will give you aid while Aeriel catches her breath."Grengor turned his back, and Alodar briskly began to rake the area with his hand."Aieeee!" Grengor shouted and danced away. "Desist, master. Your scratch turns the itch intopain. I prefer the more gentle touch of the lady." He knelt down before Aeriel, and she cautiouslylaid her hand on his back.

"Why, there is something caught underneath your tunic, Grengor," she exclaimed. "I canfeel the lump of it quite plainly against my palm."

Alodar stepped forward and ran his hand down the neck of the garment. After a fewexploratory jabs, he withdrew a small, round, and barbed object. "It is an ivoryroot burr," he said."I would not think that such a plant could grow so far north. No wonder you had discomfort thismorning. Those spines would drive even the concentrating sorcerer to distraction."

Grengor rose to his feet, flexed his shoulders and grinned. "Many a wound have I bornein silence," he said. It seems this ivoryroot is more than a match for me.

He attempted to step forward to take the lead as the est of the party began to bunch upbehind. But with a flailing stagger, he pitched onto the rocky slope, breaking his fall only at thelast instant. He turned and struggled to regain his feet as a marine and two barbarians nearbybegan to bellow with laughter at his plight. Alodar looked down, puzzled at his usuallysurefooted sergeant, and saw the reason for his fall.

"Grengor," be said, "your bootlaces are tied together!"Grengor scowled first at Alodar and then at Aeriel."Such frivolity does little for discipline on the march. I am surprised that one of you two

would act so out of character.""But, Grengor," Aerial protested, "in no way would I do such to you. Perhaps your lacesentangled themselves when you stopped to have the burr removed."

"Unlikely that a double bucket knot could be made accidentally." Greogor retied hisboots and turned to resume the climb. "Enough. I know better than to confront your denials. Justdo not be surprised if I give your campfire a wider berth in the future."

Aeriel turned to Alodar and they exchanged questioning glances. Alodar shrugged andresumed the climb. Grengor worked out his heat as he attacked the ever-steepening mountain.Soon the entire party was again strung out in a long, thin line, clambering over the fallen rockand gasping for air.

They traveled for barely a quarter hour more when the monotony of heel on stone wasbroken by an angry shout back down the line.

"By the shields, I will have no more of this badgering." The voice carried up to whereAlodar circled a large boulder in the way. "Draw your sword now, knave, and let us settle it."Alodar quickly limped back down the line, shouldering marines and nomads aside. He reachedthe commotion just as blades clanked for the first time. 'To your station," he commanded themarine.

"Attend to your chieftain," he shouted at the nomad. The two men stopped andmomentarily stepped backwards. "Enough," Alodar concluded as he halted between them. "Youboth know that the gain of all depends on each of us working together, not against each other.

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Now what brings on such folly?""He drew on me, for what cause I do not know, master," the marine said. "I unsheathed

my own blade only to defend myself from his attack.""Away with your smooth words," the other shot back, "Look at my bead and shoulders.

Do you think that I sweat so much in this dry air to drench me so? Ha, now look at this one'sgoatskin. Empty with not a drop left for its intended purpose.Alodar looked back to the marine. His goatskin was flapping empty against his side. "Perhaps aleak, master," he mumbled. "And I swear I did not come near this man until he whirled about andaccosted me."

Alodar eyed the evidence, trying to formulate a reprimand that would deter the rest of histroop from such conduct while not hampering their fighting spirit. As the marine's glancedropped to the ground under Alodar's penetrating stare, a startled cry from the head of the lineshot down the mountainside.

"And now it is lady Aeriel," Alodar growled in irritation. He sighed and began to limpback up the trail. "I shall attend to your punishment later."

He passed two nomads, huddled beside the rough path, and saw them pull their garmentsabout them in a sudden gust of wind. A fine mist billowed down the trail. Before Alodar couldreact, he was surrounded in dimness. He frowned and tried to brush the fog away with his handsas he continued upwards. He felt a tingling on his exposed skin as when he accidentally hadspilled one of Saxton's acids. His eyes began to sting, and only with difficulty was he able toforce them open.

He heard Aeriel call again, this time quite near. Through squinted eyelids, he couldbarely see her, a little distance ahead, huddled behind Grengor's bulk. Alodar joined them andAeriel slipped from behind Grengor to his arms.

"It came up in an instant," she said. "From totally clear to this biting fog."Alodar squinted out into the swirling mist, searching for an answer. Off to his right, he

caught the dance of a feeble light. As he focused his attention, he heard a tiny malicious laugh.Aeriel and Grengor turned in the direction of the noise, and at that instant the breeze stopped.The obscuring cloud dissolved and the light grew brighter, making smali random motions in theair.

"Master," Grengor shouted. "By the flames, somehow a bottle has been broken nearby."Alodar started to answer, but the air totally cleared. A tiny bumanoid figure stared back at

him out of the diffuse brightness. Scarcely a hand high, with long double-jointed limbs coveredwith coarse bristly hair, the creature hovered on long, transparent, veined wings that protrudedfrom a misshapen knob in the center of its back. The small head sat oddly out of place beforehorny shoulder blades and shone with burning eyes above a gross caricature of human nose andmouth.

"Perhaps a broken bottle," Alodar said at last. "Or perhaps, Grengor, you indeed wereprudent to avoid gazing at the flame these many years. We have an imp among us, no doubtabout it."

Alodar looked into the glowing eyes. He felt a sudden pressure on his shoulders and aweakness in his knees. "Kneel and submit. Submit to your master." A thin, reedy voice floatedthrough his mind. "Resistance is futile when you are so tired."

Alodar shook his head. "It speaks," he said aloud. "Like a sorcerer, it seeks my free will."He looked back at the small devil hovering inches in front of his face and tried to concentrate, ashe had learned under Kelric's instruction.

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"Lay down your defenses," the voice continued. "I wiH pester unceasingly until you do."Alodar felt a prickly itching on his chest and back. The teeth in his lower jaw began to

ache. He sensed the imp's presence in his mind, a hard and spiny ball that pulsed its message ofsupremacy. Like the ivoryroot burr, the sphere stabbed into his consciousness, each expansionblotting more of his free thought and increasing the distraction.

"You cannot conquer my will," the sprite doned on, "Therefore it must be yours that willfalter."

Alodar's thoughts blurred in confusion. The itching spread to his limbs and the pain in hismouth sharpened.

He felt the impulse to do as the sprite said, to be done with the aggravatioa. But a deepersense of preservation halted the reaction. He filled his lungs and focused on the throbbingirritation. To shy away from the confrontation would lead only to defeat. Mentally he formed ashell around the sphere and concentrated on expunging it from his mind. "Away, detestableirritation," he ordered. "Back whence you came and bother us no more."

The pulsing stopped for a moment, but then resumed with increasing frequency. "Submit,manthing. The itches, boils, and stings at my command will make your existence a torture. Aninfestation of a thousand fleas is nothing in comparison."

"Begone," Alodar yelled as he strained to crush the ball into nothingness. "Begone beforeI change my mind and choose instead to keep you in a bottle." He clinched his fists and increasedthe mental pressure.

The itching continued, and Alodar felt as if he were plunged in a vat of ravenous beetles.He squeezed his eyes shut. Imagining a great vice, he turned the shaft and closed the platesagainst the creature. For a second, nothing happened; but then, for the second time, the throbbingpaused.

Alodar detected a slight relaxation in the feelings which bedeviled him and pressed all theharder. The oscillations began again, but beat irregularly for only a few strokes more. With agasp, he slammed the vice closed and felt the imp's presence pop from his mind.

Without warning, the dancing brightness suddenly exploded in front of Alodar's nose.With a loud bang, the imp disappeared from view. Alodar blinked twice in surprise and thenrubbed his eyes, trying to wipe the afterimages away. He looked quickly up and down the trail.All was quiet with no hint of a breeze.

"An exorcism as good as any in the sagas," Grengor said. "Have you managed somehow,master, to study the craft of the wizard as well?"

Alodar slowly shook his head. "My reaction was instinctive. Probably what any manwould do if likewise confronted." He stopped and ran his hand over his cheek. "Perhaps mysorcery helped somewhat, although the sensations were remarkedly different. The imp did nothave the irresistible tug of an enchanter. If I surrendered, it would have been because I gave mywill to him, net because he took it. And for my own part, the sickness and reaction were notthere. I just willed him away until he accepted the command."

"But a sprite nonetheless," Aeriel marveled. "Unheard of this far north. It was remarkableenough when some spontaneously appeared in the Fumus Mountains. But here there is no sourceof exotic flame to help them through. I do not like it, Alodar. Throughout our history, demonshave shown little concern for the doings of mankind. But now in the cold north, the interior ofsmouldering mountains, and the rebelling west, they are everywhere—and in not one casebecause of the intercession of a wizard."

Alodar nodded and frowned in thought. He closed his eyes; instantly the vision of the

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spire sprang into view. "The wizard in the tomb," he said. "He will have the answer."Alodar wearily climbed the rise and limped to look over the edge. Even his arms

throbbed from the bounces of the trail. Quieting the nomads after the appearance of the imp hadtaken the better part of the day. Even without further incident their pace seemed to slow. Now atdusk, they would camp still a half day's march from his goal.

Alodar topped the crest and his eyes widened. A high meadow, like a giant platter, restedbetween peaks which circled on three sides. At the far edge, butting against one of the slopes,was another barbarian camp. He quickly counted the fires and knew that they had found one ofthe larger tribes. A show of force might not work this time. His force was outnumbered two toone.

Grengor and some of the others clambered to his side. "A display of peaceful intentionsand quickly, too!" the marine said as he scanned the scene. "We must give them no excuse todraw their blades."

As the rest of their troop poured over the ridge, a small advance party rapidly wasformed. Alodar, Grengor, the rest of the suitors, Vendora, and two of their chieftain allies brokeapart from the rest and began marching across the intervening ground to the other camp. Thecarcasses of two hares swung from an extended lance as an offering of friendship.

A group of similar size left the larger encampment; midway between the two, they metunder the darkening sky. Alodar stood at the head of his party, flanked by the two chieftains, andsurveyed the men who faced them. Five were simply dressed in loincloths and carried swordsand hide-covered shields. Two otheres wore vests of matted wool, and leather belts circled theirwaists. The man in the center towered above the rest, as tall as Rendrac had been, but trim andlean, with skin pulled tight over rippling muscles. His hair was jet black, framing deep-set,smouldering eyes over a jaw clamped with determination. His lips were thin lines, ready tochallenge or yell a warning; only with difficulty could one imagine them turned upwards in asmile. His vest was lined with leather, and iron bracelets hid each of his massive wrists.He stood with his fists at his hips and looked in turn at each of the chieftains at Alodar's sides.

"This year the game in these hills is too scarce to feed us all," he growled. "The tribesmenof Grak are as hungry as any. Begone back to the lower slopes and we will have no quarrel."

"We do not come to compete for food," Basil called over Alodar's shoulder. "Ourdirection is southward to acquire great treasure that will make concerns of the stomach a minoraffair. We detour to the west only so that you have the opportunity to join and share in the goodfortune to come."

Grak frowned and looked hack to the chieftans. "It is as the lowlander speaks," one said."Already he has showered us with jewels beyond even what you would dream. And mightyfighters will swing their swords among us as well. This one hacked his way through twenty menwithout the slightest frown of pain."

Grak looked down at Alodar and shook his head in puzzlement. "The words of a softlowlander can be trusted only when a sword is at his throat," he said. "Besides this small one,with what other marvels do they widen your eyes?" He took a step forward and shoulderedAlodar aside.

Alodar whirled and reached for his sword, Feston stepped in front of Vendora andDuncan began fumbling for the pouch at his side. "Hold your arms," Vendora shouted as she sawthe dark eyes stare down at her. "He comes only to look."

Grak took another step forward and Vendora, stepping from behind Feston's protection,drew herself erect. The nomad reached out and tipped her chin up, studying her face as he would

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appraise the booty from a battle. Vendora did not move but returned his stare unblinking. Graktouched her hair and ran a few strands through his fingers. "Like the sun," he muttered.

"Say the word, my fair lady," Feston growled. "I will make this barbarian pay for theindignity he shows your station."

Grak continued stroking Vendora's hair. Alodar tensed, darting his eyes back to Grak'scompanions and deciding where to make his first thrust. It had been foolish to bring her along tothe parley, he thought. It would have been far better to ignore her command, even though shewas the queen.

"He has no perception of my station," Vendora said at last, still looking Grak in the eye.She paused and then smiled. "And if you make it known, it will be to my displeasure."

Grak's frown returned and he looked back to Feston and the others. "Whose woman isshe?" he asked. "Perhaps there is some basis on which we can barter."

"To the four of us collectively," Duncan blurted. "No single one does she call master."Vendora threw back her head and laughed. "I am sure that many of our ways seem strange toyou, Grak, but it is for me to decide who is to be my chieftain."

"In the north, a man takes what he wants," Grak said.Vendora's face hardened. "The men of Procolon would make the price dear. You

outnumber us, it is true, but many a warrior would feel the sting of our blades before it wasthrough." She glared into Grak's eyes and then softened her expression with a smile. "And theprize is not nearly as sweet as when it is freely given."

Grak grunted and studied Vendora for a mpment more. He turned and again faced the twochieftans. "And do you adopt other lowland ways as well?" he asked. "Is there none among youwho leads the others?"

"We go to the west, another half day's journey," Alodar said. "I lead the rest to the spire,and then we turn southwards."

"Demontooth." Grak spat. "It is folly to venture in that direction. The trees are gnarled.There is no game. And the devils give no rest to any who strive there. My father kept us wellaway and his father before him. How can you lead when you command your tribe so?"

"The barbarian speaks no less than the truth," Feston cut in. "It is time we abasdon thistrek to nowhere and proceed southwards while we still can."

Alodar looked at Grak, then at the doubt forming on the two chieftains' faces. He frownedand tried to weigh the chances of getting them all to continue.

"Here, chieftain," Basil broke the silence as he handed Grak a gem. "This is a mere tokenof what can be yours if you cooperate with what we wish to do. We seek little of your game. In afew days, we will be well away from these hills. At the very least, you can show us the courtesyto let us pass in peace. And if you join forces with ours, your rewards will be even greater."

Grak looked down at the jewel thrust into his hand. He idly rolled it around his palm. Hestared back at Vendora and his eyes narrowed. "Camp here for two nights while we talk," hesaid. "I give you my permission."

"And the west?" Alodar persisted."As I have said," Grak replied, "there are demons there." He waved his arm at the two

chieftains."And after I have spoken with them, they will not go either. It is only the trip south that

we will discuss.""Then if it is to take two days," Alodar said, "there is time enough for me to make the

journey alone. I will be safely returned before you are done."

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Vendora looked at Alodar in surprise but quickly pushed her puzzlement aside. Shestudied Grak and then his campfires. "The strength of your tribe would aid me greatly," she said,"and as Basil has stated, if you join forces with ours, your reward could be even greater."

Grak stood in silence contemplating Vendora's words. "Perhaps our talk will touch onmore than a trek south," he decided.


ALODAR glanced over his shoulder as he started down the other side of the pass. Themeadow that held Grak's tribesmen disappeared from view. He looked ahead and visualized thecontours of the trail. Rather than moving further upstream, it looked as if he must traverse twovalleys to reach the spire. And even though foraging took the entire morning, he should reachthe base of the tower by nightfall. He touched the small pack on his back and felt the reassuringlumps of his rations and the implements of his crafts.

From what Grak had said, he need not worry about blundering into another group ofnomads along the way. And by leaving Grengor and the rest behind, the chance of losing controlof the group was lessened. He flexed his fingers, stretching the tendons in his arm. Thesweetbalm-accelerated healing had continued, and the soreness was less than the day before. Hebroke into a slow jog to test his muscles further. For over an hour he bounded along in silence.The descent reversed into a gentle rise and he climbed upwards towards the next pass.

When Alodar reached the saddlepoint and looked into the valley, his face broke into asmile. There on the other side, jutting up higher than the surrounding slopes, was the spire whichhad been such a persistent vision. He scanned the intervening terrain and then suddenly halted.As the queen's party had climbed from the shore, the transition from woodlands to forest hadbeen gradual, the short broadleafed trees slowly giving way to the evergreen conifers and firs.But here the change was abrupt and startling. The pines were stunted, some reaching only twentyfeet above the ground. Green mixed with equal parts of brown and gray. No tree was withoutdead and naked branches. Bare and broken snags knifed into the sky. Under the sparse canopy ofscraggly iimbs, the ground was as sterile as the trail, dust and bare rock uncluttered with smallerplants or decaying mulch.

On the far slope, the trees thinned as they approached the monolith, until only a fewgnarted dwarfs sparsely dotted the mountainside. Across the entire canyon, the air hung with adeathly quiet. No birds sang, no insects buzzed, no rodents chattered around the trunks. Thestrangeness of the scene, now that he finally saw it, tinged his elation with an unsettlingapprehension. Cautiously he resumed his tread, darting his eyes into the thin forest on either sideof the trail.

Another two hours passed, and Alodar reached the nadir of his traverse of the valley. Hescrambled across boulders in a dry stream bed and noted that here and there an occasional low

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lying shrub broke the monotony of the uncovered ground. As he skirted a big rock directly in hispath, he heard a sudden rustling in a nearby bush. Many small lizards had scampered away as hepounded along the trail in the preceding valley, but this noise was louder and hinted at somethingof much larger size.

He felt a gentle prickling in his mind that reminded him of the sprite he had exorcised theday before. He drew his sword and stepped forward. Where the undergrowth was thickest hejabbed with his blade.

"There is no need, there is no need." A form roughly the size of a small pig leaped intothe air. "I will provide for you delights undreamed and without the use of force. All you have todo is ask."

Alodar blinked and looked at the figure suddenly hovering before him. The smooth skinshimmered in an irridescent purple and, except for the face, was covered by a bristly stubble ofblack hairs. The eyes were owl-like, golden and seeming to glow from small lights within. Apointed nose twice the length of a man's sat on top of a small puckered mouth. Unlike the sprite,no wings sprouted from the spindly back; thin, rubbery limbs curled tightly around the bulboustorso. The demon floated with no visible means of support.

"Begone, whence you came," Alodar said. "I dispatched your impish brother and have noneed for you.""Do not judge so rashly," the devil said. "I am no mere sprite whose only powers are to distractand irritate with feeble rashes and common pranks." The small mouth pulled into a deep smilethat spread the rubbery face from ear to ear. "The sun is hot and there is no breeze. Would not asip of water from melted snow provide a refreshment that the hot waterskin at your side couldnot equal?"

Before Alodar could reply, the devil waved a slender hand and produced a flask filledwith ice.

"Here," it said as it decanted a gurgling stream into a clear cup. "This is but a small tokenof what can be yours."

Alodar watched the water bubble in the cup. He ran his tongue across his suddenly drylips. "Why do you submit so easily?" he asked. "I would think that you would contest my willeven more strongly than the sprite."

"Submission, surrender, putting aside resistance? It is a detail that need not concern usnow."

The demon shrugged and pushed the container forward. "Refresh your throat, and thenwe can progress to more intense desires."

Alodar frowned and knocked the cup aside with a flick of his blade. "The sagas speak ofno gift from demonkind that does not ultimately bear a price," he said.

"A shrewd bargainer, I see," the demon replied without breaking his smile. "Then perhapsthe satisfaction of a more sophisticated urge will change your mind."

The air crackled and Alodar suddenly felt a gentle brush across the nape of his neck. Hewhirled about, sword still extended, and looked into the face of a dark-skinned dancing girl,silently gyrating to an unheard rhythm. Her dark eyes beckoned; with a playful snap, she flickedone of her scarves at Alodar's blade. A long swath of cloth was looped around her neck, over herbreasts, and tucked into the top of diaphanous pantaloons. The afternoon sun silhouetted hernimble legs. Her bare arms fluttered with the motions of the dance.

"And this is no mortal sorcerer's illusion that is in your mind's eye," the demon said overAlodar's shoulder. "Step forward and discover that she is a delight to the touch as well."

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The dancer gracefully advanced and flowed past Alodar's guard. She reached up and ranher fingertips down his cheek and then pressed her body to him.

"Just place your trust in my hands," the devil continued. "Delegate your cares of thisworld to my attention. I will see that all is taken care of, and your petty concerns will trouble youno more."

The dancer clasped her hands behind Alodar's neck. Rubbing herself against his chest,she stretched on her tiptoes and bent back her head. Alodar shook his head. With his free hand hereached behind his neck and gently pushed the girl away. "The lass will avail you no better thanthe water," he said.

The dancer suddenly vanished, and the demon streaked from behind to face Alodar again."Then to the crux of the matter. Perhaps you would prefer pleasure undistorted by the infidelityof your feeble senses."

Before Alodar could speak, a gentle prickling moved in his mind and seemed to brushagainst a sensitive nodule buried deep in his consciousness. The pressure expanded with a burstof energy, and a sudden wave of pleasure radiated through his body: the drowsy comfort offalling asleep; the exhilaration of a last-second victory; the breaking of a three day fast; thesoftness of a woman's body; the spice of the newly mastered craft. The delights mixed togetherin a jumble that made Alodar gasp. With tears in his eyes he slipped to his knees and let hissword fall from his grasp.

He tried to focus on his peril. Before the thought could be half formed, a second pulsetriggered the reaction and he pitched forward to the ground, drowned by the ecstasy that flowedover him. He rolled over onto his back and sprawled on the ground, breathing shallow gulps ofair as the feeling slowly faded away.

"It is yours for the asking, continual and everlasting," the devil said as he floated overAlodar's chest and peered down. "Merely surrender your will to mine and you will have strokesof bliss that come in an unending procession.

Alodar slowly rose to sitting and looked at the grotesque smile. "You will never, by yourown devices, experience a pleasure so intense," the demon said. "And if you do not agree, thenwhat you have felt will be but a distant memory."

Alodar clamped his teeth and stared at the demon. "Begone," he said weakly."Such power in your words." The devil laughed. "I think one more sample should seal thebargain."

Alodar tensed, trying to rally a defense against the next onslaught, but at the same timesavoring the anticipation. How could anyone resist such an overpowering feeling? He banged hisfist against the ground in frustration as he realized what his next answer would be. A pulse ofdull pain ran down his arm from a wound not yet completely healed, and he blinked as an ideastruck him.

"But a moment," he said to the devil as he fumbled in his pack. "I think what I constructhere will help me decide." He withdrew a small forked branch from a fallen tree and then rapidlycoiled a hair from his head around the stem. "You see, with imagination," he said, holding thefigure forward for inspection, "one can construe this as a simple model of a mortal man. And themost critical element is the piece of wire from a discarded pack clamp I bind to one of the arms,not unlike the fiber that carried sensory messages to the brain. Finally, for the energy, my bodyheat should be enough."

Without pause, Alodar raced into a spellbinding. Before the devil could react, theconnection was complete. The demon flapped one of his hands on a rubbery wrist. "Enough

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stalling," he ordered."Drink again of my sweet nectar and tell me if you can then forsake it ever more." Alodar

felt the touch of the devil's presence. As the rapture spread through his head, he grabbed a sharprock and pressed it savagely against the wire. A numbing shock exploded in his arm and hescreamed with pain. A ripping sting ran up into his head, mingling with the feeling of pleasurebefore it could completely form. The diluted ecstasy soaked through his body, but the rawintensity was not so great as before. Gasping for breath, Alodar rose to his feet, dangling, hislimp arm at his side.

"Begone, I command you," he whispered hoarsely.Rows of wrinkles undulated across the devil's forehead. "A strong resistance," he said,

"but surely you cannot withstand one more."As the next pulse came, Alodar planted his foot over the simulacrum and ground his heel

against the wire. His knees buckled and his vision blurred. He felt as if a red hot saw were slicinghis flesh and reopening the wound. The bubble of pleasure grew for an instant but then burst intonothingness. The searing hurt swept it away in a torrent of agony. All feelings were blanked.Alodar struggled to remain conscious in the maelstrom of pain. He gulped for air and tried tofocus on the purple demon hovering before him.

The devil backed away a few feet, and then his face sagged into a comic frown. "What isyour wish, master?" he asked. "Do you desire a woman of a different type, or perhaps to tempt anenemy into the bliss from which he cannot escape?"

Alodar broke the thaumaturgical connection and the pain disappeared. "I command youto depart this world," he panted. "I have no use for your powers until I understand how to usethem well." He stopped and regained his breath. "And I care not to have the temptation of yourpresence to distract me as I struggle to my goal. Back to the world of demons from which youcame."

"But it has taken centuries for me to bridge the gap, master. And my duty is to ensure thatno one passes. My punishment will not be light if I return with a tale of failure. If you have noneed, them let me wrestle with another for his will."

"Depart," Alodar said.The sad expression twisted into a scowl. "Very well, master, since it is your command.

But know that when I return, I will tell others. You proceed to a far greater doom than what I sogenerously offered."

Alodar retrieved his sword and waved it in irritation. The purple skin of the devilsuddenly glowed into incandescence and then disappeared from view. The air popped as itrushed to fill the void where he had been.

Alodar slowly sheathed his blade and scanned the valley floor. He listened for anotherrustling but heard instead only the oppressive silence. His arm throbbed, and the thought ofimmediately plunging ahead was suddenly distasteful. He struggled to recapture the feeling ofbliss but the last hint decayed away. With a shudder, he sagged to the ground for a short rest.Alodar pulied his cloak about him. All along the final upgrade to the base of the tower, thebreeze had intensified. Now as he topped the last rise, he squinted to keep the swirling dust outof his eyes. The mountains further west hid the descending sun. The heat of the day was gone,but dustdevils danced along the trail.

A level clearing surrounded the base of the spire, three times as wide as the monolithitself. Around the perimeter, stunted bushes and gnarled trees huddled close to the ground, theirbranches twisted sideways and leaves tattered and torn. The tower flung itself into the sky, steep,

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sharp and angular, defying the elements to pull it down. It was cold and unyielding, one hugerock without fissure, a subtle pink flecked with shiny black, totally unlike the surrounding hillswhich crumbled under his heels.

Alodar ran his hand over the surface. It was a plane extending twenty feet in eitherdirection, straight and flat as if cut by a giant knife. He moved to the side where a second planeintersected the first. They met in a shallow angle and the boundary, sharp as a crystal's, soaredinto the sky. Like an irregular polyhedron thrust into the ground, all angles, lines, and planes, thespire stood in jarring contrast to its surroundings.

A dike of firm granite, Alodar thought, gradually exposed as the softer rock about itweathered away. He looked up the sheer wall towards the apex, trying to see the tarnished ring ofhis vision in the failing light. But the peak retreated into the soft shadows. All he could discernwere a few possible handholds, barely fingertip wide, strung along the rock. He felt the urge tofling down his pack and race up the side. But it would be safer to wait till morning, when therewas enough light to climb safely.

Alodar stepped back a pace, and the wind snapped at his cloak. Puzzled, he approachedthe tower again and the air fell quiet. He turned his back to the spire and extended his handoutward into the clearing. The breeze rippled through his fingers as if he had thrust them out ofthe window of a rapidly moving coach. Some sort of barrier kept out the gusts, be mused. Hetwisted sideways and knelt to the ground. Unfortunately, it was too narrow to make a shelter forhis campfire.

Alodar walked back into the quickening breeze. He chopped a few limbs from one of thelarger trees and built a small square ring of shelter on the ground. In the middle, he piled smallerbranches, twigs, and dried grasses and struck his flint hopefully. To his surprise, the spark caughtand held. In a few moments he had a small fire that somehow defied the wind, Alodar ate slowly.When the sky turned black, he spread his cloak and curled around the fire. A gibbous moon roseover the crestline in the east and cast long, cold shadows on his simple camp.

For several hours, he shivered with the cold and his anticipation of what the morningwould bring. He knew he needed the sleep but it would not come.

Restlessly he sat up on one elbow and stared at the last flickers of his fire. Only a fewwisps of flame lapped up from the glowing embers. He watched one of the flamelets suddenlydie with a final puff of smoke. The kindling which had fed it slowly turned from a brilliantyellow to a dull red.

Idly he turned to another spark and saw it dance along a log, lighting first one end andthen another. A second glow appeared by the first; they skittered to and fro in unison.

Alodar sat up and squinted at the campfire as a third dancing ball joined the others.Cautiously, he reached for his scabbard. As he touched it, a tiny laugh cut through the silence ofthe night.

Alodar sprang to his feet and danced backwards, drawing his sword. The three dotsjumped into the air; two flew high and the third arched over, diving for his head. He swung andmissed. Peals of shrill laughter rang through the air.

He thought to knock apart the pile of wood. Before he could act, it suddenly blossomed inyellow flame. Open-mouthed, he watched as the few charred sticks sent tendrils of gold into thesky, far higher and more intense than the fire he had set at dusk. The heat burned painfully at hisface.

Throwing his forearm up, he retreated towards the spire.The three sprites converged over the fire, hovered for an instant, and then dropped what

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looked to Alodar like the branches from one of the scrubby plants which grew nearby. Thefoliage fell and instantly disappeared from sight, totally consumed. The yellow turned deepemerald and then starlight blue. The heat pushed outward like Duncan's expanding sphere, andAlodar took a step irresistibly backwards.

The flickering flames took on structure. From a rounded outline grew two small, earlikeflaps, long-lobed and filled with coarse hair. Over a low, slanting brow, deep-sunk eyes dartedback and forth behind pockmarked lids. A high and crooked nose sat above long, thin mouth thatturned down in a malevolent sneer. The head rose with the flame; as it did, a body filled inunderneath, hunchbacked and spindly, naked and tufted with hair on a scaly skin that flaked offinto the fire.

"By the laws, a djinn," Alodar cried aloud. He looked up to see the imps assemble anddrop more foliage into the blaze. The demon, already formed, stepped from the fire and anotherhead began to form in his place.

The fire had to be quenched quickly, before more could pass through the gatel Wincingfrom the heat, Alodar lunged forward, stabbing at the demon that stood in his way.

The djinn's eyes flared open at Alodar's advance. A deep rumble spilled out from his lips.He waved his taloned hand, sideways, and a sudden blast of air caught Alodar in the chest.Unlike the wind of evening which had gusted and pushed, the blow pounded like a hammer.Alodar gasped for breath as his lungs emptied from the shock. He staggered forward one step. Asecond blow hit, spinning him backwards and knocking him to the ground. As he fell, the flamebehind the djinn danced skywards, coalescing into a second demon.

Alodar rose to one knee. The djinn formed a pulse of air that caught him on the chin andmade him reach for the ground for balance. Alodar looked up into the eyes of the figure toweringover him.

Its penetrating stare reminded him too much of the eye that Kelric had awakened in thesorcerer's sphere. He felt a trickle of fear race down his spine. Instinctively, he grabbed thepouch at his side and felt the smoothness of the orb.

The demon's thick brows shot upwards into his wrinkled forehead as he saw the motion.He walked forward and extended his hand. Alodar drew his sword, but a furnace blast skittered itaway. Still clutching the sphere in his left hand, he reached for his dagger with the other. Thedemon opened his mouth to speak and Alodar wrinkled his nose at the sudden foul stench ofdecay.

"An item of some interest, I surmise," the djinn said with the hint of some unplaceableaccent. 'It is well that I have chosen here and now to walk again among you mortals."

Alodar held his breath and said nothing as he watched the djinn approach. With lazycontempt, the demon held out a calloused palm and beckon with his knobby fingers. "The pouch,if you will," he said. "You fear already what my power can do to you. Do not chance my wrath inaddition."

Alodar stared back at the distorted face. The blazing eyes bored into him, but hesuppressed the impulse to flinch. He felt the prickly presence in his head, this time radiating anumbing terror rather than annoyance or pleasure. "The pouch," the demon repeated. "It is somuch easier if you do not resist."

Alodar hesitated, then nodded and offered the bag temptingly. Then, as the piercing eyesflicked down to watch the transfer, he thrust out with the dagger and slashed at the demon'soutstretched palm.

Thick greenish ichor oozed from the slit, and the demon leapt quickly backward with an

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unearthly howl of pain. "You dare to trifle so with one of my kind," he raged as he pressed hisgood hand about the wrist and attempted to staunch the flow. "Thus do I deal with such punybeings as you."

He gestured with his injured hand and another blast of air slammed into Alodar's kneelingform. The blow sent Alodar sprawling backwards and he tried to flatten out for the one to follow.But the current of wind curled under him and lifted him from the ground. In a frantic swirl ofarms and legs, he tried to regain his balance, but the gust propelled him higher.

"I can smash you against the rock," the djinn yelled above the howl of the wind. "Youwill be no more than shattered bone and jellied flesh. Submit your will to mine. Even yourwildest fears are but a small hint of what I can do."

The gust abruptly stopped and Alodar crashed to the ground. Groggily he climbed to hisfeet, trying to grasp what he must do. He was no match physically for the djinn. He could notstand his ground as he had done with the others. If he resisted, he would be bludgeoned intosubmission.

The last flurries of the blast fluttered around his legs, dying away almost to the stillnesshe had felt against the tower.

He stopped before he was fully erect and tried to remember the feeling next to the rockwall. The breeze was not merely less, he pondered. The air was still, perfectly still, as ifcontrolled through the workings of magic. He sucked in his breath with sudden hope. And if itwere magic, then even the demon blasts might be turned aside.

Alodar pushed aside speculation on the djinn's reaction if he were wrong and quicklywhirled towards the tower. The wind increased and the dust danced about his feet, but with onequick lunge he pounded against the cold stone. He saw the demon's face contort with rage, andthe campground exploded in a fury. Sword, the pack, logs, leaves, and branches swirled into acyclone of dust and then hurled in Alodar's direction with a shriek of groaning air.

Alodar flung his arms in front of his face and hunched in anticipation. He heard a sharpcrack; then what sounded like a giant bell reverberated in the night. He put down his hands andsaw a pile of debris massed a few inches from his feet and the glow of the fire still dimly visiblein a cloud of swirling dirt and dust. The djinn stepped forward, eyes blazing hate and talonsextended.

He ran his claws down the invisible barrier between them. Alodar winced from thegrating screech.

"You cannot stay there forever," the djinn growled. "The hunger and thirst will only addto your fear. When you are ready to submit on bended knee, you will plead for my mercy andhope for a gentle touch."

Before Alodar could reply, the demon turned his back and walked through the settlingdust to the fire, now quiescently flickering low to the ground. Two other demons, colored andfeatured like the first, stood clear of the blaze, awaiting his return. They exchanged deep andguttural sounds for an instant, then stopped. Each turned his back on the other and radiatedoutwards from the fire, stopping and surveying the ground. Alodar watched with his back andarms pressed firmly against the spire, not daring to venture from the safety of the shield.

After several minutes, the first returned and tossed a load of pebbles and small stones intothe blaze. Just as before, when fed by the sprites, the flames roared upward, this time a deeppurple that blended into the blackness of the sky. The second demon reappeared, holding twohead-sized blocks, and tossed them after the small rocks. The third waddled back soon after,hands cupped around a boulder easily as big around as the demon was tall.

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With a grunt, he added it to the blaze and stepped back to watch the flames dart out fromunder it.

From his vantage point, Alodar saw another shape begin to form in the fire, another head,many times human size with outlines that suggested a grotesque countenance. Alodar's eyeswidened as he grasped what was happening. The imps had somehow made it possible for thethree djinns to span the worlds and, powerfuJ in mortal terms though they might be, they werebridging the gap for yet more potent demons to come.

He spun about and sprang for the first handhold above his head. He pulled one leg up to aresting place and then the other. He felt sudden pain in his arms but he shoved it aside. Withoutwaiting, he reached for a new grip and scrambled up the face of the rock. The purchases werefew and treacherous, but he did not care. Seconds seemed vital now. He could hope to succeedonly if he took every risk.

Up be scrambled, not looking to see how far he had come or to judge the remainingdistance. Like the enchanted fighting machine he once had been, he ignored the protests ofuohealed muscles and bursting lungs. Hand over hand, in a hypnotic reverie, he drove himselftoward the summit. The column narrowed and the rock on which he pressed offered fewer grips,but he did not notice. With a rush, he clambered onto the upshoot which bent to the finalpinnacle.

The thickness of rock narrowed to thrice a man's breadth, and Alodar stopped and ran hishands over the stony surface. In an instant he found what he sought, the tarnished bracelet set inthe stone. He pulled it. With astounding ease, a great slab parted from the monolith, swung outhorizontally, and revealed stairs leading down into the tower. Alodar glanced back down thedizzying distance to the ground and caught one glimpse of a huge demon taking final form. Witha last catch of breath, he plunged into the passageway.

The way was dark, and the entrance slab cut off all light from the fire below. With onehand on a wall and the other in front, Alodar spiraled down the stairs as fast as he could withoutstumbling. Around one circle he went, and then another. His sense of direction became lost, buthe continued onwards. Suddenly he hit a level floor and staggered. The stairs had ended, and hewas in a room.

Alodar fumbled at his waist for flint and steel and started a small match to glow in thedarkness. The tiny flame burned dimly, but he saw what he knew was there. A stone sarcophaguscarved from solid granite lay at the far end of a vault. On the wall behind hung an embrace of oillike those in the dungeon of Iron Fist. Alodar moved forward, shielding his match with a cuppedhand. He tossed the last sputtering embers of his splinter into the pool, and the room burst intolight.

Staring down at the stone coffin, Alodar saw a thick sheet of glass shielding the occupantfrom the musty air that hung in the chamber. He placed his feet against the wall and beganpushing the slab from its resting place. At first, the heavy covering did not move but then, as hestrained and knotted the muscles of his back and arms, it slid an inch across the stone with agrating rumble. Alodar breathed deeply and pressed the smooth edge into his palms. The glassslipped further, opening a gap between it and the stone rectangle it covered. A strange, sweetsmell rose from the coffin to fill his nostrils, but he ignored it and shoved again. The slab jerkedand then gathered momentum. With a final thrust, he propelled it across the opposite side anddown onto the stone floor in a loud shatter of broken glass,

"Water," a voice, soft and dry, whispered up at him. "On the wall as you came in—a doorto a second room."

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Alodar raced around to the other side of the vault and spied a small bracelet, like the oneon the outside of the tower. He pulled it open and saw another chamber the same size as the first,but filled with braziers, kindling, piles of dried plants, capped cylinders, liquids, and small,tightly bound chests. Just like Saxton's shop, he thought, as he spotted a flask tightly sealed witha metal cap. He struck off the neck against the wall and hurried back to the wizard, who wassitting up in his stone bed and stretching arms and fingers with a chorus of pops and cracks.

The wizard tilted his head backwards. Alodar poured the water down into the eagermouth, spilling some onto a robe of deepest jet, set with the logo of the flame. Although themusty vault suggested a sleep of centuries, the features were those of middle age. Short ringletsof light brown hair covered his head and cascaded over his ears to merge with a well trimmedgoatee. Brown eyes flanked a high thin nose, delicately enscribed with tiny blue veins. Toe facewas gaunt and pale, the hands smooth and uncalloused. The wizard was a man of vault andcontemplation rather than sun and physical labor. "Enough, enough," Alodar heard him sputter atlast. "You have awakened none less than Handar, the great wizard. That I stretch and stir again isof itself a tale for the sagas."

Handar paused and stared at Alodar. "Stand closer to the light so that I can look at youbetter," he commanded. "But a lad, I see. Who of the others would have thought it?"

"Demons," Alodar cut him off. "Many of them below. I came for help. How you can aid Ido not know, but it seemed what I must do."

"They would be the thickest here, of course," Handar said. "But the shield will keep theimps away, no matter how many."

"Not only sprites," Alodar persisted, "but djinns of power as well. And they work to bringforth even greater ones of their own volition. It was only by the smallest of margins that they didnot prevent me from reaching you safely."

Handar studied Alodar intently for a moment and then shook his head. "In numbersalready," he said. "Then we have cut the margin exceedingly fine." He swung one leg over thecoffin wall. "Quickly, the brazier of gold and the skin of oil beside it. There is wizard's work tobe done."

Alodar hastened back to the storeroom and dragged forth the requested equipment. He seta tripod midway in the room and filled the brazier that swung beneath its apex with oil from askin hard and brittle with age.

"And bring the chalk and the woods," Handar said. "Then we can begin."Alodar fetched the gear from the storeroom. When he returned, a small fire was flickering

from the now-steady pan. The wizard was standing ready with no signs of stiffness or sleep. Hereached into the chalk box and rapidly sorted through the pieces; a small cloud of colored dustrose from his haste. At last he withdrew one piece and turned his attention to the bundle of wood.

Handar deftly untied the knot, sending the small sticks swirling across the floor. "Let mesee," he muttered, holding up the rods one by one and occasionally rubbing or smelling theirsmooth surfaces. "Ah, ironwood and myrtle. The very ones for him I seek."

Handar turned quickly and cast the ingredients into the blaze. "Come forth, Balthazar, Icommand you. Awake from your idle reverie and sloth. Your master decrees after these manyyears a new task for his bonded servant and slave."

Alodar looked from the flame that arched between them and then into the eyes of the manhe had awakened. He saw the brow wrinkled in concentration and eyes fixed unswerving on thefire. Bony arms extended forward, beckoning to the flame. "What is happening?" Alodar asked.

"Silence," Handar ordered. "We have no time to trifle with idle curiosity. I must stretch to

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my limits and call up the most powerful that I dare. Do not distract me to our peril."As Alodar returned to silence, he saw the beginnings of an outline in the center of the

blaze. An orange head, eyes and ears blended with the flames, rose above a massive trunk ofhuge scales and thighs the girth of barrels. Up into the room it towered, cloven hooves and taildancing in the small fire from which it sprang. Alodar looked up at the head, which now touchedthe top of the chamber, and shuddered. The ears were large, covering the sides of the elongatedhead and ending in sharp points that soared above a bald crown. The eyes were small glisteningbeads of black, deep sunk beneath a jutting forehead that formed a permanent frown. With eachbreath, tiny nostrils flared from a small bump of a nose.

A mouth shaped like an inverted U cut deeply into the chin."So Handar, you again choose to settle your fate in rash manner after all of these mortal

years. It is well that you have not practiced your art in so long a time. It will make thesubmission all the quicker."

"Silence, Balthazar, silence," the wizard shot back, "I have had the will of two of yourkind since I toddled from my father's knee. The passage of time does not weaken mysteadfastness but gives me all the more experience and confidence to handle your feeble puffs ofwill. If you do not believe it, look into me and see what you find there."

The demon sneered from bristly jowl to jowl. His luminescent eyes bore down on thewizard. For several minutes there was silence. Neither moved. Alodar saw beads of sweat breakout on Handar's forehead. He saw the demon's tail begin to twitch slowly, first to the left, then tothe right. Finally a spasm ran up the entire length to the large plates which covered his back.

"And so, Balthazar," Handar said, "say again who is master and who is the slave.""I am at your bidding and service," the demon mumbled."I cannot discern your usually wonderful diction, Balthazar," Handar continued. "Speak

louder for my companion here.""I am at your bidding and service," Balthazar boomed. "What task will you give me so that I mayhave it done?"

"Know then, Balthazar," Handar said, with a tinge of smugness in his voice, "that belowthis very pinnacle several of your kindred have forced their way into the mortal world withoutbeing called here by one of my craft. Plunge downward and dispatch them to whence they came.Rend them limb from limb and distribute the essence of their being to the farthest corners of theirnatural realm, so that eons may pass before they coalesce again."

Balthazar glanced groundward and stared through the rock. "But they are indeed of myclosest kindred,” he said. "Spawned from the same clutch in which I was laid. I see they onlyfrolic about, and about them are none of your kind to be harmed. Such action does not deserveunjust wrath from one with your mighty will, master."

"As I have said, Balthazar," Handar commanded, "dispatch your obligation and whine nomore about it."

The tail twitched twice more above the tripod. Then suddenly the demon was gone. Thechamber was still, with only the small flicker of flame and a hint of a foul odor to mark hispresence.

"Up to the entrance," Handar said. "We can see how Well Balthazar strives after such along rest."

Alodar sprang for the spiral passageway, and the wizard marched after at a more statelypace. In a moment Alodar reached the slab, which was still cantilevered from the steep sides ofthe pinnacle.

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Racing out onto it, he looked below.The campfire flamed in a rainbow of colors. The original three sprites had grown to a

swarm of lights that dove and climbed among perhaps a dozen of the smaller djinns. In the centerof all towered a giant, from the distance seemingly as tall as Balthazar, hands on bony hips andhead tipped back in a fiendish yell as the smaller devils danced about him.

Suddenly lightning flashed. Deafening thunder cracked through the air. As Handarreached Alodar's side, a small cloudlet formed over the blaze. A second flash struck the earth inthe midst of the demons. As they scrambled away, a staccato burst of ram fell and doused thefire. In a ball of orange flame, Balthazar appeared in the middle of the smouldering rocks andbranches. Without warning, he snatched up two of the small demons, one in each hand, anddashed their heads together in a spray of greenish pulp. With seeming nonchalance, he tore limbfrom lifeless limb and scattered them airwards to vanish in puffs of smoke and flame.

The demon confronting Balthazar roared in challenge and waved his arms in warning. Agiant globule of ice suddenly appeared between his hands; with a snap of his long arms he hurledit at his opponent. Balthazar dropped the remains of his smaller brothers, turned, and caught themissile against his scaled shoulder. It burst into a thousand tiny shards and dashed to the ground,hissing into steam when it touched the still glowing embers. Before the other demon could attackagain, Balthazar stomped the ground. A fissure opened at his feet. It raced across the clearingfrom one fighter to the other. From a small crack, it grew wider till it spanned a full six feet andcaused even the pinnacle to rock as the shockwaves spread from the disturbance.

Balthazar's opponent danced to one side and then the other as the jagged crackapproached, but it sped unerringly to him. With a guttural yell, he fell into the abyss that openedunder his feet.

Balthazar stomped the ground again; the earth closed as rapidly as it had split asunder.No trace was left of the demon, except for a few bubbles of green which oozed upwards from thecrack that marked the fissure's path.

The smaller demons and imps that had watched the battle suddenly began to scatter, butBalthazar pursued each with relentless precision. He dispatched the sprites with a clap of hishands. In a few moments it was over and Balthazar streaked skywards to stand before Handar onthe slab.

"It is done, Balthazar," Handar said. "Transport us gently below and then return whenceyou came."

In a rush, Alodar felt himself scooped up in a pillow of air and hurled down to thecampground with breathtaking speed. Just when he thought that the demon planned somerevenge upon his master, they came to a gut-wrenching halt and stood on the firm ground.

"Use the embers," Handar said. "It is enough to give you passageway back." Balthazarsaid not another word but moved to the glowing remains of the drenched fire and wrapped histail about him. He stepped upon one of the coals, still red-yellow, and vanished from sight.

Alodar looked at Handar with a stunned expression on his face. The events he had justwitnessed were so far removed from anything he had experienced that it was hard to believe theyhad happened. The raw power of Balthazar pushed his own strivings into insignificance. He feltlike a small child, bewildered by the complex world of adults manipulating their surroundings ina way he could never hope to master.

"It is cold," Handar said, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "And I amhungry. Repair your camp, and then we will talk."

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CHAPTER NINETEENPossession by Design

ALODAR warmed his hands in front of the fire. The events of the past hour were slowlyebbing away. He closed his eyes, but the vision no longer came. He was free of the enchantmentwhich had drawn him to the spire.

He shook his head and looked across the flame at Handar, who was complacently pullingthe remains of the meal out of his beard with a small comb. "Why was I drawn here?" he asked atlast. "For what purpose did you sleep in the tomb? How can demons of such great power crossunbidden into our world?"

"It all will be explained in good time and proper fashion," Handar said, raising his handto stop the rush of questions. "But first I must know more of your journey. How is it that you andno other broke the seal that awakened me? And besides the demons here, how does our worldfare elsewhere in interaction with them?"

Alodar frowned with impatience, then sighed when he saw Handar tilt up his chin andclose his eyes to mere slits. "I am Alodar, suitor to the queen of Procolon," he said. "And I amhere as a result of my quest for her hand." He paused and let his thoughts tumble back into order."From the dungeons of Iron Fist, to the depths of the Fumus Mountains, to the inner sanctums ofthe Cycloid Guild, through the enchantment of the sorcerer's eye, I have striven to aid her causebetter than any other."

"For a mere queen?" Handar asked."For the respect of all men, for a parade of triumph through the streets of Ambrosia, for

the glory of the sagas, for a reason for existing." Alodar flushed as the feelings flooded backthrough him. He breathed deeply, savoring the taste of his goal. "But each step along the way ledonly to the next, the promise of some greater marvel to turn the eyes of the fair lady. Now armiesfrom the south and west sweep into the heart of Procolon. If only I could find the means to swellthe ranks of the nomads around her banner and defeat the demon-led hordes which oppose her!"

Alodar stopped and blinked. "Balthazar," be exclaimed. "With his might and the othersyou could muster, we could rid the warriors who oppose the queen of the fiendish influencewhich drives them. Or more easily convince Grak and the other chieftains to join in the fairlady's cause. My quest goes onward. It was right to divert our trek southwards so that I couldvisit this tower. A powerful wizard is just what the fair lady needs in the struggle for herkingdom."

Alodar halted again and looked at Handar through narrowed eyes. "But I must admit Iview the prospect with mixed feelings," he said at last. "My efforts before have benefited othersas much as they have aided me. Vendora would look to reward the wizard who did the deedrather than the messenger who brought him."

"Then do you wish to turn aside what aid I might offer," Handar asked, "and continueyour petty struggle on your own?"

Alodar was silent for a moment more. He thought of the sprite with its boils and rashes,of the pleasures he was able to resist only with intense pain, of the raw power of Balthazar andthe other djinns. Already he had seen and experienced too much of what demonkind could do.He nodded slowly with decision and looked Handar in the eye. "The demons must be exorcised

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from our world. No matter who gets the credit."Handar returned Alodar's stare. He lightly touched his fingertips together in front of his

chest. "It is well that you answered as you did," he said, "for any other would have meant thatyour quest was for naught."

Alodar raised his eyebrows with surprise but Handar continued. "It would be my doom ifI summoned Balthazar to satisfy my every whim. Each time we contest, he learns more of mywill, of my weaknesses and petty failings, my irritations, desires, and fears. If I persisted onetime too many, it is he who would be the master and I the slave. It well may be that I must callupon him again before the struggle is finished, but it will be only when he is desperately neededand not before. Nor will I appear before this queen of yours juggling imps in my hands like somejester. I am a wizard and know better than to dissipate foolishly the power of my craft You neednot fear for the effect of my art on the heart of this lady. It was for a much graver reason that Iwas laid to rest."

Handar collapsed his palms together and brought his thumbs up to his chin. "Youmention building an army," he said, "and using wizardry to aid in persuasion. I think that itwould be a good enough first test. Listen well and I will instruct you on the workings of mycraft."

"You offer to teach me how to deal with djinns such as Balthazar?" Alodar asked."One as mighty as he will come later," Handar said. "For the moment, summoning a sprite or twoshould suffice to build your confidence and probably impress this queen as well."

"But why?" Alodar asked. "You pile one mystery on top of another.""Why?" Handar echoed, stiffening into an erect posture. "It is not for a wizard to answer

why. He does as he chooses, as he wills things to be. I elect to tell you of my craft now. Morewill come when I judge you worthy to receive it."

Alodar shrugged and settled into a comfortable position. Handar waited several momentsmore in silence and then rose.

"What you saw transpire in this clearing tonight was an exercise in one of thefundamental laws of wizardry," he said. "The law of ubiquity. Or stated in simple terms, 'firepermeates all’. It is by fire and fire alone that a bridge or gateway is formed between the demonworld and ours. It is through fire that they come to us. The simple blaze of a fallen log is enoughto furnish passage for the most feeble among them, such as tiny imps and will-o'-the-wisps. Theirpresence is harmless, even though an annoyance and surrounded by much folklore and baselesssuperstition. Any man with a whit of courage can bend them to his will and make them behave.The powerful demons require more exotic means of access. Fire of a natural kind will not do.Exotic plants, woods, and even rarer substances such as rock must burn to make the conditionsright."

"Then what I surmised was true," Alodar said. "The less powerful opened the way for thegreater djinns to pass through."

"Yes," Handar agreed. "But if it were as simple as that, then long ago this world wouldhave been overrun with demonkind. There would not be wizards enough to wrestle with all thatmight appear. But in the scheme of things, although flame is necessary, it is not sufficient.Except for an irritating imp or two, none of the demons have free access, even though a path maybe open. The flame makes a channel where there was none before, but all resistance is notovercome. The greater the demon's power, the greater in proportion is the barrier which impedeshim. A sprite, devil or djinn of any strength must make contact with a human mind and be pulledacross the friction that remains. Indeed, all of the so-called craft of wizardry is concerned with

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just one thing, the establishing of a link between the two worlds, of making the contact of mindsthat allows the demon to come forth. Once the connection has been made, the resistance vanishesand what happens next is governed by the second law, the law of dichotomy."

"But there were no wizards pulling the sprites and djinns through," Alodar objected."Once the flame was established, they came of their own will.""Of that I will speak later," Handar said. "But first the law of dichotomy, or simply stated,

'dominance or submission.' There is no middle ground. Once the demon has been called forth,then who controls whom is determined solely by a contest of wills. If the wizard is strongenough, he will dominate and the demon, at least for the particular conjuring, will be his tocommand. If the man falters and the demon wrests mastery from him, then he becomes the pawnof the other world, a warlock, a mere toy to strut and twist about as it suits their eerieamusem*nt."

Handar suddenly raised his palms and stopped. "And that is all there is to the craft," hesaid.

"No words of power, formulas, rituals or chants handed down from master to pupil?"Alodar asked.

"Only which flames are appropriate for which demon," Handar replied. "And that is justso that the foolish do not attempt beyond what they are capable. But such knowledge isperipheral to mastery of the craft. The essence is the will to resist, to remain free, to preserveone's spirit. And this central core of wizardry cannot be taught, only experienced."

"But the power I saw your creature unleash," Alodar said. "With such as he to aid you, nokingdom could resist."

"It is as I have said," Handar replied. "The more powerful the demon, the stronger is hiswill and the greater risk there is of submission rather than domination. And there is somehow aflaw in those who seek skill in wizardry and perhaps in most men as well. A flaw that leads us totemptation almost without fail. As we practice our art and summon again and again the lesserdemons which we can easily bend to our will, we grow tired of their supplications, their flattery,their bemoaning of the small tasks that are placed upon them. We reach out and try to bring fortha devil of more power, to test our strength against him and to measure our accomplishmentsagainst our peers who strive as well. And as the sagas show, one by one, the daring craftsmen ofwizardry eventually attempt what is beyond their reach and pass from free men to be the tools ofthose whom they wished to control. To be a wizard is no casual undertaking, though thepreparation for it is small. And to be a great one requires character as strong as any hero in thesagas, a will unbending to the temptations that demonkind will offer along the way."

"And you, Handar?" Alodar asked."If I were strong enough, if wizardry alone were great enough, then there would have

been no need for my long sleep of waiting for someone to come."Alodar trudged up the pass in silence, the stiffness of his wounds almost completely

gone. Except for more detail on how to probe through the flame, Handar stubbornly chose to sayno more about his background or any of the other puzzling questions. Most of the morning hadpassed while Alodar gave an account of his adventures starting with the siege of Iron Fist over ayear ago. All along the trail hack to the meadow, the wizard's only comments had been anoccasional grunt or introspective smile.

Alodar looked down from the pass and saw that little had changed since his departure theday before. The goatskin huts of Grak's tribesmen still clustered near the base of the mountain.Further out in the grasses, the collection of nomads who were pledged to Vendora's banner

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huddled around a scattering of small fires, preparing a midday meal. Between the two camps,one isolated group stood apart from all the rest. Alodar squinted at a pole thrust into the groundthere and saw a crude banner with the colors of the queen.

"They still parley," Alodar said over his shoulder as Handar climbed the last few paces tohis side. Handar nodded wordlessly and started down the slope. In a quarter of an hour theywalked into the small camp.

Alodar could tell as he looked into the dozen or so faces staring his way that conversationhad stopped several minutes before their final approach. Grak, other chieftains, the suitors,Grengor, and Aeriel sat in an informal circle around a single fire. Alodar sought the face of thequeen and shouted his greeting. "I bring powerful resources and fresh hope for the fair lady. Thewizard Handar, and great are the demons at his command."

A buzz of conversation started around the group. Grak conferred with two of his nomadssitting nearby and the other suitors exchanged glances among themselves.

"You return at a most propitious time, master," Grengor said. "Three of Grak'ssubchieftains have experienced enough of Basil's show of gems and Feston's words of plunder towant to join our cause. If you can aid in convincing the fourth, the one with the long unrulymane, then I am sure that chieftain will follow."

"We talk in terms of carats of ruby and ounces of soft gold," Basil said. "A tale fromthese highlands, even a wizard's, carries no weight compared to these. Return your hermit towherever you found him and let his imps scavenge his existence as before."

Handar turned to face Basil. His eyes sparked and the muscles in his face hardened. Hisstare bored into the apothecary. Basil hesitated for a moment. Before he could speak again,Handar looked away and scanned the rest of the group.

"I am a true wizard," he announced slowly, "not some carnival attraction. A wizard fromthe time of the sagas, when even kings would walk behind. And I have heard of Bandar'spossession, of the sprites deep within the fissures of the Fumus Mountains, and of the djinns whostunt the trees, kill the game, and make the winds howl around the spire to the east. It is not bychance that all of these events crowd together. No, they are deeply related. Shall I return to myhermitage, as you call it, or do you wish to hear instead of the doom which hovers over you likea block of granite suspended from a cotton thread?"

"If you speak of Demontooth, then we will hear your words," Grak said. "It is but a halfday away, unlike all the battles of glory many weeks march to the south."

The nomads grunted their acquiescence and all of the others were silent. Handar's lipscurved into a smile. "Perhaps not the pomp and circ*mstance to which I am accustomed," hesaid, "but until you know better it will suffice."

He paused, then continued. "Despite the decay which has apparently rotted my craft, youmust all know at least a glimmer of how it works, of the flame that is necessary to form thepathway between the worlds, of the resistance which prevents the most powerful demons fromappearing here of their own choice. But do you know as well that with each passage into ourworld, the resistance is slightly lowered? Less effort is required to bring the next demon of thesame strength across.

When one returns, the barrier increases by a like amount. If the contacts are sporadic inspace and time, the situation remains relatively static and no great harm is done. But concertedeffort to flood us with demonkind could cause the barriers to fall, so that more powerful djinnscould reach out and touch our minds with simpler flames. And as more come forth, the hurdlebecomes lower still."

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Aeriel frowned. "But such a process is unstable," she said. "Eventually, demons ofinconceivable might could vent their great power as they willed."

"The potential has been present from man's distant memories," Handar agreed, noddinghis head, "But so long as demonkind viewed our intrusions and summons as a minor irritationfrom another world, then it did not matter. The mighty devils soon tire of—and destroy— thefew foolish men who challenge them. But if for some reason, by logic that only their fiendishminds could follow, a demon prince came to covet our world and the hearts and minds thatdwelled within it, then our peril would be great indeed. And if a prince did desire such aconquest, how would he proceed?"

Handar paused and noted with satisfaction the upturned faces and backs hunchedforward, "We cannot know for sure, of course, but it is plausible he would act as follows. First hewould wait until in the random course of human events the craft of wizardry sagged into a nadirof petty exhibitions and traveling entertainments. Without great wizards to interpret what washappening, his designs would proceed undiscovered and unchecked for far longer than otherwisepossible. He would direct his minions to act towards a common goal, once they succeeded indominating the fools who dared too much. Rather than strutting these warlocks as comic puppetsto be used and then discarded, the djinns would force their actions to be like normal men. Andthen, as these slaves moved among us unsuspected, there would come a time when a group ofthem would be alone with a man with some military power, perhaps an outland baron with fewguards to subdue. After a hearty meal in front of a roaring hearth to keep out the cold, theywould seize him and hold his head toward the flame and force his eyelids open until they hadanother subjugation. Or perhaps in a dungeon without food or hope until the will to resistweakened. I do not know the details; they are unimportant."

"Bandor," Aeriel interjected. "From the beginning his possession was most puzzling.""From what Alodar has explained, he was probably the first of the ones who did not

dabble," Handar replied. "With his peerage, the demons had control of the beginnings of anarmy. Far more important, it meant that there was opportunity for trusting lieutenants,neighboring barons, and captured opponents to be tricked and forced into submissions as well.And with each look into the flame and transferral, the resistance weakened, so that more couldcome. More demons to direct the growing chaos of war, to conquer greater fiefdoms, to bringstill more into bondage. Under the guise of a mortal struggle, the demon power would grow frombaronies to kingdoms and eventually the whole world."

"But how do you know?" Duncan protested. "It is a pretty theory and nothing more.""Yes," Feston joined in. "Except for the talk of the sorcerers, we would not even suspect

that the revolt in the west is more than the well-understood actions of ambitious men.""A rebellion that swelled from a single barony to ally the entire west?" Handar replied.

"And one that fights with such ferocity that you cannot put it down? Kingdoms to the south whohave squabbled among themselves for centuries suddenly uniting and thrusting at Procolontogether? A resistance so weak that not only sprites but djinns of true power appear unsummonedabout the base of the spire? These events are not random chance. We are faced with possessionby design. There is more than the fate of the ruling class of Procolon at stake."

"But if what you say is true," Aeriel asked, rising to her feet, "what can we possibly doagainst such power?"

Handar patted his fingertips together. "We can at least hope to defeat them in battle. Notall of the men are demon-possessed, only the leaders. If we can crush the forces which marchagainst Procolon and either slay or free the ones possessed, the resistance will return to its former

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values. Then it will be only imps with which we will have to deal. Once on our guard, we may beable to resist until the prince behind the attack loses interest and turns his attention to otherworlds."

"But that is no less than what we already strive for," Basil cried. "We hope to convinceenough of these rough barbarians to the fair lady's cause so that we can crush the insurrection, asyou say. Procolon's regular army battles Bandor in the west. With enough additional swords, wewill also halt the thrust from the south. Demon plot or none, our course of action is the same."

"If you could imagine the fate which will be ours if we fail," Handar said, "then youwould not be so glib about what it is for which we will fight. Now they control only a few, but inthe end it would be each and every one of us a sJave. And for what perverted delights we wouldbe the pawns, I cannot say. To shear off our own fingers and toes one by one, to labor for yearsto pound our towers and walls into fine sand, to float for eternities with no sight, touch or sound,to hack loved ones into pulp. The horrors they press upon the poor warlocks when they are boredcan be only a small glimmer of what would be."

Handar halted and a heavy silence fell on them all. Alodar saw Grengor and Duncansquirm as they imagined their own private hells. Aeriel bit her lip in pensive thought. Vendorastared at the slowly heaving chest of Grak the barbarian.

Grak broke the silence as he rose. "It is well enough for you lowlanders to be so clear asto what you must do. But for my tribesmen, we have heard first a day of soft promises and nowwords of fear. We have had the devils among us for ages and they have given us no bother, solong as we stay clear."

"The demons will seek you out," Handar promised. "They will concentrate first on thelowlands where there are more to possess, true. But eventually there will be no place in thesemountains in which you can hide."

Grak stared down at Handar for a long time in silence. "You claim to be a great wizard,"he said at last. "Show me some of your craft so that I may verify the truth of what you say."

Handar returned Grak's stare with his chin extended. "I have said I am a wizard," hereplied, "and that is sufficient. As to the power of my craft, Alodar can demonstrate enough tomake you tremble."

Grak's nostrils flared. "I have seen imps enough in my time not to fear their irritations.Work your spell, and we will see if I judge it to be great wizardry."

Alodar looked quickly at the scowling face of the barbarian. Handar's manner had givenGrak an insult that could not be put aside easily. And it would be uncertain that this first effort inconjuring would be startling enough to impress the proud nomad. Another tack was called for ifhe was to be convinced. Alodar looked at the sub-chief scratching his head to Grak's left.Without thinking, he reached down and rubbed the latest flea bite on his leg; then his eyesbrightened with an idea.

"There are more products from the labor of wizardry than just fear," Alodar said. "Resteasy while I provide something that should benefit your tribe far more."

Alodar knelt to the ground and rummaged through his pack. He withdrew a few clustersof pine needles and the roots from a painted daisy. He placed them in rough stone bowl by thefire. From the carcass of a freshly killed hare he dripped the fats and juices until the plants werecovered. Into a wicker basket he scooped some ashes from the smouldering fire.

"All of this is unnecessary," Handar objected. "For a simple imp, you need only commonflame."

"I am ready now," Alodar said. "The rest is for what will come after." He looked once

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more at Grak, breathed deeply, and turned his attention to the fire. As Handar had instructed, helet his eyes decouple and drift out of focus.

The yellow and gold blurred together. Wide-eyed, Alodar felt the fascination of thedancing flame tendrils, the lure to probe the mysteries that lay beyond. He clinched his fists andwilled his presence forward, past the incandescent sheen, into the very heart of the blaze. Alodarstared and his sense of time melted away. Unlike the effort of sorcery he felt no discomfort, nopain and gagging nausea to overcome. He envisioned the pathway as a great pipe connecting oneworld with the other, a vertical shaft with a tough, translucent membrane stretched across itsthroat, preventing transfer. He concentrated on building his will, making it stronger, constructinga huge weight, pressing against the barrier to break the resistance and allow passage. Themembrane twisted, sagged and stretched out of shape so that it finally ripped and failed.He concentrated upon wishing the tattered remains of the barrier away. For a moment, nothinghappened; then his mind exploded with the feeling of a dozen gentle pricklings. In a rush, hesensed a dozen more. Boiling balls of consciousness whirled in confusion, each one subtlydistinctive, diving at his thoughts and snatching them away. "Gladril," he thundered aloud, as theidentity of one sprang to mind. "I have work for you, sprite of the water. Until I am done, yourwill is mine."

The presence of the other imps immediately winked away. Alodar felt only one skitteringaround in his head. His conversations with Handar and the experience with the sprite on the trailgave him confidence, and he projected resolve as hard as steel. "Come forth, Gladril," he said. "Icommand you to my bidding."

Instantly the air above the fire fissured with a sharp crack. In a tiny cloud of steamyvapor, Alodar saw thick, horny wings and the ends of spindly and hairy legs. He heard gasps andgrunts of surprise in those about him but he ignored the distraction.

"You have chosen an imp of no mean power," a voice squeaked from the mist. "Eithersubmit or let me return. You interact further at your peril."

"Silence," Alodar ordered. "There is no time for you to exercise your feeble desires. I fellthe pulsing of your will and know I can crush it to nothingness in an instant." He grabbed thewicker basket and held it above the stone bowl. "Quickly now, hot water to leach the ashes."

Without further protest, the cloud zoomed to hover above Alodar's outstretched hand.With a brief flash of light and a tiny pop of thunder, steamy rain fell into the basket and thentrickled through to the bowl below.

"Enough," Alodar said after a few moments. "Now to the bowl and boil the brewtogether. Use your wings to beat the ingredients into a fine emulsion."

"But the mess will stick to my hairs. I will be a mortal year in cleaning it all off.""To the deed," Alodar growled.Like a dense fog the imp settled into the bowl. Almost instantly, the container filled to the

brim with an oily water. Bubbles formed around the edges, and then a violent frothing churned inthe middle. Above the bubbling, Alodar heard the high pitched buzz of the sprite's wings as theimp stirred the mixture together.

"And now cool the broth and dump it on the sub-chieftain's head," Alodar said as hepointed to the one with the shaggy mane. "And when you are done, rinse it clean with clear coldwater."

"A task more to my liking." The imp laughed as he shook himself free of the lather.Grasping the bowl with all four limbs he chuckled as he bore it into the air and poured thecontents on the barbarian's head.

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"Now the rinse," Alodar said, "and then I command you to be gone."A second rainfall washed the lather free. Without another word, the imp popped from

view."A petty trick," the subchieftain growled. "Is this what you call the great power of

wizardry?""As I said," Alodar replied, "the value of the craft lies not only in fear. With the aid of the

sprite, I brewed a lotion of alchemy. Your head should be free of fleas for at least a fortnight."The nomad started and then cautiously raised a hand to his head. He ran his fingers through hishair. "There is no more itch," he said slowly.Vendora rose and walked to Grak's side. "It has a nice scent," she said. "There are others amongyou who could benefit from it as well.""Sweetbalm, my lady, there is no time to worry about the control of vermin," Feston grumbled."We must get on with the task of assembling an army for the south."Vendora turned to the warrior, frowning in irritation. "Yes, yes, I know, Feston. And through itall I unfailingly must continue to play the part of the queen." She looked at Grak, standingsilently with his face an unreadable mask, and then turned to Alodar. "And so you prove yourworth once again. No doubt, with these imps we can scout ahead to see what other tribes He inour path. And produce more gifts of enticement. With your help we may then cross the borderwith perhaps even two thousand fighters."

"It is as the fair lady says," Alodar replied. At Iron Fist and the shore of the sea, his spiritshad soared when she gave him her attention, but this time her manner made him uneasy. Hestudied her beauty, still dazzlingly apparent through unkempt hair and soiled gown. He glancedat Aeriel and then back to the queen. Yet the logic of what she said was firm enough.

"Then the only issue remaining is the decision of Grak the chieftain," Vendora continued,turning her attention away. She ran the back of her hand down the nomad's arm. "We havetarried a day and offered you much. Do not the rewards of journeying with us outweigh therisks?"

Grak glanced back at his subordinate. He stooped down and rubbed some of the soapbetween his fingers. He stood again and faced the queen. "And you journey to the cities of thesouth with these halfmen of yours?"

"I do."Grak held the soap to his nose, then cast it aside with a grunt. He looked deeply into her

eyes."And also with the tribesmen of Grak," he said at last.

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ALODAR nudged his mount forward in a slow walk down the dusty street. Aeriel andHandar followed on either side. Grak reined a huge gelding with his right hand and guidedVendora's pony with his left. Grengor and the other suitors brought up the rear.

“'I hope that Bardina is large enough to house a decent bath or two," Aeriel said. "Thefair lady is not the only one who has become rather testy from such a long journey."

Grengor rubbed at the dirt caked to his stubble of beard. "Yes, to that I fully agree. Thebarbarian horde may prefer to camp outside the wall, but my back has had enough of sleeping onthe hard ground."

"We can stay but a short while," Grak said, looking uncomfortably at the building frontswhich pressed in from either side. "The farmlands around will not long provide meat for nearlytwo thousand mouths, and rm people have little taste for your grains."

Vendora ran a hand down the length of her gown. 'There is time enough for a change ofclothes and to have my tresses properly done," she decided. "After all, if a proud chieftain finallyagrees to soap himself, it is a fair return."

"And now that we are back across the border into your realm,'' Basil said, "we will learnas well how fare our forces to the south."

"More important than that," Handar added, "we will see firsthand how low the barrierbetween the worlds has become. Even if we are far from the battles where possession is forced,there will be changes that we cannot help but notice. It is like a rock dropped onto a tightlystretched blanket. The maximum depression is where it falls, but the effect is felt even at theedges."

Alodar did not join in the conversation. In silence, he mulled over the events of the pastweeks. The recruiting had gone according to his expectations. With a cloud of speedy imps, theyhad found all the tribes within a reasonable distance of their southward trek. Between Basil'sgems, Feston's promise of steel weapons from the slain, Grak's endorsem*nts, and his ownhealing salves, all had been won to the cause. Along with the tale of the enchanted warrior, thenomads now whispered of his great wizardry, of how imps had blown the mosquitoes and gnatsaway, fused broken stoneware together, and pressed streambed mud into hard slate.

Alodar watched the activity of the street as they moved along, and the contrast with hismental image jogged him out of his reverie. The low buildings on either side crowded close,leaving passage barely a coach wide. Though it was midday, few of the townspeople journeyedoutdoors and those marked their passage with sullen jowls and squinting eyes.

Vendora's troops reined up in the town square, scarcely wider than the road on whichthey had come. It was deserted. Alodar cupped his hands to his mouth to shout out their arrival."Attend onto the fair lady. The queen of Procolon honors Bardina. Attend her and receive herregal presence."

His words echoed off the walls. For a long moment, no one stirred. Then gradually, intwos and threes, the townspeople began to appear in the doorways of the buildings and narrowalleys between. They shuffled into the square in silence, forming a thin line that surrounded theroyal party. Alodar looked rapidly about at the faces which confronted him. In some wereapprehension and even a hint of fear, in others hate glowered out of piercing eyes. In none wasthe excitement that should accompany a visit of the queen.

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The square filled, pressing in on them. "The fair lady," someone cried out. "She has cometo deliver us at last."

"It cannot be she," another yelled. "This handful of men matters for little. It is more likeanother witch sent to torment us further."

"My fair lady, set free my daughter. Possessed she is Dot." An old woman in coarsetatters pressed against Duncan with arms outstretched to the queen.

The magician pushed her back and the crowd responded with a buzz of anger."They are demons. Deal with them now before they can infest our townfolk further." Moreshouts hurled upward and the agitation grew. Three figures in an alleyway struggled with afourth. With a final shove, they pushed him to fall through the crowd to the horses' feet.

"Another of your kind," a gruff voice called out as the group joined the rear of the throng."Take him when you depart. Bardina is his home no more."

The man staggered to his feet and absently ran one hand down the side of a tattered cloak,caked with mud and decay. He squinted through swollen eyes past a tangle of long black hairthat streaked across a nearly bald crown. Bits of moldy food clotted a mangy beard. Slack jowlshung from what once must have been a full and fleshy face.

Vendora leaned forward in her saddle, instinctively smoothing her own hair into place."And what manner of visitation is this?" she asked in annoyance. "An official delegation toapologize for the treatment thus far accorded my presence? Speak ruffian, what message haveyou for us?"

The man did not heed the queen but stood with hands stiffly at his sides and eyes staringstraight ahead. "Sandacar," he mumbled at last. "Sandacar, my master Sandacar, will provide forme."

"Periac!" Alodar exclaimed in sudden recognition. Handar dismounted, walked forward,and gently placed his palm under Periac's chin, looking him deeply in the eyes. "His will, hisbeing, his essence, they are gone," he said. "This empty hulk is animate only when his demonmaster abides among us."

Vendora watched as Periac spasmodically thrust a hand to his face and pulled free atangle of mud and hair. The queen shuddered and turned in her saddle. "Tell them to take himaway. Such display is most unfit for my presence."'

The rumbling increased. Feston stood in his stirrups, arms outstretched and motioned forsilence.

"You speak most rashly," he shouted. "Know that it is the fair lady,indeed. Only her forgiving spirit stands between you and the swift vengeance of our swords. Doher the proper honor or suffer the just consequences."

More shouts of anger hurled from the crowd. In a confusion of arms, they jostled oneanother for room in the crowded square. One man stumbled and fell. The others quickly trampledover him, raising clenched fists.

"Honor to the fair lady," Feston blasted again as he tried to keep his balance while hismount banged against its skitterish comrades. Before he could say more, a rock whizzedoverhead and the tumult increased.

Alodar looked again at the swaying thaumaturge. He scanned the crowd that was slowlycreeping closer to Aeriel and the queen. He grimaced and made his decision.

"Enough of this mob, Grengor. We will have to attend to Periac later. Let us move tosafer ground," he commanded as he started his horse forward.

Suddenly the townsmen exploded in hatred. Two more rocks hurled by and then a third

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crashed painfully into Alodar's shoulder. With a piercing shout, the mob converged, pushing theones in front under the horses' hooves and scrambling upon their backs to pull the riders down.Arms from all sides reached up to grab at Alodar's reins. He heard Vendora scream behind himand turned to see Basil's horse rear and toss him to the ground. Grak pulled his sword andslashed at two who leaped upwards. Duncan jostled about on his saddle as he tried to activate hissphere.

Grengor and Feston kneed their mounts forward into the crowd, making room to drawand defend themselves.

Alodar turned his horse to the side, out of the clutches of the men on the left; immediatelythree from the right surged forward to attack with bare hands. The tallest sprang upwards andgrabbed Alodar about the waist. As he grappled to disengage, he felt his leg pulled free from thestirrup and painfully wrenched by another. With a crash, he fell to the street, barely ducking hishead to avoid the nervous stomp of Aeriel's riderless horse.

Two of Alodar's assailants fell on top, pinning him to the pavement. A third raked hisnails across Alodar's cheek. Alodar arched his back, freeing his left arm, and drove an elbowsharply into the groin of the one astride his chest. The man rolled off and Alodar brought hisknees suddenly upward, lifting the second from the ground. As the townsman fought for balanceon one leg, Alodar kicked savagely and propelled him into the forest of horse legs trompingwhatever was underfoot, Alodar rolled aside, missing a kick by the third attacker. Grabbing at anempty stirrup, he pulled himself to his feet. He glanced about quickly, just barely able to see overthe rise and fall of the horses' backs as they reared. Everyone was down in the confusion of thesquare.

"Handar," he called, "assist the fair lady." He danced aside from his antagonists as theystumbled forward, pushed from behind by others trying to join the fray. He ducked beneath ahorse's neck and stepped over a body which lay sprawled in his way.

Alodar shouldered past a knot of intertwined men, each trying to bring the others to theground. He elbowed a man with an upraised rock on the left and drove a hard blow into the faceof another. He vaulted up onto a horse's back and then down on the other side, stumbling over ablack-robed figure as he landed.

"Handar!'' he shouted as he struggled to turn the wizard over. "We need a devil to aid ourcause. Suggest one I should seek."The wizard's eyes rolled in his head but then locked on Alodar's face. "No, you must not," hesaid thickly. "You must deal with the townsmen instead. In my sleeve —the small candles. Tossthem skyward one at a time but do not look as you do so."Alodar puzzled at the commands but did as he was instructed. He groped in Handar's clothingand retrieved a flint and three small tapers, dimly glistening in the sunlight and strangely heavyto the touch. The first instantly ignited from a small spark. Alodar hurled it high in the air. Heducked his head and shut his eyes. Suddenly, even through closed lids, everything flashedpainfully white. The random hubbub of the mob ceased, replaced by shrieks of surprise. Alodarfelt the crowd give way around him. He lofted the second candle, this time burying his bend inhis arms. A yell more piercing than the first accompanied the flash, and Alodar could hearfootfalls stumbling away from the periphery of the square. He threw the third candle. The retreatturned into a stampede. More rapidly than they had rushed forward, the townsmen trampled oneanother as they sped away, yelling about demons who tormented them stilL

"It is what we call sunfire," Handar yelled over the screams of the departing mob. "Weuse it to summon certain fire sprites when simpler flames will not do. Your sight will return in a

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moment. Rest patiently and all will be well."Alodar stood up slowly and soothed one of the horses. He saw Aeriel staggering to her

feet. She bore a few scratches and some torn clothing but was apparently unhurt. Vendora andthe rest were either sitting or struggling upwards. Except for the party of the queen, the squarewas deserted. Even Periac was not to be seen.

"The townsmen were quite startled by the fireworks," Handar said. "It probably will besome while before they gather sufficient courage to try us again."

"But what caused them to act so?" Duncan asked. "It is no less than treason against thequeen."

"And Periac, a master thaumaturge," Alodar wondered. "He would know better than totraffic with such great risks."

"No less is to be expected when demons freely walk the land," Handar said. "When onlywill-o'-the-wisps could come of their own volition and wizards sought the rest, there was somemeasure of control. But with a sprite in every bush, the perils and temptations are too great.Either the common craftsman is possessed by his encounter or, if he achieves domination, hecannot resist using the power for his own petty ends. And if the concentration of demons is asstrong as I now fear, then we have little enough time to prevent the complete disaster." Hestopped and looked into one of the alleyways. "With what Grengor has caught, we will get theconfirmation."

Alodar turned in the direction Handar indicated and saw the marine dragging a screamingyouth by the scruff of his neck back to the feet of the wizard.

"I never doubted the identity of the fair lady," the boy sobbed. "I never doubted it. Let mego to join my brothers. Let me go. I hurl no rocks into your midst."

"Control yourself so that you speak properly to a wizard," Handar ordered. "We seekinformation about what has transpired in Bardina and the rest of Procolon."

As Grengor released his grip, the youth nodded and shifted to one knee to bow to thequeen. "My fair lady," he stammered. Aeriel nodded encouragement and the boy started againwith a rush.

"It was barely a month ago that all this began. Keltic's daughter had a spat with anotherlass down the road and woke the next morning with her comely face covered with pox blistersthat would not heal. The cows in the herds nearest the east went dry and the hens would lay nolonger. The peddlers who trudged from Bardina to Graymill and back would disappear forweeks. When they returned, they had eyes of madmen and tongues that none could understand.And then in this very square, one of the merchant wives ripped the shawl from another to exposea little imp riding near the base of the neck and working his mischief on whomever he passed.

" 'You witch!' the first exclaimed. 'So this is how my Hentor's eye is made to wander.Well it is only just that you are dealt with in kind.' And the next morning the second was struckdumb within the confines of her own well-guarded house. It did not take long for the curse to befull upon us after that. The smallest slight was dealt with in most cruel fashion; revengeanswered revenge as more and more trafficked with demonkind.

"And those who did not lash out, those in fear of what was happening around them, theybecame unreasoning avengers seeing evil wherever they looked. On the slightest pretext, manywere trapped and slain, some protesting their innocence to the end. All commerce stopped andwe became no more than roving bands, suspicious of one another and always tempted to usedemonpower to protect us from each other. And we have no news from the south. No oneventures anymore from Bardina and no one dares step foot within the city walls.

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"My mother, even she . . ." The boy shuddered and then shut his eyes. His voice trailedoff and he said no more.

"It will be the same in every town and hamlet of the kingdom," Handar told the queen."Part of the citizenry possessed, part temporarily dominating sprites until their wills falter aswell, and the rest guided only by suspicion and terror. As more and more are coerced in thebattles with Bandor, far wider does the influence of demonkind spread throughout the land."The wizard shook his head. "It is even worse than I feared, although our first efforts must be thesame. First to the south to defeat the forces of the petty kingdoms and exorcise those demons thatwe can. And then to the west to add to the forces trying to route Bandor from his strongholds.But from what I have seen and can infer, even ten times our number may not be enough."

Alodar released the cinch and removed the saddle from the horse's back. He looked intoAeriel's eyes and read the same weary resignation. For the last two days the meaning of Bardinahad slowly sunk in and weighed them down. At the very least, they had all looked forward to arest from the trail, a return to familiar and comfortable surroundings, decent food after a monthof rabbit meat.

But Handar had said that all of the towns would be the same. Wherever there was aconcentration of mankind, the demons would also be. The queen's party had to continue asbefore, foraging from the countryside, taking all livestock from each farm they chanced upon,trying to ignore the sullen faces, driving like exiles rather than the royal party of a queen in herown realm.

And behind the loss of comforts, the depressing isolation, the hostility of the plunderedsubjects, the bickering of the free-spirited nomads, was the true meaning of what they had seen.A quarter of the population was demon-possessed; the rest had turned into snarling mobs. Periac,a master thaumaturge, rotted away in some hidden hole, undiscovered despite Alodar's carefulsearch. And with each day, more demons poured across the bridge between the two worlds.A sudden commotion behind Alodar spun him around and he looked up the slope. They wereencamping on a gentle rise, with the nomads scattered into rough groups of fifty. The ridgeline tothe south cut off their view. Now over the crest appeared two of the marines, whipping theirflagging ponies. They raced across the inclines, splattering foam from their mounts. With a swirlof dust, they savagely reined to halt in the middle of the camp and called for the queen.

Alodar crowded around with, the rest and heard the gasping report, "Banners of Procolon,no more than an hour's march away. But hotly pursued by a far larger force. They are in retreatand sundown will find them in our midst."

Alodar ran to the ridge and looked across the broad valley on the other side. The landdipped to the bed of a small, meandering stream and then rose to a crestline slightly higher thanthe one on which he stood. Long-stemmed grass rippled in a gentle breeze. Here and theie domesof bare rock poked through the cover. An occasional glint of sunlight reflected off the stream asit sluggishly trickled to the east.

The opposing ridgeline was silent and bare. Except for the stubble of grass nothingmoved. Alodar sank to the ground as Vendora and her followers arrived and clustered about. Hercrude banner was thrust into the soft earth and fluttered in the quickening afternoon breeze.Eventually a small cluster on horseback came into sight, followed by precisely formed, squaresof men on foot. As they splashed across the stream, additional groups appeared, more raggedthan the first—partially filled squares, wavering oblongs and chaotic clusters that seemed tostagger and lurch rather than hold to a definite direction. Finally in the rear, craftsmen whippedhorses pulling overloaded wagons, and men with backs piled high with family possessions

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tugged at the gowns of women staggering under the load of small children. Isolated individualszigzagged back and forth in a daze. In a ragged wave they tumbled down the slope, straining tokeep up with the warriors in front.

As the last stragglers forded the stream, the horsem*n trotted up to where Alodar stood.With an arm dangling at his side, the leader slowly dismounted and threw back his casque. Theface was gaunt and deeply lined, and the eyes glistened with pain, but Alodar recognized thebristly moustache and bulky frame.

"Cedric!" he cried, "Cedric, what luck to see you here and in service to the fair lady!"The warmaster nodded back to Alodar and stiffly approached the queen. He grabbed the

offered banner from the man behind and placed it at her feet."The volunteers of Ambrosia," he announced. "And a few units of the army of the west as

well."Alodar looked at the men who formed a line a respectable pace behind. His eyes widened

as he saw white-haired men and spindly youths far younger than he was. Another twothousand—but they looked ready to drop.

"Your fame is still remembered, warmaster," Vendora said. "And no doubt it aided youwell in recruiting a militia to my cause." She paused and looked at the haggard faces staringback. "But why a forced march northwards? You could have aided in the siege or waited inAmbrosia until we arrived for our offensive to the south.""There is no longer a siege to conduct in the west,” Cedric answered. "Bandor burst through thelines which tried to hold him."

"Impossible!" Feston shouted above the sudden chorus of voices. "Bandor and his allieswere in a vice-like grip. He was to be crushed for his impudent rebellion—not our efforts againsthim abandoned."

"Abandoned they were not," Cedric replied. "But with each day, Bandor grew stronger,sending forth more sallies, wrecking the engines of war, capturing more of the disheartenedbesiegers. Whole companies of men, nobles and warriors alike, changed their allegiances, joiningthe force which seemed to burst out of the west with demonic power. The three squares whichmarched with me are all that are left. Even those I had to persuade back into formation as theyfled in panic before the very gates of Ambrosia."

"And the kingdoms to the south?" Basil asked. "How deeply have they penetrated intoour heartland? How many leagues between them and the royal palace?"

"The armies have linked," Cedric answered. "Bandor and the others pursue us together.""But if you are so far north," Duncan asked, "what of the defense of Ambrosia?""There is no Ambrosia to defend," Cedric said wearily. "Procolon has fallen, my fair

lady. Your forces and mine are all that remain." He stopped and looked at the setting sun. "Theyare at our heels and we no longer have the strength to run. Tomorrow there will be a final battleand it will be here."

With a wave of his good arm, Cedric pointed back across the valley. As if on apaymaster's cue, a line of men appeared on the other crest, their energetic step in ominousunison. The vanguard halted on the ridgeline and spread out into the distance on either side. AsAlodar and the others watched, more and more climbed to join them, filling in the gaps andpiling up behind. In the quickening darkness, they merged into a solid wall, shoulder to shoulderand many rows deep. In the very center of the line, huge stones were dropped from a wagon andshaped into a ring. A small fire sprang to life, and a dim, blue-green flame twinkled in thetwilight. Drums began to sound, leading an unearthly chant. The warriors jabbed their swords

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into the sky. Mindlessly they gestured and roared, flaunting their freshness at the end of the day.Alodar looked up and down the line as it stretched before him, uniformly thick and

extending farther than he cared to imagine. He looked back over the royal forces and tried tovisualize them strung out thinly to meet the next day's charge.

He and the others were silent with shock as they watched the scene fade into the night.The line of men dissolved into the darkness, but dancing lights marked where they stood. Anoccasional beat of luminescent wings fluttered in their midst, and soft but spinetingling laughterwafted across the valley.

Alodar recalled his longing for battle before entering Bardina and felt it dash to splintersagainst the hard strength of what he had seen. He followed the flittering of imp glow and smiledruefully at his hopes, of tipping the balance with the control of a single demon.

He shuddered as the final reality hit him. Tomorrow, outnumbered, by how many hecould not tell, they must defeat those demon-driven, screaming hordes, or it would all be over.There would be no fair lady, no Procolon, no Ambrosia. All would be swept away and replace byhorrors that even Handar had difficulty describing.

Vendora stood speechless, her face a tight mask and her fists clenched at her sides. Grakplaced a hand on her shoulder. "So this is the battle for which we will receive our great rewards,"he growled. "It is more likely that our kin will see few of us again."

Vendora blinked and her eyes widened as she looked up at the nomad. "No, I will not abandon you," Grak promised. "It is not for the pretty rocks or shields of

shiny steel that I have pledged my sword to your aid. We will see tomorrow through, no matterwhat the consequences."

"And after a meal for my weary men, we will plan," Cedric said. "They will attack atdawn and we must be deployed as best we can."

Handar looked at Alodar in the darkness, his eyes glowing. He sighed. "I wish that therehad been more time. We might have had a better chance."

Alodar raised his eyebrows as Aeriel approached and she laughed self-consciously."Vendora has decreed that our council tonight be held as a proper court," she said "So after ahurried meal I did what I could to clean my tunic and wash my hair." She whirled for hisinspection and patted a hand to her hip. "Yes, even the magic dagger. Somehow Basil managedto carry two with him throughout the entire trek. He presented one to the queen, and she insistedthat I display mine."

Alodar nodded and accompanied her to the fire pit where the advisors were assembling.The moon was nearly gone, and the yellow flames silhouetted the closest figures in harshshadows. He looked around the group and saw Cedric resting comfortably, the lines of pain inhis face softened into creases of fatigue. The vat of sweetbalm Alodar had brewed withingredients scavenged from the refugees was not the best; but there was enough so that each ofthe warmaster's men received some share He saw Cedric nod his head slowly as he listened toGrak explaining the numbers and weapons of his men While he talked the nomad pulleduncomfortably at a silken shirt embroidered with metallic threads that sparkled in the firelight.Clearly more than willowbark had been requistioned from the fleeing subjects of the queen.

"The fair lady," Grengor announced, rising to his feet and pointing to the periphery ofillumination. Out of the shadows Vendora slowly approached, walking in synchronization to asilent promenade. She wore a gown of gold, and her hair was pushed high, held in place byjeweled combs. She smiled as she slowly sat in a chair roughly constructed from a wagon'splanking. She motioned the assemblage to rest as well.

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"The hours till dawn are few enough," Feston muttered. "I hope, my fair lady, that you donot intend to start with the ritual proclamations."

"I am still the queen of Procolon, if only for one more night," Vendora said. "AH shall beconducted with the proper decorum."

Feston frowned but said no more. For a moment a heavy silence hung on them all. "Thereis very little to discuss," Cedric said at last. "We are too few to have many options. My men withmail will take the center and Grak and his nomads will form on either side. The horses we havemust guard both flanks and try to prevent an envelopment."

"And while you hold them at bay, there may be time to slip away," Basil suggested. "Weshould be able to bribe enough silence for a safe hiding place."

"With my sphere, the number accompanying need not be large," Duncan added."Consider carefully, my fair lady, the choices you have left."

"We are pledged to fight for this woman, one and all," Grak growled. "To slink away is tocast aside one's honor."

"Do not be swayed, my fair lady, by the folly of the sagas," Basil said. "The fate of mostof those assembled here may be determined, it is true. But for one with personal resources, theresult need not be so clear."

"The sphere wards off demons as well as mortal blows," Duncan reminded the queen."Duncan, you are not the only suitor to whom I can turn for aid," Vendora said. "In fact I

have decided today to increase my options further." She stopped and swept her arm across thecircle.

"Stand up, Grak, and receive the congratulations of your peers."The nomad rose stiffly and placed his hands behind his back, glowering at the looks cast

his way."For what deed this time?" Aeriel asked. "Are not four suitors enough to play one against

the other?""I could justify it as a reward for assembling my barbarian army," Vendora replied.

"But that is favoritism even more blatant than at Iron Fist," Aeriel said. "It is not because ofhis aid alone that we have gathered as many as we have."

"I could say for assembling my army," Vendora repeated, "but I will not. It is because Iwant it so, and that is reason enough."

A rash of whispers shot around the circle but Vendora ignored them and continued. "Youcannot fault the role of queen that I have played. My father taught me in fine detail how tobalance the competing factions and to win independent power to my cause. But I am a woman aswell as a queen.

Not all of my choices will be made because they suit the purposes of the state.""But your beauty is renowned throughout the kingdom, my fair lady," Duncan protested.

"We suitors pursue you as well as the dignity of the crown.""Oh I know you would eye me even if I were a wench in a tavern." Vendora smiled. "But

without the glitter of the throne, how many gems or magic spheres would you offer my way?Grak pledged to Vendora the woman, and for that he would have the same reward if he alonecame to my banner. After tomorrow it may no longer matter; you will not suffer for the one nighthe is your equal."

"Our fate cannot be as certain as all that," Aeriel cried. "Surely fight or flight are not allthat we can consider. Handar, I do not believe you slept only to warn us of what we wouldfinally discover of our own accord. What else can we do besides stand firm and wave our swords

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until we are swept away?""Yes, there is another hope," Handar said as he rose slowly and stepped to the center of

the circle near the fire. "Another chance, less direct but one that we must take as well."He looked around the group and saw everyone waiting for him to continue. "Years ago

when it was decided that one day what we see about us indeed could come to pass, the greatwizards planned what must be our defense. Our hope would not lie in struggling with themischievous imps, the devils of power, or even the great demons. No,we must strike instead at the capstone. We must subjugate the very prince who plots against usand bend him to our will to trouble us no more. Only with one such as he working for our goodfortune rather than against it could we ensure that our peril was gone. Directed by his humanmaster to turn his attention elsewhere, he would bring his minions home and look to other worldsto satisfy his lust for conquest. And even though the barriers subsequently might fall again, hewould be bound to prevent any free transfer."

"But a demon prince, one more powerful than Balthazar," Alodar protested. "Has anywizard ever tried to undertake such a task?"

"No, such a conjuring has never been attempted," Handar replied. "And for twocompelling reasons. The first is the flame; the prince can be summoned only by the burning of ametal extracted and purified from many substances which are nearly its twin. From no commonearth does it come. And as far as I know, only one quantity of sufficient size has been refined bythe most painstaking alchemist's art."

"Then where is it now?" Alodar asked. "Back in your spire?""No." Handar smiled. "Much nearer than that. Here, Alodar, let me see the sorcerer's

eye,"Alodar reached into his pouch and handed the wizard the nearly forgotten orb. His eyes

widened with surprise as Handar suddenly snatched it away and hurled it to the ground. Thesphere hit a rock with a crash and shattered into a myriad of tiny jagged pieces. The eye wasgone and Handar stooped and picked up a single crystal of shining metal hidden in its interior.

For a moment Alodar was silent, studying first the remains of the sphere he had struggledso hard to obtain and then the gleaming beauty Handar held between thumb and forefinger. "Butif you knew that it was there all along, why wait until now to bring it forth? When I awakenedyou at the tower, why did you not summon the demon prince at once and be done with it?"

"As I have said," Handar continued, "No such conjuring has ever been attempted. I amamong the best of my craft, but Balthazar is the limit of what I can hope to master. For one suchas the demon prince, no mortal wizard would have the strength to impress his dominationupon him."

“Then what is this hope of which you speak?" Grengor asked. "If none can subdue thismighty demon, then we are left with nothing but to struggle with blade and shield.""No wizard, I said," Handar replied. "One armed only with the powers of my craft, no matterhow skillful, would have no chance to succeed. Therefore we consulted with masters of the otherarts, an event most unheard of. But thaumaturge, alchemist, magician, sorcerer—they all agreedthat none of their arts singly applied could fare any better than mine. The one to confront thedemon prince would need proficiencies far greater, far more encompassing than any of those in asingle craft.

He would need to be an archimage, the master of all the arts.""But even if such a wonder existed," Grengor persisted, "would even he be enough?""I do not know," Handar said. "But by logic, there is nothing more potent that a mortal

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could try. We know that knowledge of one of the arts is insufficient. But yet this one spark ofhope is there. Even though each art would fail by itself, perhaps, if used together by someoneversed in them all, the effect of the whole might be greater than the sum of the parts."

Handar stuffed the crystal into a pocket and then touched his fingertips together andrested his thumbs on his chest. "And so we, the great wizards, made our plan on this premise. Webegan by building Iron Fist, the fortress of the far west. Great effort was spent in raising its long,smooth walls. Much thought was given to the design of its passageways and mighty keep. Manydemons were pressed into the labor of its construction. When the trigger was complete, we setthem upon themselves until they all were destroyed."

"The trigger?" Feston interrupted. "I was at the fall of Iron Fist but saw nothing of whatyou speak."

"The trigger was the castle itself," Handar said. "After we had finished the other tasks ofour plan we went to sleep in the tower to the north. And so long as the interaction withdemonkind was random, we would slumber on. Awakening—my awakening—was not to comeuntil precipitated by the desires of the demon prince for our world. When the prince finallydirected his attention to us, his first act would be to attack our tower. He could not penetrate ourprotective shield so he acted instead to ensure that no mortal would awaken us either.

"And after the passage of time had sealed us away from other men with taboo andsuperstition, his interest then naturally focused on the structure for which we had lavished somuch care, the mighty fortress built by the wizards he was unable to reach. He could not butthink that some great secret of our craft lay somewhere hidden within its protective walls. Andso, after isolating us in the north, he directed the sack of Iron Fist to learn what we must havehidden there. That attack started the sequence of events that resulted in my awakening and theculmination of our defense as well."

"None could fathom why Bandor chose to raze the castle rather than fortify it for hisown." Feston nodded his head. "But you speak of a man of great skill to lead the defense. Askand you will hear of my prowess in that fall, how I saved the queen from a dire fate and becamesuitor for her hand."

"Ah, skill in arms. Most commendable," Handar said. "But was it by that skill that youmade your escape with the treasures that were hidden there?"

"Why no, it was not so," Aeriel interjected before Feston could speak again. "It wasAlodar who solved the riddle of the column and the well. It was he who found the passage thatlet us reach the cool air of the hills "beyond."

"Most clever for you to solve the riddle, Alodar." Handar smiled. "But then, cunning isthe mark of the master thaumaturge."

He patted his fingertips together and then put his hands behind his back. Like a lecturerbefore a group of apprentices, he slowly circled the fire with his chin bent down to his chest."But there was more buried in Iron Fist than just a means of escape. As we returned from mytower, Alodar told me that he carried away a scrap of paper with a single formula, most arcane.A formula that was used to probe the secrets of the Fumus Mountains."

"And not by the novice alone," Basil interrupted. "My minion Rendrac pitted his greatbulk against the heat of those furnaces. He brought forth a treasure the likes of which man hasnot hitherto seen. It was pledged to the queen to provide the means by which she might financeher struggles." He drew his dagger and waved it about. "And for my great generosity I am hersuitor as much as any nobleborn."

"I have heard of Rendrac's fate," Handar continued. "With ointment applied thickly, he

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braved the mountains, only to die a suffocating death in the end. And with no ointment, thetreasure could not be reached. Only by pushing onward against great pain could one hope toreturn with both orbs of magic and his life. But then, perseverance is the touchstone of the masteralchemist."

"It may have been wizardry which placed the spheres in the mountains," Duncan said."But it was my magic which completed the sphere of protection, proof against man and demonalike. What greater gift could one give a queen in exchange for marriage vows."

"Yes, magic and wizardry mixed," Handar admitted. "A source of heat, lasting forever, tokeep the lava bubbling in its basin of solid rock. And the two incomplete spheres placed by a firedemon in the bowels of the mountain. Two spheres, not one, and subtly different. Whencompleted by tradition the results are the same. With a different ritual performed with precision,however, one becomes instead a sorcerer's eye." Handar shrugged. "But then, precision is theessence of the master magician. It was the eye that led Alodar to me and completed the chain forwhich Iron Fist was the trigger."

"Kelric showed great bravery in unlocking its power," Grengor said. "Even though hedied with the badge of a suitor, he knew that he willed his own death by attempting to use it"

"Great courage indeed." Handar nodded. "But which was greater? Who among yousubmitted to look into the eye when it opened? It is one thing to resign yourself to death but quiteanother to accept an uncertain fate which may be even worse. But then, bravery is the heart ofthe master sorcerer. And through it all, who ran the entire gauntlet of tests, refusing to succumbto the events which threatened to dominate him?"

Handar stopped and turned to face Alodar. "But then, strength of will is the quintessenceof the master wizard. Yes, our plan encompassed more than the mechanism fo our awakening.They included as well the means by which we would find and test the one who possessed theinherent capabilities to master all the arts. The lid of my coffin was not pushed aside by arandom messenger. It was done by the one whom we sought."

Alodar blinked. For a moment, he was speechless. "I have faced these trials as you say,"he said at last. "But I do not know of what you speak. I sought only the hand of the queen."

"Yes, my lad," Handar replied. "Most certainly you moved forward from endeavor toendeavor with some other goal in mind. But the first quest is but the shadow of the second. It isfor more than a single kingdom that you are here. All else is the pettiness of dull history and notthe fabric of the sages."

"But I could have faltered along the way," Alodar protested. "Had I not acted correctly ateach step, what then of your plan to save us?"

"To defeat the demon prince, the need is for the archimage," Handar said. "No less willdo. Not one who claims to know all the crafts, not one who is willing to learn them. But one whopossesses the attributes that make a great master of them all. We had to take the risk thatsomeone capable of being the complete master would be present at Iron Fist when it fell,"

"But in no craft am I master, let alone five," Alodar protested. "I studied thaumaturgy fora few years, alchemy for half of one more. With each art my knowledge and experience is lessthan the one before. I have controlled a few simple imps and exorcised one or two more. Yet Iwould fear Balthazar or the tower demons, let alone their master."

"It is not their power on which you should dwell," Handar said. "That is as they wouldwish. It is their will that must be your focus, independent of how they manipulate the naturalelements at their disposal. Such is the way with Balthazar and with the prince as well."

The wizard paused and then continued slowly. "I understand some of what you feel, but

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events have proceeded all too quickly. I could wish to see you develop more fully in my craft, tobuild the confidence needed before you were distracted by the task for which youwere groomed. But tomorrow precludes such an option. And master in the arts or not, we haveno other candidate. You are the best that mortal men at this junction can offer."

Alodar looked around the circle, his mouth suddenly dry. He saw all eyes staring his wayawaiting his decision. He felt a touch on his arm and turned his head to see Aeriel at his side.Numb with the weight of what was asked of him, he looked at Vendora and thought of how hardhe had struggled for the prize of possessing her. He ran his tongue across his lips and visualizedhis dream of the triumphant march of the hero. He brushed his hand by his side and thensuddenly looked across at Cedric.

The warmaster returned his stare, cool and steady, "I said to wear the sword so that it didhonor to us both," Cedric said. “'I have no cause to wish it back."

Alodar glanced at Aeriel standing quietly beside him, only dimly aware of the pain hergrip sent through his arm. He looked back at the wizard and read the truth of all that Handar hadsaid.

"Is it so certain that I alone have walked this path for you?" Alodar asked.Handar nodded silently.Alodar filled his lungs with a rush of air. "It is not for this that I have quested," he said.

"But I have offered my life once already and that was merely for a queen. How can I sacrificeless for what you ask?"

"It is as I knew you would say." Handar tossed Alodar the crystal of metal."But when and how should I use it?" Alodar asked. "Now, just before the attack, during

the battle, or only if all seems irretrievably lost?"Handar slowly shook his head. "That is for the archimage to decide," he said softly.

PART SIXThe Archimage


"THAT should be enough curing," Alodar said as he dropped the formula-laden scrap tothe ground.

The potter grunted and slowed the spin of his wheel to a halt. Alodar peered into the largebarrel. Guided by overhead torchlight, he scooped out the last of the small, drippingpumicestones. He felt the rubbery coating that had been flung against the inner walls of thebarrel and nodded with satisfaction at its dryness.

Pressing all that goldenrod for the milky sap had taken time, and he had been forced totry four times for the desiccation to activate properly twice. But otherwise these crude potatobarrels would not be watertight.

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"Put it on the wagon with the other," he said, "and take them down to the stream to befilled.

Grengor has a party building a dam and will sound alarm if anything stirs on the othercrest."

The potter waved his understanding, and Alodar pushed the details from his mind. Histhoughts raced forward to the next task to be performed in the little time remaining before dawn.After the council had broken up, he had talked with Handar for another hour about what toexpect when he tried to conjure the demon prince. Each question had led to two more; when thewizard finally broke off, Alodar was no more sure of his course of action than when he began.But he could not tolerate the frustration of waiting and plunged into a whirlwind of activities,manipulating the things that he could understand, seeking ways to combine the virtues of the fivearts, to scrape together the meager resources at hand into potent weapons for the battle. The bogillusion was prepared and the demon for the barrels must wait until the proper time. What nextcould be done with the bits of board and metal that remained in the camp?

"I did not expect to find you still about." Handar's voice cut through Alodar's reverie."Let the thaumaturges and alchemists among the refugees handle these tasks. If anyone is to gethis rest tonight, it should be you."

"I cannot stand idly by while others rush forward for our cause armed only with theirswords," Alodar protested. "I have spent the evening formulating a means by which we canmatch the length of their line to ours." He waved at the departing potter. "And something to haltthe ones that might break through."

"I also have been busy," the wizard said. "On the wings of djinns, I returned to the tower.I awoke two sleeping comrades from tombs like my own. Their power is not as great as mine butit will be used tomorrow. More than Balthazar will be wrenched from his study of other worldsto struggle against his brethren."

"These other places?" Alodar asked. "Several times you have mentioned them. What havethey to do with us?"

"Though I have never seen one," Handar answered, "the demons speak of many worldsparallel to theirs, some in fact inhabited by men like ourselves. And on some of these the craftsby which men lifted themselves from savagery are different from those we use here. There thefive arts have fallen into disrepute, their principles forgotten or distorted, their place taken byother skills similar in nature but guided by different laws. The truth of thaumaturgy remain onlyin a few imperfectly remembered spells; instead, a huge edifice of complex postulates has beenerected to explain the nature of space and time. Impatient with the uncertain success of alchemy,they replaced it with another art. The beautiful symmetries of magic became a thing untothemselves, symbols to be manipulated and arrayed, their underlying significance lost. The skillof the sorcerer to enchant fell away, and the practitioners concentrated instead on small changesin character of those with whom they dealt. And whole populations cope with devils and imps byturning their backs on them and dismissing their existence as primitive superstition. Places suchas these are not threatened by demonkind, or if so, care little for the consequences of theinteraction. And perhaps this indifference is what draws the prince's attention to us. I do notknow. I only can hope that you will find the means to turn it in another direction."

"There will be little time for another meal tomorrow," a second voice, brittle with strain,interrupted the conversation. Alodar turned to see Aeriel approach from up the slope. She thruststill-steaming piece of fowl into his hand. Her face was tight, and she avoided his glance andlowered her head, Alodar frowned and gently placed his fingertip under her chin. He raised her

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face to his and saw tears sparkling in the corners of her eyes.The wizard cleared his throat. "I will attend to the others of my craft," he mumbled and

disappeared into the darkness."Do not grieve yet," Alodar said after a moment. "Handar and the others will aid our

cause. And when the time comes I will also be ready."Aeriel opened her mouth to speak but then stopped and sighed uncertainly. "My tears are

not for what may happen at the worst," she told him softly. "If that is to be our fate, then we willshare it. It is the possibility of victory on which I ponder. And I am troubled about how I trulyfeel about it."

"But if we win the battle, it will mean the war as well," Alodar assured her. "All demonsgone, and the ones they control restored to their former dispositions."

"Yes, I understand the aftermath either way," Aeriel said. "Just as I knew how you wouldrespond when Handar presented you with the decision. I admire you for that, Alodar, and wishyou to find the same strength in me."

Alodar blinked and tried to understand the meaning of her words. "Admiration is tootame a description for what I feel for you, Aeriel. And the support you have given the queen issecond to no other."

"But do you not see?" Aeriel cried. "If you finish the second quest, you succeed in thefirst also. You will have saved Procolon, you alone, and no one can deny it. Vendora can have noother choice but to select you above all the others. Craftsman and peer alike will demand it.There will be no more need to play one against the other for momentary gain. And so, eitherway, I will be the loser. What follows defeat I do not wish upon anyone, and yet, if we win, theresult for me will be no different"

Alodar sucked in his breath. Part of his mind wanted to pull away and deny Aeriel's logic,the logic he knew had also deeply troubled his own thoughts. He looked into her tear-filled eyes,and his throat grew tight. "Your boldness exceeds even my own," he whispered.

Aeriel paused and then continued more slowly. "On the royal barge I stated that my goalwas to serve the queen, to see that she finally selected the mate that would make her kingdomsecure. And so I have done, acting unselfishly to advance your banner because you seemed themost worthy. But through it all, my own feelings became harder and harder to push aside."

Aeriel again ducked her head. "In the mountains to the north you expressed what yourfeelings would be if you did not quest for the queen. And so long as the pursuit continued anddid not reach for its climax, it was enough. But the events have compressed too quickly. Theytranscend the struggle for a single kingdom. Now there can no uncertainty about Procolon'sfuture if you pass one final test. And so, even though everyone else makes their individualsacrifices to aid our common cause, mine I cannot give freely. Here am I, a lady of the royalcourt, proud of my record of putting state before self. One who looked with disdain at those whomaneuvered to protect their own petty interests. But when I face my own test, when I am calledupon to part with something that truly matters, I find that I fall short of my image of myself. Ihesitate, I falter. Other feelings are there and I cannot deny them. If one were to ask if I trulyprefer a victory tomorrow, a victory that allows you finally to choose Vendora over all others ..."

Alodar's thoughts exploded. Perhaps it was the fatigue, the uncertainty of what lay ahead,the pressure of keeping so many thoughts hidden, Aeriel's presence, the openness with which sherevealed herself to him. But regardless of the reasons he could suppress his feelings for her nolonger. With all the rest, like a sprite's dustdevil, they whirled in his mind.

It was her companionship he had enjoyed in all the wanderings to the north. If ever there

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was a fair lady worthy of the quest of any of the heroes of the sagas, he thought, it was Aerieland no other. But the pursuit of Vendora, the battle, the confrontation with a prince of demons,they all crowded in and tumbled together. He could not sort his feelings out and speak withdecision. But after tonight, he might never see her again, he thought dimly above the confusion.They could not part until he told her something of what he felt.

He drew his free arm around her and pulled her to him, "I know the fair lady for what sheis," he said softly, "it was not for her that I quested so much as for what she represented. And Iunderstand as well the conflict that brings your tears. It can be no less stormy than my own.Many times in my quest, I thought of you and what in the end success would mean. And eachtime, like a timid magician, I would not complete the ritual and drive my thoughts to theirconclusion. Instead I bound them up and stuffed them away, selfishly taking all the warmth andcomfort of your attention and deferring to later what the consequences might be." He paused andsqueezed her tightly. "The sands have been cast, and the events of tomorrow will thunder to theirresolution, regardless of our longings. But no matter what happens, Aeriel, I want you to knowthis. You are not the only one who will lose from either outcome."

Aeriel sobbed once and then smiled through her tears. Hungrily her lips sought his.Alodar stopped his mental struggle and let his thoughts slide away in the heat of their passion.Time passed, but he did not care. Finally they stood apart, looking deeply into each other's eyes.

After a moment Alodar glanced away and then with a smile held up the piece of chickenthat was still tightly clutched in his hand. Aeriel laughed, and the mood suddenly was broken.The ventilated emotions evaporated away into the gloom. Aeriel licked her lips and thenaccepted the offered bite. Without saying more, they took turns shredding away pieces of meatfrom the bone.

"I am glad you came with the meal," Alodar said when they were done."And I," Aeriel replied as she pulled the wishbone apart from the rest. "A superstition

that plays no part in your crafts, I know. But certainly a wish for good fortune could do us noharm."

Alodar nodded, and they snapped the bone. "I will carry the favor into battle," he said asthey carefully put the pieces away into their pockets. He looked to the east and again drew hergently to him. In silence they stood together, waiting for the first rays of dawn.

Alodar's heart pounded to the beat of the drums. He looked quickly at the half circle ofthe sun and then at the warriors already on the march towards them. Under the brightening skythe final contingents of the queen moved into position. Because of Grengor's dam, themeandering stream had swollen into a long, shallow lake. On the side nearest, Alodar saw theglint of sunlight from Cedric's militia. Shoulder to shoulder, they stood behind a row of longpikes thrust into the soft shoreline. Five rows deep, the warriors marked a contour of the valley, aspiny serpent of steel, a thousand feet long, silent and waiting.

Grak and his kinsmen spread out on both sides to extend the defense farther. Much lessdensely packed, the nomads formed narrow strings of leather, each man refusing to hide behindanother.

Tucked just behind the last in line on the left, a small cavalry, led by Feston, pawed theground.

Of the twenty horses, only a dozen wore mail, another five were mere ponies. Theirnervous snorts fogged the cold morning air. Directly behind Cedric and in front of the knoll onwhich Alodar stood, a score of archers finished stringing their bows and slowly testing thetensions. A little to their left, Handar paced with two other black-robed wizards.

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Alodar looked hastily about to ensure that all his preparations were ready. His marinesstood on guard around a small semicircle pulled bare of grass and shrubbery. A cauldron of waxbubbled at the center. A supply of molds crudely pounded from pots and plates lay near thethaumaturge standing nearby. Two of the refugees, too old to swing a sword, but understandingwell the futility of further flight, beat a pile of willowbark into powder for the next batch ofsweetbalm.

Near Alodar's feet, a row of bottles, apparently empty but all tightly corked, stood in arow. The one on the left dangled above a fire in a pit, and the next was piled on all sides withglowing coals. Down the line, the intensity of the applied heat declined until the bottle on thefarthest right bobbed in a bucket of water from the icy stream. At the end was a glove with thewrist tied around the snout of a bellows and the tips of the thumb and little finger neatly clippedoff. Farther away stood the wagon with the two barrels of water. Seven hobbled horses, the worstof Vendora's scavenged lot, munched on the grass nearby.

Alodar looked to the crest behind and saw all the rest gathered in small clumps to watchthe outcome. The sun reflected brightly off Vendora's gown. At her side he could see Duncansqueezing the pouch that contained his sphere. Basil kept looking over his shoulder as if hehoped to find a refuge he had missed before. At the last moment, Alodar had sent Aeriel away tojoin them; as he watched, she reluctantly faded into the throng.

Alodar turned back to face in the direction of the drums. The cadence was slow andbooming. Each throb seemed to intensify with hypnotic incessancy. On every beat, the troops ofthe rebellion took another synchronized step down the incline. The slow march was deliberate,Alodar knew. The final yell and haphazard rush would come only after Vendora's defenders badbeen given ample time to contemplate the might arrayed against them.

They marched in rectangles three men deep and thirty wide, each one marked by a longbanner hanging limply from a lance that poked skyward. Only narrow gaps separated groups onefrom another. But when Alodar looked to the left and right, he saw the air shimmer and theapproaching men seem to fade from view. Except for a narrow portion of the line about the samelength as that of the royal forces, no more of the huge army that had reached the crest the nightbefore was visible.

"Even though we are outnumbered," Grengor said at Alodar's side, "if they do not chooseto use their superior forces to envelop us, we still have a chance. The center will hold, and thesavagery of Grak's kinsmen will be more than a match for minds that are demon-doped."

"They all move against us," Alodar replied. "You see but part of the illusion that I amcasting in order to nullify some of the advantage. Last night Cedric and Grak agreed that it wouldbe folly to stretch our line to match their length. Densely clustered, we would stand no chanceagainst a sweep of the flanks. They said that they needed to defend a pass rather than a plain. Sowith the arts, I have attempted to form one."

Grengor wrinkled his brow and Alodar continued."They came too late yesterday to get a clear view of the land between us. If we can

convince them that deep bogs lie on either side, they will compress into the middle and trip overthemselves as they try to jockey forward. The imp Gladril carried water-filled jugs into the sky.He periodically dumped them as he rose, thereby replacing their contents with the vapors of thevarious layers. Upon return to earth, each jug was then subjected to fire and cold as you see atmy feet, and the sky above now bends the rays of light as I choose. The warriors coming downthe hill do not see the empty plain to our right and left but a far wetter marsh we skirted in thenorth."

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"But shimmering air alone will not bend them from their instructed course," Grengorobjected.

"And so the camphor was used to make the solvent, imperfect as it was," Alodar said."Delivered by the sprites into the path of the march, it has eaten at the grasses and rock for longenough that more than one bog-hole will result. For the rest, though you cannot hear them, noless than a dozen sirens caress their ears as they approach. And this time theh' song is not ameaningless wail but the word of sorcery as I have instructed them to say. Visions of cattails,rushes, sedge, and milkweed will mix with the flickering air. By themselves, each part of theeffect would be insufficient, but together they will do what they must."

Alodar smiled as he saw a block of men emerge from the haze and move behind the linethat marched without deflection down the center. Another group appeared and then another. "If Ihad had a magic sound box for the croak of the frog and buzz of the fly I could have used it aswell. But no matter, it seems to be working with what I have already done. We still have to facethem all, but at least not at the same time."

Suddenly the drums stopped. With a yell, Bandor's warriors flashed their swords andraced down the remaining portion of the hill. Screaming unearthly warcries, they dashed into thewater, tromping up a fine spray with their passage. Some lost their balance and fell, but the onesbehind ran over them, eyes gleaming. The precisely formed rectangles pulled apart into raggedlines and then disintegrated entirely. In twos and threes, they staggered to dry land and flungthemselves at Vendora's defense.

Alodar caught his breath with the first clang of sword on shield. He saw a nomad nimblysidestep an awkward thrust and then slash downward on the exposed neck and shoulder thattumbled after.

More warriors reached the line. With a shout of their own, Cedric's center and Grak'sbarbarians met the attack. The noise of contact popped and groaned all along the line into themorning air.

Alodar saw the mailed militia momentarily fall backwards from the shock but then standfirm and cut down the first who reached them. The nomads whirled their swords in greatswinging arcs and leaped forward to meet their foes knee deep in the water. The attackers felllike wheat before a scythe.

Before the nomads advanced farther, hastily barked commands pulled them back into amore disciplined line. With taunting swords, they awaited the next rush, which came with farmore caution. Bandor's troops reconsolidated into a wall, and the first row waded across to meetthe defenders. More blocks squeezed in behind but hesitated at the far side of the lake, unwillingto stand in the cold water behind those who fought in front. Farther up the hill, other groupsducked behind their shields as they came within range of the hail of arrows. Alodar quicklysurveyed the entire line. For the moment they had held the first charge.

Alodar let his breath out and then snapped his attention back to his own duties. "Quickly,Grengor," he ordered. "Untether the horses that pull the wagon and get two men alongside thebarrels. I will tell you in a moment where we will best need them."

"Our proper place is down on the line with the rest, master," Grengor shot back. "I do notlike this meaningless guard duty, The wounded who can walk will find this place well enoughand the thaumaturge and alchemists can tend to the mending as well as you."

"We cannot hold this position, forever," Alodar said. "We must be ready for thebreakthroughs wherever they may come. Do as I say. Your utility will be far greater." Alodar didnot wait for a reply but swung his eyes to the small fire under the bottle on the left. In an instant,

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he willed his presence through the flame. A sparkle of light, no bigger than a firefly, dancedbefore him.

"You make a great error, master," a tiny voice whined."Even the most immature imp has powers which are great compared to mine. Why, since

my hatching, only the wizard Maxwell on another world has even bothered with mysummoning."

"Into the glove," Alodar ordered. "There is no time for wordy quibble." He picked up thebellows and ran to the wagon. As he climbed aboard, the spark of light followed and disappearedinto the interior of the contraption in his hand.

"To what position?" Grengor asked, slapping the reins against the horses' backs. "I wouldthink that the nomads on the east will most need whatever help we can offer."

"Cedric says that stopping the first penetration, no matter where it occurs, is mostimportant,"

Alodar replied. "No one can aggressively hold a line if he feels his backside threatened.And if the enemy is halted once, they will be less bold a second time. Now silence, I mustconcentrate on where it will be."

Alodar looked back at the line. The battle surged forward and back. In the center, as menfell on either side, those behind moved up to fill in the gap. Cedric's forces buckled and bowed,alternately retreating among the pikes or pushing the attackers back into the lake. The strugglesof the barbarians gradually diffused into an unstructured melee, each nomad fighting alone,whipping his sword in all directions in vengeance for his fallen comrades. With each passingminute, they thinned and weakened, but the confusion they caused on the other side was as greatas their own, and no advantage immediately could be taken.

For an instant Alodar grimaced with distaste at what he would feel next, but then plungedinto the charm. The prophecy would be for this place and only for moments away; it should notbe a severe undertaking. He spoke the words quickly, too intent on what he must do to noticegreatly the discomfort. In a moment it was done. With unblinking eyes, he scanned the future ofthe tumult.

The swirl of fighting blurred and then jerked back into focus. The turbulence looked thesame on the left In the center, Cedric held firm, although his line was far more shallow. Alodarslewed past the center but then halted and looked again. There on the boundary, between Cedric'smail and Grak's barbarians on the right, the line suddenly ruptured and a mass of yelling warriorsstreamed through.

Alodar blinked back to the present. "To the west," he shouted, "and use the whip!" Awave of nausea rose from his stomach as the wagon lurched forward, but he paid no attention.Steadying himself with one hand, he reached for a deep-bowled ladle bouncing on the wagonbed.

"Use the barrel in the rear first," he said to Melab, who rocked along at his side. "Insertthe hose and prepare the plunger so we will be ready when we arrive,"

The marine put the round wooden lid with the wide rubber flange into the mouth of thebarrel and inserted one end of a hose into a small hole near the center. He pressed tentatively onthe surface and a spray of water shot from the other end of the hose.

"One more burst so I can fill the ladle," Alodar said, bending forward to catch the last ofthe stream. When the spoon was full, he flung the hose aside and cradled the sloshing bowl. Theyraced past the archers nocking the last of their arrows and the wizards observing withoutapparent emotion. He looked back to the line and yelled for Grengor to stop. The last oscillationsof the wagon had barely faded away when, just as he had envisioned, four men fell side by side

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in near unison, and the attackers surged through."Wet them all," Alodar yelled. Melab quickly bent his back to the barrel cover, and

another marine with the hose arched a geyser into the leading edge of the warriors rushing theirway. Alodar looked quickly at the distance to be covered and then at the apparatus he still held inhis hand. While the marines washed the spray back and forth over the fighters as they charged,he carefully set the ladle of water on the wagonbed. Then, inserting the thumb of the glove intothe bowl, he bound the metal wheelrims as a heat sink and began to pump the bellows.

Alodar saw the glove expand into a balloon and felt the jet of air escaping from thefingerhole of his crude tee-junction strike his cheek. He co*cked his head to the side to interceptthe rush from the other airstream, burbling up through the water in the ladle. He looked up at thewarriors thundering towards them, swords held high and eyes wide with blood lust. "Only thecoldest to the thumbhole," he yelled. "I do not care how warm the other side becomes."

"As you wish, master," the voice inside the glove squeaked, and the bubbling streamturned icy cold. Alodar looked at the marines and saw the strain on their faces as they watchedthe approach.

The fastest of the intruders sprinted forward and, with a yell of glee, locked his eyes onwhere Alodar's unprotected form huddled on the wagon.

Alodar's legs strained to bolt away, but he held himself firm and pumped all the harder.He cringed in anticipation of the downward swinging blow but, as he did, felt a sudden resistanceto his inward squeeze.

Alodar glanced up and ducked to the side as the warrior pitched forward into the wagon,his arm locked and his face in a puzzled stare. He looked back at the others who followed andsaw them fall to the ground one by one, mimicking the grotesque statues of the children's game.He examined the glove and found the finger frozen solid in the small block of ice that hadformed in the ladle.

"A simple matter of thaumaturgy," he explained to Melab as he rose. "And a demon whocould separate the hot air from the cold in order to freeze the small quantity that once was a partof a larger whole." He looked for a final time at what he had done. "The circles of mail are justthe right size to hold the water until it freezes into a solid coat. I witnessed the effect oncebefore, although it was with a caloric ointment rather than common ice."

The squad of archers came rushing up, and Alodar turned away, not caring to watch howthey ensured that the downed warriors would bother them no more. He breathed deeply and triedto prepare himself to recast the prophetic enchantment. But before he could act, a sudden shoutfrom the west caught his attention. At the very limit of Alodar's illusion, a troop of horsem*nforded the stream and turned towards the battle. With a trumpeteer's charge, they kicked theirmounts into a run and bore down on the flank. As Alodar watched, Feston wheeled his cavalry tomeet the attack.

For the better part of a minute, the horsem*n raced over the tall grass. Feston surged tothe front and, with his sword over his head, waved on the stragglers. The troops rushed togetherwith the sharp report of steel on steel. Great jets of mud and uprooted grass exploded sky-wardfrom the impact. The cries of men and horses in pain replaced the dull rumble of the charge. Thethin lines broke and dissolved into small swirls of energy, ringing sword on shield and riderstumbling to the ground.

"They circled around the illusion on the far side," Alodar said. "And if on one flank, thenwhy not the other?" He whirled to the east and saw four horsem*n crossing the streamdownstream of Grengor's dam. Alodar looked back. Feston's troop was fully engaged, the archers

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busy with their grueling task, and the line of warriors still pressed from the south. He thought ofthe impact of even four swords cutting into their thinly held flank. "They will move too fast forthis to work again," he shouted to Grengor as he flung the bellows aside. "Enough of the fancycraftwork. Back to our post and the few horses that we have. There is no one else to stop them."The wagon turned a slow circle and then bounced back to the clearing. Alodar sprang from thebed and ran for one of the horses. He scooped up and sheathed his sword and then jumped intothe saddle. Wrenching around the reins, he kneed his mount into a gallop. The remaining marinesabandoned their guard duty and followed.

Bandor's horsem*n saw his troop coming and veered from bearing down on the nomadsto meet the charge. Both men and horses were heavily draped in mail. The morning sun flashedangry reflections from the polished surfaces of helms caped with billowy blue plumes. A longstandard decorated with Bandor's arms fluttered from a staff on the lead horseman's saddle,Although the heavily muscled mounts raced rapidly forward, the men sat stiffly erect as ifwalking in a procession.

As they approached, each of the four reached to his side and spun a spiny balled maceinto the air. Alodar drew his sword in response. Closing for the collision, he tried to recallCedric's instructions on how best to deal with the whirling weapon. He frowned as he studiedtheir orbits above the warrior's heads. They rotated so slowly that he could see the dodecahedralsymmetry of the spikes.

He blinked and pulled back on the reins. "Magic weapons!" he shouted. "Maces of crystalresonance. I read of them in the library of the Guild. It is no wonder they come with only four.Our metal will do us no good."

He slowed to a trot, but two of his followers sped past and converged on the leader fromboth sides.

The marines swung their swords high simultaneously, aiming at the warrior's exposedside and his hand stiffly holding the reins. With a sudden jerk, the mace wrenched out of its fiattrajectory and smashed into the blades, one after the other. Sparks flew at the contact and metalshrieked in protest as the surfaces grated together. One sword snapped at the hilt and sprangskyward. The other broke nearer the middle, sending both halves spinning to the ground. Beforeeither man could recover, the mace dipped lower on its second revolution, crashing into onemarine's jaw and hitting the other in the chest. With what sounded like the bursting of a bag ofcoins, the ringlets of mail tinkled to the ground.

"Stop the swing. It is the only way," Alodar shouted. "Hanging limply, they have nopower, but so long as they whirl we have no weapon to stand against them." He looked quicklyabout as the rest of the marines sped forward to engage the others. He saw one immediatelyknocked to the ground and heard again the shriek of breaking metal.

The leader did not turn to continue his attack on the marines as they rode past. He sightedon Alodar and kneed his horse forward. The banner on the mast at the rear of his saddle snappedstiffly with the increased speed. Alodar's eyes flicked to the standard, and he saw what he musttry. Gathering his resolution, he grabbed his reins with his teeth. Sheathing his sword, heloosened a small shield hung from his saddle and held it stiffly with both hands. Biting down onthe leather, he hunched behind his protection and aimed for the slowly revolving ball.

At the last instant before they collided, Alodar tilted the top of his shield backwards andducked even lower underneath its layers of hide and steel. With a jolt that shocked his armsnumb, the ball hit the flat surface, crumbling metal and ricocheting up and over his shelteredform. His horse stumbled, dropping one knee to the ground and then the other. Alodar pushed

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from his stirrups as he fell, tossing the pieces of shield skyward.With one arm he reached across the warrior's waist, pivoting himself up behind on the

horse's back. He ducked beneath the mace as it swung overhead. With his other hand, he rippedthe banner from its mast. He flung the tangle of cloth upwards into the path of the ball just as itcame around a second time.

The sharp spikes ripped the fabric, but Alodar tugged and crashed the weapon down tohis side. The horseman pulled on the chain, but before he could wrench it free, Alodar's twomarines circled back alongside and grabbed his arms. Alodar linked his hands around the helm.With a backstraining tug, he rolled off the horse. One marine pulled with the thrust and thesecond pushed from the other side. The warrior tipped and then slid from the saddle.

Alodar scrambled free and spun about in time to see one of Bander's men lean low anddip his mace as he raced by. Alodar dived for the ground, feeling the weapon whistle past his ear.He looked up to see another of his marines charge from the left, his surcoat outstretched inimitation of what he had just seen. The second mace snagged as the two men collided. Theytumbled to the ground in a heap with the rest.

Alodar got to his feet and saw the last two of his troop staying just beyond the range ofBander's remaining warriors, tauntingly holding forth scraps of cloth rather than gleamingswords. Alodar exhaled slowly, bracing himself to return to the wagon and prepare for the nextbreakthrough.

Before he could act, he heard the beginning of a high-pitched buzz above the clash ofbattle. The men still remaining on horseback obscured his view, but there was no mistaking thedirection from which it came. Along the line, the fighting momentarily stopped. Even Bander'smen looked over their shoulders for the source of the noise. Then suddenly the sound grew intoan ear-ringing crescendo. From the south, a streak of black darkened the sky and descended ontothe battlefield.

The plunging shaft broke against the line of Cedric's mail. Like a wave against a shallowshore, it rolled down its length to the last combatants at either end. With cries of pain and alarm,the rearmost line bolted from their formation, madly flailing arms and beating at mailed chestsand backs. Despite his losses, Cedric had stood three deep against his foes; but now he thinned totwo, and in some places a single defender opposed the wall massed against him.

"Imps, a swarm of imps," Grengor exclaimed as he rode closer, dragging one of Bander'sensnared followers along the ground. "They are stinging through the ringlets of mail. No mancan swing a decent blow with such distraction from a dozen directions at once."

Alodar grabbed his glass to see if the flanks escaped the enraged buzzing which hoveredover the center. But his attention was pulled upwards as he saw a spray of fiery arcs bendingdown out of the sky towards Grak's nomads. Oil-soaked rags attached to long-vaned arrowsdescended in formation and followed precise trajectories to land in the barbarians' rear. As eachhit the ground, it exploded in a shower of flame that flashed in a display of eye-painingbrilliance.

Alodar shielded his face from the bursts. As he blinked his eyes back into focus, he sawthat where each arrow had struck stood a small, scaly, grotesque form, a miniature of the demonswhich had confronted him at the foot of Handar's tower.

Without delay, the lobster-red devils opened their mouths into wide ovals; from eachbelched forth balls of fire that energized the air into incandescence as they passed. The first hittwo of Grak's men squarely on their leather-covered backs. With screams of surprise andshowers of glowing embers, they immediately crumpled to the ground and were still. Bander's

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men rushed forward into the gap.Alodar swung his glass back to where he had last seen the wizards. He saw Handar

coming his way, pulling the long hems of his robe high from the ground. To the east, anotherwizard hastily extended the telescoped legs of a portable tripod he had swung from his back.With practiced precision, he lit a fire in the wildly swinging brazier. A demonic form appeared,hovering in the air overhead. The wizard gestured once, and the djinn leaped skyward, deforminglike a scarf of sheerest silk and creating a howling wind with his passage.

The wind buffeted at the fireballs as they sped on their deadly trajectories, and smallwisps of flame tore away from the glowing spheres. Then whole balls blew out, leaving dark,carbon black cores bare and cool. With a dull thump, they struck leather backs and fellharmlessly to the ground.

The wizard remaining in the center completed his conjuring, and Alodar saw more of thefire devils spring into existence. These bellowed globules of flame like the ones their cousinslofted from the Crestline to the south but they rode on the air with the slow beat of thickpockmarked wings.

Great, gaping holes tore through the swarm of imps, leaving small amorphous smears ofcrackling ooze, slowly sinking to the ground. The flight from the line halted, but the defenderswavered, still fearful of the attacks which came from the rear and uncertain of the aid which hadcome to help them.

Suddenly a series of flashes and explosions erupted from the stone firepit on the southerncrest. Sparkles of light soared skyward, and from each sprang a djinn to join in the fray. A formlike a salamander, purple skin glistening with wetness, soared above the rest, his body-length tailslowly uncoiling to reveal rows of stiletto-sharp stingers attached at either side. In immediateanswer, three smaller djinns streaked from the north, gliding with undulating membranesstretched between outflung arms and legs. From small knobs on their heads, bolts of lightningcracked through the air, converging on the purple one with a web of forked energy. But beforethe accompanying thunder could reach the ground, the salamander flicked his tail forward,drawing the strike onto his stingers and cascading the energy down to the tip of his tail, whichbegan to glow with an expanding ball of crackling blueness.

More unearthly forms sped across the valley, and each was met by a demon conjured bythe wizards on the northern slopes. Streaks of energy pulsed through the air, and Alodar wasforced to turn his eyes away from the intense flashes. Up and down the ragged battleline, strokesof pink and orange and bolts of deep magenta ripped through the sky. While men below stooddumbfounded, a second battle formed above, fire, wind, and water hurling with awesome forcebetween the foes.

Moving too fast for the eye to follow, the demons darted past one another, blasting forththeir weapons, dodging behind defenses that men could not comprehend and drowning all theshouts below with then: raspy cries.

Minutes passed as the battle raged and Alodar saw a second swarm of imps swoop downto replace the first roasted out of the sky. More volleys of fire devils zoomed overhead and beganto project their balls of flame. Alodar looked to the two wizards, surrounded by concentric ringsof exotic flames, gesticulating wildly, and trying to direct all the demons under then" control. Hesearched for Handar and saw him only some ten yards away, raising his hands upwards beforethe beginnings of an outline in the center of a high-leaping flame. Alodar ran forward to thewizard as the orange head and massive form slowly took form. The cloven hooves and tailflickered into existence as he reached Handar's side.

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"So, Handar, the battle goes not quite so well as you had hoped," Balthazar's voice raspedout at them. "For no long stretch of time did your meager forces hold at bay Bandor and hisminions. Too soon did you call forth those lesser devils over which you have some sway. It istime, is tt not, to let down your waning resistance and let me assume control of what is rightfullymine."

"Silence." Handar ordered. "Such speculation is not for your slothful meditation, so longas you are mine. There is work to be done. Rise and dispatch those who oppose us." "Can youtruly force me yet another time?" Balthazar shot back, his deep set eyes boiling down on thewizard standing before him.

Handar .did not reply. With lips set firmly and fists clenched, he returned the demon'sstare with an unflinching one of his own. As in the tower, Alodar saw the veins in Handar'sforehead bulge with the effort.

"Go and do my bidding," Handar gasped in a dry wheeze at last, shaking with effort as hespoke. "The line here on the west. Rid them of the devils which bombard their backs with fire."

"I go to slay a few," Balthazar growled. "But if there is more to be done, then I willreturn, and you must reinstruct me."

With a rush of air, Balthazar streaked away, soaring high over the battlefield and thenplummeting to earth with hands outstretched as he darted into the fire devils, smashing them outof existence with sharp claps of power. "Handar, what is the matter?" Alodar asked as the demondeparted. "It is not as it was in the tower."

The wizard sank slowly to the ground and pressed one fist to his sagging head. "So many,there are so many," he moaned. "Who of the council would have thought that they would comeacross with so many? It is not only Balthazar on whom I must concentrate but the minor djinnsas well."

Before Alodar could speak again, Balthazar screamed across the slope to hover abovethem. "I rid you of four," he said. "Do you wish to try to direct me to another task?"

Handar climbed to his feet and stared again at the demon above him. With gloweringmenace, Balthazar hunched his huge scaly shoulders and looked back at his master.

Minutes passed and Handar trembled from the exertion to impress his will as he had donebefore. Suddenly he brought both clenched fists to his forehead and screamed in pain. "I cannothold," he yelled. "He is too strong and I cannot hold."

Balthazar rasped a stomach-curdling laugh. "On your knees and salute your master," thedemon cried. "It has taken many a summoning, but the final victory is mine."

Alodar looked rapidly about. The defending demons were fewer in number and huddledas shields around the two wizards on the ground. Like great hawks, the djinns from the southdove and blasted those that remained from the sky. Additional clouds of imps appeared from thesouth, and no devils rose to challenge them. More fireballs slammed into the rear of the nomads,leaving gaps too wide for a single blade to guard. The salient on the west expanded, and the lineof barbarians tumbled backwards, letting them pass. Cedric's forces sagged in the center. Moreand more left the line to slap away at the darting imps. For a moment, Cedric's boomingcommands held the formation, but then columns of Bandor's men blasted through in two places.To the east, more fire devils flew through the sky, and the smell of burning flesh and leatherdrifted along the line. At the far end of the other flank, Alodar saw some of the horsem*n thunderpast Feston's few remaining defenders and swerve to the north, heading for the clumps ofonlookers on the crest.

In ones and twos, men began to fling down their weapons and run from those who chased

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them. Then, like a dam crumbling from an overwhelming flood, Cedric's line collapsed from endto end, and a solid wall of Bandor's forces charged forth, waving their swords and shoutingvictory. Here and there, isolated clumps of men stood their ground, flicking swords outwards atthe warriors who swelled to surround them on all sides. But, except for them, the entire defensedissolved in confusion.

Alodar stood rooted in position, watching the cavalry charge up the hill. He took one lastlook at the havoc as Bandor's army hacked its way forward. His marines still struggled withBandor's horsem*n on the ground. He looked across the other crest and saw it clear of men andthe huge stone firepit silent and dimly glowing. He touched the pocket containing the wire hehad beaten from the rare metal. He knew that he could forestall his task no longer.

"I shall use the portal the prince has erected to send his minions to us," he said aloud."Perhaps the gesture will symbolize more strength than we have."

Alodar shook his head and sprinted to the west, hoping to duck into the shimmering airbefore any of Bandor's men turned to cut him down.


ALODAR panted up to the deserted firepit. Screams echoed across the valley, but heturned his back so that he could concentrate. He lit a fire and thrust the end of the exotic wireinto the heat.

Impatiently he waited for ignition.Several minutes passed but, although the coil grew painfully hot, the silvery-gray luster

did not change. "I expected as much," Alodar muttered to himself. "Despite his great prowess,Handar never worked with any substance that required more than an open flame. He did notconsider that kindling the gateway to a demon prince would take a bit more effort."

He dropped the wire and quickly pushed some of the larger bricks, still warm to thetouch, into the form of a crude anthanor. He stuffed kindling in its base, started a second blaze,and blew air through the chamber with a piece of hose until the stones glowed cherry red.Cautiously he inserted the end of the coil. Almost instantly, it ignited. Squinting at the intensespot of flame as it raced around the loops, he willed his adversary to come forth.

For an instant, nothing happened. Then the ground shook in a great spasm that crashedtogether the stones of the pit. The wind howled, and the sky grew suddenly dark. The air abovehis head exploded in a shower of imp light, and hundreds of shrieking voices bombarded his earswith sound.

More devils burst forth with sizes and shapes that spanned the descriptions of the sagas.Spitting fire, roaring the wind, throwing sheets of hail and ice, and quaking the ground theyshredded the elements.

Finally, with a flash of blinding light and a clap of thunder, a last figure stepped forthfrom the fire. Then all was quiet. Alodar stared with surprise. The form confronting him was nota stooped djinn or a towering hulk such as Balthazar. Barely his own height and with straw-pale

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hair pulled back over a smooth brow flecked with gold, the demon prince glowered through eyeshalf closed under long curving lashes. His face was thin and delicate with an upturned nose, thinlips, and ears barely pointed. Rather than the coarse and hairy nakedness of his kindred, he worea flowing gown of deepest sea green which covered all his slender body except for the tips of hisfingers. A prince of demonkind, Alodar thought, but without a close look he would pass for theruler of some exotic and far-away realm of men.

"So you seek a prince of my kind," a voice tinkled from slightly parted lips. "Your follyonly makes possible a little sooner what would be my pleasure in a short time to come." Hewaved one draped arm across the valley. "The end of the battle is but minutes away, and soon anentire mortal kingdom will be mine. With the name of Elezar on every being's lips, enough of myminions will come forth that the resistance to passage will vanish. Any of my kind Chen willjourney freely between the realms."

Alodar braced himself as he tried to hold in focus the plan he had constructed the nightbefore. He felt his face tighten into a grim mask, hiding the small kernel of self-doubt heharbored inside.

"Submit," he commanded with a throat suddenly dry. "Submit to him who ordered youforth."

Elezar threw back his head in a human gesture and his laugh jingled skyward. "Suchimpertinence and bluster! You mortals think that because the browbeating of a hapless imp orsimple devil is successful, you are more than a match for any of our realm. Look at me. Howclosely do I resemble the lesser ones over which I hold sway? The ratio of their power to mine isno greater than that of a toad to yours."

“The relative strengths of our wills cannot be decided by words alone," Alodar said, "nomatter how glibly spoken." He paused and then continued with a rush. "I have been chosen as theone to bring you to submission. Show me the reason that this is not so."

Elezar's finely pencilled brows raised slightly. "The question is not who is the stronger.Only the means by which I will demonstrate it to you." He studied Alodar for a moment insilence. "No doubt you have met the mild annoyances of the lesser sprites. Tell me, if you can,how what they do compares to this?"

Three of Elezar's long fingers undulated in a complex gesture. Suddenly Alodar felt anitching rash break out on his back and spread over his limbs. Involuntarily he raked one handacross his thigh and reached frantically between his shoulder blades with the other. Down thesmall of his back he gouged, along both legs and across his chest. Wherever he touched, the itchseemed to increase with maddening intensity, driving his uncontrolled flailing into a frenzy.

For over two minutes, he spun about on the ground in a tight ball, kicking up dust. Then,just as suddenly as it had begun, the feeling slipped away.

"Or perhaps you have dealt with demons of fear," Elezar continued.Alodar felt a paralyzing chill race down his spine. His chest muscles cramped and he

gasped for breath. He looked up wide-eyed at Elezar and threw his hands across his face.Thoughts of searing thirst, smashed bone, and ragged lungs ripped from his chest flashed throughhis mind. Nothing mattered but escape. His intent, his reason for being there, his plan to cope, allvanished with a brain-numbing jolt. He tried to rise on wobbly legs, but the trembling muscleswould not respond.

"And the strong emotions manipulated by my lesser minions are not the only ones forwhich I am your master." Elezar shrugged. "I can crumble you as well with ones more subtle,with gut-burning rushes of anxiety, the muscle-knotting barriers of frustration, the will-sapping

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blanket of despair."Alodar tried to stop the swirl of his thoughts and bring them back under his control.

Unlike the projections of the other imps and devils, the brutal force of Elezar's onslaught hadraced through his mind undiminished by any feeble resistence he could offer. Like a scrap ofpaper in a storm, his will was blown about with no volition of its own. There was no way he orany other wizard could tope to stand for more than an instant against a prince of demons. It wasfoolish even to try. Alodar felt his spirits sag. With a trembling lip he choked out a sob.

It was a problem without solution, a task that could not be done. Alodar's head throbbedwith the impossibility and the muscles of his neck strained in painful contractions. His left cheekbegan to twitch and his hand shook uncontrollably.

Alodar's stomach churned and his thoughts cut through his mind like a spray of stingingacid. Submission seemed a minor price to pay if it would end the uncertainty and give him evena moment of peace. Alodar lifted his eyes upwards and opened his mouth to speak.

The demon cut him off. "Even with those, it is hatchling's play. I choose to use insteadthe means that will give me the most satisfaction." He gestured a final time and Alodar felt theintense feelings evaporate away.

"You have tasted my might," Elezar continued, "and now know well what easily can beyour lot if I choose to inflict it."

He stopped and parted his thin lips in a twisted smile. "I want your submission as a gift,freely given. Under no duress, with your thoughts completely your own. You mortals prideyourself on your logic, on how you can sort through the facts and conditions to the conclusionthat is inescapable. In the end you will be mine, if you choose to resist or not. Is it not better tominimize the discomfort if the final result is the same? I will give you a few moments. I wantyour decision based on the cold light of your clearest reason. Contemplate it in the pavilion Ierect for you here. In the meantime I will amuse myself with reports of the battle."

A momentary burst of light dazzled Alodar's eyes. When he could see again he foundhimself in a domelike cage. Iridescent struts crisscrossed and joined in a complex web that rosefrom the ground on all sides and met in a point over his head. He looked for Elezar and foundhim standing some five feet away, conversing in rasping tones with two hovering devils.Alodar slumped to the ground. For a moment he sat in stunned silence. The validity of thedemon's logic was overwhelming. There was no way for a wizard to struggle against him.Despite his slight form, Elezar could not be resisted.

Alodar blinked and sat upright. He pulled into focus dim outlines splattered about in hismind. He breathed deeply to steady himself and remembered the sketchy plan that the demon hadso viciously dashed away.

Alodar grabbed at the two bars nearest and felt them yield to his touch, stretching likerubber away from his body. He changed his grip and forced the bars apart; but as he did, twoadjacent ones contracted closer together. He could not enlarge the opening. He rose to a crouchand felt the pressure of the webbing on his back. Straining with his legs, he forced himself to astanding position, but no spar ripped or parted.

He withdrew a small knife from one of his pockets and vigorously sawed at the strutnearest. His eyes widened with surprise as the blade grated across a surface suddenly hard andunyielding. Even though it retained a soft and maleable texture under his hand, the line of contactwith his knife seemed like the strongest steel.

Alodar turned slowly to examine the intricately woven net, frowning as he caught hints ofa subtle symmetry. He pushed again with his knife and met inflexible resistance. When he

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extended a finger, the bar bowed gently to his touch. With his shou'der and head, he forced adeep bulge that crept back into place when he released the pressure. He turned the knifeblade onits side. Surprisingly, the flat edge caused the greatest indentation of all. Somehow the blunterthe object, the more effect it had. But what could be flatter than a plane of steel?

Suddenly, like the ingredients of a complicated formula, all of the elements of what hemust do coalesced together. He would have only one try, he thought excitedly, but nothing elseoffered even a glimmer of hope. He glanced at Elezar, still occupied with the demons. His pulsequickened as one of the hovering devils darted away. Hastily he patted at the many pockets of histunic, throwing out vials, matches, string, a mirror, pebbles, twigs, scissors, and the othercontents as he searched for what he needed.

Finally he found the piece of Aeriel's wishbone and formed the binding. Goosebumpsraced along his arms and legs as he felt his body heat provide the energy for the connection.Slowly he removed the bone from his pocket and placed it on the ground. He looked across thevalley at the swirling confusion on the slopes and Bander's waving banners already on theopposite crestline. For a moment, he thought of Aeriel racing away from warriors in hot pursuit,or already thrust to the ground, hut he pushed the possibility aside. He grabbed the bone like aknife and, with bold slashes, drew a summoning message in the soft ground. Across the valley,the other part of the bone would also be scratching the earth, copying his motions stroke forstroke. Twice he looked over his shoulder at Elezar's back and increased the speed with which heinscribed the words that explained what she must bring.

When he was done, Alodar studied the webbing carefully one final time. He found thejunction he wanted and settled on his knees before it, trying to burn the position of the vertexinto his mind. He closed his eyes and practiced hitting the exact spot with no clues to aid him.Over and over, with methodical repetition, he conditioned himself to perform the precise stroke.With each fleeting moment, the chance of finishing his preparations before having to faceElezar's awesome power diminished, but there was no other course to try.

Finally he heard a commotion down the slope and turned his head to see Aeriel strugglingup the hill, batting away a small swarm of imps. Her clothing was torn and her face and armsswollen with many angry welts. She hobbled barefoot over the rough ground, the remnant of aboot top still tied about one leg and the last drops of bog solvent dripping into smoking rivuletson her skin.

Gasping for breath, Aeriel struggled upwards to the far edge of the firepit. One smalldevil flew from Elezar and yanked at her hair. She stumbled with exhaustion and fell. The princeturned to watch as she shakily propped herself on one arm. With a final effort, she tossed herdagger into Alodar's cage, collapsing a second time.

"A common blade will avail you nothing." Elezar said, drawing his attention back toAlodar. "The sharper the edge, the greater will be the resistance of my pavilion to it. And even ifyou were to break free, your legs could not propel you away so fast that my power could notfollow. Now tell me of your decision. Am I not your master, the master of your will freelygiven? Or must I take it in exchange for pain and suffering?"

Alodar grabbed the dagger and it instantly molded itself into the contours of his hand. Heran his finger along the blade edge and felt the magically perfect flatness. Elezar raised hiseyebrows expectantly, but Alodar ignored the question. Making sure he was back in position hebegan the charm.

"Answer me not with gibberish," Elezar snapped. "And do not trifle with my patience."Alodar raced on through the three recitals, pushing aside the nausea and not

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contemplating the consequences. With a rush, he completed the last word and looked at himselfin the small mirror at his side.

Instantly the world vanished. He was in total darkness and without sound. The sickness inhis stomach, the residual aches from Elezar's bombardment, even the tactile sensation ofkneeling on the ground, all were gone. As when Kelric had enchanted him with the eye, he wastotally cut off from any stimulation from the outside.

Mentally Alodar sighed with relief. He had not been sure he could complete anotherenchantment, but the resistance was far less with himself rather than someone else as the subject.Apparently he still had his consciousness, even though he knew nothing of what went on aroundhim.

He jerked his attention back to his task and visualized raising his hand to cut at the cagewith the magic dagger. He felt nothing and had no way of knowing if he had hit the vertex at theprecise spot but he had to assume that he did.

Next he imagined himself jumping upwards and crashing into Blezar. Mentally hewrapped his arms around the demon as they fell. Straining muscles that he could not feel, hecrushed his arms towards his chest. At Handar's tower, even a demon had felt physical pain whencut. Now to see if a demon prince could also feel it. With unwavering persistence, Alodarfocused on a picture of Elezar encased in his arms, with spindly ribs cracking oneby one.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then Alodar felt a sudden stabbing thrust into hisbubble of blackness. Somehow, in a way he could not describe, his barrier thinned and retreatedbefore a probing pressure. A portion of his wall paled from black to gray, and the beginnings ofpain trickled inwards.

Alodar concentrated on controlling his senses. He increased the intensity with which heblocked them out. Pushing against the indentation, he halted the rush and forced it backwards.With a shove, he slammed it into the smooth wall of nothingness which surrounded him.Another thrust followed and then another. Like an inverted sea urchin, the spines poked inwardfrom all directions. Alodar felt the seed of doubt, the kernel of fear, the germ of indecision takeroot in his mind. For a moment, he faltered. Then he focused on the first and repelled it away.One by one, he expelled them all and reinforced the thickness of his protection.

Finally Alodar felt a uniform pressure on all sides. There was no hint of pain or distress,but instead a subtle discomfort, as if he were surrounded in a growing crowd. He braced himselfa*gainst the squeeze and exerted his will to keep Elezar's influence away. But the pressureincreased. With a shudder, his barrier constricted closer to his innermost being.

Alodar felt his pride pushed on top of his curiosity, his anger mingled with his need tosucceed. His drives tumbled among his doubts and fears. The wrinkles of his personality collidedas they were pressed by the uniform smoothness. He strained to expand the bubble, but thepressure waxed greater. The sphere contracted with a jerk, once and then twice again. The forcesgathered momentum, hurling inward, imploding him towards a featureless smooth mind and thennonexistence.

Alodar reached for intense feelings to counteract the thrust. He thought of Aeriel'sblistered face and torn hair. He remembered Periac's mindless stare in Bardina's town square. Hesaw Quantos fall on the deck of the royal barge, the warriors on the walls of Iron Fist, and all theothers who resisted the demonic forces which swept from the west and south.

The inrushing walls slowed their acceleration but still continued collapsing. His thoughtsmerged together and distorted into incomprehensible babbles. In desperation he recalled the

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events of his own quest, the humiliation with which it started, the pain, fatigue and frustrationshe had borne along the way. He tasted again the decision to shoulder the burden that Handargave him, the trap for his relationship with Aeriel no matter what the outcome. All of thesefeelings squeezed out of the recesses of his mind and flowed into the determination with whichhe strained. Mentally he gritted his teeth. With a wrench, he tightened his grip about Elezar. Ashis horizon of consciousness closed in, he willed his knees up onto the demon's chest and gougedthem into Elezar's stomach.

One by one, the efforts added to his defenses. And with each thought, each memorypurged from its hiding place, the onslaught slowed. But onward it came, shredding memories,flattening the essence of his being. Alodar felt parts of himself distort and then fade away. But ashe shrank, he tenaciously locked onto one thought and held it precisely. He pictured his vice-likegrip and the breaking of Elezar's body.

As the last hint of consciousness flickered, Alodar screamed his defiance, willing all hismuscles to aid in a back-cracking snap. Like an arrow shot skyward, reaching the zenith of itstrajectory, the inrushing forces decelerated against the dense kernel they labored to crack. At thevery limit of Alodar's existence they coasted to a halt.

For a long time, nothing more happened. Compressed to near madness but holding to hisone thought, Alodar resisted the weight which would crush him and strained his arms towards hischest.

Finally, after how long he could not tell, he felt a slight lessening of pressure. Then, witha sudden rush, the blackness ballooned to its original size. As quickly as it had vanished, hispersonality inflated to its former shape and size. He waited for another attack, but the limit ofhis bubble was quiet and still. He hesitated a while longer and then decided to act. Cautiously heopened a pinprick in the blanket, a tiny tunnel by which a whisper could reach him from theoutside. For a moment there was silence. Then, in perfect clarity, a thought seeped through hisscreen.

"Please master, unhand me so that I may serve you," Elezar begged. "My body is brokenand it will need repair."

Alodar struggled up on one arm, but Handar gently pushed him back down on the pallet."Rest," the wizard said. "It all proceeds as you have commanded it. The lesser demons are beingtracked by the greater and dispatched back whence they came. Your servant will ensure that theydo not threaten us in like fashion again. And those subjugated, men and wizards alike are beingrestored to their former state. There is much confusion throughout the land, but I and the otherfreed wizards are spreading the word about what has happened. And the fair lady and the resthave survived it all, with no more than minor scratches and wounds."

Alodar nodded in understanding and slipped back into his painful and exhausted slumber."You recovered far faster from your wounds after Kelric's enchantment," Grengor said irritablyas they slowly bumped along. "A month's lingering in the north while Vendora and the restmarched in triumph back into Ambrosia! You should know by now not to trust what she and theother suitors might do in your absence."

Alodar did not immediately reply, deep in his own thoughts. Like waves lashed by astorm, they crashed against the rocks of his innermost self. He looked at Handar, now freed fromBalthazar's dominance, and across at Aeriel riding a pony at his side. She dropped her eyes anddid not return his glance. He touched the proclamation which had come at last, fingering the

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thick seal and lines of signatures from the grateful subjects far and wide. He thought of hissatisfaction in solving the riddles of Iron Fist and the Cycloid Guild, the self-esteem from havingbraved the Fumus Mountains and the sorcerer's eye, the pride in having Cedric's respect. Hepuzzled over how empty the glory seemed now that it was won.

"The summons explicitly stated that I was to travel when I felt ready," Alodar said. "Andwe broke camp as soon as the wizard's council was concluded. I am sure the fair lady had enoughto keep her occupied in my absence."

"Without the persuasive presence of the archimage, I doubt if our agreement could havebeen forged in a year, let alone a month," Handar told Grengor. "Alodar properly saw his duty toserve his craft before the whim of a queen."

The wizard nodded and continued. "And the accordance was a good one. Elezar hasagreed only to halt voluntary and coordinated transfer between the worlds. He cannot stop asummons by humankind, even if he wished to. As long as we possess the knowledge and meansto reach through flame across the gulf which separates us, even without the ambitions of aprince, there will always be risk and potential for great peril.

"To submit to periodic examination by one's peers is a difficult step for men of my craftto take, but it gives us a chance to detect something amiss before it gets out of hand. It wasAlodar's persistence and vivid retelling of how vast were Elezar's powers compared to our ownthat finally convinced us to establish the testing procedures. And with my awakened comradesand the most powerful who practice today in agreement, the lesser will follow. After theseceremonies in Ambrosia, whatever they may be, I will cross the isthmus to the south and carrythe word further."

Grengor did not reply, and the four turned their horses from the muddy side street ontothe cobblestoned avenue. Mentally Alodar pictured the screaming crowds, swirling streamers,and slow procession to the palace gates. He tried to recapture the exhilarating taste of so longago: the vision of the royal guardsmen clearing the way, the brave lads darting from the side totouch the horse that bore him; the young girls batting their eyes as he passed; the chant thatechoed from the walls in a deafening crescendo. Alodar the hero, Alodar the savior of the fairlady, Alodar of Procolon!

Alodar licked his lips and frowned at the dryness in his mouth. The image was as vivid asbefore, but the excitement which should accompany it was gone. As they approached the mainboulevard, he reached across his saddle and squeezed Aeriel’s hand.

They turned the corner, and the empty street rang with the clop of their horses' hooves.Alodar reined to a halt and looked about with puzzlement. He scanned the line of rooftops to thepalace in the distance. Both skylines were deserted, as silent as the walkways underneath.Ambrosia was as unmoving as the quiet and open sea.

For several minutes, the three halted in silence. Then they heard the sound of horses otherthan their own, and Alodar saw four riders coming their way.

"Lord Festil, Feston, Basil, Duncan," Grengor exclaimed as the riders drew near. "Whereis anyone else? Did not Melab's message of our coming reach the queen? Is not the reception andwedding ceremony prepared?"

"A wedding ceremony there was, indeed," Festil announced as he stopped before them."But it was for that unclean nomad from the north. She rushed it through as soon as she felt shecould. Only after it was done did Vendora send the summons demanded by her subjects. Forthree days now the entire city has wined on the palace grounds in celebration."

"Then my summons is for an empty honor and no more," Alodar said. He turned to Aeriel

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and smiled."I am no longer honor bound. Grak is destined to be the victorious suitor, after all.""You do well to cover your anger," Festil replied. "With low cunning, she conspired to

satisfy a personal whim at the expense of the state. And the barbarian! Already his outland waysoffend many who have upheld Procolon's proud tradition."

"Land for his kinsmen as reward for their defense of the fair lady," Feston growled."Land held for centuries by the oldest of our noble houses and ripped away less than an hourafter the crown of consort was on his head."

"Talk of new taxes," Basil muttered, "and hints of confiscation of my jewels as a nationaltreasure. Every merchant on the street laments about how an outsider tramples on the delicatebalance of factions which has supported the queen. And that stiff-necked Cedric has been madegrand marshall of arms."

"He demands magic swords and shields in exchange for the right of the guilds to keeptheir gates sealed," Duncan cut in. "And room in the royal chambers for the objects, but not forthose who would wield them. None of the magicians will stand for it long. With the right one tolead us, the barbarian soon will be deposed."

"Yes, the orbholder speaks truthfully," Festil agreed as he dismounted. Feston and theothers followed. As Alodar watched, they knelt and placed their swords at his feet.

"There is doubt and suspicion still," Festil said. "Vendora's grip on the throne is littlebetter than before. The demons have left us all untrusting. Only one stands out from the rest.Only one has the unblemished standard and reputation around which all can rally. Take up thebanner, Alodar, and the peerage will follow."

"And the merchants also," Basil continued. "With my fortune and the promise of a returnto the way things were, none on the streets will dare oppose you."

"The weapons of the guilds which Grak craves so," Duncan said. 'They will be for ourwarriors instead. Lead us forth, Alodar. Take the last small step to finish what you have started."

"There is no other," Feston concluded. "With you at the lead, the rebellion will be shortand swift. Even with Cedric and Grak to defend her, it can hardly last more than another year.And when we are done, you will be king and not consort. You can do with Vendora what youwill."

Alodar sighed at the news. Wearily he looked down at the figures kneeling before him.He saw part of his dream, if not the whole. And with one more effort, the rest could be his. Onemore struggle. The humiliation of his father erased, the cheers of all lords and craftsmen, andbows and flattery any time he wanted them. He paused and glanced to the side. He could evenchoose Aeriel as his queen.

Alodar slowly exhaled and shook his head. What would he have when he was done? Withthe homage of a Festil, would there also be the offered sword of a Cedric? With a chest of Basil'sjewels to bribe away resistance, would there also be the pride of a struggle hard fought and won?With Duncan's sphere to shield from assassins, what would he see in Aeriel's eyes? The pomp oftradition, the intrigues of state, the fear of the shadow behind the next column—was it for thesethat he had cast aside the cape of the thaumaturge?

Alodar ran over the reasons for his quest but found they had melted away. Instead hetasted the excitement of the rising air car, the smell of freshly ground duckweed, the beauty of asix-fold symmetry, the mystery of an out-reaching tendril of the mind, the wonder of what laybeyond the flame. He stared at the men awaiting his answer.

No, by the laws, it was not for this that he was meant, his thoughts thundered suddenly

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with determination. The quests were done; they were completed. There was no remainingadventure that now cried for a finish.

"Vendora's decision frees me of any further service," he shouted aloud. "I need pursueher no further. What concerns the lord and craftsman is no longer an affair of mine." He turnedto Aeriel and spoke with rising excitement, "The consort has been chosen and your obligation isdone," he said. "Aeriel, Aeriel, we have not lost the final battle after all. The way is clear for usto plot our future together. There are no more gauntlets to be run."

Aeriel started to smile back but then caught herself in mid-expression. Her brow wrinkledand she stiffened in the saddle. "It is well enough for you to exercise a second option, once thefirst is denied you. But despite how I may feel, the man who possesses my spirit will be the onewho chooses me freely over all others, no matter how exalted they may be."

Alodar raised his eyebrows in surprise and then for a long moment was silent. He glancedat the kneeling men and back to Aeriel. "I pursued the queen to find the glory and honor it wouldbring," he said slowly. "And Handar stated that the first trek was but the shadow of another. Butthrough it all, I was on a third quest as well, Aeriel, the one that all of us take, the quest to findoneself."

Alodar stopped and looked at each of those who faced him. "The man that I have found isnot the one that you seek," he told them at last.

He turned to Grengor with a sad smile and gave him a salute. "Neither am I a warrior.You and the other marines have served me well, Grengor, but a far better future will be yours ifyou seek our Cedric, the grand marshall and place your trust under a proper master."

He turned to the wizard. "Continue your journey southward, Handar. Your task is farmore important than any pomp and circ*mstance here."

Alodar looked back at Aeriel. "Through the random factors of fate, I am the makings ofan archimage, the master of all five of the arts. Who knows what will happen when I am asproficient as Handar and the others intended me to be? And the answer to that riddle is mydestiny.

"I still have the option, Aeriel. I believe what Festil and the others say. One morecampaign and it would finally be over. But I choose to turn away from the queen, step aside fromall the paths that I could follow to pursue what she represents. I elect to seek instead teachers ofthe arts. I will study with them all until I can rightfully call myself master. The beginning will bethaumaturgy under Periac in the north as quickly as I can find him." He stopped and breatheddeeply. "And more than anything else, Aeriel, my choice is to have you at my side."

Aeriel's face softened but her eyes kept a hint of fire. "I have been a counselor of state, amolder of a kingdom's destiny," she said. "I do not intend to replace it with stoking dinner firesand beating clean the laundry."

"Come with me," Alodar said softly, "and we will journey on your quests as well asmine."

Aeriel finally smiled. She headed her horse around the way they had come. Alodarnodded and turned his mount to follow. Without looking back, they galloped away into the pagesof the sagas.

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About the Author

LYN HARDY became interested in fantasy while wandering through the fringes offandom as an undergraduate at Caltech. In addition to reading and writing, he has sporadic burstsof enthusiasm for collecting stamps, comics, astronaut patches and playing cards. He currentlylives with his wife and two daughters in Torrance, California.

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