KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (2024)

Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device

Using SNMP Inventory Configurations to identify specific SNMP objects and non-computer devices to add to inventory

Obtain a list of object identifiers (OIDs) using the Administrator Console

Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table

Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device

About printer templates

You can identify specific SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) objects and non-computer devices to be inventoried so that you can expand or limit the inventory to fit your needs. In addition, the appliance enables you to map SNMP OIDs (Object Identifiers) to particular fields in the appliance inventory table, using Asset Subtypes.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (1)

SNMP is one of the possible methods that appliance Agentless Inventory uses to extract data for inventory and integration into the appliance. The appliance uses the RFC1213 MIB (Management Information Base) as the primary data gathering layer, because it contains data that is specific to all SNMP-capable devices. All SNMP-capable devices expose RFC1213 data. For more information, go to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1213.

With the appliance SNMP inventory configuration feature, you can define an additional set of OIDs to be collected during inventory beyond the standard RFC1213 data. This enables instant extensibility and robustness to what would otherwise be limited in terms of the amount of data that could be gathered from each device.

Obtain a list of object identifiers (OIDs) using the Administrator Console

If you do not have a vendor-provided management information base (MIB) or a generally available MIB for an object, you can obtain a list of object identifiers by using the appliance to probe the object.

You can define an additional set of OIDs to be collected during inventory beyond the standard RFC1213 data, which expands the amount of data that can be gathered from each device. To find these OIDs, you can use a MIB browser on MIBs you have obtained elsewhere. With the appliance, you can perform an SNMP full walk either through device discovery or device inventory if you do not have access to a MIB otherwise.

Scan using a Discovery Schedule. See Discovering devices on your network.

Scan using inventory data collection. See Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices.


Go to the Device Detail page for the scanned object:


Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.


On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Dashboard.


Click SNMP Data in the Inventory section to display the results of the full walk.

Map the OIDs to fields in the appliance inventory table so that their information can be integrated into inventory. See Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table.

Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table

You can map SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) OIDs (Object Identifiers) to particular fields that you have created as Asset Subtypes. You can use the resulting SNMP Inventory Configurations to expand your inventory information to include data from non-computer devices.

You have performed an SNMP Full Walk on a target object with the appliance, and have reviewed the OIDs displayed in SNMP Data of the Inventory Information section of the object's Device Detail page. See Discovering devices on your network.

The SNMP Inventory Configurations list page provides you with the tool to create new mappings or manage existing ones.

After you have determined the OID data you want to collect, you select a subtype for the device from categories that are the same as those on the Device Detail page. You then select a property of that category, the result of which maps the OID to a field in the inventory table. The SNMP object appears in the device inventory after the next scan.

For example, if you had a printer in inventory, added manually or through a discovery schedule, you could use an SNMP Inventory Configuration to have the printer report cartridge ink levels to the appliance. In this case, you would use an Asset Subtype of Printer that you have created as a subtype of device, with a field named Toner Level.


Go to the SNMP Inventory Configurations list page:


Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.


On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click SNMP Inventory Configurations.


Select Choose Action > New.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (2)


Enter the OID in the text box under Object Identifier (OID).


Click Save at the end of the row.

Apply the configuration to an object. See Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device.

Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device

You can apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device so that the additional data can be collected during the next scan for that device.

You have created the configuration. See Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (4)


Go to the Devices page:


Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.


On the left navigation bar, click Inventory to display the Devices page.


Select Choose Action > Apply SNMP Configurations to display the Apply SNMP Configurations dialog.


Drag the configurations you want to apply into the Apply these SNMP configurations box.


Click Apply SNMP Configurations.

The Devices list page reappears after the configuration is applied.

The information appears for the device after the next regularly scheduled reporting time or forced inventory update.

About printer templates

The appliance also comes with a set of printer templates for typical SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) printer models. You can apply these SNMP configurations to printer devices, as needed.

The SNMP Inventory Configurations list page displays the available printer templates. When you apply a printer template to a device, the data defined in the template, such as toner levels or descriptions, is collected for the printer in the next inventory cycle.

A default installation includes a set of templates for the following laser printers, with two variation for each brand to accommodate monochrome and color printers: Brother, Canon, HP, Lexmark, and Xerox.

You can edit or create these templates, as needed. To create or edit a printer template, you must have the relevant SNMP OIDs (Object Identifiers) for the fields that exist as the associated Asset Subtypes. The appliance comes with two Asset Subtypes that capture printer-specific fields such as toner levels: Laser Printer: Color and Laser Printer: Monochrome. For more information about mapping OIDs, see Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table. For details about Asset Subtypes and to find out how they relate to SNMP configurations, see About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences.

About printer templates

Using SNMP Inventory Configurations to identify specific SNMP objects and non-computer devices to add to inventory

Obtain a list of object identifiers (OIDs) using the Administrator Console

Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table

Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device

About printer templates

You can identify specific SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) objects and non-computer devices to be inventoried so that you can expand or limit the inventory to fit your needs. In addition, the appliance enables you to map SNMP OIDs (Object Identifiers) to particular fields in the appliance inventory table, using Asset Subtypes.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (5)

SNMP is one of the possible methods that appliance Agentless Inventory uses to extract data for inventory and integration into the appliance. The appliance uses the RFC1213 MIB (Management Information Base) as the primary data gathering layer, because it contains data that is specific to all SNMP-capable devices. All SNMP-capable devices expose RFC1213 data. For more information, go to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1213.

With the appliance SNMP inventory configuration feature, you can define an additional set of OIDs to be collected during inventory beyond the standard RFC1213 data. This enables instant extensibility and robustness to what would otherwise be limited in terms of the amount of data that could be gathered from each device.

Obtain a list of object identifiers (OIDs) using the Administrator Console

If you do not have a vendor-provided management information base (MIB) or a generally available MIB for an object, you can obtain a list of object identifiers by using the appliance to probe the object.

You can define an additional set of OIDs to be collected during inventory beyond the standard RFC1213 data, which expands the amount of data that can be gathered from each device. To find these OIDs, you can use a MIB browser on MIBs you have obtained elsewhere. With the appliance, you can perform an SNMP full walk either through device discovery or device inventory if you do not have access to a MIB otherwise.

Scan using a Discovery Schedule. See Discovering devices on your network.

Scan using inventory data collection. See Schedule inventory data collection for managed devices.


Go to the Device Detail page for the scanned object:


Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.


On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click Dashboard.


Click SNMP Data in the Inventory section to display the results of the full walk.

Map the OIDs to fields in the appliance inventory table so that their information can be integrated into inventory. See Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table.

Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table

You can map SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) OIDs (Object Identifiers) to particular fields that you have created as Asset Subtypes. You can use the resulting SNMP Inventory Configurations to expand your inventory information to include data from non-computer devices.

You have performed an SNMP Full Walk on a target object with the appliance, and have reviewed the OIDs displayed in SNMP Data of the Inventory Information section of the object's Device Detail page. See Discovering devices on your network.

The SNMP Inventory Configurations list page provides you with the tool to create new mappings or manage existing ones.

After you have determined the OID data you want to collect, you select a subtype for the device from categories that are the same as those on the Device Detail page. You then select a property of that category, the result of which maps the OID to a field in the inventory table. The SNMP object appears in the device inventory after the next scan.

For example, if you had a printer in inventory, added manually or through a discovery schedule, you could use an SNMP Inventory Configuration to have the printer report cartridge ink levels to the appliance. In this case, you would use an Asset Subtype of Printer that you have created as a subtype of device, with a field named Toner Level.


Go to the SNMP Inventory Configurations list page:


Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.


On the left navigation bar, click Inventory, then click SNMP Inventory Configurations.


Select Choose Action > New.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (6)


Enter the OID in the text box under Object Identifier (OID).


Click Save at the end of the row.

Apply the configuration to an object. See Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device.

Apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device

You can apply an SNMP Inventory Configuration to a device so that the additional data can be collected during the next scan for that device.

You have created the configuration. See Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (8)


Go to the Devices page:


Log in to the appliance Administrator Console, https://appliance_hostname/admin. Or, if the Show organization menu in admin header option is enabled in the appliance General Settings, select an organization in the drop-down list in the top-right corner of the page next to the login information.


On the left navigation bar, click Inventory to display the Devices page.


Select Choose Action > Apply SNMP Configurations to display the Apply SNMP Configurations dialog.


Drag the configurations you want to apply into the Apply these SNMP configurations box.


Click Apply SNMP Configurations.

The Devices list page reappears after the configuration is applied.

The information appears for the device after the next regularly scheduled reporting time or forced inventory update.

About printer templates

The appliance also comes with a set of printer templates for typical SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) printer models. You can apply these SNMP configurations to printer devices, as needed.

The SNMP Inventory Configurations list page displays the available printer templates. When you apply a printer template to a device, the data defined in the template, such as toner levels or descriptions, is collected for the printer in the next inventory cycle.

A default installation includes a set of templates for the following laser printers, with two variation for each brand to accommodate monochrome and color printers: Brother, Canon, HP, Lexmark, and Xerox.

You can edit or create these templates, as needed. To create or edit a printer template, you must have the relevant SNMP OIDs (Object Identifiers) for the fields that exist as the associated Asset Subtypes. The appliance comes with two Asset Subtypes that capture printer-specific fields such as toner levels: Laser Printer: Color and Laser Printer: Monochrome. For more information about mapping OIDs, see Map Object Identifiers to fields in the inventory table. For details about Asset Subtypes and to find out how they relate to SNMP configurations, see About Asset Subtypes, custom fields, and device detail preferences.

Adding devices manually in the Administrator Console or by using the API

Adding devices manually in the Administrator Console or by using the API

About managing devices

Tracking changes to inventory settings

Add devices manually with the Administrator Console

Adding devices manually using the API

You can add devices to inventory manually, either within the Administrator Console or by using the inventory API (application programming interface).

Adding devices manually is useful when you want to track device information, but you do not want to manage devices by installing the KACE Agent or using Agentless management.

Inventory for manual devices must be updated or uploaded manually. The appliance does not receive scheduled inventory updates from manual devices.

About managing devices

About managing devices

Managing devices is the process of using the appliance to collect and maintain information about devices on your network and performing tasks such as monitoring device status, creating reports, and so on.

To add devices to the appliance inventory, you can:

Install the KACE Agent on devices. Devices are automatically added to inventory after the Agent is installed on them and the Agent reports inventory to the appliance. See Provisioning the KACE Agent.

Enable Agentless management for devices. Agentless management is especially useful for devices that cannot have the KACE Agent installed, such as devices with unsupported operating systems. See Managing Agentless devices.

Upload inventory information for devices manually. See Adding devices manually in the Administrator Console or by using the API.

KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (9)

For information about the features available to devices, see Features available for each device management method.

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KACE Systems Management Appliance 13.2 Common Documents (2024)


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