The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)

a a a a a a this Page Eight The Santa Fe New Mexican November Wednesday, 12. 1919 PHONE 4 ANDREWS PHONE When vou use our Hills Brothers Coffee and Teas You know that you are using the very best that money can buy; it does not take as much to make a good cup as it does with other brands. Hills Red Can Coffee, I pound .60 Hills Red Can Coffee, pounds 1.50 Hills Blue Can Coffee, I pound .55 Hills Blue Can Coffee, 3 pounds 1.50 Hills Teas, pound .85 MARKET Beef Mutton Veal Fresh Pork Fresh Oysters PERSONAL GOSSIP Of the Old Town Arrivals at the De Vargas from roln's in the state include W. 1.2 Luckworth, Clayton; W. B.

Lowe, Galiup: G. E. Hank, F. Link, Hurfey; Mrs. A.

F. Morrisette, Albuquerque; A. E. Monteith, Clay. C.

P. Scott, Clayton; J. Abrahames, Albuquerque. New Mexicans registered at the E. Montezuma include.

Golden; Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. W. W.

Wood, H. Golden; Captain H. H. Ranson, Fort Bayard; Lieutenant Francis Worhall, Fort Bayard; Lieutenant W. A.

McCollum, Fort Bayard; A. H. Colgan, Albuquerque; T. P. Hanson, Albuquerque; J.

S. Taylor, Hurley; W. 1. Prager, Roswell. George H.

Thomas, special agent of the Santa Fe railway, is here trom Albuquerque for the Scottish Rite reunion. Byron Beall, census supervisor, arrived here last night from Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jaffa of Roswell are visitors in Santa Fe today.

Superintendent J. L. G. Swinney of the Gallup city schools- is in Santa Fe for a short visit. Matson of Albuquerque, treasurer of Bernalillo county, is in Santa Fe today.

Among the arrivals at the. Coronado from points in New Mexico are: C. A. McSpadden, Albuquerque: Wennips, Albuquerque; C. S.

Marsh; Albuquerque; Raymundo Santisteban, Costilla: Noah Watson, Madrid; V. Torres, Arooyo Seco; Ben P. Maestas; Regina: George Lougee, chief clerk in the department of education, has gone to Clayton to speak before a meeting bf the Union County Teachers' association, and also for a conference with the county board of education. N. D.

Meyer, assistant attorney general, has returned from a trip to Albuquerque. Larrazolo, who has been in Las Vegas for the last few is expected to return to Santa Fe tonight. Mrs. C. W.

McClintock has returned from an extended visit to Chicago, her mother and sister in Grand Rapids, and with friends in Marcellus, Mich. BARBER SHOPS WILL RAISE THE PRICE Santa Fe, N. M. Nov. 15.

1919. We the undersigned barbers of the city of Santa Fed do hereby agree to hereafter charge the following prices; for barber work: Shave 25 cents Hair Cut 50 Shipe 15 cents Otter prices to remain as theretofore. A Shops to close on Saturdays at 10 o'clock p. m. E.

H. BACA. C. HOWARD KERR. JOSE MASCORELL Too Late To Classify -11-12-tr FOR RENT -Rooms for light housekeeping, and one furnished room.

Phone 138-J. 401 San Francisco St: Night School Beginning and advanced classes in Shorthand, Spanish, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Penmanship. HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING. Tuesday and Friday Evenings Phone 62J. Do Not Wait to Be Asked; Save Soliciting by contributing your membership dollar for the American Red Cross at Headquarters, Old Postoffice Bldg.

LOCAL ITEMS HOME SERVICE SECTION RED. CROSS Rooms In Old Post Office Building open every day 9.a. m. to 5 p. m.

DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED THAT THE PEOPLE OF FE KNOW WHAT YOU WANT-OR FOR SALE- THE NEW MEXICAN WANT COLUMNS. SOME PEOPLE ARE NATURALLY LUCKY -OTHERS ADVERTISE. These little "Want" Ads are read by everyone in the county, and thousands outside the county. Try a Ad and watch results. One cent a word a day, Order your Engraved Personal Christmas Greeting Cards from us now.

It will be impossible to get them later. Collins Curio Company -Adv. -adv. Scratch pads, all sizes, 15c lb. New Mexicon LICENSES.

Licenses to marry were issued today to Lillian Le Sieur, Albuquerque, and Louts R. Caire, Albuquerque; Ramon nado, Madrid. -The first Aurelia, couple Chavez, Madrid, and Baldowas married by Justice of the Peace M. Conklin. NOTICE, K.

OF C. As many Knights of Columbus as possible are asked to attend the funeral of Gonzales which will be held at Galisteo Friday morning. Those who can attend are asked to notify E. P. Davies or 'A.

M. Bergere 80 that arrangements may be made. There will be "a meeting of the board of the directors at the Knights of Columbus hall Thursday night at 8 o'clock. It was requested that all stockholders attend as business of the utmost importance is to be brought before. the meeting.

tierrez die dat 10 o'clock today at the home on lower San Francisco street. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the cathedral and interment will be in Rosario cemetery, J. H. Watt Co. will have charge of the arrangements.

OBITUARY EARL LABUKE. Earl Nelso Labuke, 28 years old, died last night at his apartment on Don Diego street: He had been here 19 days. The funeral will be held at Butte, and the body will be sent there by J. H. Watt Co.

INFANT DIES. The 18-day old infant of Cipelia Gu- READ THE WANT ADS PANCAKE TIME IS HERE! We have just received our first shipment of the genuine New York PANCAKE FLOUR the kind that makes those delicious' pancakes, which always calls for more. H. S. KAUNE CO.

PHONE-26 PARIS THEATER TONIGHT ONLY MABEL NORMAND in "UP-STAIRS" A RAGTIME ROMANCE She is the ragtime rascal in a ragtime play and a ragtime bellhop here to stay. A ragtime detective, do or die, checkered cap and an eagle eye. I'm a ragtime souse, glad to say, and a ragtime bum in a ragtime play; I'm a ragtime Marietta, bound in silk and lace, my figure is my fortune, to say nothing MABEL NORMAND of my face. I meet my end, alas, alas! in a in daring flight "Upstairs." Goldwyn Pictures 1 A Pair of Silk Stockings and the World Was Hers. Come Early If You Want a Seat "The Red Glove" -17th Episode "The Rope of Death" TWO SHOwS, 7:30 and 9:15 PRICES, REGULAR (Continued from page 1.) icinerney, 34; Robert Broaderson, 27; 1.

C. Morgan. 18; Pat Reid, 47: Erich 33; Oren 'Anderson, 56; John Lamb, 40: Stabley Hewitt, 47: William Osthumb, 24; Harry Wil. tain, 30; Tom Lassiter, 43; Fred J. Ellis, 26; Britt Smith, 34, and Mrs.

McAllister. Mrs. McAllister, it was said, conducted the hotel in which the W. W. hall was located, are going to rid Centralia of every I.

W. Mayor T. C. Rogers. declared today.

Mayor Rogers said he deplored the lynching last. night but asserted he was unable to act' when the lights all over town were shut off before the took the prisoner from the Jail. mayor alleged that crothe the big timber companies in this part of the state have, in a way, encouraged the 1. W. W.

by feeding them in the logging camps. Frank P. Christensen, assistant attorney general, arrived here today -Olympia to assist the county prosecutors. John Earl Watt, a young Chehalis veteran wounded. yesterday, was reported near death.

The Britt Smith in jail here is said be an organizer for the I. W. W. According to some reports the "Brick" Smith, who lynched, was state ecretary of the "There will be no more Judge George Dysart of Centralia said here today. "The boys have listened to the advice of members of the bar and bave promised let the law take its course.

Last night I talked to them and promised that every I. W. W. ar rested here would be given a quick and just trial. The former soldiers promised to aid the officials jail the men.

Elmer Stuart Smith, one of the men arrested. is a lawyer and has I represented the I. W. W. in several court actions.

Smith. is a graduate I. W. W. BEAUTY SECRETS! Whereshe gets her good looks, her heal thy skin, her pink cheeks, is known to every one, because it is apparent that it is not due to cosmetics, paint and powder.

But the true womanly beauty comes from good health, and this good health is a woman's secret. Health comes with good physical machinery and good spirits, active digestion. A body free from pains and aches comes with a tonic known for over fifty years as the best "temperance" tonic and nervine for woman -namely, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It can be obtained in any drug store in liquid or tablet form, or send 10c to Dr.

Pierce Invalids' Hotel, N. Cleansing of the intestinal tract is important. Take castor oil or select a vegetable pill. Such a one 'is composed of May-apple, leaves of root of jalap, and made into tiny sugar-coated pellets, to be had at every drug store As Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.

FULL WEIGHT and fine quality fair prices and Dare investment: these are the four- cornerstones of our Business and quality comes. first. We will not sell inferior meat. and it you are wise you will. not bu It- is bad for both, dealer and consumer, You buy less meat now than formerly which is natural on account of the high prices.

Ilave you ever taled our cottage cheese served with pure native. so chat and shall be glad to have you try dish. Cottage Cheese, pound. Pore Sorghum, sinall bottles, 8c: gallon MARKET Beef: Veal, Mutton, Pork, PRESSED LINE Adobada:" 1b: THE SQUARE DEAL STORE ELEPHONE WO-SIX-THREE M. HE MAN THAT GETS YOU THERE AND GETS YOU BACK ELKS THEATER ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY NOV.

14 Prices- $1.65, $1.10, and 55c, War Tax Included. Seats on Sale at Zook's, Tuesday, Nov. 11th Eugene Walter's Dramatization of AS PLAYED THE ONE SOLID TRAIL YOU HAVE YEAR AT THE OF READ THE THE NEW AMSTER- BOOK, DAM THEATRE, NOW SEE LONESOME NEW YORK PINE THE PLAY CITY BY JOHN Fox JR. A Dramatic Romance of the Virginia Mountains--a Splendid Cast and Production with JANE WARE AS "JUNE" This is the only authorized company. presenting this play, and you are therefore assured the No.

1 company and production. of McAlester college. was- said. According to many- Centralia people fie has directed some of the V. activities -here.

Officers said they found I. W. W. literature in his office. Smith was arrested by a school principal and a group of boy scouts.


Henry M. Portland, Oregon, Nov. -A to. the Telegram from Centralia: says a number of the I. W.

W. prisoners were removed today from the Centralia jail and taken under Chehalis. heavy the county jail at Among the prisoners left in was one said to have killed Warren Grimm. Threats of violence against him were said to be loud. 1.

W. W. TO LAUNCH PROPAGANDA BROADCAST. Spokane, Nov. The Industrial Workers of the World preparing to launch from their headquarters here a propaganda campaign throughout the northwest and perhaps the entire west the near future, was the declaration here today of off ficiala of the department of justice.

So far they said, no orders to proceed against them have been received. HIT'S TOO JUSTICE ABOUT. DEPARTMENT. Washington, Nov. 12.

-Attorney General Palmer said today had been sent to department of justice agents to prevent an L. W. W. propaganda campaign in the northwest because the department could not act under laws until some overt present White, U. S.

immigration commission left here on his own Initiaer, tive for Centralia, where he said, he intends to investigate the records of all alien I. W. W's held, and endeavor to deport them if they are not held 111 connection with the shooting. 'WAR TO DEATH ON W. W.

IS DECLARED Seattle, NovA Seattle: raided W. W. headhere, arrested three men police today they described as a quarters and seized what "ton of literature." the death" is now (1 "War to. the I. W.

Robert Saunagainst ders, U. S. district attorney, said TELEPHONE 69 At Any Time---Day or Night For Prompt High Class Auto Service U. S. GARAGE L.

C. ESTES, Chauffeur United States Food Administration License No. G04767 H. B. Cartwright Bro WHOLESALE GROCERS ALFALFA, HAY, GRAIN, POTATOES Buy War Savings Stamps, to help save your Country here today.

No further evidence than the Centratia murders is needed, he asserted. to prosecute all I. W. W. to.

the extent of the law. DRY SOUAD (Continued from page 1.) their own way to drive out Illicit 1i- quor sellers. Mr. Roper in his statement asked for the co operation of all religious, social, fraternal, labor and civic organizations in preventing the illegal sale of intoxicants. The western half of the United States is divided into the following departments: North westernsota.

lowa: Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyo ming. Southwestern--Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico. Pacific -Arizona, California, Oreson. Idaho, Utah and Nevada. FEDERAL JUDGE THINKS UNCONSTITUTIONAL DROUTH Louisville, Nov.

Judge Walter Evans, in open court declared here today he is "firmly of the opinion" war time prohibition is unconstitutional and indicated 21 disposition to enjoin Elwood Hamiliton. collector of internal revenue for Kentucky from Interfering with the Kale of about 1.000,009 gallons of lax paid whisky known as "floor RHODE ISLAND JUDGE ENJOINS ENFORCEMENT. Providence R. Nov. 12- Judge, Arthur L.

Brown, in the federal distriet court today Issued a temporary 'junction against Harvey A. Baker. S. attorney, and George F. collector of internal revenue, restraining them from enforcing the provisions of the war time prohibition act.

The Injunction was moon the petition the Narragansett Brewing company. The sale of four per cent immediately resumed by Providence, DROP IN FOR LUNCHEON when on a shopping trip. will. not alone thus be assured a perfect lunch, reel mentally as well as physical We serve many special dis and ladies who know say they no restaurant like ours for plete luncheon satisfaction. MERCHANTS' CM liquor dealers.

The opinion is the first construction of. the Volstead (prohibition enforcement) act handed down by any court in. the country. It virtually states the of the court that the entire war time prohibition act is unconstitutional and can not be enforced. The court in handing down its decision said: "In wew of the probability that the act in question will ultimately held unconstitutional and of the irreparable damage that would result its immediate enforcement and as, in view of the evidence afforded by the presidential proclamations and other circumstances, its immediate enforcement is not imperative, I am convinced that the plaintiff's to a preliminary injunction is clear." The decree will be entered tomorrow when it will become effective.

BIGGER ADVERTISING RATES AND SMALLER NEWSPAPERS URGED New York, Nov. 12. Increased ad vertising rates and reduction In the size of, newspapers were urged today by Franklin P. Glass of Birmingham, Alaruma, president of the -American Newspaper Publishers' association, at special meeting here to consider the news print shortage. paper," he said, "should agree to cut down its average! of pages, both week day and by: a considerable percentage hold 'its advertising volume to de number of pages This will pre necessitate an arbitrary reduce volume 4 at least 33 per cent in ness.

should be "Radical advances la advertising rates. The pent of increase should be such that will hold back the sluice of ado ing that has poured into our Tand Lids fair to continue dura next Declaring that English nest during the war reduced their one-third. but so advanced most of them earned more fore the war, Mr. Glass said: "it is plain that proper re of, -advertising space will any financial hardship here Mr. Glass urged publishers seek more harmoale lations with news print mani ers and in connection American Pulp and a with the 4 tion of the is meetine a taneously Association which the hotels that conference, be inaugurated "I broad-minded doing business cannot be: To increuse the production de Mr.

Glass suggested the urge passage of the waterpow now pending in congress and arrangement -be made with put de -dian government bring American mills. without probe strictions the Canadian.

The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.