The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky (2024)

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Patfe Three Danville Advocate Messenger Danville Ky Monday Sept fl 1943 i Mrs Bertha Ewing Mrs Carl Rosel PHONE 351 Chaplain and Mrs Charles 1 Military for Sunday and BODDie OI vayiuna uroLH and Mrs John Back of Danville 1 1 Phone 549' South 3rd St fS wsi CONSUMER POINT VALUES OR MEAT ATS ASH AND DAIRY PRODUCTS Na Effacttn siptwibtf 8 1M3 CMUMMTY CMUMorrr COMMMHY BEE PORK EXchanoi Calendar of Events rm an) 1 1 a MOkkMMMuik I Long Distance lines mh'iMOTHntm a a a BACON fi a tram nun 1 1 a AT OIM AND DAIRY PRODUCTS CHUm MU Amm DM Um a tn to meet UM HD MILK dMMMHtinl Af ik CAPUDINE nter state inance riday Valley former daugh I a which was cloth was tapers in Arm week enter illness of Mrs Sam McDowell hospital LAMB MUTTON Southern Bell Telephone AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY at A IS 11 Miss Kitty Churchill of Nich olasville arrived today to be the guest of her aunt Mrs Crockett and Dr Crockett for several days 4 Miss Pauline Belcher who is em ployed in Louisville spent Sun day with her parents in Parks ville ntr 4 1 Mi Mrs Arthur Belcher and lit tle son Ray of Parksville have returned from a trip to Bedford Iniana Inu MNnMMu iIiO Mi Mmhomii a a Mr John Nichols III has returned from Louisville where he was the guest of Mr Charles Schultz last week a a Mr Edward Quigley of Tem ple Texas is the guest of Mr Scott Glore III Mr and Mrs Robert Sanford were guests of friends in Shelby ville for the weekend vMtn Mun tnln UW ufn tafff nMtn nun tnf CMM Hurt Uffi Unr Th Tf ntwtMooTMtatm anf ft a felMlM MUtet umUhRnn HmAmI MM teSte teSS' for a Clean at armeis Mm tnf MLttttu ant atf tfu aNMiUHittti im tini iliii'Tii'jiiii' STEAKS MO CHON tMhr CfL EMCtw Ute teMlMt mA ant TmUMi HMI' fHLfM SMMvMlSIMs MffnHMNrWMO LSSrt: djoy READY TO EAT MEATS COOKEO BOILED lKED MD IAKIKUED tMWM HMP fthlMl HhMm lati Mt Hmi' Mi Ml tfM tftll Plcnte Wtot tes te HwImflMHr inifi HcallSfUdctt HOM AmIb liMM tefttete teMlNU SHnOHcfKfMMii' TMJM Tm mW Mm ROASTS IMMMN 4Mk (tew irt UlfwMKMt) If Ml OTHER BORE CISTS Hr MtiiaAMsNMu PteteK wpiif JWH UM Diego Calif where Chaplain Stephenson will be stationed Miss Helen Stephenson who spent the weekend here with her parents has returned to rank fort 1 Mr George Cunningham left today for Columbia Tenn where he will enter Columbia Academy for the school year table a lace white and in the center arrangement of pink Mrs Ed Stamper has returned to her home in Louisville after spending the weekend with Mrs Joe Stone Mr Stone who spent the weekend at home has returned to Dayton Ohio i Port Lt Hatfield did a lot of I splendid flying over and near our local community and kept most of our citizens interested and thrilled as well Chicken Thief Proves To Be A Mink Mrs Green has been miss ing a number of her large frying chickens and some grown hens so when farmer Green heard a hen squawking in the woods near the barnyard Tuesday he investi gated and saw a lull grown mink killing a hen The animal ran un der a brush heap hut the Miss Eleanor Rubin who spent the summer with her parents Mr and Mrs A Rubin left yesterday for Barbourville to resume her duties as supervisor of music and band director of the Knox Central School ITIWtANOOTHEANTt amrtaMM Hut Aim KmmMu uml mm LmA MM iimM Am mHu Mt Mu STEAKS AND CHOS Ua CM Amt MA CM Mt UlCMuiSttltl SImM CMfi AMl mitM BOASTS lt MtTrt ItrWn Mt MM TM Bit TlMtlt Al TM RitU TriMSli CAkA IMUr Mtn tut Mil CM ItwUrr BmIi Glynn Burke Jr is recovering nicely from an appendix opera tion and is expected home next week riends here regret to learn of the continued Burke at the in Danville Weiner Roast School Class Mr and Mrs Milford Williams gave a weiner roast in their big meadow for the members of Mrs Williams' Sunday School class The husbands and children were invited guests Mrs Williams also served delicious chicken salad sandwiches and iced fruit juice The large crowd of grown ups 21L and children spent a grand eve ning full of fun and church fel lowship 4 Danville Visitors Mr and Mrs John Vaught Mr Henry Vaught and children of Danville were dinner guests Sun day of Mr and Mrs Vaught and Mr and Mrs Tony Vaught and children Yosemite Visitors Mr and Mrs Edward Douglas and family of three children of Yosemotc Mrs Glen Milburn and two small children of Atlanta Ga visited Mr and Mrs Green and family Sunday September 11 at the home of the parents Mr and Mrs Leslie Van Arpdale Abbott in Kenwood Village The Rev Dr i Charles Welch will officiate After the ceremony a reception will be given by the parents at their hbmei 1 The' attendants will be the sister' 'Miss Anne Abbott maid of honor and the sister Mrs Christian Jackson Hazard matron of honor The bridemaids will be Mrs Rankin Du Vail and Miss Katherine Maddux Dr Christian'S Jack son Hazard will be the best man and the groomsmen will be Messrs Leslie Abbott Jr Rankin Du Vail and William Taylor Jacksonville la Mrs Nell Neale was hostess for a luncheon Saturday at her home on Hustonville road Covers were laid for Mrs Jes sie Stagg Mrs Riffe Mrs Kate Myers Miss Katherine War riner Mrs Robert Arnold Mrs Baughman Mrs loyd Mrs Roger Hicks Mrs Sue Hoskins and Mrs Ben Herndon Mrs Stallings of Spring field Mrs Daniel Jr and young son Bobby of Columbia South Carolina have returned to their homes after a visit of sev eral days with Miss Lillie Cocan ougher of North Second street Mr David Brandenburg who is in training under the 12 program at Berea College spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Brandenburg of East Main street MrN lAlllll mr A'id iiaibki NAtn Un tataM Hm MkAiB Hnb' AMhA HM' iAmAmA Km toMtoiMMi hWI teiiditedtoii $teultefvtete iteot M(0nk)lNita StMteVHlMk (08) thttW wiitii'ffiiiM torn tew li Iteitetf Mt tel (Mm eed with your ground wheat hog supplement $325 per hundred armers Supply Co CtHtAtAlllt mShI8 Mr and Mrs rank Cheek and Miss Martha Bob Cheek of Lexington were guests of Mrs mother Mrs A Butt yesterday Mrs Larry Woboril who spent the summer in New York City with Master Sgt Woberil return ed home yesterday (Hm TA AMlrtB nnn hurCiibIi) WORRY WORRY WORRY then HEADACHE! its caa enough to worry without suffering from head ache too Take Capudine to relieve the pain and soothe perves upset by the pain Cap udine is liquid no waiting! for it to dissolve before or after taking Use only di rected 10c 80c 60c i pauuhter Born To Mitchells riday Lieutenant and James Davis Mitchell announce the bifth of a daughter tn September 3 at Miami Hospital Dayton Ohio Mrs Mitchell is the Misc Dorothy Hatfield ter of Dr And Mrs' Alvin A Hatfield'of Danville ir The little girl fih grandchild of Dr and Mrs! Hat field are busy? If MUlR iHUgJM iaaaiRiibrIiUr ma MM ami Site wU Ntei Itewi B8iWmAlA NMN Mrs Jones Honors Daughter Nancy Lee Mrs A Jones entertained Saturday 'afternoon at her home on Lancaster road with a party to celebrate the fourth birthday of her daughter Nancy Lee After playing games ice cream and cake were served The guests were Billy and Nancy Beatty Lois Jean and Mary Jane Williams John and James Denton and Billy Jo Jones Mrs Jones was assisted by her sister Miss Junie Colvin Miss Elizabeth Johnson of Ash land has arrived for a visit with Mr and Mrs Robert Bright a comPlete winter's coal supply ix up the car or home Meet school expenses Buy seasonal clothes Meet ALL needs of the season! Loans Made To Both Men And Women In All Types Of Employ ment Cash Advanced In Small Amounts Or Up To $300 To Arrange or A Loan Come In Or Phone WOODARD Mgr were dinner guests Tuesday of Mrs Lou Carpenter and Mr A Dinwiddle Mrs Helen Roberts of Stanford spent last week with her daugh ter Mrs Ed Williams and Mr Williams Birthday Picnic Mr Ed Williams was honor guest on Aug 31st at a very en joyable picnic on Knob Lick Creek Mr Williams celebrated his 75th birthday but one can hardly believe the fact as he is as agile and hard working as most men in their fifties The guests were Mr and Mrs Joe Prewitt Doris and Ray Portwood and Miss Alma Tapp of Stanford and the hosts Mr and Mrs Ed Williams Lt Robert Hatfield lying In structor at a Kansas ield and a nephew of Mrs Virgil Popplewell in Junction Citv spent Saturday of last week at the Danville Air g' Miss Lorinne Stigall who has for the past three weeks been the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs Grover Stigall of Perry ville road returned over the weekend to Covington where she tyjll resume her position as a member of the faculty of the city Schoolf system Miss Stigall was Ibcccflnpanied to Lexingtonby Mnotfter and her brother Mr 'Gwte'r 'Stigall Jr add Mrs StigaiL akd Miss Jeannine Stig all Miss Lillian Wise has return ed from Cincinnati where was the guest of Mr and Mrs Arthur Clark over the weekend Sweet Mystery of by Sgt William Zachman' soloist preceded the ceremony 1 The traditional wedding marches were played and as the vows were said was played' The bride who entered alone wore a chocolate crepe ensemble trimmed with a yarn a brown hat and brown accessories and on her shoulder a bouquet of yellow rosebuds and tube roses Miss Alice Saunders of rank fort maid of honor wore a black and tan silk Jersey black hat and accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds Sgt rank Lovell of Patterson ield Ohio served his brother as best man and assisting in seating the guests were Mr Lawrence Mountjoy brother of the bride and Mr Thomas Leslie Lyons of rankfort her cousin A reception for the wedding party the two families out of town 'guests and a few intimate friends was given by Mr and Mrs Mountjoy at their home on East Main street The covered with lighted with silver holders held an dahlias in a low bowl On one end was the three tiered cake decorated with white roses and topped with a minia ture bride and soldier standing under the American flag sus pended from an arch of lilies of the valley On the opposite end was the punch' bowl After a wedding trip to Cum berland alls Mrs Lovell will resume her position at Darnall Hospital and Corp Lovell will return to his post at Patterson ield The out of town guests for the wedding were Mr and Mrs Lyons Mr and Mrs Clqrk Mr Thomas Leslie I Alice Saunders all of Mr' tind Mrs Mr and Mrs EdwarcK Miss Martha Estill MtVand Charles Ash Ann Posted i all of Lawrenceburg) Mrs ran i ces Laurena Shelbyville Mr and Mrs Lovell Richmond and Mrs Lovell Jr Master Lovell III Mr and Mrs Watts and Mrs Shryock all of Lexington MONDAY SEPTEMBER 6 Red Cross Surgical Dressings workroom open from 9 a to 5 Library basem*nt TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 7 Red Cross Surgical Dressings workroom open from 9 a to 5 pm' and from 7 pm to 10 in Library basem*nt ifth of a series of a Pre Natal conferences open to public at Red Cross office Miss Pearl Gaines in charge 2 Woman's Missionary Society of irst Christian Church meeting at church 3 Board meet ing 2:30 Leader Mrs Robinson Cook Auxiliary of Trinity Episcopal Church meeting at church for presentation of United Thank Offering 3 pi Lions Club dinner meeting Beg ley banquet room Carl Sweet president 7 pm WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 8 Red Cross Surgical Dressings workroom open from 9 a to 5 Miss Amelia Yerkes chair man THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 9 OPENING THIRD WAR LOAN PARADE AT 1:30 Shakertown Road Homemak ers Club meeting pt home of Mrs William Hunter on Maple avenue 10:30 a Red Cron Surgical Dressings workroom open from 9 a 5 and from 7 to 10 in Library basem*nt Kiwanis Club luncheon Ing Begley banquet room Char les Grow president 12:30 Parksville high school farm shop open to farmers for the re pair of farm machinery 7:30 Council Belcher in charge William Bevins supervisor RIDAY SEPTEMBER 10 Automobile license examine tlons at office of Circuit Clerk John Baughman Courthouse 1 pm to 4 pm Well Baby conference open to public at Red Cross office Miss Pearl Gaines in charge 2 League meeting National Bank 8 Smith chairman Rotary Club luncheon meeting Begley banquet room Joe Davis president 12:30 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 11 Division No 125 monthly meeting I lodge hall 8:15 Joseph Balasa president TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 14 Joint meeting of Danville civic and service clubs with address by Colonel Bcthurum Wil liams of Somerset highlighting Third War Loan drive WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 15 Social Security Board repre sentative at postoffiee lu a to 12 noon to take claims for old age and survivors insurance and issue social security num bers Chenault co*ckrell manager THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 18 Tin can 11 io be ginning at 8 a City county and state trucks will pick up con tainers of properly prepared cans placed on sidewalks in front of homes Wiseman chair man RIDAY SEPTEMBER 17 Prospective enlistees or persons interested in United States Mari time Service (men between 17 Mi and 50 Mi years old) see Earl A Thompson representative of the ice War Manpower Commission nt Danville courthouse SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 25 Shakertown Pike Homemakers Club rummage sale in building next door to Back's Grocery on North Third street Mrs Gentry chairman Mount jog Lovell Wedding Solemnized Sunday In Centenary Methodist Church The wedding of Miss Dorothy Wilmot Mountjoy daugh ter of Mr and Mrs A Mountjoy and Corp Joseph Calvin Lovell son of Mr and Mrs Lovell of Richmond was solemnized Sunday afternoon at 4 at Centenary Methodist Church Gilt tinted baskets filled with early autmum flowers in golden hues arranged before a background of ferns and greens and the American flag formed the setting for the double ring ceremony Which was performed by Dr Adolphus Gilliam A program of organ music by chaplain and Mrs Charles I Miss Mae rances Guffy includ stephenson left yesterday after 1 1 11 Dy CUBJW11S nuu noon or Hopkinsville for a visit lHibate Belen Brown lectedor rialist Training I JrlVate'J Eva Helen Brown of anvllle third daughter of Mr id Mrs Joe Brown to join WAC organization has been ilected for specialist training the Motor Transport school at fort Oglethorpe Georgia follow ntf four Msic training kt the Third Train ng Center 'of the WAC at the lame base it was announced to ky Private Brown will receive de tailed instruction in preparation for taking over an Army position to release a soldier for combat duty it was stated by the pub lic relations office of the Geor gia base BKE nuxi T4M CM WMHL Miss Armstrong Honored Today Mrs Norris Armstrong Miss Barbara Armstrong enter tained this morning at their home on West Main street for Miss Margaret Hudson strong who will leave next for Lynchburg Va to Randolph Macon College Announce Birth Of Son On Saturday Corporal and Mrs Adrai Meece of Cross Roads Russell County announce the birth of their son Adria Randolph on Saturday September 4 at Ephraim McDowell Memorial Hospital The infant weighed eight pounds 15 ounces Mrs Meece is the former Miss Hope Robinson of Russey boun ty recently employed at the Goodall plant and a parachute plant in Lexington Corporal Meece is now on mili tary duty in Iceland Abbott Hendren lVuptialsSeptil The marriage of Miss Alice Jane Abbott and Mr William Mack Hendren Jr son of Mr and Mrs William Mack Hendren Danville will (take place at 8 ng by Brahms and noon for Hopkinsville for a visit jyieanaiiun uy ouiuiijamipanu fnends before going to ban tAVtevv 1 "1 AUAGE Pntaai MnmlitrtMiMM CnwW mN Pgfwl M4ij twnp: THM MUN ssnoMi nil NsN Jnt tmM ml ditai' TnM Mm If Wl MoM) WMwL kWHM MM (Mm Ml UnrtaMRMC OMCMCrn The operator will tell yon When the long Diatnnee eirenlt yon want is crowded she will'i limit your call to 5 minutci Olliers are irniling" it I We know you'll he glad lo cooperate and keep your cull below II 5 minutes or perhaps even cancel it if it is not important QUICK 'Y MISS JULIA DURHAM'i 1 "How can I know when Indiana Visitors I Mr and Mrs William Yeager and three attractive daughters of Seymour Ind have been visiting Mrs Yeager's parents Mr and Mrs Vaught this week Mr A Latimer returned home last week after' a visit in Baltimore Md' and Washington City' Mrs A Latimer Miss Ruth Latimer and Mr and andhMrs Edgar Hargrove recently visited relatives in Indiana Mrs Otis Surber of Newcastle Ind has returned to her home Mrs Burnside and her aunt I Mrs James Culton Mr Ballard Ely has returned a nflnv ct xonrlinef hie IH IJPIIIIIL dllCl cation with his mother Mrs Nan 1 rest oj ln( family NEWS JUNCTION CITY CORRESPONDENTS Ration Calendar Stamp No 14 in War Ration Book No 1 good for 5 pounds of sugar through November 1 44 Stamps Nos 15 and 16 in War Ration Book No 1 each good for 5 pounds of sugar for home canning until October 31 apply at board for additional rations as fruit ripens Stamp No 18 in War Ration Book No 1 good for 1 pair of ihoes through October 31 Stamps (blue) in War Ration Book No 2 1 good for a total of 48 points of canned goods through September 20 Stamps and good through October 20 Stamps and (red) in War Ration Book 2 good for 16 points each of meats hard cheese butter margarine edible oilsjnd glassed fish and meatsand canned milk through Octo uel oil period Nd 5 in zone good for ten gallons for heat and hot walkthrough Sept 20 New period 1 coupons good through JanfSi 1944 worth 10 gallons per unit 'ijBi)iyti(ing began August 24 purchase certificates ob tunable1 from local boards foiollne No 7 (in renewed books) good for three hIIam through September 21 and stamps good as noted In Tire inspection on gasoline ration books before Septem ber 30 1943 on books before Oct 31 on books before October 31 on books every six months or after every 5000 Bgles of driving whichever is first f)M iras price and rationing board office la closed every Wednect dayuntll 12145 The offlce will be closed to the public all day Thursday mu iao dcr a brusn neap nut me larmei after visiting her grandmothei shepherd dog hunted it out TTt ilk zJ 11 rt ill HI 1 it and killed it loo bad it wasn cold weather so the valuable hide could have been saved Mr Green i is keeoine a sharp lookout for nie Ely and other relatives in Kentucky Mr Gordon Smithwick came home Wednesday from Chicago where he visited the McGirr sis ters and their families Mrs Jim McGirr will remain in Chicago for a longer visit with her three daughters Mrs Johnny Gaddis Mrs Eddie Whitson and Miss El sie McGirr Misses Maxine and Vonnic Pop plewell spent Tuesday with Mrs Earl Burris of Moreland The Pop plewelhsisters came home Mon day froini Cincinnati where they visited their cousins Misses Eve lyn and Elizabeth Popplewell Mr and Mrs Virgil Popplewell spent riday with relatives in Russell'Springs Mrs Ci Dinwiddie and son Rnhhio Hf Davtona Beach la I rt A a a 7 I vy 'x 1 1 JU 1 1 1 il A 1 and Utete ll teite MUM (tea Mm LMtfnM i I mIvimmI 1 MNMwteiteii MtellltelNtlllNt iiIbs iiteUnftjfcte te IMJLftJfiS 1 fir 1 MteNteBMtelB byonsyra BCdfUsl 5 4 11 Ji I 1 CORPORATION of NOBPogMIp nwi Mriavmi "''I mum Mun Mu 1 Hurt num a taMMMl 1 TMMMM 1 TUMOMtM) VEAL HUKtMDtHOK I dm (arnuQ MCMl(mrt) I Stetetet CteteB 12 a 1 MEATS I IIH (UiUuMuuMiMn) wjmuwiiui iBti a nr i mute a MmIMMIm tm 1 MMllMMkllM I fgiMMmMK I fit I MgMw MMNkL a iw I 11 i 1 1 MM MUM 11 1 St a 1 MUM I I Tfe i CAPUDINE.

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The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.