The News-Review from Roseburg, Oregon (2024)

8 Th Nwi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Sot. Mar. 10, 1956 Beta Iota Chapter Nominates Officers Mrs. Herbert Carter and Mrs.

Community News Items Glide Boy Home From Hospital By MRS. ARTHUR SELBY Clifford Barclay, ft year old son Back To Ashland Mrs. Tom i Ntw Job Wayne Rietman is a rintuay jr. lett inursaay ior Asninew empiuj- jn.a.u huj land, alter a week stay with of Mr. and Mrs.

"Skeets" Barclay is recuperating at his home after being discharged from Douglas Community Hospital, Clifford suffered a broken right leg recently a fall from his bicycle. He is using a wheelchair that was furnished by the Lions Club of Rose- ourg. Teachers Interviewed Superintendent Byron Evans spent Friday at Eugene, interview ing prospective teachers at University of Oregon. Harry Harvie, the new superintedent for Glide schools, had written the schoolboard asking that the board proceed at once to fill the vacancies in Glide schools as he believes the teacher scnoois as ne oeiieves me icacner shortage wil. be even more severelThe neX regular sch eft MRS.

BILL CARSTENS, left, and Myra Paulson, right, are shown above modeling styles to be shown at the spring style show and card party, to be held March 13 at at the recreation building of the VA Hospital. Lowell Rhoden is donating the styles. (Photo Lab). Milton Hard were nominated for Douglas County CouncU offices at the meeting this week of Beta Iota Chapter, fepsilon bigma Alpna. ritleen memDers were present at the home of Mrs.

Bill Matthews for the meeting, during which time a pledge test was given to incoming members. Plans for the state convention to be held in Roseburg April 21 and 22 were discussed. The president, Mrs. Jim Sims, appointed various members for special convention committees. Favors for the convention were worked on during the evening.

Mrs. Matthews, assisted by Mrs. Dick Buswell, served refresh ments to those attending. tiled for March 22, was postponed. The erouD olans to attend me an nual Douglas County (ibuncil meeting and dinner to be held March 26 at the Roseburg Elks Club.

Mrs. Jim Richey is in charge of arrangement for the dinner meeting. April 5 at the Harlequin Club the group will have a formal in stallation and initiation ceremony. Election of officers will also be held at that time. Azalea Crange Plans Projects In Glendale The Azalea Grange met recently for their regular business meeting.

Thirty-five members and seven children were present. Members discussed their community service project and the providing of a public garbage disposal dump to be located on Quincs Creek. The public will he informed when it is completed and ready for use. The program, under the supervision of Mrs. Hazel McPherran, lecturer, was centered around St.

Patrick's Day. Mrs. Mary Mullar- key sang an Irish solo, and the history of St. raincx uay read bv Mrs. McPherran.

At the close of the meeting, ice cream and cake were served by Mr. and Mrs. George Wenderoth and Mrs. Bob Head. Glendale Rebekah Lodge Postpones Area Meeting The Glendale Rebekah Lodge met recently at the Glendale IOOF Hall.

It was announced that, due to bad weather, the friendship meeting with other lodges oi me area would be postponed until March 15. The visiting chairman announced she had sent cards to Myrn Opperman and Myrtle vn.infT ni hoth were ill recently. A penny drill was held with the proceeds scheduled ior ine awie Lodge educational iiuiu. After the meeting, cake, jello. coffee, and tea were served by Edith Martin, Zorada Ford, Loa Askov, Jennene Johns and Vernal Bigclov.

The tables were decorated with spring flowers. Tenmile Ladies Club Has All-Day Meeting By MRS. WALTER COATS The Tenmile Ladies Club met at their club house recently for an I all day meeting. Plans were dis- cussed for a dinner scheduled to be held at the club house on April 28. to raise money for club house expenses The ladies spent the afternoon ti ins a quilt.

The meeting will be on Wednesday, March 21. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Warner recentlv visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Alva Warner, at Coos Bay. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Melius of Reston Road recently visited Mr. C. V. Vevitt al Turner, fpnnnn I i ir. Fmnir ium of HHifower, stopped on their wa homc or a visit wilh and A (on Road The Hanstroms had spent ofjsevcral weeks in Porlland.

Recovering The Rev. Charles, Rati-s has been very ill with pneu monia and has been connnea to nis home on Roberta Creek Road. lie is now improving. R.tumi Mrs. Stan V.

Wright, business manager of The News-Review, returned Thursday evening alter spending several uay ui Portland on business. Hart On Businass Troy L. Mc- Craw of Portland was a business visitor in Roseburg Thursday. Mc-Craw is an employment officer for the State Board of Parole and Probation. To Visit Expected next week at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. George Schulze is Dick Roberts of Redding, Calif. He will be the house guest of the Schulzes son, Fred, a former classmate. California Trip Leaving Friday for California to visit friends and relatives were Gene Rogers, Dave Damon, Paul Yundt and Bob Hultman. They will visit for about a week in Los Angeles, Richmond and San Francisco.

Racaivas Discharge Ivan Sig-fridson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Anderson, returned home last week after being discharged from Army service. He expects to take a short vacation before going to work.

Laava For a Kim a Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fletcher left Wednesday for Yakima, following a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Gosnell.

The Fletchers will he leaving for Fairbanks, Alaska, after April 1. Away For Weak and Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeGuire left this morning for Salem where they will visit the lalter's mother, Mrs. Dave Patterson.

They will also spend some time in Albany where De- duire will participate in the bowling tournament. To Eugene Amonjf those going out of town next week are Lee Stone and Brady Montgomery. They will spend the week in Eugene as guests of the former's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs.

David Powell, and attend the state bas ketball tournament. Hero For Visit Visiting at the Jess Barrong home are Mrs. Bar-rong's sister, Mrs. Allen Conder, and daughter, Margaret, from Glendale. The Condors are enroutc to Bremerton, where they will make their home.

Mr. Conder has gone on to Bremerton with their household effects. To Portland Mr. and Mrs. M.

C. Deller and daughter. Judv. will spend next week in Portland where the tormer will attend OKA ses sions. and the family will visit friends and relatives.

The latter part of the week will be spent in r.ugene, attending the state bas' ketball tournament. Hara For Weekend Visiting this wet'kend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robins and daughter, Kathy, are (he former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. E. Robins of Salem. They made the trip primarily to see the Roseburg Ilmh School production of "The Desert SoiifcV, New Daughter A daughter, I Barbara Ann. was born March 6 to Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Paulson of! 1't. Lewis. Wash. Toe child weigh ed 8 pounds 9Va ounces and was born at the-Army hospital at Ft.

Lewis. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Stovall and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Paulson, all of Roseburg. Clendale OES Mo.nbers Hear Medford Speaker The Glendale OKS held its regular mi'i'ting recently at the Masonic Temple. Maurice liauuhnier of Medford, Grand Committee Member from the Medford Chapter, and his wife were present. gave talk on religions education as sponsored by the loiine. At the close of the meeting, doughnuts and coffee were served hy Mrs.

Dorothy McDonald, Mrv Myrn Oppcrman and Mrs. Sudie Toole. Salem Dancers Announce Folk, Square Festival The Salem Fk Dancers will pre- nt their third annual St, Pat rick's Day festival on Sunday. March 18, from 1 to 5 p.m., at the Salem armorv. I'he program will include smiure and folk dances.

The folk dancers will be dressed in costumes rep enting different countries. The public is invited to attend. Clendale Ministers Plan Easter Services Ministers and their wives of the Glendale area held a fellowship parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Find lay. Tom Jr. is a student at SOC. Back hom*o Mr. and Mrs.

El- wyn E. Jones returned Monday from their weekend honeymoon trip to Sacramento, Oakland and San Francisco. They were married in Roseburg last Friday. Attend Art Show Mrs. A.

J. Farenbaugh and her father, W. R. Brown, were in Portland during the weekend. They attended he Chrysler Art Show and visited his son, H.

Brown, and family. Take Trip Enjoying three days in San Francisco last week were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Yates, who re turned during the weekend. They viewed the flood damage at Yuba City and Klamath, returning 'by the coast route.

Yates is employed at Arbuckle's Shoe Store. To Vacation Mr. and Mrs. F. H.

Hollyman and children plan to go to Bend during spring vacation to visit her parents, Mr. and Airs. Hj. L. McKay, ihey also will visit an aunt at Wasco.

Hollyman teacher at Joseph Lane School. Chandler Hera If. J. (Bud) Chandler of Klamath Falls was attending to business matters in Roseburg Thursday. Chandler, who is supervisor of the Southern Oregon Publishing is a former local resident and was formerly associated with KRNR.

Business Mrs. Paula Ander son recently purchased and is operating the House Of Uniforms, which was formerly on South Stephens Street and is now at 432 Umpqua Avenue. The business features all kinds of uniforms including butcher aprons and maid uniforms. Jacksons Return Mr. and Mrs.

Elton Jackson returned Friday from a two-week trip to the Hawaiian Islands. They went and returned by Pan American Airlines and while there stayed at the Surf Rider Hotel. Miss Carolyn Jackson visited at the home of Miss Jean Gibbons during her parents' vacation trip. Hero For Wedding Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Mitchel, Springfield, and Mrs. Art Adams of Eugene, were in Roseburg last weekend to attend the wedding of their nephew, Elwyn E. Jones, to Miss Bette Jo Mathews. They visited at the home ot their sister, Mrs. Fred S.

Jones, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gerjequet of Forest Grove were among other out-of-town guests at the wedding. They are uncle and aunt of the bride.

Melrose Couple Has Accident Near Remote By NETTIE A. WOODRUFF Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Arensmier were slightly injured Monday when they collided with a bus near Remote during a -snow storm while enroute to Coos Bay. It was reported that the car was badly damaged.

Home From School Miss Fayette Kenvon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kenyon ar rived home Monday, following two months at San Diego where she attended school. She stayed with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Kenyon. Mrs. Minnie Jacobson made a business trip to Cottage Grove and back Friday. Miss Jeanine Conn, student at SOC at Ashland, spent the last weekend at home with her parents Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Conn. She was accompanied home by Edward Blanchard of Klamath Falls. Mr.

and Mrs. K. L. Matthews, Prineville. drove to Roseburg Saturday evening where they spent the night with the latter's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Warner Hodges. On Sunday the former visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0.

O. Matthews. Monday they attended the funeral of Mrs. Matthew's grandfather, Malcom 'Vhite. They returned to Prineville Monday evening.

Lynda Trusty, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Jack Trusty, is recovering from an attack of scarlet fev er at her home in Melrose. Mrs. J.

E. Young, recently relumed home from Southern, Call fnrnia where she visited with her 'brother for several weeks. Mrs. Vern Shields and daughter, hristy, of Myrtle Point, spent i from Saturday night to Wednesday 'visiting al the home of Mrs. Shields brother-in-law and sister, I Mr.

and Mrs. J. H. Wickmnn and daughter, Jeri. Daughters Of Nile Hold March Elections lie Glendale Daughters of the Nile Club held their March meet- in at the home of Mrs.

Hill Mc Ml At Home Mrs. Wilbur Eb-ner has been confined to her home for the last several days by illness. To Eugena Miss Beverly Byrd is spending the weekend with friend in Eugene. Ill t- Mrs. OrviUe Blake, silk finisher at the Umpqua Cleaners, has been ill with a severe attack of flu.

Go To Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krueger will go to Eugene Sunday to attend the quarterly meeting of the Legion of the Moose. Returns To Work Agnes Jor- don has returned to her work in the office of Montgomery Ward aft er being confined to her home by illness for over a week. Business Visitor Harold Ren- neck, a representative of the New! York Herald Tribune syndicate and news service, was a Roseburg bu-siness visitor Thursday.

i Back To Work Mrs. W. B. Pet- i ley has returned to her work at the Umpqua Cleaners after a short! leave of absence due to a death in the family. Weekend Guest Miss Mary1 Ann Backen spent last weekend in, Corvallis as the guest of Nancy Mc-: Farland, who is a student at Ore-i gon State College.

I Back From Hospital Mrs. G. C. Craig returned Wednesday from Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene wnere sne underwent recent sur gery. Return Here Mr.

and Mrs. Ted Chapman have moved here from Burns. They formerly resided here. Mrs. Chapman is a new employe at Z's Beauty Shop.

Riversdale Family Drives To Coast By BEVERLY CHRISTIAN Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones and sons, Gordon and Jeffrey, spent last weekend at the coast on a combined business and pleasure trip.

At Coos Bay they visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Moffitt. They also visited Mrs.

Jones' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Reisdorf, at Empire. The Jones daughter, Linda, was a guest of Donnea Sims, Ridgcwood, for me weekend. Corvallis Visitor Here for the past two weeks from Corvallis has been Cy Bur gess, 5-year-old granddaughter of brig.

oen. and Mrs. John Pierce at their home on Fisher Road. Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Wescott went to Portland on Sunday to visit the former's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Wescott. The latter has been ill recentlv. iir.

and Mrs. K. s. stryker, Mi chael and Debbie, went to Eugene on Saturday to shop and visit friends. While there, they purchas ed a new car.

According to word received by Mr. and -Mrs. 11. B. Kruse.

their. daughter. Joanie, freshman at Cascade College in Portland will appear with the college a cappella choir during its spring vacation tour. They will sing at the North itoseburg Church, Sunday, March 18. There has been much illness with flu in the community.

On Wednes day more than half of the Rivers-dale third grade was absent from school. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kruse and sons, Jeffrey and Denny, and Mrs. Kruse's sister, Mrs.

Vern Sheilds, and Christine of Myrtle Point, went to Eugene on Monday. Mrs. Sheilds and daughter had spent the weekend visiting here and at Melrose with another sister, Mrs. Jerry Wickman and family. Due to icy road conditions Mrs.

Sheilds was unable to Ye turn to her home Monday evening as planned. Former Clendale Engineer Enters Portland Employ Hays Mouchett. formerly engineer for the Robert Dollar Company in Glendale. entered the employ of the R. II.

Brown Co. in Portland March 1 as a salesman-engineer for power plant equip ment. His job will include consul. tation and the installation of the equipment he sells. Mrs.

Mouchett accompanied her husband to Portland last week and helped htm find an apartment, Thev returned to Glendale on Fri dav! and Mr. Mouchett left again on' Mondav. Mrs. Mouchett and their daughters will remain in Glendale until after school is out. DANCE SCHEDULED A dance will be held at the Ea 1 eli.

Hall. Saturday nieht from :30 n. m. to 1:30 a.m.. for members.

and guests. in of ie i 1 I i than the previous year. Recent guests at the Taylor McCord home, Mrs. McCords brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Vernon Strong, Forest Grove, and her mother Mrs. C. M. Cooper of uaston. They also visited McCord who is confined in Douglas Community Hospital after undergoing major surgery.

Mrs. McCord reports her husband is in fair condition but will not be released from the hospital until late in April. Donald Brand, director of dra matics at Glide High School, has chosen "Our Hearts Were Voung and Gay" for the next play to be presented by the student body in April, urana is selecting tne cast which will be announced later. Kathleen Sehermerhorn accom panied by Edward Devine, both Spokane, returned home after a three-day visit with Miss Schermerhorn's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Wayne Sehermerhorn. She has been the head of the sales division of the Marshall-Wells store for the past two years. 1 lie a students Mrs. Glenn Phillipi's third grade room, presented the play "History of the Pacific Northwest" Thursday afternoon for the entertainment of the lower grade students and their parents. The sixth, seventh and eighth grade students wore hosts to the Freshmen class at the Rolletta Skating Rink recentlv.

Chanerones horn, teachers, Hush Clark. Char riiuuu, uuviu wmie anu vjin P. E. instructor, Miss Vivian Ernest The two school bus drivers, Aibert Debernardi and Bob Blakely, put on skates and joined in the fun. Mrs.

Jim Welch was released from Community Hospital after four days treatment of severe case of the flu. Welch is the owner of the Lone Rock Market. Eikton Cub Scouts Have Award Banquet The Cub Scouts held their Blue and Gold Banquet recently at the 100F Hall in Eikton. Those receiving awards were: Donnie Suloff, Terry Pollen and Tommy Hanco*ck. Wolf badges: Rickey Pullen, Lion Badge and Donnie Suloff, Gold Arrow.

Those receiving year stars were: Rucky Pullen, 2 year star and Delmer Kyan 3 year star. Buddy Adamo received a Den Chief Cord. Cub master, Jim Adamo. and Den Mothers, Laura Adamo and Donna Bosson received gifts from the Lions Club which sponsors the cub scouts. Darwjn Pullen presented the gifts.

Den One and Den Three presented numbers for entertainment. Supper was served buffet style. So. Stephens Hardware Opening Winners Named Winners have been announced in a recent contest conducted in con- junction with the grand opening of the South Stephens Hardware. They were: Edward Karcner Roseburg, a radio; Melvin Deal itoseuurg.

a sieeumH uds, ii i Charles Jeffries, Lee Compton, Dennis Atkins, all ot Roseburg. and Emma Prunk of Salem, pup tents: Larry Sade, Paul Lusky and Elsie Atterbury, all of Roseburg. and Byron Churchill of Idlc-yld Route, gallons of paint. The store was formerly Douglas Hardware. Former Roseburg Man Gets California Office A former Roseburg man has been elected vice president oi me county Auuuors nssn.

for the state's 58 counties. Leo D. KPP. who was born in Roseburg. the Kern County auditor.

He now lives in Bakersfield. Rapp was born here in 1897. He left Roseburg in 1925. He is the son of Mrs. Jessie Rapp Vinson.

who still lives in Roseburg. lie is Mhe brother of Harry and the late In ally Rapp. both identified with Roseburg. and Mrs. Dewey Wilson of Coos Bav.

He was elected at the recent convention of auditors. i Dixonville Resident Visits Portland By JEAN RADCLIFFE Elwurd Smith travelled to Portland recently on a business trip. He visited Mac Neiisen while there. Mr. and Mrs.

Dean Wadsworlh left recently to attend the wedding their son, Greg in California. Wadswnrth drives one of the school buses for the Deer Creek School, and Principal Coffenberry will take his place during his absence. Mrs. Carl ltoselund, primary teacher for the Pine drove Sunday School, fell and broke her knee last week necessitating a stay in hospital. It is reported that she is doing satisfactorily.

The Pine Grove Sunday School announces that the Cradle Roll dept. will be open on Easier Sunday to care for the younger children during the 10 a.m. services. Families with babies and young children are invited to attend. Anyone having suitable nurs ery furniture is asked to contact Mrs.

Glen Wright, OK 3-5(il0. The Sunday School reports a good attendance during their pro- gram celebrating National 4 II Week last Sunday. Musical numbers presented by the Deer Creek j-l-lf Livestock Club are as follows: Hobble Carrico, trumpet solo; Carol Smith, trombone solo; Albert Hadcliffe and Jerry Rust, trombone and clarinet number, and Honnie Gut bene, accordion solo. The flag salute and 4-11 pledge were also given. Mr.

and Mrs. Gerald Rust took their sont Jack, to Eugene recent- for a check up. He broke his! arm while skating at the Koiclta Hink several weeks ago. Part of1 the cast has been removed and Jack is reported doing satisfactor-i ily. lilayne Klora Jr.

is a guest in the Al Hadcliffe home for a few days while his father is on a business trip to California and his mother attends an Emblem Club meeting in Robert Kinyon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Kinyon, is back in school after a week's absence due to a virus condition. ViiWL TILE TO INSTALL! STAV iW'IMk YOU Should Know This Man HIS NAME IS Don Forbes He May Hold the Key to your FUTURE FINANCIAL SUCCESS Call or Write DON FORBES Representing Sun Life of Canada Douglas County Slate Bank Building Roseburg, Ore. Phone OR 3-8184 TERRAFLEK 3 ft T4 of a i 1 i ly I GRADUATED FROM the Mechanics School ot the Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme, Jan.

20 was William K. Smith, mechanic constructionman, USN, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Smith of Glendale.

A graduate of Glendole High School, he entered the Navy in June, 1955. He has been transferred to Midway Island in the Pacific. Dixonville Couple Hosts Birthday Dinner By JEAN RADCLIFFE Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman travelled to Myrtle Point last weekend, where they visited Zimmerman's mother, Charles Zimmerman.

Mr. and Mrs, Harold McCorm-ack were hosts at a birthday dinner for Mrs. McCormack's father, John Fergeson, recently. Guests at the party were Mrs. Fergeson, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Leigh- ton of Myrtle Creek and the Mc Cormack children. Three Dixonville residents are reported to be confined to their homes by illness. They are Charles Forrest, Mrs. H.

Ylvisaker, Deer Creek teacher, and Karen Zim merman, student. Sunday night service at the Pine Grove Church will begin at 5:30 p.m. Chuck Howe ot tne norm Roseourg cnurcn win ue uiu guest speaker. The public is invited. Mrs.

Micelli To Speak To Historical Society Mrs. V. J. Micelli, president of the Douglas County Historical Society, will be one of the main speakers at. the annual historical workshop of the Oregon Historical Society and Affiliated Societies March 16 and 17.

Her subject to start the work shop Friday afternoon is entitled "Problems in Building Preserva-tion." Another county speaker at the workshop will be William Tugman, publisher of the Port Umpqua Courier at Reedsport. He will speak Saturday morning on a subject entitled: "The Southern Coastal Range and Shore Area." BOARD WILL MEET SALEM i The state Water Resources Board will hold its next meeting March 26 in the state Game Commission auditorium in Portland, the board announced. ORDER UPHELD SALEM ii Circuit Judge Val D. Sloper upheld Friday the order by Public Utilities Commissioner Charles H. Heltzel directing Portland Traction Co.

to increase its passenger service on the Portland-Bellrose-Oregon City lines. MILTON E. (Mick) HARD Special Representativt Northwestern Mutual Lift Int. Co. Phono ORchard 3-3751 991 N.

W. Cornell (Keaiev) SERVICE ONLY 209" 10 Down and Very Easy Termi factory authorized service. ANTENNA INSTALLATION 90 DAY NOW-High-Priced Picture Quality in low-cost table TV! IS EVEN "jJf' NMr slrw l. Ma 244 h. of pktwtjl Mottt 7IT60M.

MHtSfl dinner at the Rev. Wawie Wattiiian Gralli near Glendale. Mrs. Me-resutence recently. After the din- assisted by Mrs.

Geri Hal-ncr they discussed plans for the stead, served sandwiches, relish, community Good Friday and East-: cookies and coffee, er Sunrise services to tie held this New officers were elected anil year. Plans, tentatively, are to are as follows: Mrs. Mary Rulh hold the Good Friday service I'liompson, president: Mrs. Geri March 30 at the Assembly of God H.ilste.ul. vice president and Mrs.

Church in Glendale. Jean Major, secretary. SWIMMING POOLS Ask vt today about this AH MRACLE TERRAFLEX ADHESIVE NewRCAVlCTORTV with M4-PW Picture Quality At thi In phce only RCA Victor gives yoi att 4 "plus" factors: (1) lOO1 automatic gain control fur constant signal regulation; (2) "Sync" stabilizer that kills interierence jitters; (3) 7 extra bnghtoeff; (4) 33' 0 extra contrast. Il bargain in beauty and pcrtVrrnance! BY NORTHWEST SWIMMING POOL CO. 712 S.

Grape St. Home Office Medford, Oregon Gunite and concrete construction. 20 yean of experience. Our representative will be in your area Friday, March 10 and Saturday, March II. CALL UMPQUA HOTEL.

OR 3-4441 AND ASK FOR MR. HANSEN Any information regarding your futurt pMj lom, gladly givtn without obligation. BALLET LESSONS BEGINNERS CLASSES Givt Your Child thi Advantetj of Thit Fin Troinirtf TUESDAY 10 A.M 3 to 4 Yr. Olds. WEDNESDAY 10 A.M 5 Yr.


Oak Ave. Ph. OR 2-2636 Corner of Main and Washington Phone OR 3-431S.

The News-Review from Roseburg, Oregon (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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